Patriot Front (and other White Nationalist Groups)

They had civilization, where as you are comparing them to people who struggled to ever grow food, in the most fertile region in the world, never invented the wheel and never had a written language. It isn't a comparison at all.

False, Ethiopia had all of those things, even before Christianity arrived. So did Ancient Egypt.

I understand the importance of Christianity, I also very well understand the naive view that Christianity alone will make all people behave the same overnight. And if you say "well not overnight" then how long. 400 years in the USA alone and we have BLM riots and juries setting murderers caught on film go free due to being of the same tribe.

Sorry Bro, Rome wasn't built in a day. It took hundreds if not thousands of years. We ourselves are the product of a two-thousand year super cycle started with the advent of Christ. Things take time, that's just the way God made us.
False, Ethiopia had all of those things, even before Christianity arrived. So did Ancient Egypt.

Sorry Bro, Rome wasn't built in a day. It took hundreds if not thousands of years. We ourselves are the product of a two-thousand year super cycle started with the advent of Christ. Things take time, that's just the way God made us.
Ancient Egyptians were closest related genetically to South East Europeans, such as the Greeks.

To deny the importance of race, which is simply just an effect of environmental pressures, is to deny reality. I wish it were not true, but we see the results of the modern day tower of Babel. And how many of those cheering on leftist/satanic causes are prominent members of a church?
Above conversation is a pretty good example of the phenomena that I think is taking place right now in the dissident online right space and is going to be a bigger point of contention and bifurcation. We're going to see a split between the people who see Christianity as something that has worth in itself and should be the overarching superstructure that everyone else should fall under and those who just see Christianity as useful to serving another goal that has greater importance. In the latter scenario, once it's seen that Christianity is no longer useful in serving that goal, it will be abandoned for something else.
Or the simple question of would you rather live in 95% Christian Zambia or 45% Christian Netherlands. Anyone who says "Zambia" is lying, and the lies have to stop or we continue down this path of self-delusion to self-destruction.
Western civ is still riding out on the highwinds of it's Christian inception. Now that apostasy has set in, the degradation is happening in real time. If it keeps up, a 100 years from now there may not be any functional difference between the Netherlands or Zambia.

I understand the importance of Christianity, I also very well understand the naive view that Christianity alone will make all people behave the same overnight. And if you say "well not overnight" then how long. 400 years in the USA alone and we have BLM riots and juries setting murderers caught on film go free due to being of the same tribe.
I haven't seen anyone say any fix will come "overnight." The BLM riots and other abominations that are happening are due to a visceral repudiation of Christianity in America.
Western civ is still riding out on the highwinds of it's Christian inception. Now that apostasy has set in, the degradation is happening in real time. If it keeps up, a 100 years from now there may not be any functional difference between the Netherlands or Zambia.

I haven't seen anyone say any fix will come "overnight." The BLM riots and other abominations that are happening are due to a visceral repudiation of Christianity in America.
No fix will come overnight, or as already evidenced, even 400 years. That is why we have the lesson of the tower of Babel.

Western Civ is truly still riding out on both Christianity and White inventions and creativity. Both had a hand in it. I don't think it is accomplished without both being true. And Whites will cease to exist without having their own homelands, and with them will go the way of the prosperity.

BLM had Christian support. I don't know if Patriot Front has any churches or Christian organizations who support them, but BLM certainly did.

And Christianity alone will not solve the r-Select hyper-breeding while the high IQ K-Select have fewer and fewer kids.

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Above conversation is a pretty good example of the phenomena that I think is taking place right now in the dissident online right space and is going to be a bigger point of contention and bifurcation. We're going to see a split between the people who see Christianity as something that has worth in itself and should be the overarching superstructure that everyone else should fall under and those who just see Christianity as useful to serving another goal that has greater importance. In the latter scenario, once it's seen that Christianity is no longer useful in serving that goal, it will be abandoned for something else.
The argument seems to simply be...

"Do Whites really exist and if so, do they need to continue to exist?"

I've not seen anyone here deny Christianity or the impact Christianity has had on Whites, though those on "my side" probably agree that there is more to it than just Christianity, as evidenced by the modern-day world and what most churches in the west teach today.

So, do Whites exist and if so, do they need to continue to exist? I say "Yes" to both questions.
I really hope jailing Rousseau is a mistake by the regime. That it somehow backfires by bringing more attention to PF.

Not sure that it will happen and will admit it may even be a long shot, but it's not out of the realm of possibility.
Julian Assange, a figure respected by both the left (Wikileaks was a big popular cause years ago amongst the good underdog-supporting, anti-corruption, justice-seeking type leftist) and the right (became very popular leading up to the first Trump election), and he is being slowly tortured to death with little repurcussion. I don't think enough Americans know or care about Patriot Front or this particular leader of it for this to lead to anything. I mean, the best you could hope for is a Tim McVeigh type is upset about it the way Waco and Ruby Ridge upset him.

As for the rest of this thread, 17 pages on Patriot Front?
Are any of you members, or have attended an event where they are present?
It seems like an awful lot of concern trolling for a group you are not part of.

And the "what really is white tho" thing is so tedious and stupid. And a question ONLY ever discussed by white people.
I've not seen anyone here deny Christianity or the impact Christianity has had on Whites, though those on "my side" probably agree that there is more to it than just Christianity, as evidenced by the modern-day world and what most churches in the west teach today.
Would your position be that the most important part of Christianity is the positive effects it has on Europeans and the way it's defined and shaped European civilization and it should be something that is promoted and protected because it's part of European civilization?
No fix will come overnight, or as already evidenced, even 400 years.
Here's what I don't like about this argument: it flattens the variables too much. It's like saying 400 years of a white majority won't fix our problems. It doesn't account for the fundamental worldview shift away from the Christian faith, across the political spectrum, that has been perpetrated for decades leading up to now.
Would your position be that the most important part of Christianity is the positive effects it has on Europeans and the way it's defined and shaped European civilization?
It is a back and forth, even in Europe you can see the stark differences in how Christianity is organized. One begats the other, and to deny this, is how you end up where you are in this day and age. It was both explicitly stated and implicitly implied. Both are needed, both are important, we don't have the advances we have today without this marriage. You can't replace Europeans with Christians from another part of the world and expect the same results. And you cannot replace the religion of Europe with atheism or Islam and expect the same results.
Here's what I don't like about this argument: it flattens the variables too much. It's like saying 400 years of a white majority won't fix our problems. It doesn't account for the fundamental worldview shift away from the Christian faith, across the political spectrum, that has been perpetrated for decades leading up to now.
The problem is when you loosely use the word "Christian"...

Are the BLM churches "Christian"?
Are the churches with rainbow flags "Christians"?
Are the churches who support the invasion of the west "Christian"?

If not, who determines that? Because by all means they are "Christian" and the move hasn't so much been away from "Christianity" it is very much alive and well, but the fact Christianity has been changed and there is no higher power/rules to prevent this from happening.
Are the BLM churches "Christian"?
Are the churches with rainbow flags "Christians"?
Are the churches who support the invasion of the west "Christian"?
No, to all of the above.

If not, who determines that? Because by all means they are "Christian" and the move hasn't so much been away from "Christianity" it is very much alive and well, but the fact Christianity has been changed and there is no higher power/rules to prevent this from happening.
I'm defining Christianity by it's original Apostolic expression as found in the Bible, not by the medieval sects. Before you have en masse abortions (with broad spectrum political support), you must first deny that we are created in the Image of God. Before you have two men pretending to be married, you must first deny that God defined marriage in His act of creating man and woman. What you are observing is nominalism, which is one step away from apostasy.
No, to all of the above.

I'm defining Christianity by it's original Apostolic expression as found in the Bible, not by the medieval sects. Before you have en masse abortions (with broad spectrum political support), you must first deny that we are created in the Image of God. Before you have two men pretending to be married, you must first deny that God defined marriage in His act of creating man and woman. What you are observing is nominalism, which is one step away from apostasy.
If there were a church organization that existed like this, and had real power, then it probably could fix a lot of these problems without the need for White majorities.

But it doesn't exist, and I don't see it making a comeback without a White majority and the lessons of mass immigration both learned, recorded, and experienced up close.
I can't speak for other denominations but in Orthodoxy, historically, each nation/country would get its own autonomous local Church with their own patriarch or archbishop. Bulgarians, Greeks, Russians, Serbians, et cetera, all had their own local hierarchy with a leader answering to nobody else, although there were exceptions.

America is in a weird spot because even among Whites, there isn't a primary ethnicity, so that sort of thing isn't possible. Had the US maintained the 90% White majority prior to the 1960s, and that were maintained to this day with minimal population exchanges, you very well could have seen a strong American nation form, and a hypothetical American Patriarchate would have arisen ethnic ideas in the same way the Greek Orthodox Church or Russian Orthodox Church immediately brings those ethnicities to mind. But now the Church is servicing practically infinite races in America.

Here is the official stance of the Russian Orthodox Church, Moscow Patriarchate, from the Bases of the Social Concept of the Russian Orthodox Church, emphasis mine:

II. 2. The universal nature of the Church, however, does not mean that Christians should have no right to national identity and national self-expressions. On the contrary, the Church unites in herself the universal with the national. Thus, the Orthodox Church, though universal, consists of many Autocephalous National Churches. Orthodox Christians, aware of being citizens of the heavenly homeland, should not forget about their earthly homeland. The Lord Jesus Christ Himself, the Divine Founder of the Church, had no shelter on earth (Mt. 8:20) and pointed that the teaching He brought was not local or national in nature: «the hour cometh, when ye shall neither in this mountain, nor yet at Jerusalem, worship the Father» (Jn. 4:21). Nevertheless, He identified Himself with the people to whom He belonged by birth. Talking to the Samaritan woman, He stressed His belonging to the Jewish nation: «Ye worship ye know what: we know what we worship: for salvation is of the Jews» (Jn. 4:22). Jesus was a loyal subject of the Roman Empire and paid taxes in favour of Caesar (Mt. 22-16-21). St. Paul, in his letters teaching on the supranational nature of the Church of Christ, did not forget that by birth he was «an Hebrew of the Hebrews» (Phil. 3:5), though a Roman by citizenship (Acts 22:25-29).

The cultural distinctions of particular nations are expressed in the liturgical and other church art, especially in the peculiarities of Christian order of life. All this creates national Christian cultures.

Among saints venerated by the Orthodox Church, many became famous for the love of their earthly homeland and faithfulness to it. Russian hagiographic sources praise the holy Prince Michael of Tver who «gave his life for his fatherland», comparing his feat to the martyrdom of the holy protomartyr Dimitrius of Thessaloniki: «The good lover of his fatherland said about his native city of Thessaloniki, ‘O Lord, if you ruin this city, I will perish together with it, but if you save it, I will also be saved’».

In all times the Church has called upon her children to love their homeland on earth and not to spare their lives to protect it if it was threatened. The Russian Church on many occasions gave her blessing to the people for them to take part in liberation wars. Thus, in 1380, the venerable Sergius the abbot and miracle-maker of Radonezh blessed the Russian troops headed by the holy Prince Dimitry Donskoy before their battle with the Tartar-Mongol invaders. In 1612, St. Hermogen, Patriarch of Moscow and All Russia, gave blessing upon the irregulars in their struggle with the Polish invaders. In 1813, during the war with the French aggressors, St. Philaret of Moscow said to his flock: «If you avoid dying for the honour and freedom of the Fatherland, you will die a criminal or a slave; die for the faith and the Fatherland and you will be granted life and a crown in heaven».

The holy righteous John of Kronstadt wrote this about love of one’s earthly homeland: «Love the earthly homeland… it has raised, distinguished, honoured and equipped you with everything; but have special love for the heavenly homeland… that homeland is incomparably more precious that this one, because it is holy, righteous and incorruptible. The priceless blood of the Son of God has earned that homeland for you. But in order to be members of that homeland, you should respect and love its laws, just as you are obliged to respect and really respect the laws of the earthly homeland».

II. 3. Christian patriotism may be expressed at the same time with regard to a nation as an ethnic community and as a community of its citizens. The Orthodox Christian is called to love his fatherland, which has a territorial dimension, and his brothers by blood who live everywhere in the world. This love is one of the ways of fulfilling God’s commandment of love to one’s neighbour which includes love to one’s family, fellow-tribesmen and fellow-citizens.

So we see that it is not contradictory for individuals to advocate for their ethnicity, their nation, or their country. As a Heritage American, it would be neat to have an Heritage American Church that preserved our culture. That does not contradict the Church or Christianity in any way. Yet America is cursed in a way with its diversity even among Whites. What is an American who is half British and half Italian supposed to think? I've seen this in my local parish where mixed race children do not identify with any nationalities. It's sad because, although they are good Christian children, they will not be passing on their parents' cultures to their grandchildren. Do I think miscegenation is a sin? No, but it's less than ideal because it destroys traditions and opens the door for outsiders to replace it with consumerism and their hostile cultures.

I have a special place in my heart for heritage Americans. I can connect with them easiest. Paul shared this sentiment as seen above, as did many saints.
If there were a church organization that existed like this, and had real power, then it probably could fix a lot of these problems without the need for White majorities.
That's a fair critique but it can be equally applied to groups like PF. Do they have any real power? No. So why back them? Because they need support. OK, so support the churches that have been rallying against the secularization of our culture from day one.
That's a fair critique but it can be equally applied to groups like PF. Do they have any real power? No. So why back them? Because they need support. OK, so support the churches that have been rallying against the secularization of our culture from day one.
Do they have any power? More so than the loose term "Christian". The loose term "Christian" has no rules or regulations, whereas Patriot Front does.

Can you name one church in the west that opposes legal immigration, banning Islam in the west, and who opposes AIPAC/ADL/ZOA/HIAS? I don't know of one that voices these views, yet without these positions, Christianity will continue to be attacked in the west.
This article has some great detail about Rousseau's arrest:

The Commonwealth Attorney at the time of Unite the Right, Robert Tracci, had declined to prosecute the marchers, stating his belief that there were no legal grounds to do so. Tracci was eventually unseated by Soros-backed Albemarle County Commonwealth’s attorney Jim Hingeley, who campaigned on the promise to pursue charges. Hingeley obtained an unknown number of sealed indictments against participants in the march in February 2023. Since April 2023, he has been extraditing men from around the country back to Virginia to face this nakedly political prosecution, using an old cross-burning law that had originally targeted Ku Klux Klan members against participants in a First Amendment-protected demonstration. (The fact that the marchers’ intentions were to engage in a peaceful and legal protest are irrefutably demonstrated by this video of a pre-march meeting in which, after learning that violent Leftist counter-protesters would be present, the organizers agreed to call the police and ask for protection.)
Everything I said above was accurate.
Can you name one church in the west that opposes legal immigration, banning Islam in the west, and who opposes AIPAC/ADL/ZOA/HIAS? I don't know of one that voices these views, yet without these positions, Christianity will continue to be attacked in the west.
Asking a church to start talking about ADL or AIPAC would be like asking the National Association of Watch and Clock Collectors or World Wide Fund for Nature what their stance on free-trade is. Just like those organizations wouldn't have a firm stance on free-trade since that doesn't fall under the purview, there's no real reason for a church to be "red pilled" or to be discussing the sort of topics you are hearing on the Daily Shoah or The Right Stuff or whatever.

The reason I was asking my question before on whether you think the importance of Christianity is because of it's connection with preserving European culture and the values you hold dear is because I wanted to get a feel on what you think the meaning of Christianity is. Is it primarily a tool for preserving European civilization and an institution for fighting for the sort of social and political causes that you think is vital or is there another higher purpose? From what I've been seeing you write it seems like the former is your stance.
Asking a church to start talking about ADL or AIPAC would be like asking the National Association of Watch and Clock Collectors or World Wide Fund for Nature what their stance on free-trade is. Just like those organizations wouldn't have a firm stance on free-trade since that doesn't fall under the purview, there's no real reason for a church to be "red pilled" or to be discussing the sort of topics you are hearing on the Daily Shoah or The Right Stuff or whatever.

The reason I was asking my question before on whether you think the importance of Christianity is because of it's connection with preserving European culture and the values you hold dear is because I wanted to get a feel on what you think the meaning of Christianity is. Is it primarily a tool for preserving European civilization and an institution for fighting for the sort of social and political causes that you think is vital or is there another higher purpose? From what I've been seeing you write it seems like the former is your stance.
If Christianity cannot take a stance on satanic organizations that seek to destroy Christianity, and you are probably correct the churches of the west never will on their own accord, then Christianity alone will not save the west. It is going to take something else, aka White Nationalism/Christian Nationalism that is outside of the church and has power on its own and keeps its organization a Christian based organization.
Hey, does anyone care about this group marching? Anyone up in arms about this? Are they a bunch of Feds? Will the media run weeks of scare stories? Is anyone here disturbed that a communist group is marching in America, spouting revolutionary anti-American slogans?
