Patriot Front (and other White Nationalist Groups)

Racial purity is a difficult state to prove for many these days, but it does exist, though rarer these days, and it most certainly did exist in antiquity just about everywhere because of the laws of the ancient tribes.

Problem with this assertion is that it begs the question: Where did those genes in antiquity come from? Who knows who was "mixed" with other races? Are Gauls more Ayran than Germans? Are Georgians (who are genetically distinct from Europeans) from a purer stock of Whites lost to time? There's no way to answer these questions, and it looks like a distinction without a difference.

It reminds me of the debate between white sugar made from sugar cane or beet sugar. Sugar cane and beets are two very different crops, yet the white sugar they can produce is identical, both chemically, taste wise, and physically. Only with an intense molecular examination is it possible to tell a difference. For all practical concerns and purposes, beet sugar and cane sugar make exactly the same kind of white sugar. Is there is point to distinguishing the two as one being more "pure" than the other?

If someone looks, talks, acts, and thinks like a White, but then you find out that person is only 5% White, you would be very surprised, but you wouldn't call that person non-White. This is of course an extreme example, so a more realistic example of a White who isn't "White":


50% or less White, yet how many are aware? And would anyone really think of Keanu as non-White? Seems absurd on it's face.

If you are legally discriminated against in the west, then you are White. If you get special benefits, for not being White, then you are not White.

Exactly right, because the US Government, like 99% of people, classify people by their phenotype, which has NOTHING to do with racial purity.

Someone can easily be a White man, as shown above, yet not actually be "original" White in the DNA department. This is because there are many ways to create Whites, God obviously put Whites into the fundamental DNA blocks of human biology, and it makes you wonder just exactly what sequence of DNA will make an embryo phenotypically White.

The only real explanation that fits the data is that "Whiteness", like "Jewishness", is carried alongside autosomal recessive genes. This means race mixing cannot destroy a race unless there is an extreme amount of race mixing. Hybrid vigor will always be a present force in all raced mixed couples.

I believe this is why the strategy to destroy Whites went from promoting miscegenation to simply "abort all your kids for your career." And this is because miscegenation as a strategy doesn't work. Race mixing can produce both hybrid vigor or outbreeding depression, so, it's not a bullet proof strategy to hurt Whites, whereas not having children is of course a guaranteed kill shot.
Exactly right, because the US Government, like 99% of people, classify people by their phenotype, which has NOTHING to do with racial purity.

Someone can easily be a White man, as shown above, yet not actually be "original" White in the DNA department. This is because there are many ways to create Whites, God obviously put Whites into the fundamental DNA blocks of human biology, and it makes you wonder just exactly what sequence of DNA will make an embryo phenotypically White.

The only real explanation that fits the data is that "Whiteness", like "Jewishness", is carried alongside autosomal recessive genes. This means race mixing cannot destroy a race unless there is an extreme amount of race mixing. Hybrid vigor will always be a present force in all raced mixed couples providing Whites are allowed to breed.

I believe this is why the strategy to destroy Whites went from promoting miscegenation to simply "abort all your kids for your career." And this is because miscegenation as a strategy doesn't work. Race mixing can produce both hybrid vigor or outbreeding depression, so, it's not a bullet proof strategy to hurt Whites, whereas not having children is of course a guaranteed kill shot.
You are correct, yet here we are, a society that is collapsing at warp speed in real time. I think what you are asking for/saying is that "we don't need DNA tests to eventually determine who is White, but more so a behavior pattern and people who are only partially White but want to be around Whites and behave like Whites, should be welcome".

I am good with that, it seems fair. The problem is, this was tried and it failed miserably. Mostly because the world was a much bigger place, there was no internet or means for most Whites to see the world 80 years ago, and they had no way of knowing what horrors the satanic elites who run Wall Street, our govt., and the Soviet Union really had in store for them. Now we know, we can prevent that from happening again, we can reset the clock to say 1955 and try this again. I am actually very good with this. I just am not sure if it is a reality v. just splitting the land up by racial distinctions and letting each group have their own land and resources within the USA. Probably some hybrid mix of both would be the best solution. You can be proud to be ____, but you have to do it over there, over here we are proud to be ____.

I am good with either. I'm not some racial purist, but at the same time, I recognize there are vast differences in the races, especially when it comes to behavior. And the behavior is the big key difference that seems to be the giant hurdle.

At the end of the day, no matter which path is taken, the first step is to free ourselves of the satanic elites, and that will be the battle to end all battles. The talk of what comes after is putting the cart before the horse. Anyone, of any race or religion who wants to join in the fight against the satanic elites (Hezbollah, Hama, the Houthi's, Russia, Iran, Syria, etc., etc.) are an ally to our cause and should be respected.
The Ben Franklin quote literally proves how absurd it is for America to be a dumping ground for the dark races of the world. He was worried, unjustifiably, that Anglo-Saxons, who are literally descended from Germanic tribes, the Angles, Saxons and Jutes, would be negatively affected by 18th Century Germans, who share a huge DNA similarity with the English. So if he was worried about such a minuscule difference, you can be damn sure it would be UNTHINKABLE to consider sharing our lands with the descendents of the Barbary Coast pirates, the demon worshippers of Kali and Vishnu, the sons and daughters of bloodthirsty Aztecs, the children of the Mongols and Han Dynasty, and the primitive Zulu and Bushmen cannibals of Africa.

For those who don't see the obvious, it is only because you have come to accept the Communist Jew absurdity of globalism and indiscriminate race-mixing at a level never seen before in world history with the possible exception being the time period of the Tower of Babel. The 1965 Immigration Abomination led by Jews Cellar and Javits opened Pandora's box for our ruination. America only works as a White European Christian ethno-state as it was intended to be. Anything else is an absolute absurdity.

Oh wow so he wasn't a Fed after all. Now there's some real concern for the integrity of PF because now we don't know whomsoever (if anyone) replaces him. Total win by the Feds. Turns out locking up your enemies is a winning strategy. Felony “burning objects with intent to intimidate.” Did I hallucinate a year where blacks and communists were allowed to burn whatever they wanted?
Oh wow so he wasn't a Fed after all. Now there's some real concern for the integrity of PF because now we don't know whomsoever (if anyone) replaces him. Total win by the Feds. Turns out locking up your enemies is a winning strategy. Felony “burning objects with intent to intimidate.” Did I hallucinate a year where blacks and communists were allowed to burn whatever they wanted?

A fabricated crime, which no one has ever heard of, from something 7 years ago.

We live in very dark times.
A fabricated crime, which no one has ever heard of, from something 7 years ago.

We live in very dark times.
This plus Robert Rundo being detained now for a year even after his charges were dropped. Just imprisoned because the Feds want him there.

People need to realize the government is tyrannical just like the foreign ones we despise. Just as authoritarian as Russia or China. But gay.
A fabricated crime, which no one has ever heard of, from something 7 years ago.

We live in very dark times.
To be fair it's not completely fabricated. Essentially the law was supposed to target people burning crosses on other people's yards.

Torch marches are a huge staple of American history. That's why the people held torches at Unite the Right. After the Charlottesville protests, the DAs were looking at charging people under this burning with intimidation law, and the libtard prosecutors at that time did not think that charging under that law would lead to a conviction. So as bad as things were in 2017, there was still a shred of integrity to be had.

I think there was a changing of the guard around 2022 or 2023 in Cville. And even though they have blacks murdering the football team, the priority of the Cville authorities and the media is to ruin people's lives who showed up to protest the removal of the General Lee statue. Who got more attention, the murderer I just linked to, or the literal peaceful protesters who are now being arrested?

I'm not sure what it will take for people realize that we are an occupied country.

Excellent, hopefully this thing has enough perpetual momentum to keep going and keep being a thorn in the side of the fake opposition GOP/Trump regime.

I really hope jailing Rousseau is a mistake by the regime. That it somehow backfires by bringing more attention to PF.

Not sure that it will happen and will admit it may even be a long shot, but it's not out of the realm of possibility.
I think this debate is silly considering its basis, I can say pretty confidently none of the passengers on the mayflower would consider any of you guys one of them. I can also say confidently that you all have family lines which were once immigrants in this country. I realize that's not the same as what is happening today, today it is an invasion which is not the same as the immigrants your family once was but you're not drawing that line.
I think this debate is silly considering its basis, I can say pretty confidently none of the passengers on the mayflower would consider any of you guys one of them. I can also say confidently that you all have family lines which were once immigrants in this country. I realize that's not the same as what is happening today, today it is an invasion which is not the same as the immigrants your family once was but you're not drawing that line.
The Mayflower were both not the first Europeans here, nor were they Americans. They were just one of many European settlers to the area. What they do or do not consider part of their tribe isn't important to the founding of the nation. The founders of the nation agreed specifically it would be White men of good character.

As for "immigration" of Europeans in the 19th century v. the post 1965 is light years different. The first literally built the country from a barren untamed land with blood, sweat, tears, and heartache. The later came to steal from their families and complete the process of recreating the tower of Babel, by undercutting the nation, enriching themselves, and turning this once great country into a third world hellhole.
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It certainly appears that Rousseau is not a agent, however, as I said earlier in the thread, his group is most certainly fed compromised which is probably how they were able to learn Rousseau was at Unite the Right. The Judas in their ranks learned this info, reported it back to HQ, and then they drummed up some phony charges so now he's forced to waste 10s of thousands defending himself in court.

It's an abysmal strategy. I remember back on the RVF, when Richard Spencer (who IS a fed, a phony charlatan grifter) was creating his movement, I called out Spencer for being a fake loser back then too. I also said anyone who followed him would be lead into a trap and destroyed. Then Charlottesville happened and confirmed what was obvious. And now anyone even remotely tied to Charlottesville gets the gulag treatment.

It's pretty obvious the Talmuds are winning here, the strategy of most White Nationalists are a joke. Without Christ, forefront and center of their movement, they will get crushed and fail to attract any sympathy or real change.

You are correct, yet here we are, a society that is collapsing at warp speed in real time. I think what you are asking for/saying is that "we don't need DNA tests to eventually determine who is White, but more so a behavior pattern and people who are only partially White but want to be around Whites and behave like Whites, should be welcome".

No, not saying this at all. I'm saying people need to return to the Church or else the Talmudic Jews will genocide you all. More Whites have been created through the Church than any other organization, or country, in the world. The Catholic Church in particular gets honorable mention, which is a big reason why it is sad to see it corrupted today. Fortunately the Lord has preserved the Orthodox Church, against all odds, and it will probably be there where Whites survive the coming collapse of America.

Thus, no need to focus on race at all. At the core, this is a spiritual problem, not a racial problem. Race is 100% a distraction, an academic question at best.

The Chews LOVE dumb Whites , falling for these race distractions. It must please them to no end, it's so easy to get the low IQ White guys to impale themselves on the idolatry of race.

I am good with that, it seems fair. The problem is, this was tried and it failed miserably. Mostly because the world was a much bigger place, there was no internet or means for most Whites to see the world 80 years ago, and they had no way of knowing what horrors the satanic elites who run Wall Street, our govt., and the Soviet Union really had in store for them.

No, those times were degenerate. The times I'm talking about are the medieval, or Byzantine times, where you had theocracy and Whites were at their apex. Unstoppable birthrates, 80%+ marriage rate, massive increases in industry and standards of living, armies that marched across the earth, and not a single chew ruler.

It's amazing at how blind Whites are to their own history, the chews have a done a number on history. Most schools start history at the renaissance or enlightenment, and discard 1500-1700 years prior. Christianity is the literal backbone of the White race, take it away and the entire race melts away.
It certainly appears that Rousseau is not a agent, however, as I said earlier in the thread, his group is most certainly fed compromised which is probably how they were able to learn Rousseau was at Unite the Right. The Judas in their ranks learned this info, reported it back to HQ, and then they drummed up some phony charges so now he's forced to waste 10s of thousands defending himself in court.

It's an abysmal strategy. I remember back on the RVF, when Richard Spencer (who IS a fed, a phony charlatan grifter) was creating his movement, I called out Spencer for being a fake loser back then too. I also said anyone who followed him would be lead into a trap and destroyed. Then Charlottesville happened and confirmed what was obvious. And now anyone even remotely tied to Charlottesville gets the gulag treatment.

It's pretty obvious the Talmuds are winning here, the strategy of most White Nationalists are a joke. Without Christ, forefront and center of their movement, they will get crushed and fail to attract any sympathy or real change.

No, not saying this at all. I'm saying people need to return to the Church or else the Talmudic Jews will genocide you all. More Whites have been created through the Church than any other organization, or country, in the world. The Catholic Church in particular gets honorable mention, which is a big reason why it is sad to see it corrupted today. Fortunately the Lord has preserved the Orthodox Church, against all odds, and it will probably be there where Whites survive the coming collapse of America.

Thus, no need to focus on race at all. At the core, this is a spiritual problem, not a racial problem. Race is 100% a distraction, an academic question at best.

The Chews LOVE dumb Whites , falling for these race distractions. It must please them to no end, it's so easy to get the low IQ White guys to impale themselves on the idolatry of race.

No, those times were degenerate. The times I'm talking about are the medieval, or Byzantine times, where you had theocracy and Whites were at their apex. Unstoppable birthrates, 80%+ marriage rate, massive increases in industry and standards of living, armies that marched across the earth, and not a single chew ruler.

It's amazing at how blind Whites are to their own history, the chews have a done a number on history. Most schools start history at the renaissance or enlightenment, and discard 1500-1700 years prior. Christianity is the literal backbone of the White race, take it away and the entire race melts away.
So, you think the only species, creature, on the entire planet, not magically impacted by thousands of years of evolutionary pressures impacting every single decision and outcome are human beings?

If you don't think this, then yes, race plays a big part because race is simply the result of environmental pressures creating certain behavior traits and also of course appearances. The groups will form a church, then change how the church operates to match their desires behaviors. Whether it is Chinese/Korean churches in the west pushing hard for more immigration, despite it creating a tower of Babel and hurting the very same Christians who originally invited them here to start with, or it is Black churches introducing voodoo and dancing and singing throughout the service, or Nordics building churches to be as quiet and unassuming as possible, while Mediterranean builds giant prestigious churches that scream excellence.

Or the simple question of would you rather live in 95% Christian Zambia or 45% Christian Netherlands. Anyone who says "Zambia" is lying, and the lies have to stop or we continue down this path of self-delusion to self-destruction.

I think what most White Nationalists want is say a 90% White nation with strong White influenced culture and behaviors and those who are not White but choose to live this way, are welcome in small numbers. What you are talking about ancient Europe, you are talking 100% White ethnostates with no option for outsiders, other than slavery or death, and this goes beyond what I have heard White Nationalists desire.
So, you think the only species, creature, on the entire planet, not magically impacted by thousands of years of evolutionary pressures impacting every single decision and outcome are human beings?

I don't believe humans came from monkeys, do you actually believe in such nonsense? I think evolution is a very weak theory, just a starting point to understanding advanced biology. Evolution can only describe certain animals on the planet, but completely fails when describing humans. Humans aren't like any other animal.

If you don't think this, then yes, race plays a big part because race is simply the result of environmental pressures creating certain behavior traits and also of course appearances. The groups will form a church, then change how the church operates to match their desires behaviors. Whether it is Chinese/Korean churches in the west pushing hard for more immigration, despite it creating a tower of Babel and hurting the very same Christians who originally invited them here to start with, or it is Black churches introducing voodoo and dancing and singing throughout the service, or Nordics building churches to be as quiet and unassuming as possible, while Mediterranean builds giant prestigious churches that scream excellence.

The med/European Churches you describe were the only Apostolic Churches, the rest you describe are just Prots winging it, often full of heresies and lies. Of course they will yield mixed if not terrible results. I am talking about THE Church, the one established by Christ and his disciples, not the ones with random dudes proclaiming themselves experts.

An example of a proper Black Church would be the Ethiopian Orthodox Churches, no voodoo or nonsense there. In fact you get highly educated Blacks that would destroy the average perception of Blacks that most Whites have. There is a reason our Chew run media never mentions Ethiopia, way too much redpill content there. Ethiopians are also wonderful people who have never lifted a finger against Whites, although they were invaded by Italian Fascists' who occupied Ethiopia so they could race mix there.

Keep dreaming that fascist movements will save the White race, you believe in nothing but lies that lead to Hell.

Or the simple question of would you rather live in 95% Christian Zambia or 45% Christian Netherlands. Anyone who says "Zambia" is lying, and the lies have to stop or we continue down this path of self-delusion to self-destruction.

Zambia hasn't been Christian long enough for any real differences to occur. It takes hundreds, perhaps thousands of years, before Christian ethics become ingrained into a culture to create a massive difference.

Zambia still has a long way to go, and no one would want to live there. But how about this:

Look at pictures of actual Black Orthodox who've been living this way for thousands of years. Any White from America would feel more at home there then they would in our chew run countries. Not only that, you'd probably have a much better chance at an attractive, feminine, faithful wife, than you would in the Netherlands, which isn't 45% Christian among the youth. Netherlands is like 15% Christian among the youth. It's sad that this is the reality, but it is reality.

Remember Going Strong from RVF? He married an Ethiopian woman if I'm not mistaken. I know she was Black from the area around Ethiopia. He always reported happiness, his biggest problem was making money in our usurious chew run economies.

So to answer your question, the Christian societies will always be better, every time, with no exceptions, especially for the central reason that they actually reproduce, whereas there isn't a single White nation on the planet that has survived without Christ. Not one. It shows again, the central problem is spirituality, nothing to do with race.

I think what most White Nationalists want is say a 90% White nation with strong White influenced culture and behaviors and those who are not White but choose to live this way, are welcome in small numbers. What you are talking about ancient Europe, you are talking 100% White ethnostates with no option for outsiders, other than slavery or death, and this goes beyond what I have heard White Nationalists desire.

There is no such thing as White culture. There is Christian culture, which Whites inherited from Jews who followed the Messiah. Otherwise, Whites before Christ were savage brutes without indoor plumbing, murdering each other with spears and swords all day long, prone to whoring, incest, and other foul crimes like sodomy. All recorded in the Paul's Letters.

The Romans went extinct because they died spiritually, which is why Latin went extinct with them.

I encourage you to read more history, you will quickly learn that without Christ the White race is utterly doomed.
I don't believe humans came from monkeys, do you actually believe in such nonsense? I think evolution is a very weak theory, just a starting point to understanding advanced biology. Evolution can only describe certain animals on the planet, but completely fails when describing humans. Humans aren't like any other animal.

The med/European Churches you describe were the only Apostolic Churches, the rest you describe are just Prots winging it, often full of heresies and lies. Of course they will yield mixed if not terrible results. I am talking about THE Church, the one established by Christ and his disciples, not the ones with random dudes proclaiming themselves experts.

An example of a proper Black Church would be the Ethiopian Orthodox Churches, no voodoo or nonsense there. In fact you get highly educated Blacks that would destroy the average perception of Blacks that most Whites have. There is a reason our Chew run media never mentions Ethiopia, way too much redpill content there. Ethiopians are also wonderful people who have never lifted a finger against Whites, although they were invaded by Italian Fascists' who occupied Ethiopia so they could race mix there.

Keep dreaming that fascist movements will save the White race, you believe in nothing but lies that lead to Hell.

Zambia hasn't been Christian long enough for any real differences to occur. It takes hundreds, perhaps thousands of years, before Christian ethics become ingrained into a culture to create a massive difference.

Zambia still has a long way to go, and no one would want to live there. But how about this:

Look at pictures of actual Black Orthodox who've been living this way for thousands of years. Any White from America would feel more at home there then they would in our chew run countries. Not only that, you'd probably have a much better chance at an attractive, feminine, faithful wife, than you would in the Netherlands, which isn't 45% Christian among the youth. Netherlands is like 15% Christian among the youth. It's sad that this is the reality, but it is reality.

Remember Going Strong from RVF? He married an Ethiopian woman if I'm not mistaken. I know she was Black from the area around Ethiopia. He always reported happiness, his biggest problem was making money in our usurious chew run economies.

So to answer your question, the Christian societies will always be better, every time, with no exceptions, especially for the central reason that they actually reproduce, whereas there isn't a single White nation on the planet that has survived without Christ. Not one. It shows again, the central problem is spirituality, nothing to do with race.

There is no such thing as White culture. There is Christian culture, which Whites inherited from Jews who followed the Messiah. Otherwise, Whites before Christ were savage brutes without indoor plumbing, murdering each other with spears and swords all day long, prone to whoring, incest, and other foul crimes like sodomy. All recorded in the Paul's Letters.

The Romans went extinct because they died spiritually, which is why Latin went extinct with them.

I encourage you to read more history, you will quickly learn that without Christ the White race is utterly doomed.
Environmental pressures <> humans coming from monkeys.

Environmental pressures are cold and long winters require high IQ, patience, and team cohesive to survive v. a land where you have no winter and food literally falls off trees.

If the Christian area was so great, he would have moved there to live. Instead, they came back to this area, despite it being degenerate and full of filth.

You are repeating the easy to debunk EMJ lies about Whites before Christianity, in which many of their great accomplishments, amazingly, still stand to this day. I don't think anyone here believes the lies about Whites being savage creatures and lived like animals before Christianity.
Environmental pressures <> humans coming from monkeys.

Environmental pressures are cold and long winters require high IQ, patience, and team cohesive to survive v. a land where you have no winter and food literally falls off trees.

Earliest known White civilization started in Greece, one of the nicest areas on earth. Meanwhile the Germans to the north were savages. The cold weather thesis explains very little about why this is, and has been criticized for a loooong time.

At most, some White features came from cold weather: Fair features, agriculture, etc. But that is a very rough beginning, it takes a lot more than growing food to become a civilization. The Greeks were Whites who inherited a part of the world that probably came out of an ice age first, which allowed their population to flourish. But what made them different from any other White tribes? And then even the Greeks eventually destroyed themselves in the Peloponnesian War, only to be conquered by the Romans, who then repeated history in their own way.

So it's not so simple as the White IQ explaining their success, although that certainly helped. Asians also have high IQ and may have developed civilization before Whites did, but without Christianity they simply never progressed much beyond killing each other for money and power.

If the Christian area was so great, he would have moved there to live. Instead, they came back to this area, despite it being degenerate and full of filth.

I'm not sure if he moved or not. It's too bad he disappeared, I know he was Croatian and going broke. Perhaps he couldn't afford the move, or couldn't learn the language, or his wife wasn't Ethiopian but Kenyan, even if she was Orthodox. I don't know the details. I merely mentioned him as an example to illustrate that Blacks from that part of the world are very acceptable to Whites.

You are repeating the easy to debunk EMJ lies about Whites before Christianity, in which many of their great accomplishments, amazingly, still stand to this day. I don't think anyone here believes the lies about Whites being savage creatures and lived like animals before Christianity.

No, your pagan lies are much easier to debunk. It's called history. 99% of we know about the Whites of the past were preserved by the Church, which wasn't White but Jewish. The Whites annihilated their history during the Roman Civil Wars, and burned down their own Library of Alexandria. Gone was the knowledge of the Etruscans and Atlanteans. Thousands of years gone in a day.

Nations and races without history are always inferior to those with history. The longer the recorded history, the more that race is capable of governing itself over thousands of years without turning into savages.

So look at reality:

- Blacks: Very little history aside from Ethiopians and Muslims, although their history is far less.
- Asians: Used to have almost 5 thousand years of history, but most of it was burned down with the Communist Cultural Revolution. 5k years is a really good run though.
- Whites: Currently, the amount of accurate history we have is around 2500 years. So far still intact, what we have is what was preserved by the Church in the dark ages through the collapse of the Roman empire and destruction of Library of Alexandria.

Serious questions are raised when confronting the problem of history: Why is it so short? Humans have been around for hundreds of thousands of years, yet we only a fraction of it has survived the test of time.

This shows the nature of man is incredibly savage, brutal, and unstable. There is no sugar coating the evil nature of man. The White race is no exception, and this is why all of White man's years are measured in Christ-Years, which currently it is 2024 years since the Birth of Our Lord.

God stands the test of time, your pagan nonsense is nothing but archeology. EMJ may be a weak old man who doesn't know how to explain himself well in debates, but that doesn't mean I can't. White Identity is a sterile movement with no logic, history, or soul.

The current iteration of the Whites we have today are the products of thousands of years of Christianity, and it has had amazing results. But the people have grown fat, weak, stupid, and lazy, taking their roots for granted, and discarding them entirely. And now the tree without roots is dying rapidly.

Will the White man return to his roots? Or will they just go to Hell? Which way, White man?
It does take more than just growing food to have a civilization, but at the same time, they had more going for them then just growing food. They had civilization, where as you are comparing them to people who struggled to ever grow food, in the most fertile region in the world, never invented the wheel and never had a written language. It isn't a comparison at all.

Applying a fix, that took thousands of years, to a group of people that have not had the same environmental pressures and expecting it to work overnight, or even in a few generations, is going to lead to what we have in the west now.

I understand the importance of Christianity, I also very well understand the naive view that Christianity alone will make all people behave the same overnight. And if you say "well not overnight" then how long. 400 years in the USA alone and we have BLM riots and juries setting murderers caught on film go free due to being of the same tribe.
Interesting that Samseau denies race as being important front and center and then compares races.

I admit somewhat of a strawman, but if being Christian can take hundreds or thousands of years before improvement is seen (his words), then I do not see the correlation with Christianity being more important than race.

@Samseau, comment?
Interesting that Samseau denies race as being important front and center and then compares races.

I admit somewhat of a strawman, but if being Christian can take hundreds or thousands of years before improvement is seen (his words), then I do not see the correlation with Christianity being more important than race.

@Samseau, comment?

Races are important, but nothing is as important as God. Nothing comes close.

As for Christianity taking time before the effects are seen in a big way, this is because all races have a potentially infinite amount of cultures they can create. There's really no limit to what kind of cultures Whites, or any race, might create. Plenty of Whites have been any culture you can dream of.

A fascinating historical account of wildly different White cultures can be found via works of Herodotus.

Therefore, since the historical record, or what little we have of it, is derived entirely because of Christianity, it shows Whites are slow to be civilized, and that the original Greeks and Romans were some kind of a flash in the pan of advanced Whites who wouldn't be overtaken in stature for over a thousand years. Therefore, the Whites aren't great because of their race, but because of their spirituality. And without it, they will go right back to their old self-destructive ways, which is what we are currently seeing now.

Just like the Romans committed suicide, through abortion, illegal immigration, whoring themselves out to foreigners, and excessive taxation and slavery, America and Europe do the exact same things today. Because they've lost their spirit, their soul. They thought they could sell their soul and gain the whole world, instead they lost both.