Patriot Front (and other White Nationalist Groups)

@paternos Earthly rule is not the same as Heavenly rule. There is supposed to be a system of worldly government to handle the affairs of the here and now, and if done properly it would ensure man's place as the steward and caretaker of all life and nature as God had commanded in Genesis. The Church's purpose is to prepare men's souls for the hereafter on the basis of Christ's teachings, but also in order with the immutable laws of God. While we place the sanctity and divinity of Christ higher than any human act of charity, we also do not stop following the commands that help us to not sin. Polytheism, idol worship, blasphemy, breaking the day of rest, betraying our kin, murder, adultery, theft, lying, materially envious, we do no engage in these because we know them to be inherently wrong, even if they don't take precedence in the hierarchy of our beliefs. Without the proper government of man, the Church would be left to do all the work, and that is where so much conflict would arise.

True nationalism is not anti-God, it is an extension of God's laws carried out with respect to each ethnicity's agency. I'm seeing the same old arguments ad nauseum here. Orthodox Churches have more Nationalist ethos in them than any other Church ever did, and they are surviving by far the longest out of every other Church with the least amount of degeneracy and anti-Christian values in them.

When you say that one adopts the identity game as per the course of modern politics, if they embrace it for a secular or selfish reason then it is an affront to God. However if they do so for a spiritual and pure reason, as in the result of their actions from this mindset cause them not to sin and to spread goodness, then how is it against God?

To say that the Church hasn't been pan-White / pan-European is also a ludicrous lie. It is the sole force which has brought all of the various European races together as a whole like nothing else in history. I don't think everyone here understands that a Church that looks out for European descendants is historically what it has been for a majority of it's existence since the 1st century, and the recent infiltration, subversion, and corruption of their offices to embrace poz among other anti-Christian values is clearly not following its purpose on this earth.

For those who do not study genetics or lineages and simply dismiss it as something unimportant or even as cringe as being "against God", here is an example what from the Catholic Encyclopedia in 1913 used as a basis for demographic measurement in Europe, which clearly shows the ecclesiastical scholars of the time were well-educated in racial and genealogical information as an important distinction:


The longest kingdoms in earth's history, that we know of, are ones that centralized these tenets of their people, AND fortified it with a ruling spiritual body, in this case the Apostolic Churches. Therefore to not have the true church would mean there would be no unification of White and European peoples, and without White and European peoples, there would be no true church but a misguided office. This is a historical fact, as much as it may hurt some people's feelings. The thousand-year Reich that became known as the Holy Roman Empire started by Charlemagne was based solely on a unification of the Church into the national government. The good Christian soldiers from any of these time nations during that period would be seen as one-hundred times more predatory and violent than today's "military," "militias," and groups like Patriot Front, when it came to defending their homelands from the various alien hordes which befall Europa time and time again. The poisonous sorcery of the enemies of God have given over unto the European Christian a spirit of weakness to lay down their arms and let their kin be destroyed, and to believe that to act in accordance with God's laws to fight and preserve the only pure and beautiful thing on this earth to be a sin and a travesty. Right now we are back to where we started, various European descendants fighting amongst ourselves while the enemy gains a foothold over our sleeping throats, yet I don't see any Charlemagne rising in the wings to put a stop to this:


Here is the link, they have many other fascinating entries from that time period:

My argument is a spiritual version of what Patriot Front's mostly secular activities strives for. If the two are in union, like they were under Byzantium, under Charlemagne, under Tsarism, there would be a revival of such spiritual magnitude that it would lead to a golden age, not just for White / Europeans, but for all, because the entire world would benefit, as they always have. So in a way the combined destruction of the European races and the attack on the Churches is only going to hasten a new dark age for everyone else in the world. Islam cannot bring the level of Godliness it wishes to into this world, and Buddhism too cannot accomplish this.

The issue is that most of America's founding fathers, who they seem to emulate, were Protestants, and Catholicism was not a welcome force in America in the beginning for many reasons. Given it's less than ideal state now barring the Traditional Latin Churches and those who rebel towards God against the corrupted Vatican, it would be hard-pressed to get them to ally with a unifying Church that does not spread a woke message.

@Wutang so what would a church like that look like? It would have to be either a mainline Protestant Church that is not corrupted, the Catholic Church, or the Orthodox Church, that respects the regionalism of those people and their desire to exist. The last time a new church was attempted to unite people of varying sects was the proposed Reich Church under Hitler, but he could not get the varying Protestant and Lutheran sects to rectify so he abandoned the idea halfway through the 1930s and never attempted any state intercessions into spiritual affairs again. Unlike what others may say, he did not attempt a "secular revolution," but indeed a very spiritual one in the same vein as Charlemagne. The articles you see where they talk about German Churches mentioning pagan terms and deities are false propaganda, and usually come from people who do not understand the German language. In America, it would have to be a untied combination of the demographics and the faith in an authoritarian faith-based model like the HRE in order to succeed. Developing this kind of model are the kind of talks we all should be having here. The other alternative is for the European descendants in America to abandon the failed social experiment of the USA and return to Europe to embrace their people and contribute to its rebirth there.

As for the idea of the "Nietzschean right" I too see this a lot but these people usually do not have an understanding of both worldly realities like race and lineage as well as spiritual foundations of the Gospels and the Church. I would rather live alone than have to choose between a family of Mexican Catholics or a white gay couple, that choice Roosh gave the questioner is only an ultimatum for one who refuses to fight for both his people and his faith.

When one looks further into this, the modern political divisionary tactics have biologically reduced everything down to White and non-White, with jews being a magical category that transcends both because of their inherent supremacist nature. The European and Mediterranean races are the the venn-diagram of the White race. Racial purity is a difficult state to prove for many these days, but it does exist, though rarer these days, and it most certainly did exist in antiquity just about everywhere because of the laws of the ancient tribes. Also the Adamic bloodlines inherently have a higher connection to Christ than do alien ones. If that statement triggers the reader, I suggest they read into the bloodlines of the Bible for a more enlightening take on what we have been lied to about the generations (genes) of Adam. To impugn someone without investigating the facts is extremely intellectually dishonest.

White nationalists who do not know who the Creator is, who do not understand the one and only Christian God do themselves a disservice, that is why I educate them on the biological and historical realities of how Christendom is what saved our people from their plight, and only through a strong combination of faith that resonates throughout an entire people, and the will to force that in the physical, will we survive.

Perhaps someone should reach out to Rousseau and talk to him about this. I certainly would. I would see their organization grow and start working with Churches and then it will betwixt their detractors to call them out as such. Until then I think if any of our voices can reach their ears, they should simply be pushed towards the Church rather than being detrimentally attacked for their lack of fashion and less-than-ideal optics.
It's not that God doesn't care, it's that God knows better than you do. God will give you what you actually need (our spiritual needs), not what you think you need (material needs). But He cannot give you those things unless you turn to Him fully, put your faith and trust in Him, and actually follow his commandments.

Do not rely on yourself, rely on God. Pray and ask God each day, "How can I be the best man I can be today? How can I serve your will my Lord? How can I help my Neighbor?" These are the winning questions that will save the White race. Nothing else will work, it is the ONLY thing that has worked before.
I'm never going to say you are wrong, these are your spiritual beliefs and you are entitled to them.

But these beliefs are not going to quell the growing anger you see across the west.
Let it be noted for all future discussions in which Samseau...

A) defends the legality of abortion;
B) attacks groups for trying to protect their own ethnic community; and
C) insists that we all have to vote for Trump

...that he will not answer the question of whether he is being paid by either the Republican Party or the Trump campaign specifically. I personally find his refusal to answer extremely suspicious, and it would also explain a lot if he were receiving money to make posts and comments of that variety. Until you answer the question, @Samseau, I'm going to assume you are being paid to keep the men here on the Republican plantation. I won't outright affirm that's the case until and unless you answer in the affirmative, but your behavior points in that direction and so I have to use Occam's Razor.

I'm not replying to your off-topic speculations of whom I am because it is off-topic speculation. Furthermore, I do not need to say anything about myself, as per the rules, since we have a no dox policy here. Why are you trying to deceive me into doxing myself is the better question? Where do your loyalties lie?

Although I can 100% tell you I have nothing to do with the Republican party, although I have ran many campaigns with them. The party is merely the vehicle from where campaigns are run from, Democrat, Republican, or Libertarian, the basics of running a campaign are 100% the same.

You could have PM'd me instead of hijacking the thread repeatedly, by the way, which shows your bad intentions, so you get a 1-pointer added to your account. Keep hijacking threads and you'll get more points. If you want to make a Samseau thread make one. But stop hijacking threads!!
I'm not replying to your off-topic speculations of whom I am because it is off-topic speculation. Furthermore, I do not need to say anything about myself, as per the rules, since we have a no dox policy here. Why are you trying to deceive me into doxing myself is the better question? Where do your loyalties lie?

Although I can 100% tell you I have nothing to do with the Republican party, although I have ran many campaigns with them. The party is merely the vehicle from where campaigns are run from, Democrat, Republican, or Libertarian, the basics of running a campaign are 100% the same.

You could have PM'd me instead of hijacking the thread repeatedly, by the way, which shows your bad intentions, so you get a 1-pointer added to your account.
Nobody has asked you to dox yourself, and that’s a weird deflection from a simple yes or no question. It’s also dishonest of you to complain about my asking “repeatedly” when that only happened because you refused to answer the question the first time.

Between that and using your Mod powers to punish me for asking…who is the one with bad intentions here?
This thread has devolved into slinging petty insults, baseless accusations and gossiping. Can we get it back on track?

Don't get that internet disease that causes you to fixate on disagreements and engage in endless infighting.
Hard disagree. Please keep this thread alive. It is my sincere hope that people will see this and see all arguments presented and make up their own minds.

I also think Samseau was asked a direct question and not answering it allows us to draw any conclusion we think is logical from that and is in no way insulting or gossiping. What’s fascinating to me is that there are no girls on the internet, however even in high brow forums like this, we bring our identity with us simply by how we express our beliefs.

Therefore identity matters and thus it would be illogical to not join others of similar identities to try to achieve the culture and value system you’d like to live under, which is ultimately what this entire thread is about.
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Guys, you must learn to live in peace with the Barbary Coast muslim pirates, the heart-ripping Aztecs and the followers of the multi-limbed head-cutter Kali if you want to be good White European Christians. How selfish of you to want to maintain European Christian culture in your own lands. Here are some pictographic examples of the people you must accept and the practices they were involved in not too long ago. Note - only 3 groups are shown here but there are dozens more who recently practiced similar savagery that you must also come to accept and welcome.

Be more tolerant everybody!

Barbary Pirate by Edward Mortelmans | Barbary pirates, Barbary wars ...

Mexica (Aztec) Human Sacrifice: New Perspectives

Hindu Goddess Kali | History, Mythology & Symbol - Video & Lesson ...
Guys, you must learn to live in peace with the Barbary Coast muslim pirates, the heart-ripping Aztecs and the followers of the multi-limbed head-cutter Kali if you want to be good White European Christians. How selfish of you to want to maintain European Christian culture in your own lands. Here are some pictographic examples of the people you must accept and the practices they were involved in not too long ago. Note - only 3 groups are shown here but there are dozens more groups who recently practiced similar savagery that you must also come to accept and welcome.

Be more tolerant everybody!

Barbary Pirate by Edward Mortelmans | Barbary pirates, Barbary wars ...

Mexica (Aztec) Human Sacrifice: New Perspectives

Hindu Goddess Kali | History, Mythology & Symbol - Video & Lesson ...
This post is as relevant as pointing out that white Vikings killed English Christians for sport.
This post is as relevant as pointing out that white Vikings killed English Christians for sport.
It's completely relevant as PF is an ethno-nationalist group and two members including a mod have said that the White race doesn't exist, which is like saying tall people don't exist because height is a spectrum -- where do you draw the line between tall and average?
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It's completely relevant as PF is an ethno-nationalist group and two members including a mod have said that the White race doesn't exist, which is like saying tall people don't exist because height is a spectrum -- where do you draw the line between tall and average?
Last time I looked at a pride rally, it was nothing but white liberals reveling in their degeneracy. I don't see how a white America is going to solve our problems, which are of a spiritual nature.

So what is your argument? That a white majority is good in and of itself because reasons? OK. And if God, in His Providence does not grant that to you, what then?
Last time I looked at a pride rally, it was nothing but white liberals reveling in their degeneracy. I don't see how a white America is going to solve our problems, which are of a spiritual nature.

So what is your argument? That a white majority is good in and of itself because reasons? OK. And if God, in His Providence does not grant that to you, what then?
This is the core point for me as well.

If I look around me it's mostly "whites" that make a mess of it. The whites left the church, the whites here promote sodomy, whites that roll out the international agenda, whites that want abortion, whites that sit glued to the road for abandoning fossil fuel.

I live in a white coutry and the whites have left the church and have adopted anti-Christianity. And shaped the politics to that worldview. They stopped praising God and went to football instead.

And at a certain point you can't blame the Jews or blacks, that's ridiculous. Yes there are 100 atheist billionaire Jewish families promoting degeneracy and import of migrants. But nobody is under gunpoint. The "whites" did it themselves.

Race is no defining factor from what I see in my daily life.

And then "white" that's ridiculous, the Italian is different from the Swede and the Spaniard from the Russian. This is not one group. Just as the Jews or the Blacks are not 1 group.

Anyone who believes this is promoting the international agenda.

Perhaps unknowingly.

Of divide and conquer. Set them up against each other, make the blacks fear the whites, make the whites fear the blacks, make the women fear the men, the men the women. Kids their parents. Parents their kids.

Instead of fearing the devil.

And then here is comes down to. I don't deny racial differences. But "white" and "black" is politics.

And in "race" there is no unity.

Most of my fellow "whites" are completely godless, blasphemous idiots on a highway to hell.
What is white?

Prefaced with: I literally grew up on a plantation house and have a 120 year old Confederate Battle Flag framed and sitting over my seat in my dining room...

I think I'm qualified to make a comment about what white is and isn't.

The issue is that "white" has a subjective term based on who asks it and who labels it.

Now it means anyone with relatively pale/Caucasian skin.

Tons of people rallying to the "white" cause are not really part of the group ethnically but have identified accordingly...

I personally agree with he Vox Day assessment of white as described by Cuckservative and other books he's written.

That means English or Scottish Magna Carta heritage Americans.

Germans are then included...and then other Nordic nationalities as well.

My dad's family is Scottish and has been here since the late 1700s old American stock. My moms is late 1800s/early 1900s Ukrainian (Austro-Hungarian Empire from Lvov/Lvov Ukranian) that doesn't fit the "white" purest definition.

My ex wife is pale as the moon, but is 2/3 Italian and 1/3 french... White? Authentically yes sure. But culturally? I dunno...

My wife is 1/4 Chocktaw, 1/4 Spanish, and German/British.... Is she white? She passed for a tan slav/Polish woman... But where's the line?

The problem with reducing people to skin color is that it's all reduction to absurdity. The blood purity thing is an issue too.

There are guys on here who are part of the Russian church that are going about whiteness...guess what dudes...Russians ain't white in the classical sense. They may be Caucasian but it's a different mentality than the Magna Carta English and Scottish Nobles that that term refers to at the time of the Revolution.

So I reject "white" as a term and emphasize "heritage American" or I prefer even "Native American"

Before the Scots and the English settled this land. There were only indigenous pagans... But No Native Americans. Washington and the USA established "Native Americans"

So yea on a job application I'm a white, non Hispanic... But if someone asked me my ethnicity... It's "Heritage American"

This is all simply stated to clarify that we live in a world where people are grasping for identity.

Emj is right about the labels others want to put on us.

Yes I fit the classical white identity. I'm Scottish. But if we start going down this purist attitude, I could tell a greek/Italian/Georgian/Portuguese person. "Nope not white"

Hopefully someone gets my point .
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What is white?

Prefaced with: I literally grew up on a plantation house and have a 120 year old Confederate Battle Flag framed and sitting over my seat in my dining room...

I think I'm qualified to make a comment about what white is and isn't.

The issue is that "white" has a subjective term based on who asks it and who labels it.

Now it means anyone with relatively pale/Caucasian skin.

Tons of people rallying to the "white" cause are not really part of the group ethnically but have identified accordingly...

I personally agree with he Vox Day assessment of white as described by Cuckservative and other books he's written.

That means English or Scottish Magna Carta heritage Americans.

Germans are then included...and then other Nordic nationalities as well.

My dad's family is Scottish and has been here since the late 1700s old American stock. My moms is late 1800s/early 1900s Ukrainian (Austro-Hungarian Empire from Lvov/Lvov Ukranian) that doesn't fit the "white" purest definition.

My ex wife is pale as the moon, but is 2/3 Italian and 1/3 french... White? Authentically yes sure. But culturally? I dunno...

My wife is 1/4 Chocktaw, 1/4 Spanish, and German/British.... Is she white? She passed for a tan slav/Polish woman... But where's the line?

The problem with reducing people to skin color is that it's all reduction to absurdity. The blood purity thing is an issue too.

There are guys on here who are part of the Russian church that are going about whiteness...guess what dudes...Russians ain't white in the classical sense. They may be Caucasian but it's a different mentality than the Magna Carta English and Scottish Nobles that that term refers to at the time of the Revolution.

So I reject "white" as a term and emphasize "heritage American" or I prefer even "Native American"

Before the Scots and the English settled this land. There were only indigenous pagans... But No Americans.

So yea on a job application I'm a white, non Hispanic... But if someone asked me my ethnicity... It's "Heritage American"

This is all simply stated to clarify that we live in a world where people are grasping for identity.

Emj is right about the labels others want to put on us.

Yes I fit the classical white identity. I'm Scottish. But if we start going down this purist attitude, I could tell a greek/Italian/Georgian/Portuguese person. "Nope not white"

Hopefully someone gets my point .
Good piece.
This is all simply stated to clarify that we live in a world where people are grasping for identity.
Emj is right about the labels others want to put on us.
This line is interesting, people are grasping for identity...

Idenity is a modernist concept. largely non-existant before the modern american empire. (check the ngram)
ScreenShot Tool -20240224101838.webp
Jesus didn't talk about "identity" it's modernist to try to define ourselves.

Which group do we support? Which political party? Which brands we buy? Which car brand I drive? What do I stand for?

I think this a trap. (like EMJ says)

We are seduced to take on the labels others put on us. Like white or black, left or right etc. ( instead of German, Chocktaw, Spanish, Ukrainian etc etc which are labels in itself)

I talked with my grandfather on this, and he defines himself to the vilage (the village 5 km away is fully different he says and feels) and his faith. Not the nation or his political beliefs or the stuff he buys)

This is all ideology, concept of the mind, it's not reality of our existence.
Good piece.

This line is interesting, people are grasping for identity...

Idenity is a modernist concept. largely non-existant before the modern american empire. (check the ngram)
View attachment 5510
Jesus didn't talk about "identity" it's modernist to try to define ourselves.

Which group do we support? Which political party? Which brands we buy? Which car brand I drive? What do I stand for?

I think this a trap. (like EMJ says)

We are seduced to take on the labels others put on us. Like white or black, left or right etc. ( instead of German, Chocktaw, Spanish, Ukrainian etc etc which are labels in itself)

I talked with my grandfather on this, and he defines himself to the vilage (the village 5 km away is fully different he says and feels) and his faith. Not the nation or his political beliefs or the stuff he buys)

This is all ideology, concept of the mind, it's not reality of our existence.
I don't know how Patriot Front clarifies all this (which is why I'm posting this in this thread given the discussion at hand)
There are certain levels of subdivision and purity spirals that prevent cohesion among groups. That's by design too.

The counter argument against my presupposed definition of whiteness being "British/Scottish subjects who are product of the social contract of the magna carta" is "anyone who's ethnically 'European and pale skin'

That's not really sufficient for me.

Chechens are pretty much aesthetically Caucasian. They are known for red hair and pale skin (at least that's very common) but are Muslim... so they ain't white.

Or is it just people that identify with the ideas of the forefathers of the US whom WERE white, but those people now don't have to fit the exact definition.....

Ben Franklin called the Germans/Dutch who were in Pennsylvania a as "non-white" ... So where does the distinction end.

Others might say "Its a distinction with out a difference" and all Caucasians are lumped in that category regardless of accuracy.

That's a separate argument.

I kinda root for the ideas of Patriot front...I like "white" identity but I am not sure what fits into it? Do I, having a Slavic blood? Does my wife? Do my kids? and I think its ripe for Fedfiltration regardless of the intent.

I can just as easily say "F*ck You" as I could say "Nice to meet you brother" to these sorts of groups....