Patriot Front (and other White Nationalist Groups)

I don't think for instance that if someone is attacking me, I should offer my wife up to be murdered and my daughter to be raped.
Absolutely not, you are correct, you kill the attacker. In many situations in life it is kill or be killed, eat or be eaten. Sometimes I think the "turn the other cheek" thing was created by jews to say: "Whatever we do to you, no matter how much interest we charge you, no matter how many homes we foreclose on, no matter how many illegals we allow into your country, no matter how much we humiliate and degrade you by turning your daughters into tatted-up whores, you must forgive us and be a good Christian pacifist by bearing your cross just like your blasphemous Saviour Jesus Christ did when we rightly crucified Him for being a false prophet."

I really hate how Christians of today see weakness as some sort of value. Prayer alone does not work.
100%. There are dastardly deeds that need to be done by men in the middle of the night that are despicable. Prayer does not eliminate pedophilia, only killing pedophiles can do that. The Lord has put us in a strange predicament. I'm not always sure what the answer is, but I know that laying down my arms and forgiving my attacker instead of attacking him back will only result in my early demise. The Lord does not want me to be a suicidal kamikaze in this type of situation, He wants me to defend myself to the death with righteous anger.
The point is Patriot Front is not an organization promoting the will of God
They went to the March for Life and they distribute charity.
Just like Hitler thought he could do some kind of secular resistance, he got crushed because he did not take God seriously. Likewise with so many other failed leaders. Usually, Satan wins in politics unless a leader whose will is truly aligned with God comes along, like Constantine.

Anything less is a waste of time, such as Patriot Front (or insert any other White Nationalist larp group). It goes without saying that any major Church has done 100000000000000x times more for Whites than any Wignat group. Based Churches will continue to exist just as they have in the past, and the Church will outlast America so the Church is the most logical place to support, resist, and survive.
Then why do you advocate nonstop for Trump? Is he not a secular leader? Does he take God seriously? I mean, I can't judge, but the man has said he doesn't ask God for forgiveness. That doesn't stop you for pushing for him.

You're putting a heck of a lot of energy in Republican party politics for someone who is quite serious about the faith in this thread, yet has gone elsewhere on this forum and, correct me if I'm wrong, discouraged blanket criminalization of abortion. I am quite curious about your demographics and irl affiliations. The PF hate has become irrational, to the point where it seems clear you're not reading or understanding any of what me or @It_Is_My_Time or anyone else is saying. You're clearly on our side of the JQ yet whenever it comes to advocating specifically for White Americans in the same way St. John of Kronstadt did for Russians and MANY other saints did for their respective ethnicities, you become quite hostile. I care if Whites disappear because we have a uniquely beautiful culture and race, and my family is White. My son is White. I want him to be able to get married and have children and own a house. Am I bad for wanting this?

I think most of the dislikes I've received have come from you at this point. Are you a civic nationalist?

American Christianity's steadfast resistance to advocating for White people, contrary to how Christianity has functioned for every other ethnicity in the world at all times before the 20th century, is going to turn a lot of conservative minded Whites towards paganism, Islam, and atheism. I guarantee it.
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American Christianity's steadfast resistance to advocating for White people, contrary to how Christianity has functioned for every other ethnicity in the world at all times before the 20th century, is going to turn a lot of conservative minded Whites towards paganism, Islam, and atheism. I guarantee it.
This has already been happening with the online dissident right-wing scene. There's a been a big rise in what called the "Nietzschean right", as coined by one of it's well known proponents, Richard Hanania. Richard Spencer who has said that he is at core a Nietzschean falls under this label as well. This movement is secular and often quite hostile towards Christianity since they blame it as the source of egalitarianism and SJW ideas. Lots of these people were also part of the whole anti-SJW/GamerGate/Trump movement that was huge online during the mid 2010s and the older ones were also part of the New Atheist and Ron Paul libertarian movement before that. They were willing to put aside their dislike for Christianity when all Pepe Trump online meme warfare stuff was going on and ally with or at least tolerate Christians but that coalition seems to have fallen part now that the dissident right support for Trump has splintered so he can no longer act as banner for these different groups to rally around.

In Roosh's final book in a chapter called "Race" he talked about how a young guy showed up at one of his talks during his US tour and when the topic of race came up, the kid said he preferred to live around people of his race. Roosh wrote that it was a "fair statement" and asked if the kid would prefer to live around a devout Mexican Catholic family or a white homosexual family that put rainbow flags all over their yard. The kid replied that he would prefer the white gays without hesitation because race should be at the top and as the discussion went on the kid actually said "Race comes first, and then God". I'm 90% sure this kid is probably some sort of atheist Nietzschean right wing guy now and I'm guessing there's ton of conservative minded white guys that are in the same boat.

There's been guys like Andrew Torba who are making an attempt to link American Christianity and white advocacy together but I don't really see this ever taking root since in America there's never been any sort of national ethnic church the way there has been with traditionally Orthodox countries. And even with Orthodoxy the link is with a specific ethnicity such as Russian, Romanian, and such and not for a pan-white/European identity. I can't even picture how an Orthodox church or any other church that is specifically linked to defending white people as a whole would look like.
Absolutely not, you are correct, you kill the attacker. In many situations in life it is kill or be killed, eat or be eaten. Sometimes I think the "turn the other cheek" thing was created by jews to say: "Whatever we do to you, no matter how much interest we charge you, no matter how many homes we foreclose on, no matter how many illegals we allow into your country, no matter how much we humiliate and degrade you by turning your daughters into tatted-up whores, you must forgive us and be a good Christian pacifist by bearing your cross just like your blasphemous Saviour Jesus Christ did when we rightly crucified Him for being a false prophet."

100%. There are dastardly deeds that need to be done by men in the middle of the night that are despicable. Prayer does not eliminate pedophilia, only killing pedophiles can do that. The Lord has put us in a strange predicament. I'm not always sure what the answer is, but I know that laying down my arms and forgiving my attacker instead of attacking him back will only result in my early demise. The Lord does not want me to be a suicidal kamikaze in this type of situation, He wants me to defend myself to the death with righteous anger.

Then tell me how anger will solve the "tatted-up whore"? How anger will solve the crimes of the rulers? How killing pedophiles will dissolve the devil? Will sin be removed from the earth?

You are choosing sin to solve sin.

I see many present a false dichotomy in this thread; pray OR fight.

And it seems you would have to choose. But these are paradoxes. Chesterton is amazing in describing these.

It's not relativistic, it the opposite. There is truth in both.

A man that just fights is dumb and weak, just as a man that just prays and has no actions.
In my opinion these are complementary forces. Not opposites. It's a false dichotomy.

When I hear people speak on the "white" Christianity, I just cringe, white is a matter of the mind, it's not even real, where do you put the line?
What is real is that we are all able to sin, and also able to praise God.

Are blacks / coloures not to be saved? Or self-claimed racial Jews (which is fake as well)? Are they marked by birth and destined for hell? That's ridiculous.

I agree with @Samseau mostly

Why should God help you, or any other White? He doesn't owe you anything. You're just another hypocrite who thinks God should be your servant and give you what you want. God has already done more for us than we could possibly ever repay. You or I don't deserve anything from God. Show respect and humility to the Lord, and He will give you what you need, not what you want, for salvation.

This is true.

The Church is not a political institution. It's about God. Nothing else. Not "whites". Or "conservatives". Or "republicans" these are all fantasies.
They went to the March for Life and they distribute charity.
Is this what defines a follower of Christ?

@Samseau Just like Hitler thought he could do some kind of secular resistance, he got crushed because he did not take God seriously. Likewise with so many other failed leaders. Usually, Satan wins in politics unless a leader whose will is truly aligned with God comes along, like Constantine.

Anything less is a waste of time, such as Patriot Front (or insert any other White Nationalist larp group). It goes without saying that any major Church has done 100000000000000x times more for Whites than any Wignat group. Based Churches will continue to exist just as they have in the past, and the Church will outlast America so the Church is the most logical place to support, resist, and survive.

Hear hear. From the 19th century we have seen all these anti-God movement; communism, nationalism, liberalism, technofeudalism, all these idealist societies. Non have brought people closer to God. To heaven.

There is no way that running around with khakis and shield is going to help guys.

In the end it comes down to a question. Who is #1. Heavenly rule or earthly rule?

All these idealist movements told / tell about earthly rule. And completely deny the kingdom of heaven.

So when @Samseau talks about prayer. He is 100% right.

There is no shortage of political actors. And idealists. Left. Right. White. Black. Or whatever fake idea they propagate. When I am at work everyone talks about the weather, economy and politics.

But we almost never speak on God. Or pray together.

If you feel prayer is "doing nothing", I would advice you to reflect on your prayer and life of faith.
If you feel prayer is "doing nothing", I would advice you to reflect on your prayer and life of faith.
No one here has said "prayer does nothing". This is a straw man.

The only question is, is prayer enough? Does God command us to just pray and sit and wait while our families are attacked and destroyed by every means humanly possible?

Of course not. Yet, I don't know of one church actively out fighting against mass immigration, fighting against the political elites who profit off of death, poverty, war, and the worst mankind has to offer. Naming the people behind porn, behind the MIC, behind the open borders, behind political movements that are now teaching children to become transexuals or homosexuals within the schools our tax dollars pay for.

So far, the only ones fighting against this are the White Nationalists in Khakis. I think they would all happily welcome any Christian/Church who wants to join their side at a protest or rally.

If Christians want to continue to rely on prayer, and prayer only, then they will continue to lose.
I can't even picture how an Orthodox church or any other church that is specifically linked to defending white people as a whole would look like.
Most every church in the west looked like this just 200 years ago, and for over a thousand years prior to that. The scripture is already in the bible that we all belong to nations and trying to combine the nations would recreate the tower or Babel. We can now see firsthand what the tower of Babel results are...

A country that is run by usury, that uses the worst of sin to bribe the leaders into doing the most evil acts around the globe. This whole tower of Babel is beyond evil and the evil the west is doing across the globe, the million, probably 10's of millions of deaths to go along with it, is the greatest of crimes in the history of mankind.

Here are some pictures of Christianity in Nazi Germany. There are many more pictures out there, but to give an idea of what it looks like.

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When I hear people speak on the "white" Christianity, I just cringe, white is a matter of the mind, it's not even real, where do you put the line?
So just to be clear, you think the earth is flat, space is fake, nukes are fake, and White people aren't real? Got it.

This is what I was talking about. You're driving Whites away from Christianity, if every other race can be a Christian and have in group preference. And you're just flat out wrong about Whites not being a real category. Spaniards are far more genetically similar to Russians than the Morroccans just 100 KM south of them.

During the George Floyd riots, my 95% White town's businesses had to board up to stop from being looted by blacks. There were no neighborhood watches or checkpoints set up because we are so deracinated because of people who think like you, either brainwashed into thinking Whites don't exist, or being aware we exist like liberals and the government and actively hating us.

The only murder in that town during my entire life came from a black guy who traveled from two or three towns over to rob a store.

Ask me how I know you and @Samseau are either not parents or not White. I held my premature born son in my arms, tears running down my face, in complete awe at God's providence, and people like you would tell him his people don't even exist, that they shouldn't defend themselves as a race being uniquely targeted by out groups that do show in group preference. That I should leave my son as an “individual” in a world that hates him due to how he looks.

Shame on you.
Most every church in the west looked like this just 200 years ago, and for over a thousand years prior to that. The scripture is already in the bible that we all belong to nations and trying to combine the nations would recreate the tower or Babel. We can now see firsthand what the tower of Babel results are...

A country that is run by usury, that uses the worst of sin to bribe the leaders into doing the most evil acts around the globe. This whole tower of Babel is beyond evil and the evil the west is doing across the globe, the million, probably 10's of millions of deaths to go along with it, is the greatest of crimes in the history of mankind.

Here are some pictures of Christianity in Nazi Germany. There are many more pictures out there, but to give an idea of what it looks like.

Those German Christians would be another example of a church that is aligned with an ethnicity rather than a pan-white identity as a whole. What would be an example of a church that instead of being say Russian Orthodox or Serbian Orthodox is instead something like European Orthodox or such?

Also the article you linked talked about how these German Christian taught that Christ was an Aryan, tried to do away with the Old Testament, and had a description of a funeral presided over by a pastor of this church where he mentioned Valhalla, Baldur and other pagan elements. None of these are things that should be promoted in any Christian movement.
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Those German Christians would be another example of a church that is aligned with an ethnicity rather than a pan-white identity as a whole. What would be an example of a church that instead of being say Russian Orthodox or Serbian Orthodox is instead something like European Orthodox or such?

Also the article you linked talked about how these German Christian taught that Christ was an Aryan, tried to do away with the Old Testament, and had a description of a funeral presided over by a pastor of this church where he mentioned Valhalla, Baldur and other pagan elements. None of these are things that should be promoted in any Christian movement.
I'm just giving you an example of what it would look like. Or just do the inverse of a "Black Church" in the USA. It is neither hard to imagine nor a new thing. And it appears if it isn't done that White people will go extinct and rather quickly.
There's no such thing as Black Church, or a Church centered around a race. There are Churches centered around tribal, political identities, but ultimately, "There is neither Jew nor Greek, there is neither slave nor free, there is no male and female, for you are all one in Christ Jesus."

The people here are totally detached from reality, history, and humility. The reason the White race exists is because God willed it. That's the only reason. You or I will not be able to keep the White race alive. God created us and God alone can sustain us.

God likewise created many other races, as His Will is Good. There is nothing else to analyze here: This is God's will and we exist for it.

Therefore, to turn back on the creator, will simply mean he will abandon us to Satan, and then Whites will be wiped out.

It's pretty obvious that these "Neitzchian" right-wing losers are just heretics, blasphemers, and chews (but I repeat myself). Like Bronze Age Pervert: argued Christianity is too weak... turns out to be a chew!

Wouldn't anyone be surprised if It Is My Time to also be chewish at this point?

I care if Whites disappear because we have a uniquely beautiful culture and race, and my family is White. My son is White. I want him to be able to get married and have children and own a house. Am I bad for wanting this?

God does not care about your material concerns, Daniel. He will give us what we actually need, not what we merely want. You can pray for these things, and perhaps He will deem it best for you or others to have them, but it is entirely at his wisdom. He knows the big picture, his plan spans thousands of our lifetimes.

You all are despondent, faithless men, because these are trying times. I totally sympathize. But in your desperation, you become attracted to snake oil, quackery, as this "White Nationalism" will be some magic quick fix. In fact, it's just doing the work of chews and other enemies of God, by trying to convince you that anyone who is not "explicitly" White is not your friend. Of course, all of these "explicitly" White groups will not survive into the future, because they have no foundation with God. They will either be easy prey for other groups or dissolve into vicious suicidal infighting so common with groups that turn away from God.

Think about how Ukraine is getting annihillated, because they turned away from God and instead are rallying to some weird White identity thing. It's obviously a lie, Whites have no identity with their race anymore than Blacks or Asians do. Blacks and Asians like to pretend they are united so they can fight Whites, but they know it's all a bullshit scam and none them actually care about each other. They will stab each other in the back for money and they do it all time. I love the vids in China where Asians walk by people hit by cars, bleeding out on the side of the road, and do not even notice them.

In Roosh's final book in a chapter called "Race" he talked about how a young guy showed up at one of his talks during his US tour and when the topic of race came up, the kid said he preferred to live around people of his race. Roosh wrote that it was a "fair statement" and asked if the kid would prefer to live around a devout Mexican Catholic family or a white homosexual family that put rainbow flags all over their yard. The kid replied that he would prefer the white gays without hesitation because race should be at the top and as the discussion went on the kid actually said "Race comes first, and then God". I'm 90% sure this kid is probably some sort of atheist Nietzschean right wing guy now and I'm guessing there's ton of conservative minded white guys that are in the same boat.

This is a great example of how stupid and suicidal the Wignat right is. This kid would rather be with Whites who are totally separated from God, killing themselves with sin, just because they are the same "race," LOL! Who would kill themselves over something like that? Absolutely insane, irrational, and ultimately, if Whites are this dumb they stand no chance at survival. Idolizing one's race means they will be ripe for some Hitler wannabe to use as cannon fodder somewhere.


There are two major problems with Whites today:

1. They do not understand how race mixing works, and how autosomal recessive genes work. The idea of racial purity is a lie. Races exist but along phenotypes, not along a certain "race." Race is just a loose noun to describe phenotypes. Phenotypes do not go away with race mixing, it takes MANY generations of diluting a race in order wipe out autosomal recessive genes.

2. They have no sense of history. 99% of Whites do not know of the Orthodox Church, for example, their knowledge of the Bible and God is abysmal, and thus they are extremely easy for Satan to pick off with various fears, paranoias, deceptions, jealousies, and promises of material achievements.

So, related to point number 2 and a lack of history, Whites today have NO IDEA that before Christ found them, bleeding out on the side of the road, before Christ put his cloak around them and carried them to the Church, they were more like Muslims than the docile civilization we know them as today. The "advanced" Romans were just a bunch of dudes stabbing each other with pointed sticks (spears). That was the "height" of civilization before Christ found them. The achievements, discoveries, and material advancements of Whites all came after Christ, because Christ brought peace to a White race that prior had only known war, enslavement, genocide, and poverty.

Christianity transformed the White race, and Whites love what they became while being utterly ignorant of how they got there. That is why any movement without Christ will fail, it is a movement built on sand. We already know what Whites are like without Christ, and they are not much different than your typical Muzzie. Indeed, a huge number of the initial Muslims were White converts who defected from Christian Rome, because they wanted to go back to the old ways of dominating and raping the enemy. Ancient Muslims were either White or light skinned - but I digress. The point is that Whites, as a race, are virtually capable of becoming anything, as history shows: Thus to try and advocate for White interests without God will just result in Whites becoming something worse, as they were in the past.
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It's a perfectly good faith discussion on my end, but you guys don't like your dogmas and heresies being challenged which is why the need to resort ad-hominins and non-sequiturs.

You said:

And then said:

That's it. That's my post.

Perhaps I was not clear enough for you. Just because someone calls themselves "Black Church" or an "Asian Church" or whatever, means absolutely nothing to God. God did not create a Church for any specific race. It was originally offered to the Jews first but it was always ultimately going to be open for all.

People can pretend they are a "Black" Church all they want, that's not what counts in God's eyes nor does he care. Building a Church around a race is heresy, end of story. It's very explicit within the Bible.

There are "de facto" racial Churches: Most churches tend to be highly segregated, because Church is about family and God, and families share their race (which comes from Latin "Ray" = origins). But that people naturally segregate as they attend Church simply means it is according to God's will that they segregate, not that God willed there be a Church where only Blacks may attend, or Whites, or Asians, etc.
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Wouldn't anyone be surprised if It Is My Time to also be chewish at this point?
I am just an ordinary regular White guy. I am White because my ancestors were run out of Europe by the bankers, and came to this wild untamed land, risked their lives and everything they owned, to create a new life, in a new country, with a new identity of being White. I am only part German, part French, part Scottish, part Irish, and other countries as well. My ethnicity is simply White American.

I have friends of all races and backgrounds. I love the connection I find with other people, no matter who it is, because at the end of the day we are all connected and children of God. My best friend is Asian and moved here to the USA when they were 25. We have had many deep discussions on this issue. I have friends that are Black, Hispanic, Asian, Jewish, on and on. And they are all good people, and good to me and vice versa, and at the end of the day, that is how it should be.

At the same time, I believe they all too should have their own homelands and we should live as neighbors and respect each other for our similarities and our differences. I believe we should all work together to help each other, because tough times and loss wait for all of us.

What got me to this point? I have had to work 7 days a week for nearly 25 years straight. I can't afford a GF. I will likely never be able to afford a family. I have watched other less skilled people be promoted above me, get jobs ahead of me, get opportunities I would dream to have, and I don't get them simply because I am White. And yet, I still end up doing the heavy work, because the work has to be done by someone, at the same time, there are diversity quotas to uphold. They get the reward and pay, I get the work. And from what I can gather, it is this way in many places. I am lucky, at least I had a shot to get into college and get a job, the young White men have it far worse than I did.

In fact, I have to attend a funeral soon and it was such a big deal that I wouldn't be at work for one day, that it was asked if I could work part of the day. Why is that? Because no one else can do the work, but I haven't been promoted in nearly two decades. At least I have a job, most White guys I know are in a worse position than me.

We have no White caucus, we have no real White civil rights group, we can't even get "based" Trump to acknowledge we exist while he shouts out to Black, Hispanic and Asian Americans over and over. And it is only getting worse year over year.

And most young White men have a very similar experience, and if not, they likely will in the near future. What they do with this is anyone's guess. But if you reach out and tell them "too bad, God doesn't care about you plight" you are not going to win them over, in fact you are just going to encourage them to go the way you don't want them to go.
In Roosh's final book in a chapter called "Race" he talked about how a young guy showed up at one of his talks during his US tour and when the topic of race came up, the kid said he preferred to live around people of his race. Roosh wrote that it was a "fair statement" and asked if the kid would prefer to live around a devout Mexican Catholic family or a white homosexual family that put rainbow flags all over their yard. The kid replied that he would prefer the white gays without hesitation because race should be at the top and as the discussion went on the kid actually said "Race comes first, and then God". I'm 90% sure this kid is probably some sort of atheist Nietzschean right wing guy now and I'm guessing there's ton of conservative minded white guys that are in the same boat.
Says it all really. If White Nationalism is an idol, why would God not destroy it?
Says it all really. If White Nationalism is an idol, why would God not destroy it?
Is it an idol? Is any national state an idol (nation historically meaning like people from an area)?

We know what God thought of the Tower of Babel and we know that the Tower of Babel is just renamed "Multi-Culturalism" and we see every multi-cultural western country collapse in real time. I don't see how opposing this would anger God.
And most young White men have a very similar experience, and if not, they likely will in the near future. What they do with this is anyone's guess. But if you reach out and tell them "too bad, God doesn't care about you plight" you are not going to win them over, in fact you are just going to encourage them to go the way you don't want them to go.

It's not that God doesn't care, it's that God knows better than you do. God will give you what you actually need (our spiritual needs), not what you think you need (material needs). But He cannot give you those things unless you turn to Him fully, put your faith and trust in Him, and actually follow his commandments.

Do not rely on yourself, rely on God. Pray and ask God each day, "How can I be the best man I can be today? How can I serve your will my Lord? How can I help my Neighbor?" These are the winning questions that will save the White race. Nothing else will work, it is the ONLY thing that has worked before.
Is it an idol? Is any national state an idol (nation historically meaning like people from an area)?
Anything that we deem 'good' outside of God is an idol.

We know what God thought of the Tower of Babel and we know that the Tower of Babel is just renamed "Multi-Culturalism" and we see every multi-cultural western country collapse in real time. I don't see how opposing this would anger God.
When God dispersed the nations, it was due to their rebellion against Him. This curse is undone in the Church, most prominently seen at Pentecost, when God gave the Apostles the gift of tongues to preach the Gospel to all nations, to bring men from every nation into the Church. Heaven knows no race division, for all are one in Christ Jesus.

I'm sympathetic to the wignats, but among them there seems to be a spirit of "we will have our White Nationalism with or without God, His Word, and His Church." And that is where my sympathy ends. If it is of men, it will fail, but if it is of God, it will prevail.
repeated thread hijacking
Let it be noted for all future discussions in which Samseau...

A) defends the legality of abortion;
B) attacks groups for trying to protect their own ethnic community; and
C) insists that we all have to vote for Trump

...that he will not answer the question of whether he is being paid by either the Republican Party or the Trump campaign specifically. I personally find his refusal to answer extremely suspicious, and it would also explain a lot if he were receiving money to make posts and comments of that variety. Until you answer the question, @Samseau, I'm going to assume you are being paid to keep the men here on the Republican plantation. I won't outright affirm that's the case until and unless you answer in the affirmative, but your behavior points in that direction and so I have to use Occam's Razor.