Nick Fuentes Thread

His attitude is poisonous and should be avoided. Where Andrew Torba openly praises this, Nick acts like a child.

However, I can see the wisdom wherein, to zoomers that Nick hasn't convinced yet, their anti-Trump propaganda makes Nick look good.

It's intellectual clickbait.

The number of anti-Trump people in Europe and the UK is incredibly high thanks to superior media propaganda apparatus and the lack of Christ in many people's lives. America is much more Christian than all of Europe and the UK combined.

Nick's tactics work great for converting those in the middle, even if it's not so great if you are already rightwing.

That said, to confirm, things are good, we can see that from Trumps hard actions against Columbia. We shouldn't take Nick seriously, but instead treat him as a Jester who makes a joke out of always being unsatisfied with right-wing politics, just like JREG had the thing about always being ironic and meta-ironic.

If ICE deports 1500 per day for the next 4 years, that totals 2,190,000 deportees.
Now, according to the deportation head, 1500 a day is just the start. Along with that, currently they are focusing on the worst of the worst, not folks who have illegally entered or have overstayed their visa, but ones with criminal records, current warrants, etc...

By cracking down so hard right from the beginning, it will actually secure the border much better than simply building a wall. So that is already far better results than we've seen over the past decades.

Currently it looks like the order of priorities are:
#1 Secure border, stem the tide (√)
#2 Remove violent criminals (In progress)
#3 Send back those who have entered illegally or overstayed their visa (Many of these are going to do it all on their own as they see more and more coverage of deportations)
#4 Tighten (or at least enforce) LEGAL immigration requirements

If Nick wants to whine and criticize Pres. Trump, this is not the topic to choose. Now, if Nick's goal is to keep the overton window shifting right, well this kind of makes sense but he really comes across as blackpilling/whining because he's not getting exactly what he wants, right when he wants it. He obviously doesn't understand how large organizations are run or how it takes time to pivot a dept. in the government. The fact that all of this stuff started day 1 is actually quite impressive. If it compounds just x 2 every year from here, we could easily be looking at upwards of 8 mil by the end of this term.
If Nick was serious he would be out there organizing his followers into helping the downtrodden White Americans like Patriot Front does. For however off their group public optics appear to the outsider, they have done a lot of charity work where Nick says he doesn't need to physically exert himself through exercise because he is "handsome" and asks for money just to answer questions on a stream which he does so callously.

Waking people up is one thing, but if one is not truly with the people, suffering with them, how can they ever support him? Every single Third position leader was leagues ahead of the kind of energy and sociability that Nick has. I remember reading that Leon Degrelle had to pull 20 hour days to debate all his Belgium political opponents from the controlled parties, and only his tenacity and vigor for truth and gathering the people enabled him to win political power in his country, even if he was not fully in charge of it. That's how he became the youngest political leader ever at 29 in Belgium who wasn't a royal. Nick is what now, 26? I'm sure he would debate normal political personalities if he was allowed to.

That's the thing with taking on this system, Nick's only strategy is to expose, when he should be simultaneously exposing, organizing, fundraising, building a grassroots program, but who has the energy for that these days by themselves? Not him. Others can. If Rousseau doesn't cuck out I can only see the logical extension of a group like PF beginning to become agitative politically when enough issues are not met.

The next several years will tell where each of these paths will take them, but Nick won't go anywhere. He will still be doing comfy streams raging at the sinking circus.

All great things will come with struggle, and struggle only. We can have faith, we can have a purpose, a vision, but without the will to struggle for something and endure ridiculous hardship it will never come about. It's that time of the cycle again where creating the strong men from the hard times is going to separate the wheats from the tares.

For every Nick Fuentes there is a Thomas Rousseau or Jacob Hersant, the latter who are clearly capable of doing everything Nick is and more. Keeping the overton window shifting right is good, but the necessary continuance of that shift involves action, otherwise we will simply have exposure and hollow discourse without merit. It would be like souls discussing their sins in purgatory with no way out because they are not working towards their own penitence. The temporal penitence of organized unison and taking beatings for advocating for a right to exist and flourish whilst being under jewish dominion is what we must engage in, in order to get ourselves out of this prison.

I do blame the jews for everything yes, but their nature cannot be changed. I blame those who are not penitent and did not live by God's laws that allowed this rot to creep in even more. In no natural world does a zionist and talmudic worldview dominate. This is the lesson that mankind will never forget for eternity if and when we finally remove the parasite from its position of power. The way they brainwash gentile children with the "never again" for their holocoaster will be how every single soul from every race will think going forward when a jew asks to be a school principal, or a mayor, or the head of something that controls the interactions and resources of other's lives, that will be the only "never again" to ever exist.
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I can see what Nick is doing here. All of the people who I have known to try weed in the last few months have told me they regretted it.

His content seems childish and immature, but that directly appeals to Zoomers. His blackpilling is another issue though, but I can kinda see how to most Zoomers who are addicted to the internet, porn and are lacking in hope, that is yet another thing he appeals to.

For his Blackpilling though? It's very bad.

His attitude is poisonous and should be avoided. Where Andrew Torba openly praises this, Nick acts like a child.

However, I can see the wisdom wherein, to zoomers that Nick hasn't convinced yet, their anti-Trump propaganda makes Nick look good.

It's intellectual clickbait.

The number of anti-Trump people in Europe and the UK is incredibly high thanks to superior media propaganda apparatus and the lack of Christ in many people's lives. America is much more Christian than all of Europe and the UK combined.

Nick's tactics work great for converting those in the middle, even if it's not so great if you are already rightwing.

That said, to confirm, things are good, we can see that from Trumps hard actions against Columbia. We shouldn't take Nick seriously, but instead treat him as a Jester who makes a joke out of always being unsatisfied with right-wing politics, just like JREG had the thing about always being ironic and meta-ironic.

The tweets are inaccurate, and Nick is a dummy, as usual.

Tom Homan said the amount he can deport is DEPENDENT ON HIS FUNDING.

The more money he has, the more millions he can deport. With CURRENT FUNDING, he's looking at 2-3 million deported. He could do more, way more, if Congress appropriates more money.

So, for Nick to blame Trump is retarded, because once again the bottleneck is Congress. Securing funding is the real problem, not a lack of will power on Trump's part.

America can fund a war against Russia for a quarter of a trillion, but cannot pony up a few billion to deport the millions of people who break the law and enter the country illegally to protect it's own citizens? Truly our Congress is beyond compromised.
The tweets are inaccurate, and Nick is a dummy, as usual.
I've changed my mind.

One of my good friends has been brought to depression by his friends and families reactions to the anti-Trump propaganda.

Deliberate or not, Nicks clowning around is a useful vaccine against the evil deception and web of lies and snares they are spreading.

They can not be allowed to trick the world into cursing Trump like they did Hitler.

I will not allow it if even if it kills me. Not again. This world shalt not perish in Satan's grasp again, not if it kills me.

Millions of innocent men, women and children shall not be slaughtered once again for the pleasure of demons, not even if I must labour and suffer a thousand years.

I shall not allow it.

Glory be to God.

God bless you all.

This is a great take from Nicky.

Shithole worship and brown people worship (aka thirdworldism) have become genuine plagues on the rightwing. Gay race commie clowns masquerading as RW Christians acting sad and trying to guilttrip him into political stances as they laugh about the plight of Whites/ Europeans in their homecountries has become a common theme .

He wasn't having it. Well said Nick!
Matthew 5:43-48
King James Version
43 Ye have heard that it hath been said, Thou shalt love thy neighbour, and hate thine enemy.

44 But I say unto you, Love your enemies, bless them that curse you, do good to them that hate you, and pray for them which despitefully use you, and persecute you;

45 That ye may be the children of your Father which is in heaven: for he maketh his sun to rise on the evil and on the good, and sendeth rain on the just and on the unjust.

46 For if ye love them which love you, what reward have ye? do not even the publicans the same?

47 And if ye salute your brethren only, what do ye more than others? do not even the publicans so?

48 Be ye therefore perfect, even as your Father which is in heaven is perfect.

I spotted this in the top corner of today.

It's official, he's being promoted on Drudge. 100% Fed:

Nick Fuentes is concerned about the unchecked aggression of the Trump administration because while it might be satisfying to see it used against immigrants and Muslims, it can easily be turned against him: "When you see the hammer come down, you hope that you're outside of it."

This was the guy who said Trump wasn't hardcore enough for him to vote for, that his executive orders suck, and now he's saying Trump is moving too fast and threatens all of our rights!!!11

Total lying faggot, controlled oppo. Everyone call this weasel out, thank you.
View attachment 17324

I spotted this in the top corner of today.

It's official, he's being promoted on Drudge. 100% Fed:

This was the guy who said Trump wasn't hardcore enough for him to vote for, that his executive orders suck, and now he's saying Trump is moving too fast and threatens all of our rights!!!11

Total lying faggot, controlled oppo. Everyone call this weasel out, thank you.

At this point it's seeming like the guy will just say anything for attention. It's hard for me fathom that someone would be so desperate for something to cling to that they would go for anything this guy says.
It's official, he's being promoted on Drudge.
They are very clearly condemning him.


and now he's saying Trump is moving too fast and threatens all of our rights!!!11
Is it really so unreasonable to think about the possibility that they might start going after "antisemitism", which Trump has already stated that he wants to do?
They are very clearly condemning him.

View attachment 17335

Is it really so unreasonable to think about the possibility that they might start going after "antisemitism", which Trump has already stated that he wants to do?

Disregard previous post link

New EO looking at ways for finding ways to deport anti-Jewish activists who violated laws....or prosecute offenders and revoke visas for international students found to be “Hamas sympathizers.
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They are very clearly condemning him.

View attachment 17335

Is it really so unreasonable to think about the possibility that they might start going after "antisemitism", which Trump has already stated that he wants to do?

There are tons of "racist, antisemitic, misogynistic far-right activists" online, why aren't they given front page treatment at (((Drudge)))?

Controlled oppo is always promoted by the Talmuds, always.
IIMT for all his very bizarre takes did have a point with one thing - Fuentes is reaching the zoomers and not just the basement dweller ones that have checked out. He's also reaching the ones that are going to or are currently influencing society

Kliger has reposted comments from white supremacist Fuentes, who has at times been banned from social media platforms including Facebook, YouTube and Twitter for hate speech.

Kliger shared a December 4 post from Fuentes' X account. Kliger has since unshared the post, but Reuters examined a copy of the original repost via the Internet Archive.
If Trump gets the Tates out of jail, I'll vomit. Particularly because I know the Fuentes crows will applaud it solely because they were friendly to him on twitter, despite the fact that Nick already acknowledged that they are degenerate pornographers who should go to jail