Patriot Front (and other White Nationalist Groups)

There's no such thing as a Christian White Nationalist. There is only Christianity, which necessarily includes a world where Whites thrive. It always has.

Saying Christian White Nationalist is superfluous. Love thy Neighbor implicitly means one must love those of their own race. It's really that simple. Whites today either hate or ignore one another, which makes it trivially easy for enemies to destroy isolated Whites. This is why Orthodoxy has so many nationalist Churches, because your Neighbor is within your Nation. Love thy Neighbor automatically translates into an ethno-state. It's a logical, unavoidable by-product of the core teachings of Christ. Hence why Christ always said he came for his own fellow Jews, not foreigners. First you put your people first, then afterwards you can reach out to foreigners. That is how Christ did it and it is how the White man did it for thousands of years until they decided to sell their souls for power against one another, and whore themselves out to Talmudic Jews.

The only thing to do is to remind the White man he will go extinct, and go to hell, if he does not return to the Church. That's all that needs to be done, once Whites go back to Church problems will began to solve themselves very quickly.

However, we can see many Whites would rather do the Pagan Nazi-LARP Brown-pants dance, so I predict many more decades of sufferings and slaughter for Whites until they stop running away from God. Nothing will change until there is a return to the Church.
There's been tons of scare articles from the MSM in the last few years about "Christian nationalism" so it's definitely something the usual suspects are concerned about. I don't really see them complaining about paganism since I think they rightly recognize it as mostly a bunch of LARPers and general silliness.
There's been tons of scare articles from the MSM in the last few years about "Christian nationalism" so it's definitely something the usual suspects are concerned about. I don't really see them complaining about paganism since I think they rightly recognize it as mostly a bunch of LARPers and general silliness.
And for every article about Christian Nationalism, there are 10 about White Nationalism or Fascism. We can see what they fear.
There's been tons of scare articles from the MSM in the last few years about "Christian nationalism" so it's definitely something the usual suspects are concerned about. I don't really see them complaining about paganism since I think they rightly recognize it as mostly a bunch of LARPers and general silliness.

Why wouldn't the chews be worried about their arch nemesis, the Christian Church, which has dogged them for thousands of years? Of course they are rightly terrified. The Nazi guys are nobodies, they have no resume. There is no reason to fear them, although the Hitler scare definitely turned it up a notch. But at the end of the day, Germany was defeated and so Chews no longer truly fear the movement. If Hitler had ruled Europe, and survived, then they would be scared to death of him. But since he lost, ultimately he's just a boogeyman and Chews are more than confident they can defeat White Nationalist ideas again if they need to.

That's why they have no problem promoting the White Nationalists of Ukraine, since they would be trivial to dispose of after the war is over (whoever survives, that is).

Compare that to the Church, which despite numerous genocides, endless persecution, and constant defaming, is still going very strong with hundreds of millions of Whites, and billions of others. The same Church that threw Chews in ghettos, drove them from Byzantium into Khazara, and taught people to hate and fear them for centuries.

If you were a Chew, which enemy would you fear? Thousands year old institution that promotes everything you hate, or some random political movement based around guys getting blown up in war? I think the answer is rather obvious.
Why wouldn't the chews be worried about their arch nemesis, the Christian Church, which has dogged them for thousands of years? Of course they are rightly terrified. The Nazi guys are nobodies, they have no resume. There is no reason to fear them, although the Hitler scare definitely turned it up a notch. But at the end of the day, Germany was defeated and so Chews no longer truly fear the movement. If Hitler had ruled Europe, and survived, then they would be scared to death of him. But since he lost, ultimately he's just a boogeyman and Chews are more than confident they can defeat White Nationalist ideas again if they need to.

That's why they have no problem promoting the White Nationalists of Ukraine, since they would be trivial to dispose of after the war is over (whoever survives, that is).

Compare that to the Church, which despite numerous genocides, endless persecution, and constant defaming, is still going very strong with hundreds of millions of Whites, and billions of others. The same Church that threw Chews in ghettos, drove them from Byzantium into Khazara, and taught people to hate and fear them for centuries.

If you were a Chew, which enemy would you fear? Thousands year old institution that promotes everything you hate, or some random political movement based around guys getting blown up in war? I think the answer is rather obvious.
The promote White Nationalist in Ukraine, just like they promote BLM churches, Catholic charities flooding the country with violent criminals, and Protestant churches covered in pride flags. If they control the narrative, they don't fear it. ISIS is their baby, so is the Falen Gong, they do this across the globe to push their desires.
The promote White Nationalist in Ukraine, just like they promote BLM churches, Catholic charities flooding the country with violent criminals, and Protestant churches covered in pride flags.

These empty strawmans are becoming rather tiresome. No one should consider these as real Churches. Are you actually going to offer any reasoning to this subject, or just repeat the same bad arguments?
These empty strawmans are becoming rather tiresome. No one should consider these as real Churches. Are you actually going to offer any reasoning to this subject, or just repeat the same bad arguments?
Who are you to not call them "real churches"? They are recognized by the Christian community, they get their tax breaks from the government, and they only continue to grow in popularity.
Who are you to not call them "real churches"? They are recognized by the Christian community, they get their tax breaks from the government, and they only continue to grow in popularity.
No, they are controversial.

The non canonical Orthodox Church of Ukraine is very controversial and not recognized by much of orthodoxy.

Those groups you're referencing are no more Christian than they are social clubs.

They are churches in the sense that a 7/11 gas station is a gourmet restaurant. They both serve food but we are talking about totally different level of products.
Who are you to not call them "real churches"? They are recognized by the Christian community, they get their tax breaks from the government, and they only continue to grow in popularity.

They are dying off in droves and you have no idea what is going on, or you simply like to lie in order to push your political agenda. Either way, you post in complete bad faith. I'm going to have to ask you to stop denying easily verifiable facts:


From the 2020 census, we can see that Protestant Churches have suffered terribly, while the more traditional Churches decline at a far slower rate. The growth in atheists is at an all time high, at a time when people think it's okay to parade little boys in dresses on TV.

So, the Churches who promote Globohomo are in fact, overwhelmingly dying and empty, whereas the traditional ones, especially those with proper Apostolic succession, continue to soldier on.

Unless you can present a better source, let us agree to use factual information: Those who preach the word faithfully survive while the heretics are dying rapidly.
And for every article about Christian Nationalism, there are 10 about White Nationalism or Fascism. We can see what they fear.

This is rather easy to explain, they fear the one they are reluctant to attack. Chews are reluctant to attack the Church, because they know it is a formidable enemy.

Chews are cowardly, and only like to pick fights with opponents that can't fight back. That's why they bomb women and children in Gaza, they've always been this way.

They attack WN groups because it's an easy boogeyman that can't fight back, just like Gazans. WN groups are a joke with zero power, no one takes them seriously or fears them, so of course Chews like to pick on them. It doesn't help that WNs love to be loud so they can easily be identified and destroyed either, it's really easy for Talmuds to destroy Whites who openly proclaim themselves as race idolaters.

The reason you see an uptick in attacks against Christianity, in a political and not merely religious way, is because Chews are testing the waters to see if people still have enough faith to defend Christ.
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This is rather easy to explain, they fear the one they are reluctant to attack. Chews are reluctant to attack the Church, because they know it is a formidable enemy.

Chews are cowardly, and only like to pick fights with opponents that can't fight back. That's why they bomb women in children in Gaza, they've always been this way.

They attack WN groups because it's an easy boogeyman that can't fight back, just like Gazans. WN groups are a joke with zero power, no one takes them seriously or fears them, so of course Chews like to pick on them. It doesn't help that WNs love to be loud so they can easily be identified and destroyed either, it's really easy for Talmuds to destroy Whites who openly proclaim themselves as race idolaters.

The reason you see an uptick in attacks against Christianity, in a political and not merely religious way, is because Chews are testing the waters to see if people still have enough faith to defend Christ.
They don't attack, because they don't need to do so. They infiltrated it and turned it upside down over 50 years ago. It is no threat to them at all, in fact, you have a Pope talking about bringing in "migrants" as if it is his only cause in life.
So, the Churches who promote Globohomo are in fact, overwhelmingly dying and empty, whereas the traditional ones, especially those with proper Apostolic succession, continue to soldier on.
The "traditional" churches are so far to the left of the protestant churches my grandparents attended, it isn't funny.

Which is why, and I will say it again, until the church does something to reach out to young White men, as that specific group, they will either die out and the west and everyone here with it, or they will go on their own path. I don't know which will happen, but the Church is lagging so far behind this trend it is embarrassing.
The "traditional" churches are so far to the left of the protestant churches my grandparents attended, it isn't funny.

Which is why, and I will say it again, until the church does something to reach out to young White men, as that specific group, they will either die out and the west and everyone here with it, or they will go on their own path. I don't know which will happen, but the Church is lagging so far behind this trend it is embarrassing.

Just because your Church was full of heretics and a failure, doesn't mean that happened for the rest of us.

I understand your bitterness towards the Church based on how much your parish failed you. But you must remember, that wasn't a Church, it was just a bunch of people reading the Bible, real Churches have real priests grounded in the apostolic succession. You can't expect anything not grounded on the rock of Christ to last the test of time.

For example, my Church is disproportionately White male, we have no trouble with White men. Those who put their faith in the Orthodox Church quickly find a home with like-minded brethren. Some of the most right-wing people I've met are all Orthodox.

Also, the current heretic Pope is going to show us who is truly a Christian or not. Many are predicting a schism within the Catholic Church, so don't worry, that will resolve itself as well.

People who stay true to Christ do well, and all available evidence shows this, whereas those who lose faith invariably succumb to one sin or another.
Just because your Church was full of heretics and a failure, doesn't mean that happened for the rest of us.

I understand your bitterness towards the Church based on how much your parish failed you. But you must remember, that wasn't a Church, it was just a bunch of people reading the Bible, real Churches have real priests grounded in the apostolic succession. You can't expect anything not grounded on the rock of Christ to last the test of time.

For example, my Church is disproportionately White male, we have no trouble with White men. Those who put their faith in the Orthodox Church quickly find a home with like-minded brethren. Some of the most right-wing people I've met are all Orthodox.

Also, the current heretic Pope is going to show us who is truly a Christian or not. Many are predicting a schism within the Catholic Church, so don't worry, that will resolve itself as well.

People who stay true to Christ do well, and all available evidence shows this, whereas those who lose faith invariably succumb to one sin or another.
You are building a strawman at this point. You are trying your best, for whatever reason, to convince people that White Nationalism will not rise. I have no idea if it will rise or not, I don't have any control over it. I am just saying if the Chruch keeps doing what it is doing in the west, which is watching their resources be taken over by foreign entities and their enemies, then either White men themselves will fight back, and in this case the Church will at best be secondary OR they White men will continue to do nothing and the entire west will fall and all of us and our loved ones along with it.

Personally, I don't really care I have little vested here I am just amazed there are people who still can't see what is coming. For you it is personal and it shows, for me it is "how do these guys not get it by now?".
You are trying your best, for whatever reason, to convince people that White Nationalism will not rise.

No, not at all. Much stronger than that, I argue those who join these groups will be easily destroyed since it's a pagan organization with no faith in God. Doesn't matter how big or small they become, the end result will be defeat and death, as it is with all secular movements.
I am just saying if the Chruch keeps doing what it is doing in the west,

So that is why the White man needs to go to the Churches in the EAST. Look at Russia, do you see a cucked nation? They are bravely fighting for their people's interests, Russian power and wealth has increased when measured in PPP, which means Russian men can buy more for their families.

There are very good reasons as to why this is happening, fake Christians don't last. Never have, never will. Hence the Lord said,

"Ye shall know them by their fruits. Do men gather grapes of thorns, or figs of thistles?

Even so every good tree bringeth forth good fruit; but a corrupt tree bringeth forth evil fruit.

A good tree cannot bring forth evil fruit, neither can a corrupt tree bring forth good fruit.

Every tree that bringeth not forth good fruit is hewn down, and cast into the fire.

Wherefore by their fruits ye shall know them."

The false Churches reveal themselves in their declining numbers, and promoting of ever more degenerate causes. They would come, and they would die, just as Christ foretold.

Meanwhile the Churches that stay true will survive, grow, and prosper, like we see in Russia.
No, not at all. Much stronger than that, I argue those who join these groups will be easily destroyed since it's a pagan organization with no faith in God. Doesn't matter how big or small they become, the end result will be defeat and death, as it is with all secular movements.

So that is why the White man needs to go to the Churches in the EAST. Look at Russia, do you see a cucked nation? They are bravely fighting for their people's interests, Russian power and wealth has increased when measured in PPP, which means Russian men can buy more for their families.

There are very good reasons as to why this is happening, fake Christians don't last. Never have, never will. Hence the Lord said,

"Ye shall know them by their fruits. Do men gather grapes of thorns, or figs of thistles?

Even so every good tree bringeth forth good fruit; but a corrupt tree bringeth forth evil fruit.

A good tree cannot bring forth evil fruit, neither can a corrupt tree bring forth good fruit.

Every tree that bringeth not forth good fruit is hewn down, and cast into the fire.

Wherefore by their fruits ye shall know them."

The false Churches reveal themselves in their declining numbers, and promoting of ever more degenerate causes. They would come, and they would die, just as Christ foretold.

Meanwhile the Churches that stay true will survive, grow, and prosper, like we see in Russia.
If they are "destroyed" and the churches of the west continue to do what they has done, then the west and everyone in it is done for as well.
I think what is causing the current back and forth is that each side has a different idea of what a church is supposed to be. One side sees it just as any other secular organization or institution like a think tank or NGO or political party while the other sees it as something that has a spiritual dimension.
I think what is causing the current back and forth is that each side has a different idea of what a church is supposed to be. One side sees it just as any other secular organization or institution like a think tank or NGO or political party while the other sees it as something that has a spiritual dimension.
There's a worldview issue at play here. Every worldview has what it considers to be an ultimate good. If the ultimate good is White Nationalism, then the Church is only good when it serves towards that end. If the ultimate good is God, then White Nationalism is only good if it serves towards His end.
There's a worldview issue at play here. Every worldview has what it considers to be an ultimate good. If the ultimate good is White Nationalism, then the Church is only good when it serves towards that end. If the ultimate good is God, then White Nationalism is only good if it serves towards His end.
Not really.

One side has said over and over, it will take both to be successful, but if the churches in the west continue to do what they have done the last 50+ years, then young White men will either die out or go on without the Church.

The other side seems to think the west will survive without Whites and things are perfectly fine the way they are now, as long as everyone goes back to the churches preaching open borders and legal discrimination against Whites and remove of the Bill of Rights.
One side has said over and over, it will take both to be successful, but if the churches in the west continue to do what they have done the last 50+ years, then young White men will either die out or go on without the Church.
These double ultimacy approaches are inconsistent, and therefore, cannot hold. One will serve the other, as evidenced by our disagreement here. The Church can go on without young white men. I don't see how it can be said that young white men can go on without the Church when they are already dropping out, or succumbing to the leftist brainwashing.

The other side seems to think the west will survive without Whites and things are perfectly fine the way they are now, as long as everyone goes back to the churches preaching open borders and legal discrimination against Whites and remove of the Bill of Rights.
This is a straw man. No one here is saying you should attend a leftist, apostate church. I don't think things are fine the way they are now, we live in a godless society that is in love with it's sin.