That's a good point. It's not like they're advocating Paganism, and they have no such symbology, and they go to the March for Life. If we don't care about the religion of a woodworking club why does it matter here?Somehow the Jews ruling over us have no problem with unity whether they are religious or secular atheists (most of them). Somehow they recognize each other as part of the same group and work as a collective.
This thread is frustrating and ridiculous in its petty judgements. There are 10,000 other organizations you can support that are working for the downfall of every heritage person of the USA including the members of this board. They probably won't mention God in their literature and instead will fill it with globalist, communist and new age ideals. There are so many to choose from! But let's nitpick this one small group who is at least trying to stand up for 200 million people in this country. If someone is a Republican, are they judging the Republican Party based on their statements about God? Should you not join the local chess club because they don't make a statement about God and religion?
This is just ridiculous.
Ludicrous too.
I understand the argument that activism is best done within the Church, but any sort of activism that would preserve the White race in particular or the Heritage American nation would simply just not be allowed in basically any Church in America, Orthodox or not. This is an America problem, not an Orthodoxy problem, as I've established already that Orthodox are supposed to support their blood ethnicity, so it seems to me that we have the Church as a tool for the spiritual, meanwhile an organization like PF is just a secular group made to fill the role of an organization that wants to prevent the genocide of the Heritage American nation - which absolutely is happening (and there's basically no other groups doing it, so there's a vacuum). Our absolute numbers are in decline, and most non-Whites think that's good or neutral. I think Churches should be vocal about this, but when a Church has Americans, Russians, Greeks, Blacks, Hispanics, et cetera in it, it's just not going to happen. But as a Heritage American I do and should care about us being genocided, so according to the Church (and common sense), I should do something about it. I could try in vain to bring it up in Church, but that would probably just get me doxxed and fired.