Patriot Front (and other White Nationalist Groups)

Somehow the Jews ruling over us have no problem with unity whether they are religious or secular atheists (most of them). Somehow they recognize each other as part of the same group and work as a collective.

This thread is frustrating and ridiculous in its petty judgements. There are 10,000 other organizations you can support that are working for the downfall of every heritage person of the USA including the members of this board. They probably won't mention God in their literature and instead will fill it with globalist, communist and new age ideals. There are so many to choose from! But let's nitpick this one small group who is at least trying to stand up for 200 million people in this country. If someone is a Republican, are they judging the Republican Party based on their statements about God? Should you not join the local chess club because they don't make a statement about God and religion?

This is just ridiculous.

Ludicrous too.
That's a good point. It's not like they're advocating Paganism, and they have no such symbology, and they go to the March for Life. If we don't care about the religion of a woodworking club why does it matter here?

I understand the argument that activism is best done within the Church, but any sort of activism that would preserve the White race in particular or the Heritage American nation would simply just not be allowed in basically any Church in America, Orthodox or not. This is an America problem, not an Orthodoxy problem, as I've established already that Orthodox are supposed to support their blood ethnicity, so it seems to me that we have the Church as a tool for the spiritual, meanwhile an organization like PF is just a secular group made to fill the role of an organization that wants to prevent the genocide of the Heritage American nation - which absolutely is happening (and there's basically no other groups doing it, so there's a vacuum). Our absolute numbers are in decline, and most non-Whites think that's good or neutral. I think Churches should be vocal about this, but when a Church has Americans, Russians, Greeks, Blacks, Hispanics, et cetera in it, it's just not going to happen. But as a Heritage American I do and should care about us being genocided, so according to the Church (and common sense), I should do something about it. I could try in vain to bring it up in Church, but that would probably just get me doxxed and fired.
But as a Heritage American I do and should care about us being genocided, so according to the Church (and common sense), I should do something about it. I could try in vain to bring it up in Church, but that would probably just get me doxxed and fired.
Anyone with an IQ of over say about 110 or 115, who can use more advanced abstract thought, can figure out what happens when Whites in the west disappear.

The rest are no longer needed, and either done away with by the satanic elites themselves, like they did to the useful idiots it the Soviet Union. Or they are sent into a hopeless battle, like we have seen in Ukraine, against the Chinese and they are wiped out just as easily.

It is obvious to see where this is heading, it is the non-Whites in the west who depend on Whites remaining a super majority just as much as Whites themselves.
Miscegenation is definitely an issue. Not a sin - but like I said, if you have a Heritage American and an Italian, and they have children, who or what do their children identify with? White doesn't exist insofar as there is not a defined "White culture" (although there are general White traits that persist among all White nationalities to a degree), so if you are half of one nation and half of another, even with those nations being of the same race, it becomes very confusing as to which customs to follow. There becomes a mix of traditions or they are watered down.

Not to accuse, but I'm just speculating that that may be the case with some of the people here who themselves do not put much value in the White race, because we're hardwired to care about our nation, as we would a tribe, and "White" is perhaps too broad. If I was only 25% Heritage American instead of 90%, the other 10 being French, Scandinavian, and Italian, then would I care so much about what is happening here? Would I really identify with George Washington and Thomas Jefferson as my forefathers if I was a quarter British, a quarter German, a quarter Italian, and a Quarter Irish? Such a person doesn't really inherently have a nation, they'd have to actively make an effort to identify with one.
Miscegenation is definitely an issue. Not a sin - but like I said, if you have a Heritage American and an Italian, and they have children, who or what do their children identify with? White doesn't exist insofar as there is not a defined "White culture" (although there are general White traits that persist among all White nationalities to a degree), so if you are half of one nation and half of another, even with those nations being of the same race, it becomes very confusing as to which customs to follow. There becomes a mix of traditions or they are watered down.

Not to accuse, but I'm just speculating that that may be the case with some of the people here who themselves do not put much value in the White race, because we're hardwired to care about our nation, as we would a tribe, and "White" is perhaps too broad. If I was only 25% Heritage American instead of 90%, the other 10 being French, Scandinavian, and Italian, then would I care so much about what is happening here? Would I really identify with George Washington and Thomas Jefferson as my forefathers if I was a quarter British, a quarter German, a quarter Italian, and a Quarter Irish? Such a person doesn't really inherently have a nation, they'd have to actively make an effort to identify with one.
I think the best description of "White culture" is simply the Faustian spirit. Whites seem to have this bond, across all ethnicities, to explore, to day dream of great things, to see work as a means to an end, and not as a punishment and not as the end all. I just don't see this very often in other races, it is rare. It is trying to be hijacked by materialism, but Whites men often even shun materialism for adventure, achievement and good stories to share. You will see this in all European ethnicities, as many of them explored the globe, dreamed of a better life for their children and thus ended up making over 95% of modern invention.

And when non-Whites move into White nations, there are some outliers in their group who might take up this spirit, but for the most part they simply recreate an enclave that looks almost exactly like the region they came from, while telling Whites they are "privileged" for having this spirit. Whites are privileged to have it and they should be proud of it and embrace it.
If White people vanish in America then welcome to the thunderdome. It will make the precolonial Mesoamerican cultures look tame.
Well, I would say more likely...

The satanic elites will no longer need their pets, as the job is done, so they kill them off so they can have the land and resources for their tribe.


They send them into a hopeless battle with China, which will make Ukraine look like a walk in the park.


The Chinese will say "we need that land for our people" and wipe out the population of the west and move their people over to expand and grow the great Chinese empire.

Once Whites are gone, and I don't mean extinct, but only like 30% of the population, it is unlikely many will survive in the west, unless they are part of the same tribe as the satanic elites.
That's a good point. It's not like they're advocating Paganism, and they have no such symbology, and they go to the March for Life. If we don't care about the religion of a woodworking club why does it matter here?

Because they are advocating completely remaking the country on the principles they espouse. Of course their religious conceptions or lack thereof matter. When you cease to worship God, something else comes to take His place as the 'highest good', in their case they're rightly rejecting the modern America 'highest good' of individualism, phony democracy, consumption, only to replace it with their mashup of an American identity that is exclusively white European and fetishization of the American founding mythos, while INTENTIONALLY omitting God from the equation. Who would be offended or put off from the movement if PF's manifesto included Christian identity? Atheistic race worshippers and pagans is about all I can think of.

At the end of the day it really is going to come down to Christian nationalism or White nationalism. Count me 100% in the former camp. God over race. Brothers sharing in the blood of Christ, over people with the same skin tone and similar genetic mapping who worship demons or mammon.
Because they are advocating completely remaking the country on the principles they espouse. Of course their religious conceptions or lack thereof matter. When you cease to worship God, something else comes to take His place as the 'highest good', in their case they're rightly rejecting the modern America 'highest good' of individualism, phony democracy, consumption, only to replace it with their mashup of an American identity that is exclusively white European and fetishization of the American founding mythos, while INTENTIONALLY omitting God from the equation. Who would be offended or put off from the movement if PF's manifesto included Christian identity? Atheistic race worshippers and pagans is about all I can think of.
If PF is secular, ambivalent to Christianity or Paganism, yet pro-life, against gay marriage, non-interventionist militarily, etc.,

and the US Federal Government is almost explicitly against Christianity at this point in a plethora of ways including being pro-choice, pro- war, pro-Jew, pro-international anal agenda,

then why are you reacting so viscerally to the thought of transitioning from the latter state to the former, when Christianity would actually be in a better state, with a government not hostile to it? Just curious to hear your thoughts. It's not like a theocracy or 4th Century Christian Imperivm Romanicvm is any more realistic at this point.

Also another point, if there is any other activism group, environmental, pro-gun, legal rights for X group, anti-war, nobody assumes that the group thinks that issue is the “highest good” to the detriment of God, (unless it advocates sin) yet they do with PF, assuming they put race before God (also considering Orthodoxy is pro-preserving your nationality). I wouldn't go to a woodworking group and say they've put those chairs before God. It's just something they have in common. I bet if you actually talked to PF members a lot of them would be very faithful Christians, but in this thread they're not getting the benefit of the doubt. It's a secular organization like the government or McDonald's or Major League baseball. Because you're for one thing doesn't mean you value it above all else.

At least as far as the Orthodox members here are concerned I don't get why there seems to be an issue with it being ethno-adjacent, when that has been the norm since Christ Himself came first to His tribe. Coming first to His tribe didn't preclude Him from also coming for everyone. As if being in a pro-your-nationality group is worse than being in a pro-veterans or pro-gun rights group.
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Because they are advocating completely remaking the country on the principles they espouse. Of course their religious conceptions or lack thereof matter. When you cease to worship God, something else comes to take His place as the 'highest good', in their case they're rightly rejecting the modern America 'highest good' of individualism, phony democracy, consumption, only to replace it with their mashup of an American identity that is exclusively white European and fetishization of the American founding mythos, while INTENTIONALLY omitting God from the equation. Who would be offended or put off from the movement if PF's manifesto included Christian identity? Atheistic race worshippers and pagans is about all I can think of.

At the end of the day it really is going to come down to Christian nationalism or White nationalism. Count me 100% in the former camp. God over race. Brothers sharing in the blood of Christ, over people with the same skin tone and similar genetic mapping who worship demons or mammon.
Then why don't you move to 95% Christian Zambia? The likelihood the USA is ever Christian Nationalist is extremely small, but you can have a nearly 100% Christian nation right now.

Also, when people just say the phrase "Christian Nationalism", they don't take in account the huge uphill battle Hitler had to perform to get Catholics and Protestants to agree. Now imagine trying to do that with all the homosexual and BLM churches, the ethnic central churches, the Muslims, the Buddhists, who already live here, are well organized and will fight against it as well.
If PF is secular, ambivalent to Christianity or Paganism, yet pro-life, against gay marriage, non-interventionist militarily, etc.,

and the US Federal Government is almost explicitly against Christianity at this point in a plethora of ways including being pro-choice, pro- war, pro-Jew, pro-international anal agenda,

then why are you reacting so viscerally to the thought of transitioning from the latter state to the former, when Christianity would actually be in a better state, with a government not hostile to it? Just curious to hear your thoughts.

I feel as though you're flipping the script, I don't mean this in an accusatory way or that you're being disingenuous, I mean it like it shouldn't be me justifying why
it disturbs me that they're refusing to acknowledge Christianity as a core value, THEY have to justify why they go out of their way to exclude Christianity from the core values of White European Americans. This is a massive red flag. I'm not trying to purity spiral here, this is basic stuff. If anything, this omission could be a sign that they're feds, because you'd think even race worshippers and pagans would pay some lip service to the divine even if they aren't Godly in their actions. Truly bizarre to me and it stinks of the way communists tried to remold society on abstract principles without God. If folks are gonna dismantle and remake the country they better damn have the right priorities... it's not like trying on a different pair of pants to see if they're comfier. It's going to come with a LOT of suffering and I'm motivated to suffer of behalf of God and his laws and brothers who uphold the same principles, less so for folk who are probably going to take a dim view of my many nonwhite Orthodox brethren and family who are living in America, should they ever get their way.
I feel as though you're flipping the script, I don't mean this in an accusatory way or that you're being disingenuous, I mean it like it shouldn't be me justifying why
it disturbs me that they're refusing to acknowledge Christianity as a core value, THEY have to justify why they go out of their way to exclude Christianity from the core values of White European Americans. This is a massive red flag. I'm not trying to purity spiral here, this is basic stuff. If anything, this omission could be a sign that they're feds, because you'd think even race worshippers and pagans would pay some lip service to the divine even if they aren't Godly in their actions. Truly bizarre to me and it stinks of the way communists tried to remold society on abstract principles without God. If folks are gonna dismantle and remake the country they better damn have the right priorities... it's not like trying on a different pair of pants to see if they're comfier. It's going to come with a LOT of suffering and I'm motivated to suffer of behalf of God and his laws and brothers who uphold the same principles, less so for folk who are probably going to take a dim view of my many nonwhite Orthodox brethren and family who are living in America, should they ever get their way.
I would flip it on you. If you want White people to survive, and you want White young men to go into Christianity and not the way of Patriot Front, then it is up to Christianity to show some way forward for them. Patriot Front is just picking up the slack, and whether this one group exists or another one comes along, if Christianity continues to avoid the race question, then young White men are going to have no choice to go their separate way and either form their own version of Christianity or just leave it to the side.

"Then Whtes will disappear if they do this" yes, this is going to happen if they don't do this, so that threat doesn't work either. "The west doesn't need Whites anyway" LOL, good luck with that, no one with and IQ over 110 believes this.
I would flip it on you. If you want White people to survive, and you want White young men to go into Christianity and not the way of Patriot Front, then it is up to Christianity to show some way forward for them. Patriot Front is just picking up the slack, and whether this one group exists or another one comes along, if Christianity continues to avoid the race question, then young White men are going to have no choice to go their separate way and either form their own version of Christianity or just leave it to the side.

You're right, there needs to be an alternative Christian political movement if these guys won't profess God. I hope it happens.
You're right, there needs to be an alternative Christian political movement if these guys won't profess God. I hope it happens.
Some of them do profess to God. What % of the group is Christian, I do not know, but there are Christians in the rank. The movement is just not based on Christianity alone, it is based on race.

The empty threats of "this will not work" do no good, because there is no alternative. So, either someone comes along and forms a White Nationalist Christian movement, or a non-Christian based Patriot Front like movement will lead the charge, or Whites will disappear and along with them everyone and everyone who is loved by someone on this forum will disappear with them.
I feel as though you're flipping the script, I don't mean this in an accusatory way or that you're being disingenuous, I mean it like it shouldn't be me justifying why
it disturbs me that they're refusing to acknowledge Christianity as a core value, THEY have to justify why they go out of their way to exclude Christianity from the core values of White European Americans. This is a massive red flag. I'm not trying to purity spiral here, this is basic stuff. If anything, this omission could be a sign that they're feds, because you'd think even race worshippers and pagans would pay some lip service to the divine even if they aren't Godly in their actions. Truly bizarre to me and it stinks of the way communists tried to remold society on abstract principles without God. If folks are gonna dismantle and remake the country they better damn have the right priorities... it's not like trying on a different pair of pants to see if they're comfier. It's going to come with a LOT of suffering and I'm motivated to suffer of behalf of God and his laws and brothers who uphold the same principles, less so for folk who are probably going to take a dim view of my many nonwhite Orthodox brethren and family who are living in America, should they ever get their way.
These are totally valid concerns, good points, and I'm not here to argue with anyone. PF needs to do better in this regard, no doubt. But so does American Christianity. There isn't a Church that values the continued existence of White people in general in America, or the Heritage American nation in specific, so PF is more of a symptom of that unusual, ahistorical reality. There's a vacuum, a shortage of national identity and advocacy that other nations do not suffer from, so something is going to fill that gap -- I'm glad they're with Christianity on all of the specific issues that matter today. Abortion, anti-interventionism, gay marriage, etc.

I think PF presents a good opportunity for the right Christians (not saying anyone here in specific) to do some evangelizing.

The empty threats of "this will not work" do no good, because there is no alternative. So, either someone comes along and forms a White Nationalist Christian movement, or a non-Christian based Patriot Front like movement will lead the charge, or Whites will disappear and along with them everyone and everyone who is loved by someone on this forum will disappear with them.
This is a good point. If PF goes away, who's to say an explicitly anti-Christian White Nationalist group doesn't replace it? There is a demand for American identitarianism. There will always be a group. We can at least work with PF. We can't work with crazier similar groups that have come along which I'm afraid to mention lest it triggers some sort of trigger or internet-racism combing algorithm.
White nationalism or white advocacy is the answer to the “racism” against us in multicultural societies. Once you take it beyond that it starts to break down and I agree with @Samseau, there’s too many degenerate whites. I will always support white nationalism from that angle. When it’s us vs them, you side with your own. In true white fashion a lot of people will rebuke me and say “what if we’re wrong, I will remain impartial”. Such is the conundrum this is because both viewpoints are valid.

There’s a lot of idealism in white nationalism which also creates the vector of attack for our enemies and self-doubt for white people. Someone mentioned helping fellow whites, but it literally happens everyday. As long as you go to the right places you will definitely be valued more than some migrant. The problem is none of these white enclaves or small white circles a paradise. So telling people some white utopia is possible allows even a white federal agent to remain loyal to his agency through the cognitive dissonance.

The problem on the other hand with the Christian utopia advocacy is the modern world. There’s a secular world out there that has never existed at such a scale. You could always be a degenerate but you had to get your necessities from traditional society. Now it has been flipped. It’s the Christians who are getting their necessities from the degenerates and indulging in their proclivities on their own. Usually that would signal an end of an empire but globalism has changed that. Young kids can see this. They know that the secular world, a worldwide phenomena at this point, is there and they are free to do as they please in this secular world.

The traditionalists don’t really offer the kids what they need. Remember the video of how white kids used to run the black kids out in the 70s? Remember the 90s of how the whites claimed they get along with everyone? You can say it’s propaganda but I’ve seen it with my own eyes. Why should I “hold the line” with the whites who might treat me like crap when I can befriend a Mexican and have “fun”? It doesn’t really work out that way in the end but in a kid’s brain that’s what’s logical.

This is why there needs to be a blending of the two. We should be following our Christian traditions but we should also focus on giving people what they yearn for. Friendship, subsistence, security, belonging, community. A very strong focus on ideological, racial militarization misses the point. We’re trying to win back the hearts and minds of our youth, give them a home, not force an “ideology” that will solve all their problems. The benefits will follow.
White nationalism or white advocacy is the answer to the “racism” against us in multicultural societies. Once you take it beyond that it starts to break down and I agree with @Samseau, there’s too many degenerate whites. I will always support white nationalism from that angle. When it’s us vs them, you side with your own. In true white fashion a lot of people will rebuke me and say “what if we’re wrong, I will remain impartial”. Such is the conundrum this is because both viewpoints are valid.

There’s a lot of idealism in white nationalism which also creates the vector of attack for our enemies and self-doubt for white people. Someone mentioned helping fellow whites, but it literally happens everyday. As long as you go to the right places you will definitely be valued more than some migrant. The problem is none of these white enclaves or small white circles a paradise. So telling people some white utopia is possible allows even a white federal agent to remain loyal to his agency through the cognitive dissonance.

The problem on the other hand with the Christian utopia advocacy is the modern world. There’s a secular world out there that has never existed at such a scale. You could always be a degenerate but you had to get your necessities from traditional society. Now it has been flipped. It’s the Christians who are getting their necessities from the degenerates and indulging in their proclivities on their own. Usually that would signal an end of an empire but globalism has changed that. Young kids can see this. They know that the secular world, a worldwide phenomena at this point, is there and they are free to do as they please in this secular world.

The traditionalists don’t really offer the kids what they need. Remember the video of how white kids used to run the black kids out in the 70s? Remember the 90s of how the whites claimed they get along with everyone? You can say it’s propaganda but I’ve seen it with my own eyes. Why should I “hold the line” with the whites who might treat me like crap when I can befriend a Mexican and have “fun”? It doesn’t really work out that way in the end but in a kid’s brain that’s what’s logical.

This is why there needs to be a blending of the two. We should be following our Christian traditions but we should also focus on giving people what they yearn for. Friendship, subsistence, security, belonging, community. A very strong focus on ideological, racial militarization misses the point. We’re trying to win back the hearts and minds of our youth, give them a home, not force an “ideology” that will solve all their problems. The benefits will follow.
It seems you support the idea of a new White Nationalist Christian movement, as there is no church, I know of that supports the idea of Whites having their own homelands in the west. Yes, there are ethnic churches, but that does little to no good in the USA or even in Europe if someone can move from Africa and get citizenship and then they can claim to now be of that ethnicity overnight.

I hope something like this does come about. I think there is a chance it will, but if it waits much longer, either Patriot Front or another secular White Nationalist movement will be the leaders.
It seems you support the idea of a new White Nationalist Christian movement, as there is no church, I know of that supports the idea of Whites having their own homelands in the west. Yes, there are ethnic churches, but that does little to no good in the USA or even in Europe if someone can move from Africa and get citizenship and then they can claim to now be of that ethnicity overnight.

I hope something like this does come about. I think there is a chance it will, but if it waits much longer, either Patriot Front or another secular White Nationalist movement will be the leaders.
I think a Christian White Nationalist movement would terrify the Feds more than anything.

To the credit of people who have their PF Fed-suspicions -- I don't think the government would even try to make a honeypot/Fed run Christian White Nationalist organization. Just having those ideas out there is dangerous for them. They're afraid of Christianity and they're afraid of White nationalism, so it behooves the Feds to keep those ideas separate, and to brainwash the masses that those ideas are contradictory in order to prevent such a thing from happening.