Patriot Front (and other White Nationalist Groups)

How does what you're saying here square with him being a Saint in the Orthodox Church?

We have a Tsar of righteous and pious life. God has sent a heavy cross of sufferings to him as to His chosen one and beloved child, …If there is no repentance in the Russian people,… God will remove from it the pious Tsar and send a scourge in the person of impure, cruel, self-called rulers, who will drench the whole land in blood and tears

- St. John of Kronstadt, 1905

Saying what happened in Russia is explicitly because of the Tsar is not accurate.
Samseau, do you get paid by either the Republican Party in general or the Trump campaign specifically?
Bro Aug, you're a smart guy. Do you agree that a lot of this retrospective stuff regarding what has happened and our trying to explain it away in some God-ly directed fashion is at best problematic and probably even more dangerous? I don't find that telling people, and a lot of Orthodox seem to do it, that if something happens or doesn't, "it's for your salvation" as if you don't have major say in it. I feel like that stuff gets thrown around quite a bit, and by people I even respect. It seems rather lame to me, but maybe that's something I'm particularly skeptical about, or I lack in some quality.
The Tsar and Tsarina are saints because of the way the righteously suffered and composed themselves post Soviet take over.

The Tsar was not a great political leader in some ways... but my understanding is that they were not given the description of Holy Martyrs either.

We recognize that saints can be correct on some things and imperfect on other things.
I think Nicholas II deserves his own thread. Suffering is a hallmark of our kind, as is being a fighter for one's folk and a warrior for truth. Many great leaders have suffered terrible tortures and deaths, some have suffered a martyrdom not just for Christ but for their people.

There seems to be two camps emerging once again in all matters on this forum the same way it was emerging on RVF before he pulled the plug, those who believe in praying alone will fix everything, and those who believe in action alone will fix everything. There needs to be a synthesis of this.

The Church is the foundational institution for the care of the hereafter, and the Saints are a human embodiment of the perfect teachings and instructions descended from Christ's time on earth and His purpose, but they themselves are not the perfection that was Christ, so we must always correct ourselves, even raise questions to our Churches if we see them moving away from the Christian spirit. Certain events and figures from the past must be questioned too, but everything will have its proper judgment under the light of the sun at some point.

Groups like Patriot Front are acting in the Christian Spirit with the things that they do, but they stand no chance against this behemoth of a federal government and its allied industrial arms, no chance alone that is. The Churches need regional and global cooperation in the Christian spirit, where corrupt offices cannot interfere with the reestablishment of the Christian mores among all the peoples of the nations.

I agree and disagree with all of you on many things, but I think we are starting to make an advancement in understanding one another with our current predicaments on what needs to happen. There must be cooperation between un-pozzed Churches and national governments. There must be an undoing of the pozz in the pozzed Churches. There must be a gutting of the corruption and the heresy that plagues the Apostolic Catholics with the post Vatican II nonsense, and there needs to be more solidarity among the Orthodox nations to stop the attack they are under. There eventually needs to be a rejoining of all the faithful, no doubt after many more councils, to rebuild a single church and un-fracture Christendom, thus resurrecting western civilization. If we start fixing the Churches and going on the offensive spiritually, the physical war will play out differently. Both parts constitute a whole in the scheme of time and events in God's realm that He created, which we all inhabit. Forsaking one for the other is foolhardy, but specializing in one over the other as a complement is a sound strategy. One man prays and supports while another man fights. The Crusades were like this. One hospitalier for every knight. One monk for every watchman. One Bishop for every Noble. One mass before every cavalry charge.

We cannot pray our way out of this alone, and we cannot fight our way out of this alone. There must be a symphony of body and soul superseding "mind over matter," and the more people that do this together the more victorious the righteous shall be, for it is written that we are to inherit this earth, not the vermin of the devil.
I don't think the 10's of millions of people raped, tortured and starved to death feel saved. With modern technology, they would just completely wipe the people out rather than spend decades torturing them. That is the kind of evil we face.
Of course none of us want to endure these things but if that is the cross given to us, we must pray for strength and patience to bear it.

Luke 9:23-26 (KJV)
23 And he said to them all, If any man will come after me, let him deny himself, and take up his cross daily, and follow me.
24 For whosoever will save his life shall lose it: but whosoever will lose his life for my sake, the same shall save it.
25 For what is a man advantaged, if he gain the whole world, and lose himself, or be cast away?
26 For whosoever shall be ashamed of me and of my words, of him shall the Son of man be ashamed, when he shall come in his own glory, and in his Father's, and of the holy angels.

Jesus Christ also taught that His kingdom is not of this world, or else His servants would fight. Not that Christians should never take up arms, but when we focus so heavily on the here and now, earthly kingdoms and nations, we are missing the larger point. It is about salvation of the souls of men, not living a secure or comfortable life. We are all plunging headlong towards either eternal salvation or damnation, arguing about "saving America" is not really of consequence in the long-term.
How many empires have risen and fallen, yet the Church of Christ still stands and will be victorious in the end.
Not that what PF is doing is bad but it's a secular organization, so it is of little, if any eternal value, in my opinion. Maybe some Christians can join and share the gospel with the other members there. At any rate, Jesus didn't say He was here to "Make Judea Great Again!", He came to free us from eternal death. To save us from sin. That's way more important than whether or not PF is a glow op or not.
At any rate, Jesus didn't say He was here to "Make Judea Great Again!", He came to free us from eternal death. To save us from sin.
Great summary.

And this goes for all political organisations / causes.

Since getting deeper into following Christ, I feel less and less connected to politics. Who cares what losers run the country? How they spend the taxes? How important is it for salvation?

Do we need a "good" ruler to get to heaven? Or do we have the ruler already?
Of course none of us want to endure these things but if that is the cross given to us, we must pray for strength and patience to bear it.

Just endure watching our families be tortured to death? You mean, just sit and watch it happen and do nothing to prevent it or fight back?

If not, then when do you get active and do something? How bad do things have to get until you give permission to fight back?

Sorry, if you do mean to just sit and let these things happen to your family, no one is going to follow your "lead", so you need to have some kind of answers to these things.
Just endure watching our families be tortured to death? You mean, just sit and watch it happen and do nothing to prevent it or fight back?

If not, then when do you get active and do something? How bad do things have to get until you give permission to fight back?

Sorry, if you do mean to just sit and let these things happen to your family, no one is going to follow your "lead", so you need to have some kind of answers to these things.
Clearly, what we need to do is all stay home and pray, and when things really get bad we can file a permit to protest in a certain location, but be careful because if far right people announce they're going to be there, you need to forget about it and stay home, in which case you can write a letter to your congressman, vote harder, and write a post on twitter saying "can you imagine if the roles were reversed?"

The government exclusively wants what's bad for you if you're a White Christian male. They don't want you to:
  • Go to church
  • Lift heavy weights/ be fit
  • Have high testosterone
  • Meet in public
  • Have critical thinking skills
  • Understand rhetoric
  • Have male fellowship
  • Protest, especially with a uniform, a militia, or with firearms, rights explicitly granted in the Constitution
  • Go hunting
  • Eat meat, milk, eggs, or any sort of animal protein
  • Filter your water
  • Point out environmental manipulation like chemtrails
  • Show any sort of in group preference
  • Read dissident literature
  • Name the Jew
  • Own firearms
  • Get married and have children
  • Abstain from pornography
I'll admit, I'm a very simple guy. I didn't formulate most of my opinions from the ground up by studying philosophy and the bible. All I did was I looked at the most evil people out there that hate me, and based my opinions around the opposite of what those people want for me and my people. This got me:
  • Baptized in the Orthodox Church
  • Married, and became a father
  • Pureblood status
  • Lots of likeminded friends in real life
So basically my confusion in this thread is why people would agree with me against the government, media, Jews, and what have you on every single point I listed here except the one I bolded, where they actually agree with the government. If you've got stuff to lose, maybe you're married with a stay at home wife or you have a powerful position that can help our people, like if you're a judge -- then I understand why joining PF sounds like an absolutely insane idea. That's why I wouldn't join, because if I lost my job then it would devastate my family. However, there's a lot of young single guys with nothing to lose, looking at the state of women, their spot in law school going to Jamal Sh'eeit or Schmuel Shekelberg, real estate skyrocketing due to replacement migration... I don't know how I could look at those guys and tell them to just stay home and pray. Sure, pray, obviously, but telling single disenfranchised guys to stay home and do nothing is like telling a brick to stay suspended in the air. It just doesn't happen. The most likely outcome of them staying home is they get addicted to drugs, alcohol, porn, and/or video games.

It just seems strange to me that some here think investing more time and energy into the republican party's political process (a party which hates you as a White Christian man) is a better use of time than joining PF (which also employs each other, especially should one of them get doxxed.)

Doesn't that look just terrible?
Clearly, what we need to do is all stay home and pray, and when things really get bad we can file a permit to protest in a certain location, but be careful because if far right people announce they're going to be there, you need to forget about it and stay home, in which case you can write a letter to your congressman, vote harder, and write a post on twitter saying "can you imagine if the roles were reversed?"

The government exclusively wants what's bad for you if you're a White Christian male. They don't want you to:
  • Go to church
  • Lift heavy weights/ be fit
  • Have high testosterone
  • Meet in public
  • Have critical thinking skills
  • Understand rhetoric
  • Have male fellowship
  • Protest, especially with a uniform, a militia, or with firearms, rights explicitly granted in the Constitution
  • Go hunting
  • Eat meat, milk, eggs, or any sort of animal protein
  • Filter your water
  • Point out environmental manipulation like chemtrails
  • Show any sort of in group preference
  • Read dissident literature
  • Name the Jew
  • Own firearms
  • Get married and have children
  • Abstain from pornography
I'll admit, I'm a very simple guy. I didn't formulate most of my opinions from the ground up by studying philosophy and the bible. All I did was I looked at the most evil people out there that hate me, and based my opinions around the opposite of what those people want for me and my people. This got me:
  • Baptized in the Orthodox Church
  • Married, and became a father
  • Pureblood status
  • Lots of likeminded friends in real life
So basically my confusion in this thread is why people would agree with me against the government, media, Jews, and what have you on every single point I listed here except the one I bolded, where they actually agree with the government. If you've got stuff to lose, maybe you're married with a stay at home wife or you have a powerful position that can help our people, like if you're a judge -- then I understand why joining PF sounds like an absolutely insane idea. That's why I wouldn't join, because if I lost my job then it would devastate my family. However, there's a lot of young single guys with nothing to lose, looking at the state of women, their spot in law school going to Jamal Sh'eeit or Schmuel Shekelberg, real estate skyrocketing due to replacement migration... I don't know how I could look at those guys and tell them to just stay home and pray. Sure, pray, obviously, but telling single disenfranchised guys to stay home and do nothing is like telling a brick to stay suspended in the air. It just doesn't happen. The most likely outcome of them staying home is they get addicted to drugs, alcohol, porn, and/or video games.

It just seems strange to me that some here think investing more time and energy into the republican party's political process (a party which hates you as a White Christian man) is a better use of time than joining PF (which also employs each other, especially should one of them get doxxed.)

Doesn't that look just terrible?

Excellent post. There seems to be a split among Christians, that might come down to their biological flight or fight response and nothing else can change it.

Those who fight, want to do something to fight the evil attacking our families and attacking our churches.

Those who flight, want to pray, wait, and then endure the suffering.

I am sorry, if your message for Christianity is to just "endure suffering" you will lose the top 20% of men, those who do want to fight, and they will go without you and one day see you as an enemy as well. This isn't my opinion, this is just history repeating itself and we need to learn from it and adjust.

I guess if your response is to just "endure" don't request other men too just "endure" or they will first ignore you and then see you as an enemy down the road.
While "conservatives" who have conserved nothing, scream "fed" Patriot Front is out helping White Christians in need and who the GOP ignored. Better yet, all those Fed informants who infiltrated Patriot Front actually had to help White Christians. I bet that was one of the worst days of their lives and still they are unable to pin any charges on them. They have to look in a mirror every morning and realize they are failures in their plot to attack White Christians and destroy Patriot Front.

If you tried to get the GOP to do this, with the billions in funding they have, they would probably kick you out of their party.

Bro Aug, you're a smart guy. Do you agree that a lot of this retrospective stuff regarding what has happened and our trying to explain it away in some God-ly directed fashion is at best problematic and probably even more dangerous? I don't find that telling people, and a lot of Orthodox seem to do it, that if something happens or doesn't, "it's for your salvation" as if you don't have major say in it. I feel like that stuff gets thrown around quite a bit, and by people I even respect. It seems rather lame to me, but maybe that's something I'm particularly skeptical about, or I lack in some quality.
“Work as if everything depends on you, and pray as if everything depends on God.”

+ St. Augustine

Just endure watching our families be tortured to death? You mean, just sit and watch it happen and do nothing to prevent it or fight back?

If not, then when do you get active and do something? How bad do things have to get until you give permission to fight back?

Sorry, if you do mean to just sit and let these things happen to your family, no one is going to follow your "lead", so you need to have some kind of answers to these things.

The point is not 'do nothing' but rather 'do something, while keeping an eternal perspective'.
Of course we need to protect our families. That is a given as a Christian man. I don't think anyone here is advocating for being passive and just letting things happen, but my point is as a follower of Christ our priorities are not to preserve a state here on earth.
The point is not 'do nothing' but rather 'do something, while keeping an eternal perspective'.
Of course we need to protect our families. That is a given as a Christian man. I don't think anyone here is advocating for being passive and just letting things happen, but my point is as a follower of Christ our priorities are not to preserve a state here on earth.
Of course, and I have said the same here. Prayer first, fight for the good of man with the backing of Christ in a Christian manner. That would be my biggest issue with Patriot Front. If they would become a Christian White Nationalist organization and included scripture, prayer, crosses, etc., I would have a lot more support for them. And I do think another group like this will come along and when they do, they will explode in both support and popularity. Down the road, as history again repeats itself, Patriot Front would join side by side with this new group, as allies.

But to say we must just endure and focus only on the afterlife, is suicidal. God never commanded us to become suicidal and just evil destroy us and our families. At some point we must fight back and fight back with a righteous spirit.
When we were going through the "turn the other cheek" story in my small group, I said that I didn't think that philosophy scaled well. I don't think for instance that if someone is attacking me, I should offer my wife up to be murdered and my daughter to be raped.

I do think that story is repeated to Christians over and over to make them docile and weak. I think the point of the parable is to do something your enemy isn't expecting, and in that particular case it disarmed the aggressor. Probably works well when the aggressor and you share the same culture.

I also say that "give unto Caesar" means, literally, that Jesus would have gone to war and killed others in battle if Caesar had conscripted Jesus into his army.

I really, really hate how Christians of today see weakness as some sort of value. Prayer alone does not work. In The Bible, Jesus is always moving, always *acting*. Prayer is the prelude to action.
When we were going through the "turn the other cheek" story in my small group, I said that I didn't think that philosophy scaled well. I don't think for instance that if someone is attacking me, I should offer my wife up to be murdered and my daughter to be raped.

I do think that story is repeated to Christians over and over to make them docile and weak. I think the point of the parable is to do something your enemy isn't expecting, and in that particular case it disarmed the aggressor. Probably works well when the aggressor and you share the same culture.

I also say that "give unto Caesar" means, literally, that Jesus would have gone to war and killed others in battle if Caesar had conscripted Jesus into his army.

I really, really hate how Christians of today see weakness as some sort of value. Prayer alone does not work. In The Bible, Jesus is always moving, always *acting*. Prayer is the prelude to action.
Yes, I was even thinking about this in some detail.

What is "fatherly love" and how does it differ from "motherly love". Fatherly love is both the support and disappointment because father knows you can do better. The disappointment means they love you and know you can do better and will kick you right in the rear if it is needed. This kind of love seems to be unacceptable among most of our society and even in churches.

Okay, a 6-year-old kid is in church being a little brat, and of course everyone would support the father giving the child the look and telling him he better knock it off. But this extends out, to men demanding better behavior of our women, not to punish them, but to give them a chance at a much better life with a small sacrifice that pays huge dividends down the road. It extends out to men demanding better of other men, fighting through addiction and wanting to give up. It extends further to call on other men to protect their families, their loved ones, their communities from the satanic evil.

This is all love, and it should be honored and cherished. Instead, in many churches and certainly throughout society, this kind of love is seen as bad/evil/even assault.

It seems many churches would either stand against this kind of love or at a minimum, not be willing to take a stand behind it. And if that is the case, this church stands for nothing. Jesus didn't flip over the tables of the money changers because he went crazy. He did so because he loved his people and wanted them to be protected from this evil and he saw that he was the man, with the power and ability, to protect them and love them.
No idea why people keep repeating the strawman of faith without works, that's a prot thing. Faith without works is dead, as has been doctrine for 2000+ years, but that's completely irrelevant and tangential to the main premise of the debate in this thread and the nature of Patriot Front.

The point is Patriot Front is not an organization promoting the will of God, unlike the Church. My point not to trust them was that they appear secular, and have no real plan. They do acts of charity to brag online, which is of course extremely anti-Christian. ("Do not let your left hand see your right hand give,")

Hence my point about their lack of prayer making them secular. And that the Church is the only real way to resist the current santic evil. Random groups of White guys doing community service together isn't going to change a damn thing because it's not done in the name of God.

Just as faith without works is dead, works without faith is utterly pointless for nothing happens in this world without God. God is the primary mover of all things, and everything that happens does so for a reason belonging to God. We are never able to comprehend Him fully, but we must rely on Him if we are to succeed. Anything without God will fall apart, 100% guaranteed.

Just like Hitler thought he could do some kind of secular resistance, he got crushed because he did not take God seriously. Likewise with so many other failed leaders. Usually, Satan wins in politics unless a leader whose will is truly aligned with God comes along, like Constantine.

Anything less is a waste of time, such as Patriot Front (or insert any other White Nationalist larp group). It goes without saying that any major Church has done 100000000000000x times more for Whites than any Wignat group. Based Churches will continue to exist just as they have in the past, and the Church will outlast America so the Church is the most logical place to support, resist, and survive.
No idea why people keep repeating the strawman of faith without works, that's a prot thing. Faith without works is dead, as has been doctrine for 2000+ years, but that's completely irrelevant and tangential to the main premise of the debate in this thread and the nature of Patriot Front.

The point is Patriot Front is not an organization promoting the will of God, unlike the Church. My point not to trust them was that they appear secular, and have no real plan. They do acts of charity to brag online, which is of course extremely anti-Christian. ("Do not let your left hand see your right hand give,")

Hence my point about their lack of prayer making them secular. And that the Church is the only real way to resist the current santic evil. Random groups of White guys doing community service together isn't going to change a damn thing because it's not done in the name of God.

Just as faith without works is dead, works without faith is utterly pointless for nothing happens in this world without God. God is the primary mover of all things, and everything that happens does so for a reason belonging to God. We are never able to comprehend Him fully, but we must rely on Him if we are to succeed. Anything without God will fall apart, 100% guaranteed.

Just like Hitler thought he could do some kind of secular resistance, he got crushed because he did not take God seriously. Likewise with so many other failed leaders. Usually, Satan wins in politics unless a leader whose will is truly aligned with God comes along, like Constantine.

Anything less is a waste of time, such as Patriot Front (or insert any other White Nationalist larp group). It goes without saying that any major Church has done 100000000000000x times more for Whites than any Wignat group. Based Churches will continue to exist just as they have in the past, and the Church will outlast America so the Church is the most logical place to support, resist, and survive.
Is there a "based" church in the west who thinks Whites deserve to not go extinct and admit the only way this would happen is by having their own homelands, which is a core Christian tenant? IF not, then one would first need to be created.
Is there a "based" church in the west who thinks Whites deserve to not go extinct and admit the only way this would happen is by having their own homelands, which is a core Christian tenant? IF not, then one would first need to be created.

Why should God help you, or any other White? He doesn't owe you anything. You're just another hypocrite who thinks God should be your servant and give you what you want. God has already done more for us than we could possibly ever repay. You or I don't deserve anything from God. Show respect and humility to the Lord, and He will give you what you need, not what you want, for salvation.
Why should God help you, or any other White? He doesn't owe you anything. You're just another hypocrite who thinks God should be your servant and give you what you want. God has already done more for us than we could possibly ever repay. You or I don't deserve anything from God. Show respect and humility to the Lord, and He will give you what you need, not what you want, for salvation.
Your comment doesn't match my post.

I asked if there is one based church in the western world. I don't know of one. If there isn't one, then that might be the first step for everyone who wants to save the West, and that is to create a based church.