Patriot Front (and other White Nationalist Groups)

Hey, does anyone care about this group marching? Anyone up in arms about this? Are they a bunch of Feds? Will the media run weeks of scare stories? Is anyone here disturbed that a communist group is marching in America, spouting revolutionary anti-American slogans?

What are we to make of the overwhelming number of whites leading that march?
When we were going through the "turn the other cheek" story in my small group, I said that I didn't think that philosophy scaled well. I don't think for instance that if someone is attacking me, I should offer my wife up to be murdered and my daughter to be raped.

I do think that story is repeated to Christians over and over to make them docile and weak. I think the point of the parable is to do something your enemy isn't expecting, and in that particular case it disarmed the aggressor. Probably works well when the aggressor and you share the same culture.

I also say that "give unto Caesar" means, literally, that Jesus would have gone to war and killed others in battle if Caesar had conscripted Jesus into his army.

I really, really hate how Christians of today see weakness as some sort of value. Prayer alone does not work. In The Bible, Jesus is always moving, always *acting*. Prayer is the prelude to action.

Off topic, as I have no opinion or knowledge of the group discussed in this thread, but I agree with most of your take. Especially the fact that many Christians use that story to make other Christians docile and weak and that certain Christians see weakness as virtue. It is an interesting argument though. When is hitting back justified? Let’s extrapolate or scale this to modern world affairs, was Putin correct in using force in Ukraine or should he have just turned the other cheek and let the West turn it into a puppet state?

On a local level, if your neighbor keeps insulting and stealing from you, do you turn the other cheek? If a gang of migrants enters your country and starts raping your wife and daughter, do you turn the other cheek? This type of philosophy has led to the migrant crisis.

I mean it’s just absolutely beyond ridiculous to me people can let themselves be taken advantage of this way. The argument is usually that it’s God’s will and he will get involved and get back at the people for you, which is also ludicrous. I’ll admit it, there are certain things if done to me, my friends, or my family, I will probably end up going to jail. I hope it never comes to that, but it might.

Now as an aside, I do believe that holding grudges and not forgiving can corrupt your soul, because I used to be that person that held grudges for such slight things I should have let go. So little or even mediocre things yes, no need to retaliate, but serious things? You’re right, it doesn’t scale. In those cases you have to fight and use force.
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If Christianity cannot take a stance on satanic organizations that seek to destroy Christianity, and you are probably correct the churches of the west never will on their own accord, then Christianity alone will not save the west. It is going to take something else, aka White Nationalism/Christian Nationalism that is outside of the church and has power on its own and keeps its organization a Christian based organization.

There is exactly one Church which has taken a stand against all of that, the same Church which is also incidentally the second oldest Church in the world, the Antiochian Orthodox Church. This is the 3rd time I've mentioned this to you.

You can literally read this cool new forum that was created recently, called "Christ Is King," where the Orthodox have a thread called "Orthodox News," in which our Patriarch has condemned Israel for committing war crimes.

The fact you are completely out of touch with the Christian world shows you aren't to be taken seriously on these subjects. Your ignorance is off the charts, you post on a forum dedicated to Christ and read nothing of what the Christians write here. Why do you even post here if you aren't going to read anything here? Seriously man, you are posting in huge bad faith, totally intellectually bankrupt.

Hey, does anyone care about this group marching? Anyone up in arms about this? Are they a bunch of Feds? Will the media run weeks of scare stories? Is anyone here disturbed that a communist group is marching in America, spouting revolutionary anti-American slogans?

This is a perfect example of what haappens to Whites with no faith, they create a new false idol. The White man is a spiritual animal, always has been, always will be. Not a SINGLE White civilization has existed without a religion.

Off topic, as I have no opinion or knowledge of the group discussed in this thread, but I agree with most of your take. Especially the fact that many Christians use that story to make other Christians docile and weak and that certain Christians see weakness as virtue. It is an interesting argument though. When is hitting back justified? Let’s extrapolate or scale this to modern world affairs, was Putin correct in using force in Ukraine or should he have just turned the other cheek and let the West turn it into a puppet state?

On a local level, if your neighbor keeps insulting and stealing from you, do you turn the other cheek? If a gang of migrants enters your country and starts raping your wife and daughter, do you turn the other cheek? This type of philosophy has led to the migrant crisis.

I mean it’s just absolutely beyond ridiculous to me people can let themselves be taken advantage of this way. The argument is usually that it’s God’s will and he will get involved and get back at the people for you, which is also ludicrous. I’ll admit it, there are certain things if done to me, my friends, or my family, I will probably end up going to jail. I hope it never comes to that, but it might.

Now as an aside, I do believe that holding grudges and not forgiving can corrupt your soul, because I used to be that person that held grudges for such slight things I should have let go. So little or even mediocre things yes, no need to retaliate, but serious things? You’re right, it doesn’t scale. In those cases you have to fight and use force.

The Orthodox Church has always rejected all of that. Self-defense and a muscular foreign policy was the bedrock of Byzantium for 1000 years.

Jesus said he came to bring war not peace. That doesn't mean letting your nation get invaded, quite the opposite. It's amazing how so many people are unable to connect the dots - as the faith has declined, so has the "west" (there's no such thing as the west, only Christendom).

It's not Christianity causing the problems, it's the lack of Christianity causing the problems. And the more people convince themselves they can "do it better without religion," the more the White race will die off in ever greater numbers.
I want you to judge the communist march the same way you judge the PF march yet you and another poster just bring up White people . Total red herring. How do you know the "white" people aren't a bunch of Jews anyway?

So Heritage White Europeans can't have their own country, right? We have to accept the continued darkening, lowering of IQ and complete replacement by savages because that's just the way it is now?

Everyone on this board is a Christian, except for those who explicitly identify otherwise. There is no need to keep hammering away that we need to be Christian, we all understand that. What does that have to do with separate nations living within their own lands free of worry of invasion from hostile incompatible third-worlders thinking they can steal our prosperity because the most Satanic government in our country's history aids and abets them in doing so?

Are the Indonesians currently being replaced in their own lands at the behest of International Jewry? Answer = NO.
Are the Chinese currently being replaced in their own lands at the behest of International Jewry? Answer = NO.
Are the Ethiopians currently being replaced in their own lands at the behest of International Jewry? Answer = NO.
Are the Nigerians currently being replaced in their own lands at the behest of International Jewry? Answer = NO.
Are the Algerians currently being replaced in their own lands at the behest of International Jewry? Answer = NO.
Are the Mexicans currently being replaced in their own lands at the behest of International Jewry? Answer = NO.
Are the Colombians currently being replaced in their own lands at the behest of International Jewry? Answer = NO.
Are the Ecuadorians currently being replaced in their own lands at the behest of International Jewry? Answer = NO.
Are the Turks currently being replaced in their own lands at the behest of International Jewry? Answer = NO.
Are the Saudi Arabians currently being replaced in their own lands at the behest of International Jewry? Answer = NO.
Are the Indians currently being replaced in their own lands at the behest of International Jewry? Answer = NO.
Are the Pakistanis currently being replaced in their own lands at the behest of International Jewry? Answer = NO.
Are the Mongolians currently being replaced in their own lands at the behest of International Jewry? Answer = NO.
Are the Vietnamese currently being replaced in their own lands at the behest of International Jewry? Answer = NO.

Are White Americans currently being replaced in their own lands at the behest of International Jewry? Answer = YES.
Are White Canadians currently being replaced in their own lands at the behest of International Jewry? Answer = YES.
Are White Australians currently being replaced in their own lands at the behest of International Jewry? Answer = YES.
Are White British currently being replaced in their own lands at the behest of International Jewry? Answer = YES.
Are White Irish currently being replaced in their own lands at the behest of International Jewry? Answer = YES.
Are White French currently being replaced in their own lands at the behest of International Jewry? Answer = YES.
Are White Germans currently being replaced in their own lands at the behest of International Jewry? Answer = YES.
Are White Italians currently being replaced in their own lands at the behest of International Jewry? Answer = YES.
Are White Dutch currently being replaced in their own lands at the behest of International Jewry? Answer = YES.
Are White South Africans currently being replaced in their own lands at the behest of International Jewry? Answer = YES.
Are White Swedish currently being replaced in their own lands at the behest of International Jewry? Answer = YES.

Stop pretending that we're not being invaded and replaced in our own lands and that it's not a crisis of the utmost importance for our survival.

The attack is against White European Heritage Christians in all countries.

Yes, all of our countries should return to our Christian roots in a very serious way and an obvious first step toward that goal is repelling the invasion and sending non-Christians and non-Europeans back to their own lands where they belong. The above listed White countries are not meant to be dumping grounds or economic zones though they are currently being treated that way. This nightmare has to be addressed immediately if a civilization plans to remain in these nations in any form; otherwise, they will be desolate wastelands.

So yes, all of Christendom should consider this of the utmost importance as it is an unrelenting Jewish war against White European Christian Civilization.
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In all of this back and forth we must accept facts as they relate to the here, now, and not so distant past. First, America peaked in the 90's and is now in a rapid state of transformation, or what some are labeling "The Decline." Homosexuality, pornography production, illegal immigration, government corruption, inter-racial/mixed race breeding, pedophilia, drug use, and atheism are all increasing. This trend will not change. The historical trajectory has been set and there is no reversal. Brace yourself for our Roman Empire fate. This is not a black pill, this is The Truth, and it is a white pill. When God gives us lemons we must make lemonade. Neither Patriot Front, The Church, praying, engaging in violence, increasing white birth rates, organizing militias, voting, or protesting can at this late stage reverse the Synagogue Of Satan's multi-generational, well planned out agenda.

In modern day America looks are everything. If you look white, then you are white. Genetics are irrelevant. Being white does come with some earned privilege, and rightfully so, because men who look white invented electricity, antibiotics, cars, nuclear power plants, oil refineries, airplanes, bombs, guns, and the list goes on and on ad infitum. This is indisputable. Without the men who "look" white that engineered the Hoover Dam, and the Empire State Building, and the Golden Gate Bridge, America as we know it would not exist. Over the last 75 years "foreign" non-whites have invaded America in an attempt to better their lives. They have since outbred the host population and are now showing outward contempt and disrespect for the white men who built this once great country, thus proving the old adage, "No good deed shall go unpunished."

The last chance America had to stop monoculture-multiculturalism (and the jews) was McCarthyism. It is ironic that Joseph McCarthy will one day be vindicated and posthumously propped up as an American hero.

It is also ironic that at the opposite end of the spectrum Timothy Leary has the 2024 solution to all of this... That is, turn on (to God), tune in (to nature), and drop out (move to the woods). This is not to say that we should submit and run away in fear, it just means that we should analyze the situation correctly and plan accordingly. Unfortunately, Globohomo is here to stay and the only place that you can escape it is in the wilderness far away from people and technology.
There is exactly one Church which has taken a stand against all of that, the same Church which is also incidentally the second oldest Church in the world, the Antiochian Orthodox Church. This is the 3rd time I've mentioned this to you.

You can literally read this cool new forum that was created recently, called "Christ Is King," where the Orthodox have a thread called "Orthodox News," in which our Patriarch has condemned Israel for committing war crimes.

The fact you are completely out of touch with the Christian world shows you aren't to be taken seriously on these subjects. Your ignorance is off the charts, you post on a forum dedicated to Christ and read nothing of what the Christians write here. Why do you even post here if you aren't going to read anything here? Seriously man, you are posting in huge bad faith, totally intellectually bankrupt.
Condemning Israel for war crimes is a great start. It isn't going to save the west at all, but it is a step in the right direction. Let me know if they take on the major issues I listed that must be addressed to save the west.
This has been an interesting discussion to read with users I respect arguing vehemently on both sides of the question. As someone ignorant/agnostic on PF I was inspired to go look up their website and manifesto. After reading a bit and noticing a lack of a certain something, I did a ctrl+F for "Christ" which returned no results. A ctrl+F for "God" returned no results.

Now, I understand that the place of the Church is to save souls, not nations or racial groups. I do not believe the Church as an organization will bring us 'political salvation,' so to speak. It is good to have political organizations that are not directly part of or connected to the Church.

But I find it very peculiar that this group does not name Christianity as a characteristic of this pan-European identity that they are promoting as the 'true America.' It seem that you would have to make such an omission consciously. Which people of this 'founding stock' were not Christian? Arguably some of the masons but that hardly represents the population. Lots of talk about the 'conquering spirit' and 'natural laws', but none about Christ.

The revealing conclusion I reach is that they value race above God, if they value God at all, which I would guess they do not based on their striking omission of Him from the picture they are painting. In their manifesto they synthesize a view of the past, in which they erase God, and a view of the future, in which they forecast no place for Him. I find this damning, consequently doomed to failure and not a movement I could ever associate with or support as a Christian. Race worship is idolatry.

Sorry to say so frankly, as a lot of the rest of what they are doing looks great. But you can't be wrong on the most important issue.
This has been an interesting discussion to read with users I respect arguing vehemently on both sides of the question. As someone ignorant/agnostic on PF I was inspired to go look up their website and manifesto. After reading a bit and noticing a lack of a certain something, I did a ctrl+F for "Christ" which returned no results. A ctrl+F for "God" returned no results.

Now, I understand that the place of the Church is to save souls, not nations or racial groups. I do not believe the Church as an organization will bring us 'political salvation,' so to speak. It is good to have political organizations that are not directly part of or connected to the Church.

But I find it very peculiar that this group does not name Christianity as a characteristic of this pan-European identity that they are promoting as the 'true America.' It seem that you would have to make such an omission consciously. Which people of this 'founding stock' were not Christian? Arguably some of the masons but that hardly represents the population. Lots of talk about the 'conquering spirit' and 'natural laws', but none about Christ.

The revealing conclusion I reach is that they value race above God, if they value God at all, which I would guess they do not based on their striking omission of Him from the picture they are painting. In their manifesto they synthesize a view of the past, in which they erase God, and a view of the future, in which they forecast no place for Him. I find this damning, consequently doomed to failure and not a movement I could ever associate with or support as a Christian. Race worship is idolatry.

Sorry to say so frankly, as a lot of the rest of what they are doing looks great. But you can't be wrong on the most important issue.
They support any historic European religion, which means most sects of Christianity and Paganism. The founding fathers were mostly deists, who were heavily influenced by the renaissance, which eventually grew into Darwinism as time progressed past their time on earth.

They were Christians, but racial Christians with the beliefs that not all men in the entire globe were equal and to even think so would be blasphemy to them. So, Patriot Front is okay with Christianity, it isn't Christian based, it is based on the founding documents and historical realities of European/American history.
They support any historic European religion, which means most sects of Christianity and Paganism. The founding fathers were mostly deists, who were heavily influenced by the renaissance, which eventually grew into Darwinism as time progressed past their time on earth.

They were Christians, but racial Christians with the beliefs that not all men in the entire globe were equal and to even think so would be blasphemy to them. So, Patriot Front is okay with Christianity, it isn't Christian based, it is based on the founding documents and historical realities of European/American history.

If true, that's a really dumb position for them to hold and just proves further that they are race-worshippers and that they as a movement do not hold that there is a foundational, objective truth beyond 'whatever white people like is best and correct'. Which is self-evidently absurd.

The historical realities of European and American history are Christian as has already been articulated in this thread. I suppose you could go further back to paganism, sure. I mean if historically European white people believed it, how bad could it be right? And then you could go further back to pure might-makes-right "strong man smash weak man and take weak man's shiny stones and women." I mean historically European people widely subscribed to that ethos so that should be good right?

Not really going to address the founding fathers' "racial Christianity" as I see no reason to put their particular brand of beliefs on a pedestal considering that as you described their particular brand of belief actually led to faithless modernism, I would rather look to the Apostles and Church Fathers. Beyond that I very much doubt that most "European stock" who formed the population of America were masonic, deistic, Darwinist proto-modernists.
If true, that's a really dumb position for them to hold and just proves further that they are race-worshippers and that they as a movement do not hold that there is a foundational, objective truth beyond 'whatever white people like is best and correct'. Which is self-evidently absurd.

The historical realities of European and American history are Christian as has already been articulated in this thread. I suppose you could go further back to paganism, sure. I mean if historically European white people believed it, how bad could it be right? And then you could go further back to pure might-makes-right "strong man smash weak man and take weak man's shiny stones and women." I mean historically European people widely subscribed to that ethos so that should be good right?

Not really going to address the founding fathers' "racial Christianity" as I see no reason to put their particular brand of beliefs on a pedestal considering that as you described their particular brand of belief actually led to faithless modernism, I would rather look to the Apostles and Church Fathers. Beyond that I very much doubt that most "European stock" who formed the population of America were masonic, deistic, Darwinist proto-modernists.
You are entitled to your opinion, but your opinion is just that.

Either Whites will stand up as a race and defend themselves and reclaim their homeland, or they will die out. If Whites die out, everyone on this forum and their families will suffer greatly, at best.

Until a White Christian movement is started, then this is the only hope for Whites to survive and if that is the case, then this is the future for Whites and the west or eventually the Chinese will take over, and well, they might not be so kindhearted as those "mean racist Whites".
What did they charge Rousseau with exactly?
I don't know the exact charges, but basically a "terrorist threat" by using "fire" which was originally used to go after Klu Klux Klan members for burning crosses.

It is a large stretch, so large the original D.A. on the case, a leftist, refused to press charges back in 2017 because there is no proof of either intimidation or that it was a "flame" other than torch they carried. At the same time, a BLM supporter used a home made flame thrower to try to burn Unite the Right rally members and has gone uncharged to this day.
What did they charge Rousseau with exactly?
Felony burning object with intent to intimidate. I think it refers to a tiki torch since he was allegedly at Charlottesville.

If true, that's a really dumb position for them to hold and just proves further that they are race-worshippers and that they as a movement do not hold that there is a foundational, objective truth beyond 'whatever white people like is best and correct'. Which is self-evidently absurd.

The historical realities of European and American history are Christian as has already been articulated in this thread. I suppose you could go further back to paganism, sure. I mean if historically European white people believed it, how bad could it be right? And then you could go further back to pure might-makes-right "strong man smash weak man and take weak man's shiny stones and women." I mean historically European people widely subscribed to that ethos so that should be good right?

Not really going to address the founding fathers' "racial Christianity" as I see no reason to put their particular brand of beliefs on a pedestal considering that as you described their particular brand of belief actually led to faithless modernism, I would rather look to the Apostles and Church Fathers. Beyond that I very much doubt that most "European stock" who formed the population of America were masonic, deistic, Darwinist proto-modernists.
The Founding Father's views on race are wholly compatible with Orthodoxy, see my recent post quoting the Moscow Patriarchate's official stance - which I think holds extra weight given that “Russia” as a state is a Federation of many nationalities and despite that their Patriarchate still acknowledges it is right and normal for Christians to hold a special love for their ethnicity as a form of extended family.

Where Patriot Front is definitely wrong - and I didn't know this until just now from what @It_Is_My_Time is saying - is that they apparently are fine with paganism. Where I agree with @Samseau and others is I think a Pagan White race is worse than no White race at all.
Felony burning object with intent to intimidate. I think it refers to a tiki torch since he was allegedly at Charlottesville.

The Founding Father's views on race are wholly compatible with Orthodoxy, see my recent post quoting the Moscow Patriarchate's official stance - which I think holds extra weight given that “Russia” as a state is a Federation of many nationalities and despite that their Patriarchate still acknowledges it is right and normal for Christians to hold a special love for their ethnicity as a form of extended family.

Where Patriot Front is definitely wrong - and I didn't know this until just now from what @It_Is_My_Time is saying - is that they apparently are fine with paganism. Where I agree with @Samseau and others is I think a Pagan White race is worse than no White race at all.
I know this is what Rousseau said in the last interview, that they allow paganism as well. Due to it being an ancient European religion.

I don't know what Pagan Whites would exactly look like, though if it was a small minority with a large majority Christian Whites, then they would be pretty much off to the side doing their thing with little power. If it was fully Pagan, and it wouldn't likely ever be, I assume that will still be far more benevolent than the Chinese, because once the Whites are gone, there will be no one with a prayer of stopping the Chinese.
Where Patriot Front is definitely wrong - and I didn't know this until just now from what @It_Is_My_Time is saying - is that they apparently are fine with paganism. Where I agree with @Samseau and others is I think a Pagan White race is worse than no White race at all.
There has to be some glowie out there pushing the paganism stuff... It's the perfect way to sow discord and prevent actual unity.
Somehow the Jews ruling over us have no problem with unity whether they are religious or secular atheists (most of them). Somehow they recognize each other as part of the same group and work as a collective.

This thread is frustrating and ridiculous in its petty judgements. There are 10,000 other organizations you can support that are working for the downfall of every heritage person of the USA including the members of this board. They probably won't mention God in their literature and instead will fill it with globalist, communist and new age ideals. There are so many to choose from! But let's nitpick this one small group who is at least trying to stand up for 200 million people in this country. If someone is a Republican, are they judging the Republican Party based on their statements about God? Should you not join the local chess club because they don't make a statement about God and religion?

This is just ridiculous.

Ludicrous too.