Patriot Front (and other White Nationalist Groups)

Last time I looked at a pride rally, it was nothing but white liberals reveling in their degeneracy. I don't see how a white America is going to solve our problems, which are of a spiritual nature.

So what is your argument? That a white majority is good in and of itself because reasons? OK. And if God, in His Providence does not grant that to you, what then?
A small percentage of weirdo Whites, that Edward Dutton references correctly as the "spiteful mutant" isn't a representative of "White values". Yes, there are spiteful mutant Whites, yes they are a problem, no they are no where close to the majority of Whites, even when they get special benefits for behaving in such a degenerate way.

And it seems Whites as a collective are both starting to recognize their race, for the first time in decades, and really starting to push back against this degeneracy.
While some of you make decent points for "White" not being real, as its history is a subjective one, it really is the European genetics which have been simplified to a jewified term with jew-connotations: "White" in the 20th and 21st centuries has been programmed into the minds of many people as a type of viral boogeyman or spiritual evil to identify with and be ashamed of rather than a definitive realistic definition of that person's racial origin. I'm pretty sure in antiquity no one even called themselves White / Blanc until they ventured far south enough into Africa and interacted with the blacks for the first time. Old school connotations of race were not color except when seen between Europeans, Asiatics, Africans, Indians, and jews. They were based on lineages, which are regional bloodlines that carry the traits and characteristics of a people from a certain geographical area on Earth.

The White race was formed by Christianity, out of the uniting of the various similar sub-races of the European races together through a shared faith and history. Remarkably, once humans were able to look under a microscope, they would see that the genes and the markers, the haplogroups were very similar from all of these peoples, with some exceptions being differences across the hajnal line.

The problem that some people don't see is that even if all of us abandoned proclaiming the identity, it will not stop the hordes of blacks and mongrels from killing us, as is the directive of the jew world order. So the Hegelian Dialectic in this situation would be our inherent response to defend ourselves from annihilation by embracing who are are as a people.

There is a very real brutal reality upon us all that if all we do is pray only, and be individuals, and push some sort of ridiculous kumbaya effervescence in our Churches, it will cause immense suffering for so many others. Can those of you who advocate not to have an identity look yourselves in the mirror every night and say "I'm ok that my beliefs are permitting the murder of millions of children and innocents"? Not a very Christian attitude at all. Because this is what has been happening since people have stopped fighting for themselves. I see videos of and hear news about it every day, the hordes of blacks and other mystery meats killing Whites, raping Whites, strangling Whites to death, running them over with cars, stabbing Whites, robbing them and then killing them, it is endless. If the only solution to stopping these murders and violent acts is to form solidarity with other people who have been labeled the same as you by the enemy, then willingly choosing not to is tantamount to suicide, which is a mortal sin. Even if you are not taking your own life, you are consigning yourself to death by choosing not to defend life.

Also no one has mentioned here how it was the marxist think tanks that started this commotion. The jews lit the tinderbox on race, not us.

Problem: for an entire century jews and subversives are pumping harmful propaganda to divide the races of men into galvanized and hostile groups.
Reaction: people who are under attack retreat to their own kind for survival against the onslaught while those who fall for the trick die out
Solution: more divided societal lines across all distinctions, the ones who choose in-group preference survive, the individualists cease to be

There are a number of ways this situation has played out, is currently playing out depending on location and demographics, and will play out in the future. The intention overall is to reduce the number of people the jews have considered their enemy, thus earning them the title of "White". There is a reason why most Middle Eastern nations are considered "White" on western census bureau statistics because it both muddies the water of race realism and gives them an excuse to target their enemies on all fronts with the laws they draft up in this hierarchical society they are planning for their "tikkun olam" devilry. These laws specifically are designed to be a generational subterfuge. What do I mean by this term? Look at the following:

The homosexual agenda has been a generational subterfuge that has slowly been a step down the rungs on the ladder of degeneracy with each new phase of its implementation, to now we have multiple agencies all vying for victimhood and changes in human society based on these lies.

The "people of color are oppressed" agenda is also a generational subterfuge in that is has been designed to slowly facilitate the breakdown of these people, biologically reducing them to weapons to be used by the jews against their enemies the "Whites" while all the races suffer indignities and only one group is able to coast the surface unscathed.

Eventually the subterfuge has completed its growth, is set in a controlled society, and there is little room to change it. I don't think any of us, myself included, understand the weight on the shoulders of the men who are going to fight and die to destroy these demonic lies once and for all. I can imagine it being akin to aging rapidly from intense and nonstop duress. This is the price that will be paid by brave men, and I would gladly give my remaining time on this Earth for such an endeavor, and the Lord would know my heart is pure on the matter and not one of avarice or selfishness or materialism or pride.

EMJ is a hack and a phony, he is a disgrace as a historian, go read his thread to see the posts I made on what others have determined based on interacting with him.

I want all of you to try an experiment. Forget the word "White," and replace it with your own specific European ethnic background whenever talking about the subject. Express a desire to marry and reproduce within your own ethnic conclave. "I am Polish and I wish to marry a Polish girl and have Polish children and raise them in a house speaking Polish." You may not receive as much blowback from leftists and jews (openly). Then try this and see how the reaction is different: "I am White and I wish to marry a White girl and have White children and raise them in a house speaking a White language." Those who have a visceral or guttural internal reaction to the 2nd that can be seen through the way their face contorts, but not from the first have been successfully programmed and brainwashed by the jews, congratulations!
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EMJ is a hack and a phony, he is a disgrace as a historian, go read his thread to see the posts I made on what others have determined based on interacting with him.
I forgot about EMJ and when he got exposed by one simple question, and in fact, if the young man who Roosh questioned about his neighbor was more hip to this fake talking point, he could have burned him as well.

There is a video of EMJ being asked this one simple question and it causes his narrative on race to crumble because he laughed and refused to answer.

A neighbor is just a person next door, the society is what matters.

Do you want to live in Zambia that is 95% Christian or The Netherlands that is 45% Christian? I believe those were the two countries used to ask EMJ, if not, they work just as well as any example. Anyone who says "Zambia" is lying.
Exactly this, so it's not a physical reality, but a concept of the mind, politics essentially.

Rulers dividing us in groups. And us taking up that division as reality.
It is a physical reality as well, the DNA genome was mapped over 20 years ago.

Unless you magically think all species on earth were influenced by the environment and evolved to survive in certain conditions, other than humans, which then is just not a serious belief.
While some of you make decent points for "White" not being real, as its history is a subjective one, it really is the European genetics which have been simplified to a jewified term with jew-connotations: "White" in the 20th and 21st centuries has been programmed into the minds of many people as a type of viral boogeyman or spiritual evil to identify with and be ashamed of rather than a definitive realistic definition of that person's racial origin. I'm pretty sure in antiquity no one even called themselves White / Blanc until they ventured far south enough into Africa and interacted with the blacks for the first time. Old school connotations of race were not color except when seen between Europeans, Asiatics, Africans, Indians, and jews. They were based on lineages, which are regional bloodlines that carry the traits and characteristics of a people from a certain geographical area on Earth.

The White race was formed by Christianity, out of the uniting of the various similar sub-races of the European races together through a shared faith and history. Remarkably, once humans were able to look under a microscope, they would see that the genes and the markers, the haplogroups were very similar from all of these peoples, with some exceptions being differences across the hajnal line.

The problem that some people don't see is that even if all of us abandoned proclaiming the identity, it will not stop the hordes of blacks and mongrels from killing us, as is the directive of the jew world order. So the Hegelian Dialectic in this situation would be our inherent response to defend ourselves from annihilation by embracing who are are as a people.

There is a very real brutal reality upon us all that if all we do is pray only, and be individuals, and push some sort of ridiculous kumbaya effervescence in our Churches, it will cause immense suffering for so many others. Can those of you who advocate not to have an identity look yourselves in the mirror every night and say "I'm ok that my beliefs are permitting the murder of millions of children and innocents"? Not a very Christian attitude at all. Because this is what has been happening since people have stopped fighting for themselves. I see videos of and hear news about it every day, the hordes of blacks and other mystery meats killing Whites, raping Whites, strangling Whites to death, running them over with cars, stabbing Whites, robbing them and then killing them, it is endless. If the only solution to stopping these murders and violent acts is to form solidarity with other people who have been labeled the same as you by the enemy, then willingly choosing not to is tantamount to suicide, which is a mortal sin. Even if you are not taking your own life, you are consigning yourself to death by choosing not to defend life.

Also no one has mentioned here how it was the marxist think tanks that started this commotion. The jews lit the tinderbox on race, not us.

Problem: for an entire century jews and subversives are pumping harmful propaganda to divide the races of men into galvanized and hostile groups.
Reaction: people who are under attack retreat to their own kind for survival against the onslaught while those who fall for the trick die out
Solution: more divided societal lines across all distinctions, the ones who choose in-group preference survive, the individualists cease to be

There are a number of ways this situation has played out, is currently playing out depending on location and demographics, and will play out in the future. The intention overall is to reduce the number of people the jews have considered their enemy, thus earning them the title of "White". There is a reason why most Middle Eastern nations are considered "White" on western census bureau statistics because it both muddies the water of race realism and gives them an excuse to target their enemies on all fronts with the laws they draft up in this hierarchical society they are planning for their "tikkun olam" devilry. These laws specifically are designed to be a generational subterfuge. What do I mean by this term? Look at the following:

The homosexual agenda has been a generational subterfuge that has slowly been a step down the rungs on the ladder of degeneracy with each new phase of its implementation, to now we have multiple agencies all vying for victimhood and changes in human society based on these lies.

The "people of color are oppressed" agenda is also a generational subterfuge in that is has been designed to slowly facilitate the breakdown of these people, biologically reducing them to weapons to be used by the jews against their enemies the "Whites" while all the races suffer indignities and only one group is able to coast the surface unscathed.

Eventually the subterfuge has completed its growth, is set in a controlled society, and there is little room to change it. I don't think any of us, myself included, understand the weight on the shoulders of the men who are going to fight and die to destroy these demonic lies once and for all. I can imagine it being akin to aging rapidly from intense and nonstop duress. This is the price that will be paid by brave men, and I would gladly give my remaining time on this Earth for such an endeavor, and the Lord would know my heart is pure on the matter and not one of avarice or selfishness or materialism or pride.

EMJ is a hack and a phony, he is a disgrace as a historian, go read his thread to see the posts I made on what others have determined based on interacting with him.

I want all of you to try an experiment. Forget the word "White," and replace it with your own specific European ethnic background whenever talking about the subject. Express a desire to marry and reproduce within your own ethnic conclave. "I am Polish and I wish to marry a Polish girl and have Polish children and raise them in a house speaking Polish." You may not receive as much blowback from leftists and jews (openly). Then try this and see how the reaction is different: "I am White and I wish to marry a White girl and have White children and raise them in a house speaking a White language." Those who have a visceral or guttural internal reaction to the 2nd that can be seen through the way their face contorts, but not from the first have been successfully programmed and brainwashed by the jews, congratulations!
I love your depth of intellect.

But I'm usually skip the posts. May I please offer a suggestion for us whom are bulletin point oriented to determine time commitment per read:

You've got to condense the somewhat into a BLUF format more succinctly. Before the rest of the Intel report segments can be digested though supporting data and all that.

Just a suggestion. Meant with love and appreciation ;)
If you are legally discriminated against in the west, then you are White. If you get special benefits, for not being White, then you are not White.
I've seen this before. I get the premise. Im just gonna straw man this for a second...for argument sake....

Again let me posit a question and context.

My son is white. Visibility he's pale and has rosy red cheeks like me. His mom is slightly tanner, but clearly not a Mexican/South American or an Indian...but high cheek bones and enough that my priest said "Choppa, you're a white boy, Mrs Choppa, what are you?"

So for my kids:

Does he check white or Hispanic or American Indian?

I'm not asking what the government should tell I'm, what YOU are telling him, I'm asking where the purity lines of Patriot Front are.

It's obvious he's culturally white. Im a country boy with a Confederate Flag and bulldogs...out breeding the Mexicans in my little country community. But you in see the point I am making hopefully.

The problem with a "white identity group" is that people can purely choose not to identify with it over time as it does or doesn't benefit them.

Of course my kids are grouped into the white group on aesthetics alone...but now why wouldn't they check the Injun or Hispanic box? They could, even though the Hispanic elements is "white" Spanish and the Injun Element is a white Spanish man and a squaw....

I'm just doing all this extrapolation to flesh it out. And like I said... I was literally raised in a plantation home, Ive been told I'm the nicest racist out there...which is funny.... But it's a legit question and I don't know how much validity I want to give the group.

Self identity is a different category than communally expressed/associate identity.
I want all of you to try an experiment. Forget the word "White," and replace it with your own specific European ethnic background whenever talking about the subject. Express a desire to marry and reproduce within your own ethnic conclave. "I am Polish and I wish to marry a Polish girl and have Polish children and raise them in a house speaking Polish." You may not receive as much blowback from leftists and jews (openly). Then try this and see how the reaction is different: "I am White and I wish to marry a White girl and have White children and raise them in a house speaking a White language." Those who have a visceral or guttural internal reaction to the 2nd that can be seen through the way their face contorts, but not from the first have been successfully programmed and brainwashed by the jews, congratulations!
We are largely naturally attracted to what's familiar to us; different but not too different. This goes for 90%.

Though it no sin to marry someone of a different tribe. I wouldn't need to go to confession for that. If I would desire to marry for example an asian Catholic girl.

This has never been described as sin in Catholic tradition (it's also not promoted), I think this racialism (and on what it is we all seem to disagree) is a new modern invention in which the tradition of the church doesn't support you.

(Poland is an invention)

Countries are no tradition. Borders always change.
I've seen this before. I get the premise. Im just gonna straw man this for a second...for argument sake....

Again let me posit a question and context.

My son is white. Visibility he's pale and has rosy red cheeks like me. His mom is slightly tanner, but clearly not a Mexican/South American or an Indian...but high cheek bones and enough that my priest said "Choppa, you're a white boy, Mrs Choppa, what are you?"

So for my kids:

Does he check white or Hispanic or American Indian?

I'm not asking what the government should tell I'm, what YOU are telling him, I'm asking where the purity lines of Patriot Front are.

It's obvious he's culturally white. Im a country boy with a Confederate Flag and bulldogs...out breeding the Mexicans in my little country community. But you in see the point I am making hopefully.

The problem with a "white identity group" is that people can purely choose not to identify with it over time as it does or doesn't benefit them.

Of course my kids are grouped into the white group on aesthetics alone...but now why wouldn't they check the Injun or Hispanic box? They could, even though the Hispanic elements is "white" Spanish and the Injun Element is a white Spanish man and a squaw....

I'm just doing all this extrapolation to flesh it out. And like I said... I was literally raised in a plantation home, Ive been told I'm the nicest racist out there...which is funny.... But it's a legit question and I don't know how much validity I want to give the group.

Self identity is a different category than communally expressed/associate identity.
I don't know what Patriot Front's guidelines are, I am not associated with them at all, and I don't know anyone associated with them. My guess, from listening to different podcasts is if the US govt. considers you White, you are White and face massive discrimination in this USA. If you can get the benefits of not being White, college scholarships and acceptance, higher education acceptance, job hiring, promotions, govt. loans, govt. contracts, etc., then you probably are not considered "White" by their standards either.

If you are not considered White by the US govt., but pass on the benefits and believe the USA should be a heavy majority White, and tell Patriot Front you support their beliefs and you are White, I assume they don't run a DNA test and take your word for it. But I don't know what processes they use. I am just guessing when it comes to Patriot Front.
Just for reference, on the 1870 US Federal Census, over 150 years ago, the categories for "Color" in Column 6 were:

White, Black, Mulatto, Chinese, Indian


Exactly this, so it's not a physical reality, but a concept of the mind, politics essentially.

Rulers dividing us in groups. And us taking up that division as reality.

Race denialism is straight up pseudo-scientist Marxism and has no intrisic merits. Race denialism is also entirely a Jewish invention, as it was propelled by Frankfurter Schule Trotskyites in the USA and Leninist Bolsheviks in the (((USSR))). Special mentions go to (((Franz Boaz))) and Trofim Lysenko, the former being the spiritual father of race denialism in the West and the latter having the same nomer in the East. It is Boasian anthropology that teaches that 'race is a social construct'. Lysenko called race/genetics a 'bourgeois pseudoscience' and denied natural selection. These are the people in whose tradition you are 'arguing' now.

In the last 10-15 years gigantic leaps have been made in terms of mapping the human an racial genome. To deny the existence of Whites/Europeans is sheer ignorance. The European peoples, themselves a genetic mix of WHG/EHG, Neolithic farmers and the Indo-Europeans, cluster together in any genome mapping whilst far removed form the other races.

Lastly TPTB are not 'trying to divide us'. They are trying to destroy the White race and Christianity using hordes of low(er) IQ thirdworlders to do so - something which has been stated openly by the main protagonists many times.
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If I drew a Venn diagram of people in this thread who believed that Patriot Front is a fed operation overlapped with people who believe that there's no such thing as the White race, we would see just one circle.

There is more biological DNA evidence for the so-called social construct of "White people" then there is of say, trannies. Yet I don't hear these same people say there's no such thing as trannies. I also don't hear them ever say that there's no such thing as Asians.

What's funny, when you think about it, is that there are many, many more trannies in positions in the federal government than anywhere else. There are precisely 0 trannies in Patriot Front. But somehow PF are run by "feds."
And the first act of the first Congress of the US was to limit citizenship to “free White persons... of good character.” Note the capitalized W.

Just for the point, contextually...

That meant English and Scottish.

Ben Franklin called the Dutch or Germans in PA as something other then white.

We don't hold that standard now. But I'm just pointing it out for comparison sake.
Just for the point, contextually...

That meant English and Scottish.

Ben Franklin called the Dutch or Germans in PA as something other then white.

We don't hold that standard now. But I'm just pointing it out for comparison sake.
Franklin didn't call them "not white", he just thought citizenship of the USA should be only Anglo-Saxon and not opened up to everyone who is considered "White" aka European. Franklin considered everyone in Europe to be "White" he just didn't agree that they should all have a chance to be citizens in his new country. He didn't get his way at the end of the day, probably because there were already so many non-Anglo-Saxon Whites residing in the USA and the headaches trying to separate them out would have been.
4th post in this thread off-topic, second warning
I also think Samseau was asked a direct question and not answering it allows us to draw any conclusion we think is logical from that and is in no way insulting or gossiping. What’s fascinating to me is that there are no girls on the internet, however even in high brow forums like this, we bring our identity with us simply by how we express our beliefs.
After being backed into a corner regarding whether he is paid by either the Republican Party or the Trump campaign, he finally responded that he is not working for the Republican Party. It doesn’t seem like much of a reach to deduce, from his half-answer, that he is being paid by the Trump campaign.

If that is true - which I think can be assumed at this point, but I won’t outright accuse him unless and until he affirms that’s the case - then it profoundly changes the nature of his involvement in all these discussions. If he has been engaging here under the pretense of having honest conversations and it turns out he’s being paid to shill for President Warpspeed and keep young men from looking for real solutions outside of the fake electoral system in our fake democracy, then I regret all the time I spent trying to have an honest discussion with him as if he weren’t a paid actor playing a role on the internet. Hopefully that’s not the case, but if it is then I imagine all our pushback must be quite the thorn in his boss’s side.

And since he tried to deflect the question by asking about my own loyalties, I’ll lead by example in showing how easy it is to answer yes/no questions: I am not being paid by any organization whatsoever outside of the company I work for, which has nothing to do with politics in any way. The revenue I make from sources other than my day job is from investments and my platform on the internet (books and, to an extremely small degree, my YouTube channel).
After being backed into a corner regarding whether he is paid by either the Republican Party or the Trump campaign, he finally responded that he is not working for the Republican Party. It doesn’t seem like much of a reach to deduce, from his half-answer, that he is being paid by the Trump campaign.

If that is true - which I think can be assumed at this point, but I won’t outright accuse him unless and until he affirms that’s the case - then it profoundly changes the nature of his involvement in all these discussions. If he has been engaging here under the pretense of having honest conversations and it turns out he’s being paid to shill for President Warpspeed and keep young men from looking for real solutions outside of the fake electoral system in our fake democracy, then I regret all the time I spent trying to have an honest discussion with him as if he weren’t a paid actor playing a role on the internet. Hopefully that’s not the case, but if it is then I imagine all our pushback must be quite the thorn in his boss’s side.

And since he tried to deflect the question by asking about my own loyalties, I’ll lead by example in showing how easy it is to answer yes/no questions: I am not being paid by any organization whatsoever outside of the company I work for, which has nothing to do with politics in any way. The revenue I make from sources other than my day job is from investments and my platform on the internet (books and, to an extremely small degree, my YouTube channel).

If you want to discuss Samseau, go make a Samseau thread. Stop hijacking the thread, respect the forum rules. You obviously didn't appreciate my lenient nature before so now you can have 2 more points.

EDIT: I wish I got paid for doing this btw
3 more points, repeatedly ignoring the rules
If you want to discuss Samseau, go make a Samseau thread. Stop hijacking the thread, respect the forum rules. You obviously didn't appreciate my lenient nature before so now you can have 2 more points.
Your obvious abuse of power on the forum isn’t doing your case much good, and whether you’re a paid shill for President Warpspeed is entirely relevant to the forum. Go ahead and give me more points, it won’t undo how many people saw you refuse to answer whether you’re a paid actor pretending to engage with the forum honestly.