Nick Fuentes Thread

Music you get it all wrong, that's not how race mixing works.

White genes are controlled by autosomal recessive genes. A minority of the DNA controls a majority of the outcome. Recessive genes can be dormant for a generation or two but if two recessive gene carriers have children, there is a strong chance some of their offspring will be a full phenotype of the recessive gene.
While certain traits (eg lighter skin, blue eyes) are influenced by recessive alleles, race is not determined by single-gene recessive or dominant inheritance. Human genetic expression is highly polygenic, meaning multiple genes contribute to characteristics like skin tone, facial features, and other phenotypic traits. Recessive genes do not "control" racial traits, nor do they function in a way that can "override" or "purify" a genome over generations.

While recessive traits can re-emerge in descendants, this does not mean the offspring become genetically identical to their original ancestors. Even if lighter features reappear in later generations, the genome remains a mixture of diverse ancestral contributions. Genetically a child of a mixed-race parent has DNA contributions from both sides and these contributions do not vanish simply because certain recessive traits (e.g. fair skin or light eyes) might reappear.

Humans inherit two copies (alleles) of each gene one from each parent. Some traits are controlled by dominant alleles (only one copy is needed to express the trait) while others require two copies of a recessive allele to appear in the phenotype.
So for example:
-Brown eyes (B) are dominant over blue eyes (b).
-If someone has Bb, they will have brown eyes.
-Only bb will produce blue eyes.
Recessive traits do not eliminate dominant traits; they can only reappear under specific genetic combinations.

Unlike eye color, most racial traits like skin tone, hair type, facial features are polygenic. Skin color is determined by over 100 genes that affect melanin production. Even if someone has lighter skin due to inheriting some recessive alleles their genetic makeup still carries the ancestral contributions from their non-European lineage.
In this way, there has been much race mixing in the past, but because we have such a large pool of recessive gene carriers in one location (America and Europe) that any White who outbreeds is quickly absorbed back into the collective. Their children then get Whitewashed in a generation or two of breeding back with other Whites, or even other mixed race people.

If a mixed-race person reproduces with a European their child may inherit more European features but their genome remains a mix of ancestries. Even if lighter features occasionally reappear in later generations the underlying genetic diversity remains. If a mixed-race person keeps intermarrying with Europeans their descendants may have outwardly "White" features but their genes will still carry the history of mixing, and the non-European alleles do not disappear.

I have seen families go from Black > White in just two generations, it really is amazing at how the White genome works. It's not about purity and the recessive genes do their own thing. White genes tend to obliviate other races over time, provided there are ample reproduction rates.

This is part of the reason why, at the turn of the 20th century, 1/3 of the world's population was White, even though in the 18th century White men impregnated many non-Whites women in the millions. The fact is that White DNA "Whitens" over time, it has nothing to do with purity. Purity doesn't matter much, because White DNA purifies itself rather quickly. Someone could be 20% White and their great-grandchildren could be over 90% White.

DNA does not “purify” itself. Genetic inheritance follows Mendelian and polygenic patterns and there is no mechanism by which recessive European genetic traits can systematically eliminate non-European ancestry. If a person is 20% European and they reproduce with a 100% European partner the child would still be about 60% non-European. No natural process can accelerate a return to surface level "whiteness" beyond random genetic recombination and selection in offspring.

Raising the percentages higher, if a person of mixed ancestry (75% European, 25% non-European) has children with a 100% European partner, their offspring will still inherit a mix of genes from both sides. Over generations random genetic recombination can result in a range of appearances but it does not "purify" DNA back to a pre-mixed state.

Imagine mixing two colors of paint, once mixed, you cannot un-mix them by adding more of one color. DNA works similarly.

Many African Americans have partial European ancestry (often 10–25%), but their European DNA has not "whitened" them. Their genetics remain mixed. Many Latinos have a mix of Indigenous, African, and European ancestry, but their genetic heritage does not revert to pure European just by interbreeding with Europeans. Traits like blue eyes can reappear, but that does not mean the genetic heritage is erased.

If purity mattered, then White DNA would have gone extinct a long time ago, because any amount of race mixing would permanently weaken the genome. But that isn't the case and never was the case.

That breeding works in such a way is well known to farmers. They have a technique for outbreeding > inbreeding with autosomal recessive genes, it's called Hybrid Vigor.

This isn't to say miscegenation is impossible, either. The opposite of hybrid vigor is called outbreeding depression. This occurs when there isn't enough recessive gene carriers in a population, and eventually the genetic information is lost. Happened in India.

You are borrowing these terms from agricultural controlled breeding and applying them to modern genetics, which is why there are some problems with the comparison.

Hybrid vigor refers to increased fitness in offspring due to genetic diversity but it does not mean that one set of genetic traits like "White genes" will automatically become dominant over time. This concept is mostly relevant in controlled farming breeding environments like agriculture and livestock where specific traits are selectively enhanced. In human populations there is no evidence that hybrid vigor leads to the "whitening" of mixed-race individuals. Instead genetic recombination ensures that ancestral contributions persist manifesting in a wide range of phenotypes across generations.

Outbreeding depression on the other hand occurs when populations lose locally adapted genetic traits due to excessive genetic mixing, which can lead to a decline in overall fitness. This does not mean that race mixing is inconsequential, but it illustrates the risk of losing genetic distinctiveness over time. A clear historical example is ancient India, which you bring up, where the original Aryan ruling class who were lighter-skinned, blonde-haired Indo-Europeans gradually disappeared due to sustained interbreeding with the darker-skinned Dravidian aboriginal populations. Over centuries the Aryan genetic and cultural identity was diluted beyond recognition, proving that without strict endogamy (in-group breeding), distinct genetic lineages can be irreversibly lost.

Your claim that "White DNA purifies itself" contradicts everything we know about population genetics. Once non-European alleles enter a lineage, they do not simply "disappear" they persist in the genetic pool and resurface unpredictably in future generations. Echo markers of the past but not the full picture. The only way to maintain a distinct genetic group over time is through preserving in-group reproductive practices, as history has shown.

Anyhow, in regards to Nick, he's obviously the product of Whitening over time. He came from Spaniards and Mestizos who mixed, which is why he's smaller in stature, but he himself is much Whiter than most of his ancestors probably were. This is because of how hybrid vigor and recessive genes work. White DNA is a highly recessive set of genes that will "push out" other DNA over time.

The Spaniard example is highly contextual and not a rule of genetics. Some populations have undergone demographic and social processes where European traits became more common over time due to selective reproduction however this is a social and historical phenomenon not a genetic inevitability. Phenotypic changes in populations occur due to genetic recombination but this does not mean that mixed populations "become White" over time without selective pressures.

There is almost nothing to fear from race mixing unless you completely dilute the gene pool, which is what Talmudic Jews are attempting through mass immigration. Bringing in billions of non-Whites could definitely destroy the race.

I would be cautious with any tolerance of this kind in the present climate given how nefarious their agenda is. Meaning when selecting your wife and mate. For as important as spiritual convictions are, selecting a spouse and future mother to one's children should always be one of the man's own race.

The plethora of genetic disadvantages resulting from this incessant mixing have been presenting themselves more frequently as more data becomes available on those who succumbed to jewish propaganda and deleted their genes for talmudic endgames. We do have different blood proteins, bone marrows, oral and vaginal bacteria than Blacks and Asians. This info was in old medical journals and now all removed and hidden from doctors. They want us to be sick and live shorter lives. The only medical ward where doctors are aware of this now is the transplant ward.

God has many ways of showing us what not to do:

First there are organ and bone marrow transplant issues presented by HLA (Human Leukocyte Antigen) mismatches. Mixed-race individuals have unique immune system markers which makes it difficult to find compatible donors for organ and bone marrow transplants. Stem cell and bone marrow registries lack sufficient mixed-race donors to to lower match rates (from the near infinite permutations of genetic ambivalence) leading to higher mortality rates for mixed individuals needing transplants.

National Marrow Donor Program:

Source: New England Journal of Medicine. Gragert et al. (2014). “HLA Match Likelihoods for Stem-Cell Grafts in the U.S. Registry”

Secondly there is blood type incompatibility. Mixed ancestry can lead to uncommon blood antigen profiles also making it difficult to find compatible blood donors. Certain populations have different Rh factor distributions increasing complications in pregnancy (e.g., Rh incompatibility syndrome). For example of another pregnancy complication, the birth canal of African women was not designed for the cranial circumference of an Aryan White child even at birth, which is why many black women who are impregnated by White men (as rare as that is) often have C-sections to deliver. Another way nature is telling us not to do something.

Source: Transfusion Medicine Reviews. Reid et al. (2012). “Blood group antigen diversity and the challenge for transfusion medicine”

Source: Bowman, J. (1998). "The management of hemolytic disease of the newborn." Obstetrics and Gynecology

Thirdly there is the higher risk and increased susceptibility for autoimmune diseases. Mixed people have a higher rate of diseases like lupus, multiple sclerosis, and diabetes due to immune system incompatibilities. Inheriting different and conflicting immune system adaptations from two distinct racial groups leads to dysregulation of the immune response.

"Admixture mapping reveals evidence of differential multiple sclerosis risk by genetic ancestry"

Then there is the higher prevalence of specific diseases like hypertension and cardiovascular disease: Certain mixed groups (e.g., African-European) show higher rates of hypertension due to metabolic and sodium-retention differences. Metabolic traits inherited from different racial backgrounds results in an increased likelihood of insulin resistance and type 2 diabetes.

Ethnic differences in blood pressure: The genetics of hypertension (2001-2005)

"Type 2 diabetes risks and determinants in second-generation migrants and mixed ethnicity people of South Asian and African Caribbean descent in the UK"

Then there is the increase in neurological and mental disorders, which seems to be the most transparent when looking at this subject. There is a correlation between high heterozygosity and neurodevelopmental disorders like schizophrenia and spectrum disorders. Mixed-race individuals are also at higher risk of identity crises and psychological distress. They have an inability to produce certain pheromones or connect with others who release pheromones. A White European does not release oxytocin around a Black African they way they do around one of their own.

This British study seethes with its own cognitive dissonance as it admits this and tries to cover it up as a "nuance":

"Ethnic inequalities in the incidence of diagnosis of severe mental illness in England"

Let's hear it from someone who is race-mixed themselves:

"Race mixed girl describes her torment"

Each and every race are masterworks of God and are to be preserved and kept pure. Once one crosses that line and mixes, one creates a new race not ordained by God, and they will race mix, as will their off spring and goes on and on. Once you cross that line, there's no going back.
I think we are in agreement on most things regarding race mixing, but we disagree regarding what the evidence shows via hybrid vigor and Whitening.

For example, in that vid of that mixed White/Black girl, if that girl were to have children with a White man, her kids would look very White, almost indistinguishable from other Whites. And likewise, if the children of that relationship were to breed with Whites, then those grandchildren would appear 100% White and their DNA results would show 95%+ White, even though technically they would each be 12.5% Black.

I believe the evidence suggests that race mixing does not follow a linear curve, where one's racial admixture is simply additive from previous generations, but probably something logarithmic, where recessive genes push other non-recessive in an accelerating fashion, but never completely, and slowly eliminates vestiges of other races.

That is why, for example, a large percentage of Whites today have 1-3% Neanderthal mix, since those are the recessive genes that have been preserved over thousands of years and continue to find reproductive expression despite there not being any Neanderthal phenotypes in existence. Something like that would be impossible according to racial purity models, yet we can clearly see otherwise.

Thus hybrid vigor works for humans the same way it does for farm animals, and does not need conscious selection. It happens naturally through mate selection and (especially) marriage.
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I think we are in agreement on most things regarding race mixing, but we disagree regarding what the evidence shows via hybrid vigor and Whitening.

For example, in that vid of that mixed White/Black girl, if that girl were to have children with a White man, her kids would look very White, almost indistinguishable from other Whites. And likewise, if the children of that relationship were to breed with Whites, then those grandchildren would appear 100% White and their DNA results would show 95%+ White, even though technically they would each be 12.5% Black.

I believe the evidence suggests that race mixing does not follow a linear curve, where one's racial admixture is simply additive from previous generations, but probably something logarithmic, where recessive genes push other non-recessive in an accelerating fashion, but never completely, and slowly eliminates vestiges of other races.

That is why, for example, a large percentage of Whites today have 1-3% Neanderthal mix, since those are the recessive genes that have been preserved over thousands of years and continue to find reproductive expression despite there not being any Neanderthal phenotypes in existence. Something like that would be impossible according to racial purity models, yet we can clearly see otherwise.

Thus hybrid vigor works for humans the same way it does for farm animals, and does not need conscious selection. It happens naturally through mate selection and (especially) marriage.
I breed livestock and dogs...

At a certain point you realize the category and credentials differ so significantly by individual definitional stakeholders that it's becomes turtles all the way down.


White English bulldog vs American bulldog vs Old Southern white Bulldog are 3 different types of dogs. But all have the same general baseline of pedigree. Different standards of color/size/shape/work but if you talk to the originators of the parent American Bulldog Breed... All count as worthy to the original standard.

So my point is.... At a certain point you're never gonna win the war of splitting atoms with the person who believes they hold the scalable of unified truth.