Patriot Front (and other White Nationalist Groups)

These double ultimacy approaches are inconsistent, and therefore, cannot hold. One will serve the other, as evidenced by our disagreement here. The Church can go on without young white men. I don't see how it can be said that young white men can go on without the Church when they are already dropping out, or succumbing to the leftist brainwashing.

This is a straw man. No one here is saying you should attend a leftist, apostate church. I don't think things are fine the way they are now, we live in a godless society that is in love with it's sin.
I didn't say anything about a leftist church. I ask again, and not just condemning Israel, is there a church in the west who is taking up the cause of Whites being discriminated against, becoming political prisoners, having their rights removed, and being replaced by every means possible? If not, then no church is doing enough.

Sure, Christianity will survive, in say Russia, maybe other remote places, but the west will be conquered completely, depopulated, by either our own satanic elites, or the Chinese. If you think a bunch of 90 IQ men can fight off either of these entities, you are very mistaken.

Will young White men pick up the mantle and fight to defend their families and their homelands? I have no idea, but the silence from Churches in the west on these extremely important issues is deafening.
I didn't say anything about a leftist church.
A church preaching open borders and the removal of the Bill of Rights? If that isn't a leftist church, then I don't know what is.

I ask again, and not just condemning Israel, is there a church in the west who is taking up the cause of Whites being discriminated against, becoming political prisoners, having their rights removed, and being replaced by every means possible? If not, then no church is doing enough.
Many of the conservative churches recognize what's going on. What do you mean by "doing enough?" Is anyone doing enough? Are white men doing enough or are they still giving free reign to the communists? Both faces of the fake two-party system are two white men, are they doing enough?
A church preaching open borders and the removal of the Bill of Rights? If that isn't a leftist church, then I don't know what is.

Many of the conservative churches recognize what's going on. What do you mean by "doing enough?" Is anyone doing enough? Are white men doing enough or are they still giving free reign to the communists? Both faces of the fake two-party system are two white men, are they doing enough?
If the churches are not condemning the open border and the destruction legal and illegal immigration is doing to the west, they are of no help. If they are not speaking out on the legal discrimination against Whites, they are of no help. These are major issues, in fact, at the end of the day, these are the only issues that even matter in the west and if they can't even take a stand on them, they will be forgotten. Either by the White men who pick up the mantle and fight on or those who next conquer the west and liquidate the Churches and their members.

Yes, Patriot Front and other White Nationalist Groups are out organizing protests, raising awareness online, creating job programs and hiring within, and helping the needy.
If the churches are not condemning the open border and the destruction legal and illegal immigration is doing to the west, they are of no help. If they are not speaking out on the legal discrimination against Whites, they are of no help. These are major issues, in fact, at the end of the day, these are the only issues that even matter in the west and if they can't even take a stand on them, they will be forgotten. Either by the White men who pick up the mantle and fight on or those who next conquer the west and liquidate the Churches and their members.

Yes, Patriot Front and other White Nationalist Groups are out organizing protests, raising awareness online, creating job programs and hiring within, and helping the needy.
TBH I'm disgusted by your obsession and how you put your ideas above God. As if churches are just an instrument for your ideas. The arrogance.
If the churches are not condemning the open border and the destruction legal and illegal immigration is doing to the west, they are of no help. If they are not speaking out on the legal discrimination against Whites, they are of no help. These are major issues, in fact, at the end of the day, these are the only issues that even matter in the west and if they can't even take a stand on them, they will be forgotten. Either by the White men who pick up the mantle and fight on or those who next conquer the west and liquidate the Churches and their members.
I don't feel represented by you as a white man, I feel shame.

Good luck with your fed kaki group and the marches with your shields. I should use the ignore button on you. And I should refrain from posting as I said this afternoon for Lent.

Good luck guys.
TBH I'm disgusted by your obsession and how you put your ideas above God. As if churches are just an instrument for your ideas. The arrogance.

I don't feel represented by you as a white man, I feel shame.

Good luck with your fed kaki group and the marches with your shields. I should use the ignore button on you. And I should refrain from posting as I said this afternoon for Lent.

Good luck guys.
You still are not understanding me, and you are projecting. For you it is personal, you must just hate these White Nationalist guys.

I am getting old, I see no future in the west, I am close to just quitting work and watching it all collapse and be happy that I don't have to deal with it any longer. I can't fix it by myself, and I am not going to leave my aging parents behind and go chase women in Eastern Europe. Is this the black pill? No, the black pill is giving up. I am going to focus on me and my family and do the best I can while avoiding this disgusting system as much as I can.

My points in this thread have nothing to do with what I do or do not want. Well, I do want conservatives to stop sitting on the couch, voting for clowns like Trump, saying "I still got my 2A" as if it means anything, and making excuse after excuse as to why they do nothing and the country they choose to raise kids in turns into satan's playground.

As far as what young White men will or will not do, I have no idea. I am not young and not in their shoes or around any of them. I don't think we have historically seen White men this beaten down, so there is no precedence. But we do know what the satanic elites have done in the past and if you really think their final goal is just a multi-culture utopia, you are very uninformed. Either they will liquidate the useful idiots once the Whites are too few in numbers or they will use them as cannon fodder in their desires to try to beat China. Or eventually China wins, and they liquidate the remaining westerners. This is just history repeating itself.

So, either White men stand up and reclaim their nations or the west will be lost forever. I am guessing the latter happens, I think White men are too beaten at this point and the time to do something was 20+ years ago.

And yes, Christianity will survive without the west, but I don't see the west surviving unless the White Nationalists pull off some major upset.
And yes, Christianity will survive without the west, but I don't see the west surviving unless the White Nationalists pull off some major upset.
With all due respect, even though I get what you’re saying but to play devils advocate, the world doesn’t care about our feelings.

If you’re a childless, wifeless, friendless, jobless white man it’s very easy to say you can’t take it anymore and we need to start blasting. We have to remember that this is our bias. This is the reason I never felt the need to condemn mass shooters. You have a right to indignation as do I. Not everyone is in the same boat. Some white man around the corner just got married with a baby on the way. Am I suppose to start screaming in his face he’s not “doing enough” because he’s a civnat? People will come around eventually if reality demands it. Even if they don’t, we’ve had a good run.

I understand how incredible it would be if we were experiencing some peak of civilization. I understand how great it would be if everyone was chasing some notion of “white” excellence but this is not the case. The world is as it is and we have to accept it. Imagine some guy, also called the average voter, demanding inflation be reversed [lol]. That’s not how the world works. No human authority can make it all better again on request. It takes time and we have spend our energy wisely elsewhere.

So you and I need to figure how we want to spend the rest of our lives. I have come around to the idea that I need to find joy in life and perhaps spread it around. Worrying about the destiny of white people is not it. If white people eventually want to do something fun as a group, I would love to join but I’m not holding my breath. If taking care of your parents doesn’t bring you joy then you should go to Eastern Europe. You should do something. You should even quit your job and join pf if you feel they’re on the right course. It’s not about the destination, it’s about the experience.
With all due respect, even though I get what you’re saying but to play devils advocate, the world doesn’t care about our feelings.

If you’re a childless, wifeless, friendless, jobless white man it’s very easy to say you can’t take it anymore and we need to start blasting. We have to remember that this is our bias. This is the reason I never felt the need to condemn mass shooters. You have a right to indignation as do I. Not everyone is in the same boat. Some white man around the corner just got married with a baby on the way. Am I suppose to start screaming in his face he’s not “doing enough” because he’s a civnat? People will come around eventually if reality demands it. Even if they don’t, we’ve had a good run.

I understand how incredible it would be if we were experiencing some peak of civilization. I understand how great it would be if everyone was chasing some notion of “white” excellence but this is not the case. The world is as it is and we have to accept it. Imagine some guy, also called the average voter, demanding inflation be reversed [lol]. That’s not how the world works. No human authority can make it all better again on request. It takes time and we have spend our energy wisely elsewhere.

So you and I need to figure how we want to spend the rest of our lives. I have come around to the idea that I need to find joy in life and perhaps spread it around. Worrying about the destiny of white people is not it. If white people eventually want to do something fun as a group, I would love to join but I’m not holding my breath. If taking care of your parents doesn’t bring you joy then you should go to Eastern Europe. You should do something. You should even quit your job and join pf if you feel they’re on the right course. It’s not about the destination, it’s about the experience.
Saying the words
Even if they don’t, we’ve had a good run.
is all fine and dandy at the 50,000 foot level and in the super big picture beyond our lifetime. But personally, I don't want to give up and be starved to death and watch my female relatives be raped to death, like what happened in the Soviet Union. So, while I don't have much vested here, thank goodness, I also know history and how bad things are going to get once White people are too small in numbers to defend the west. I guess by then, I will be very old, but I still hate to see that hell happen to very good people when we had a chance to stop it in advance.

As for me, as long as I have to work a job, I will never have much joy in my life. It makes me miserable and as bad as this economy is, I don't see me getting out any time soon.
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As for me, as long as I have to work a job, I will never have much joy in my life. It makes me miserable and as bad as this economy is, I don't see me getting out any time soon.
Brother, it is my prayer for you that God places you in a good church and grants you the peace that surpasses all understanding. When everything looks grim, fix your eyes on God. He is faithful to see you through.
Brother, it is my prayer for you that God places you in a good church and grants you the peace that surpasses all understanding. When everything looks grim, fix your eyes on God. He is faithful to see you through.
Fixing my eyes on God isn't going to stop the hoards of BLM supporters from killing and looting stores. It isn't going to stop the illegals coming over who are raping women and murdering people by the dozens. It isn't going to stop the legal immigration which has destroyed the middle class and the safe nuclear family structure. And it isn't going to stop the satanic elites from liquidating us, like they did the kulaks, or eventually the Chinese from doing it.

If God wanted to fight for us, he would already be doing it. He is saying "get off your asses and do it yourself, I gave you what you need" while "conservatives" make excuse after excuse and redraw every "red line" they originally had.
Fixing my eyes on God isn't going to stop the hoards of BLM supporters from killing and looting stores. It isn't going to stop the illegals coming over who are raping women and murdering people by the dozens. It isn't going to stop the legal immigration which has destroyed the middle class and the safe nuclear family structure. And it isn't going to stop the satanic elites from liquidating us, like they did the kulaks, or eventually the Chinese from doing it.

You have a very worldly outlook. Do you believe in God? Do you believe in the Kingdom of Heaven and the resurrection? Do you believe that it will profit a man nothing to gain the world and lose his soul?

You really seem to think that the worst fates are suffering and death, as evidence by you brushing off the idea of focusing on the spiritual by bringing up said suffering and death. But that is far from the truth; suffering and death are blessings from God in order to help achieve what really matters: salvation of our souls, eternal life in union with God and the saints. God promised us that "He will wipe away every tear from our eyes; there shall be no more death, nor sorrow, nor crying. There shall be no more pain, for the former things have passed away." All things will be made new. But our presence in this future reality is contingent on fixing our eyes on God and understanding that His plan will come to pass and putting Him above all. Doing your best, but trusting that God will deliver His justice rather than repeatedly scorning Christianity, Christians, Churches and faith in God because you are afraid of death, suffering, and defeat. Ironically that fear is what actually will lead you to be defeated. If you want to continue this scorn of Christians, the Church and God, feel free to change your tag from "Christian" and you'll be spared any further diatribes from me on this topic.

No, fixing your eyes on God won't necessarily stop those events from transpiring, but nothing you can individually do will. However it just might save your soul and allow you to accept martyrdom in the case that such a destiny has been put before you. There are fates far, far worse than dying in the name of Christ; in fact such a death is blessed according to the examples of the apostles and countless martyrs of the Church and will be met with great reward. All those Christians whose deaths you mourn at the hands of the Soviets? It is a tragedy from the perspective of this world no doubt and I would prevent it if I could, but in Heaven they are united and rejoice for God's providence. Death awaits us all, all nations will crumble before the end.

This is not an argument for inaction, surrender and tolerance of evil in this life. We certainly must do the best we can to resist evil, to defend Good and Truth, to protect innocents. If we fail to do so, we will be answerable to God. But I think you need to stop coming onto a forum called Christ Is King and scorning God.
Fixing my eyes on God isn't going to stop the hoards of BLM supporters from killing and looting stores. It isn't going to stop the illegals coming over who are raping women and murdering people by the dozens. It isn't going to stop the legal immigration which has destroyed the middle class and the safe nuclear family structure. And it isn't going to stop the satanic elites from liquidating us, like they did the kulaks, or eventually the Chinese from doing it.

If God wanted to fight for us, he would already be doing it. He is saying "get off your asses and do it yourself, I gave you what you need" while "conservatives" make excuse after excuse and redraw every "red line" they originally had.

Pretty obvious you don't believe in the God of Christians. You still believe in God, yes? So I changed your tag to Pagan, to be truthful about who you are.
Pretty obvious you don't believe in the God of Christians. You still believe in God, yes? So I changed your tag to Pagan, to be truthful about who you are.
Tell that to the 10's of millions of kulaks who were murdered, in the most perverted and brutal ways imaginable, by the very same people who now run the west now.
Tell that to the 10's of millions of kulaks who were murdered, in the most perverted and brutal ways imaginable, by the very same people who now run the west now.

So do you, or do you not, believe in God? Doesn't sound like you want to associate with God.
So do you, or do you not, believe in God? Doesn't sound like you want to associate with God.
I believe in God, yes.

Are you going to address my points or just go on pretending what I posted isn't historically accurate and reflects the situation we are current in?
I believe in God, yes.

Are you going to address my points or just go on pretending what I posted isn't historically accurate and reflects the situation we are current in?

Well, I've already addressed you in about 20 posts this thread. I've explained how those times of sufferring you mentioned, were because people turned away from God. For example Tzar Nicholas went to war with Christians (Germans) instead of focusing on the deadly Talmudic population within his own borders, a massive error. Those Kulaks suffered not from God, but because of men: their leaders and then their oppressors.

God had nothing to do with it, God is Good, God gave us everything we have and Man throws it away for pride and lust.

So, I'm satisfied with how I've addressed your points, and I'm letting others have the thread. That said, it is obviously false for you to call yourself a Christian so that tag should be updated.
Well, I've already addressed you in about 20 posts this thread. I've explained how those times of sufferring you mentioned, were because people turned away from God. For example Tzar Nicholas went to war with Christians (Germans) instead of focusing on the deadly Talmudic population within his own borders, a massive error. Those Kulaks suffered not from God, but because of men: their leaders and then their oppressors.

God had nothing to do with it, God is Good, God gave us everything we have and Man throws it away for pride and lust.

So, I'm satisfied with how I've addressed your points, and I'm letting others have the thread. That said, it is obviously false for you to call yourself a Christian so that tag should be updated.
Are you claiming the kulaks, who were very strongly religious, turned away from God?

If not, then you can only say that God didn't come to save them, and God isn't going to come to save you. It is up to you to save yourself, God gave you the strength and intelligence, but he isn't going to do the work for you. And the churches of the west are doing nothing to protect you or your families from the hell that is about to be unleashed on us. Whether by our own satanic elites, Bolshevik v.2.0 or by the Chinese, it is coming and without Whites a resistance is futile.
Are you claiming the kulaks, who were very strongly religious, turned away from God?

I said exactly the opposite. "Those Kulaks suffered not from God, but because of men: their leaders and then their oppressors."

The only way God could have protected the Kulaks was if he took away free will from men, which he will not since it is the only way for us to find salvation. Therefore those who were unjustly persecuted will inherit eternal life as reward for their faith in the face of evil, while their people and Church lived on. Their oppressors did not.

And the churches of the west are doing nothing to protect you or your families from the hell that is about to be unleashed on us.

False. You are obviously ignorant to what is going on in the Orthodox Church. Have a nice day.
If not, then you can only say that God didn't come to save them, and God isn't going to come to save you. It is up to you to save yourself, God gave you the strength and intelligence, but he isn't going to do the work for you.
Matthew 10:28 And do not fear those who kill the body but are unable to kill the soul; but rather fear Him who is able to destroy both soul and body in hell. 29Are not two sparrows sold for an assarion? And yet not one of them will fall to the ground apart from your Father. 30But the very hairs of your head are all numbered. 31So do not fear; you are more valuable than many sparrows.
I said exactly the opposite. "Those Kulaks suffered not from God, but because of men: their leaders and then their oppressors."

The only way God could have protected the Kulaks was if he took away free will from men, which he will not since it is the only way for us to find salvation. Therefore those who were unjustly persecuted will inherit eternal life as reward for their faith in the face of evil, while their people and Church lived on. Their oppressors did not.

False. You are obviously ignorant to what is going on in the Orthodox Church. Have a nice day.
God didn't protect them, and they didn't protect themselves.

But here is your major problem, your message, which might sound good to you, will sound so empty and weak to the young White men you think you are going to reach.
Matthew 10:28 And do not fear those who kill the body but are unable to kill the soul; but rather fear Him who is able to destroy both soul and body in hell. 29Are not two sparrows sold for an assarion? And yet not one of them will fall to the ground apart from your Father. 30But the very hairs of your head are all numbered. 31So do not fear; you are more valuable than many sparrows.
You honestly think this message is going to resonate with young men who are watching everything and everyone they love be destroyed?