Nick Fuentes Thread

I think the problem is that we genuinely care about our brothers in Christ here, I think most of us anyway. Nobody reported because none of us saw it as trolling we saw it as someone we wanted to help. Is it wrong and does it hurt the forum that we're still trying to give him the benefit of that doubt even though none of it makes sense? I don't know....

I reported him for blackpilling. I didn’t mind his posts at first, but it seemed to me he was trolling and launching a widespread demoralization campaign. Extremely tiring to read his takes and he attempted to turn any positive development into a negative one.

I wasn’t sure why you guys kept engaging, because it was clear he wasn’t going to change his piss poor attitude. Then there were the blatant inconsistencies and it was too much.
Has anyone hit the report button for IIMT in this thread? If you see someone trolling yet you don't hit report, then you are allowing the forum pollution to run rampant.
Two reasons.

Firstly, I see most of his flaws in myself.

If I refused to address them honestly and faithfully, I would feel that I had condemned part of myself.

I probably should, if the guy is actually trolling that sounds kinda worrying on my part.

The second part, and perhaps this is arrogant for me to say, but I feel that quality posts and ideas come from the pressure of hopelessness or deception.

Just as coal becomes a diamond under pressure, boys become men through adversity, and ideas become practical pursuits through good criticism.
Two reasons.

Firstly, I see most of his flaws in myself.

If I refused to address them honestly and faithfully, I would feel that I had condemned part of myself.

I probably should, if the guy is actually trolling that sounds kinda worrying on my part.

The second part, and perhaps this is arrogant for me to say, but I feel that quality posts and ideas come from the pressure of hopelessness or deception.

Just as coal becomes a diamond under pressure, boys become men through adversity, and ideas become practical pursuits through good criticism.
Except some people prefer to remain stuck
He's not a fed. I just don't get the involvement of personal details on here. Fuentes advocates for a different path than what is offered, but he is also not the solution. Yawn at my long posts all you guys want but I will never complain about my personal life.

Feds have very specific purposes when trying to gather patsies online for future crimes and arrest quotas. No one here is advocating shooting, stabbing, bombing, or running over people with a truck, or storming government buildings. They want literal retards to advocate this in order to bring a reason for them to keep getting funding because most of their crime statistics come from crime that their intel branches cook up with the people who used to be living in AMHI.

@Get2choppaaa EMJ has no idea what he's talking about when it comes to biology. He thinks race doesn't exist, but then mentions people who are deracinated, and how mixed-race children "create a new race," and refuses to identify the genetic integrity of Europeans (and by extension Americans, Australians, Boers, Canadians, Kiwis, etc).

It's a trick because basically EMJ, Jared Taylor, and Nick are all compromised people that no one should follow. He talks about phenotype, but he doesn't talk about genetic markers and DNA. So this reality here would just be another "category of the mind" to him:

View attachment justsayno.mp4

God brought the races into existence pure. EMJ tries to disarm this truth by turning everything into a boxed-in theological debate that the jews laugh at because they play by blood rules over religious rules, it's all in their talmud. There is a place for theological debates, but him trying to shoehorn the opposite dialectic of jew logic into his debates, like his book on taking the holohoax and turning it into a Catholic tragedy, reveals him to be very short-sighted. It is evidence that he attempts to look at everything through a lens that rejects a multitude of objective realities.

One of his detractors calls him out for his ego.

The logic that a Nigerian can become an Irishman is the same mental sickness that believes that as a man can become a woman. By promoting that one is not just destroying everything Irish but also everything Nigerian, it will ultimately be the death of both races and in place of two distinct peoples with their own unique histories, languages, blood, and memories, there will be a bunch of confused people. It is evil to promote this. He mentions Abraham Lincoln in that stream about Nick. Here's what Abe actually said about the races:


I don't believe it's about stressing superiority or inferiority, these observations are real, but the constant comparisons only arise when we are all forced to breathe the same stale air over and over again., which does no one any good. Separation, completely, and absolutely, as the way God started everything is the best solution.
Feds have very specific purposes when trying to gather patsies online for future crimes and arrest quotas. No one here is advocating shooting, stabbing, bombing, or running over people with a truck, or storming government buildings. They want literal retards to advocate this in order to bring a reason for them to keep getting funding because most of their crime statistics come from crime that their intel branches cook up with the people who used to be living in AMHI.

Don't forget, a lot of Feds are very much incompetent leftists and communists that hate you.

Them going beyond this, or as I provided evidence of before, using outside groups or personal time to attack the far right is completely in their playbook.

For crying aloud, these are the people shoving propaganda into media and videogames and trying to censor you for using the word retard, we cannot assume they are acting rational because by all points, they are known to be irrational and incompetent.

Something like blackmailing Nick, effectively or not, would make complete sense. They debunked him, and we heard of many doctors getting killed by the Feds during covid for criticising the Vaxx, it's not unlikely or impossible here, but it's also possible that Nick is just being Nick.



His content appeals to Zoomers, and... That's about it? What has he accomplished specifically beyond that?
The fact that he reaches zoomers is a very big deal, do not downplay that. He is changing a generation. Teachers are whining that the young boys are going around parroting him. No one else who talks about Jews in any real way appeals to the youth anywhere near as well as Fuentes does. Anglin probably could, he's old but he's a genius and very hip, the problem is he's way more censored than Fuentes and can't really grow his audience any further, he's pretty much stuck with those who have already been reading him for years.

Who else even is there? Andrew Tate the pornographer, who has openly admitted to sexting men while pretending to be the women he pimps out? Give me a break. No one else is reaching the youth. A lot are trying but lack sincerity or youthfulness and it's simply not going to happen.

Fuentes is young himself, he's very hip, he uses platforms like TikTok just like the overwhelming majority of young men do, so he knows all the current memes and lingo. Older men look down on TikTok and similar platforms, but the reality is that that's where all the young men are, and that's where their culture and worldviews are being built. Whether those platforms are optimal for brain health or not, that doesn't actually matter, no one even cares about that. If a superchatter asks him about some stupid new Zoomer meme, his response is a proper opinion on it as someone who has seen those memes and likely enjoyed them, rather than a dismissive "haha Zoomers are retarded" attitude. He uses tons of Zoomer lingo and imageboard lingo. He sometimes streams himself playing videogames or watching anime clips. Everything he says, he says it with young men in mind.

He gives these young men really good suggestions, he has called for them to do the long march through the institutions. He says, join your local GOP, get involved, climb the ladder, or maybe climb the ladder in the corporate world, be very cautious, be smart, that way one day we will have likeminded men in positions of power, and that's how we win.

People here seem to have the impression that he's some demoralizing agent and that he disavowed Trump, or even that he endorsed Kamala. None of this is true. What he said was that he still loved Trump but was unsatisfied with things like the fact that Trump was going around promoting abortion and supporting legal immigration. What he was calling for was NOT for people to stop supporting Trump, but to, en masse, refuse to vote at all (NOT to vote for Kamala either) until Trump at least addressed some of these concerns. In other words, he was calling for the young men who follow him to basically set up a voting bloc, because elections are really the only time when the common man has any kind of power or leverage at all, and the time to ask for things is BEFORE that leverage is gone and not after. Once that's gone, the king has literally zero reasons to lend you his ear.

He stated that he understood that his audience was not large enough to make much of a difference, but he hoped that Trump would see at least a couple tens of thousands of votes hanging on these things and perhaps think about it.

At no point was Fuentes actually against Trump. I just want to clear that up because no one on this thread seems to know any of this, because none of them have ever bothered to visit his Rumble and check out what he was actually even saying. I don't watch his show, but I bothered to watch at least his video stating his views on the matter.
Where are his documentaries?

His political victories? What major allies does he have? What has he given to his followers? What people has he sacrificed for in times of hardship?
He regularly organizes rallies and events, and he tries his best to ally himself with people who are influential among the youth and who will help further the movement. He got Marjorie Taylor Greene, a US politician, to go to one of his events. His friendship with Sneako might seem like nonsense to you or to me, I had never heard of the guy, but apparently Sneako is a big deal for the 14-17 crowd. He has had collab streams with people like Andrew Tate as well. He has made international news a few times. Fuentes is certainly a relevant figure, your average joe is likely to have heard his name, which cannot be said of virtually anyone to the right of Shapiro.

As for sacrifices and what he has given to his followers, Fuentes actually operated for years on his very own self-made platform because he was allowed literally nowhere else. He is debanked so he can only accept donations through crypto, too. It was a really big deal when he was allowed on Rumble and Twitter, and those are fairly recent developments, and he's still debanked.

He sacrificed a lot of money and time building that platform, attracting a small roster of streamers. He even managed to get Alex Jones and E. Michael Jones to use his platform, but it was an uphill battle and basically totally useless, stream numbers rarely reached even the four digits. He could have given up, but he decided that he was going to keep on speaking, for whoever was willing to listen.

I think he has very insightful things to say, I used to watch his show a lot and I think my understanding of the world is better for it. He's an intelligent and well-read guy, he knows a lot about geopolitics especially. He's very good at debates too, if you like that sort of thing. His show is enjoyable if you can look past his occasionally edgy and abrasive humor. He often verbally abuses superchatters, he occasionally makes very crude jokes, and that's all part of the show. Personally, I got beyond sick of it after a certain age, but I used to find it appealing a few years ago, and I think that's the point.

The guy was only recently a diehard democrat, so it'll be interesting to see how he changes over the next four years, specifically how he and his foreign wife react to the Classified documents being released.
I like Vance's physiognomy, for some reason. And he's quite high up in the eye color caste chart.


Let's be honest. With how addictions work in Satan's world, you will probably find life easier if you are poorer than that unless you are in a good Christian community or have a devout soul and strong willpower.

Less temptation from addictions and evil that way. God tells us to flee temptation, not to waste ourselves fighting it.
I don't think net worth makes much of a difference here. Porn is free, and things like weed aren't particularly expensive.
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The fact that he reaches zoomers is a very big deal, do not downplay that. He is changing a generation. Teachers are whining that the young boys are going around parroting him. No one else who talks about Jews in any real way appeals to the youth anywhere near as well as Fuentes does. Anglin probably could, he's old but he's a genius and very hip, the problem is he's way more censored than Fuentes and can't really grow his audience any further, he's pretty much stuck with those who have already been reading him for years.

Who else even is there? Andrew Tate the pornographer, who has openly admitted to sexting men while pretending to be the women he pimps out? Give me a break. No one else is reaching the youth. A lot are trying but lack sincerity or youthfulness and it's simply not going to happen.
Tate is in infidel and sleezebag. Agreed. Anyone who supports him is half retarded.

Fuentes is young himself, he's very hip, he uses TikTok and Twitter just like the overwhelming majority of young men do, so he knows all the current memes and lingo. Older men look down on TikTok and similar platforms, but the reality is that that's where all the young men are, and that's where their culture and worldviews are being built. Whether those platforms are optimal for brain health or not, that doesn't actually matter, no one even cares about that. If a superchatter asks him about some stupid new Zoomer meme, his response is a proper opinion on it as someone who has seen those memes and likely enjoyed them, rather than a dismissive "haha Zoomers are retarded" attitude. He uses tons of Zoomer lingo and imageboard lingo. He sometimes streams himself playing videogames or watching anime clips. Everything he says, he says it with young men in mind.

He gives these young men really good suggestions, he has called for them to do the long march through the institutions. He says, join your local GOP, get involved, climb the ladder, or maybe climb the ladder in the corporate world, be very cautious, be smart, that way one day we will have likeminded men in positions of power, and that's how we win.

People here seem to have the impression that he's some demoralizing agent and that he disavowed Trump, or even that he endorsed Kamala. None of this is true. What he said was that he still loved Trump but was unsatisfied with things like the fact that Trump was going around promoting abortion and supporting legal immigration. What he was calling for was NOT for people to stop supporting Trump, but to, en masse, refuse to vote at all (NOT to vote for Kamala either) until Trump at least addressed some of these concerns. In other words, he was calling for the young men who follow him to basically set up a voting bloc, because elections are really the only time when the common man has any kind of power or leverage at all, and the time to ask for things is BEFORE that leverage is gone and not after. Once that's gone, the king has literally zero reasons to lend you his ear.

He stated that he understood that his audience was not large enough to make much of a difference, but he hoped that Trump would see at least a couple tens of thousands of votes hanging on these things and perhaps think about it.
No he was counter signaling Trump because it raised his notoriety and he's a child who likes attention. Plain and simple.

At no point was Fuentes actually against Trump. I just want to clear that up because no one on this thread seems to know any of this, because none of them have ever bothered to visit his Rumble and check out what he was actually even saying. I don't watch his show, but I bothered to watch at least his video stating his views on the matter.

He regularly organizes rallies and events, and he tries his best to ally himself with people who are influential among the youth and who will help further the movement. He got Marjorie Taylor Greene, a US politician, to go to one of his events. His friendship with Sneako might seem like nonsense to you or to me, but apparently Sneako is a big deal for the 14-17 crowd. He has had collab streams with people like Andrew Tate as well. The Kanye thing was a big deal too, Fuentes dined with Donald Trump, which made international news and had all the media seething for weeks. That seems like a political victory to me, even if the Kanye thing imploded after Kanye did a 180. Fuentes is certainly a relevant figure, your average joe is likely to have heard his name, which cannot be said of virtually anyone to the right of Shapiro.
He's a figure everyone minus a couple doomers zoomers think is a Fed captured idiot.
As for sacrifices and what he has given to his followers, Fuentes actually operated for years on his very own self-made platform because he was allowed literally nowhere else. He is debanked so he can only accept donations through crypto, too. It was a really big deal when he was allowed on Rumble and Twitter, and those are fairly recent developments, and he's still debanked.

He sacrificed a lot of money and time building that platform, attracting a small roster of streamers. He even managed to get Alex Jones and E. Michael Jones to use his platform, but it was an uphill battle and basically totally useless, stream numbers rarely reached even the four digits. He could have given up, but he decided that he was going to keep on speaking, for whoever was willing to listen.

No he related himself to it by saying repeatedly stupid and childish things and supporting fucking retards Like Kanye West... While grifting with Milo.
I think he has very insightful things to say, I used to watch his show a lot and I think my understanding of the world is better for it. He's an intelligent and well-read guy, he knows a lot about geopolitics especially. He's very good at debates too, if you like that sort of thing. His show is enjoyable if you can look past his occasionally edgy and abrasive humor. He often verbally abuses superchatters, he occasionally makes very crude jokes, and that's all part of the show. Personally, I got beyond sick of it after a certain age, but I used to find it appealing a few years ago, and I think that's the point.

I like Vance's physiognomy, for some reason. And he's quite high up in the eye color caste chart.

View attachment 17166

I don't think net worth makes much of a difference here. Porn is free, and things like weed aren't particularly expensive.
They eye color chart.... Seriously?

What an autistic sperg out.

I mean I'm pretty sure Jesus Christ has Brown eyes... Doesn't exactly square on your chart of those who "will be remember for a millennia to come" garbage.
They eye color chart.... Seriously?

What an autistic sperg out.

I mean I'm pretty sure Jesus Christ has Brown eyes... Doesn't exactly square on your chart of those who "will be remember for a millennia to come" garbage.
It's a joke. That chart is a really old and well-known meme. Relax.

No he was counter signaling Trump because it raised his notoriety and he's a child who likes attention. Plain and simple.
I explained to you in detail what he said and the reasoning he gave. Seems pretty coherent and goal-oriented to me. He was not opposing Trump, he was trying to get him to address certain important issues. Your response is that "he did it for attention". How do you know what's in his heart? How do you know that he did it "for attention" and not for the very specific reasons that he stated he had? His actions certainly seem to indicate the latter. Please explain to me what part of his actions you think indicates that he was lying about his motives.

I'm trying to have a good faith discussion here, but you appear to just really want to insult Fuentes for the hell of it. If that's what you're doing here, then I actually understand it. You admire Trump, how could you not? You hate this Fuentes guy's guts because you feel that he opposed Trump with malicious intent. I'm trying to argue that that's not the case, but if you don't want to hear it, then I ask of you to simply tell me that you don't want to hear it. I'll stop bothering you with my replies if you're not interested in discussing this.

No he related himself to it by saying repeatedly stupid and childish things and supporting fucking retards Like Kanye West... While grifting with Milo.
He related himself? Did you mean to say "relegated"? Otherwise I can't make heads or tails of this sentence.

The Kanye West thing happened years after he got banned from everything and made his own platform, so that has nothing to do with this. He did not relegate(?) himself to making his own platform, he was forced to because he got banned from everything for talking about the Jews. Milo and Kanye have absolutely nothing to do with the section of my post you're replying to with this.

He's a figure everyone minus a couple doomers zoomers think is a Fed captured idiot.
He's popular with the youth. Forgive me if I am mistaken, but the impression that I have of you is that you're an older man, perhaps older than 50. It stands to reason that you think he's irrelevant, as you're far from his target audience. Are you around a lot of Zoomers? I certainly am, both my country's Zoomers and American Zoomers. My experience has definitely been that people know who Fuentes is and that he's certainly a polarizing figure, but it's not hard to find people who like him.

Certainly, I think he has moved the overton window by a significant amount, far beyond what could be simply explained as "people got sick of Biden". The youth are naming the Jew, Choppaa. Incredible things are happening in the minds of the youth. I partly thank Fuentes for this.
He's a figure everyone minus a couple doomers zoomers think is a Fed captured idiot.
Remember the 9 types of assets I posted earlier, if he is compromised he's one of the more indirect ones as he is not promoting crimes but seems to function as a distraction while diluting many truths of Third Position.
No he related himself to it by saying repeatedly stupid and childish things and supporting fucking retards Like Kanye West... While grifting with Milo.
None of these clowns are fit to be leaders. They're all distractions.
They eye color chart.... Seriously?

What an autistic sperg out.

I mean I'm pretty sure Jesus Christ has Brown eyes... Doesn't exactly square on your chart of those who "will be remember for a millennia to come" garbage.
There's more historical evidence that Our Lord was not some modern desert brownie as envisioned by the multicultural agenda that seeks to deny race realism. It's a sensitive topic for sure, but the "browning" of Christ is a liberal jewish smear tactic. The people back then were not Arabized until well after the 700s, so while there were certainly plenty of brown hair, black hair, and various shades of brown eyes, there was also lots of blue, green, hazel, and different tones of each as well, along with gold hair, red hair, and any tinge of blonde. Given the purity of Christ's bloodline, which is what the entire Old Testament tells the extensive history of, it is very likely He appeared in the flesh as close to the image of Adam (made in the image of God) as possible).

Though it ultimately doesn't matter in the world beyond because He transcends the flesh, the specific targeting of making Jesus appear physically ragged or atavistic is evil and it is wrong to perpetuate those stereotypes of man to God incarnate. Pilates letter describes Him as herculean and pious, with extensive physical descriptions.


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He regularly organizes rallies and events, and he tries his best to ally himself with people who are influential among the youth and who will help further the movement. He got Marjorie Taylor Greene, a US politician, to go to one of his events. His friendship with Sneako might seem like nonsense to you or to me, I had never heard of the guy, but apparently Sneako is a big deal for the 14-17 crowd. He has had collab streams with people like Andrew Tate as well. He has made international news a few times. Fuentes is certainly a relevant figure, your average joe is likely to have heard his name, which cannot be said of virtually anyone to the right of Shapiro.
I'll admit, it appears I am wrong.

I just have one question.

I've been on the forum since RooshV, while I never used tiktok, I fairly heavily use X, and particularly follow and discuss topics with Groypers and fans of Nick quite often.

I also use Gab infrequently, and have been following politics in general since the old Sargon days.

The discussion of Nick being a Fed comes up quite often, so why the heck have I never heard of any of these things?

I would have thought people would be posting these quite frequently in discussions where people are accusing Nick of trolling/grifting/being a Fed.
He's popular with the youth. Forgive me if I am mistaken, but the impression that I have of you is that you're an older man, perhaps older than 50...
What does this have to do with anything? Young men have always learned from older men until their recent "OK Boomer" meme wars against their elders. As a result, Nick is a complete train wreck who is leading a disrespectful generation of boy-men that believe car mufflers were invented to amplify a cars sound instead of muffle it. "Thanks Gen Z for banging us in the ears with the sound of your car exhaust every day for the rest of our lives! So cool! It's a pleasure and an honor to be in your presence!"

"The youth" have always been horrible decision makers which is why you have to be over 35 years old to be the president of the United States and why Lewis and Clark (28 and 32 respectively) were hired to lead a group of 18 to 21 year old men on foot (and by canoe) from St. Louis to Oregon and back on a two-year journey that required the elder Lewis and Clark to punish the young men with scarring whip lashes to their backs to keep them in line. The young men did not rebel or form a mutiny but girded their loins and accepted their punishmrnt while finding a new found respect for their elder punishers and leaders Lewis and Clark. At the time, if a young man fell asleep during guard duty it was punishable by death. Now there are no consequences for bad behaviour by young men and they have taken full advantage this "freedom" by insulting and mocking their elders at every turn.

Every time I hire a Gen Z'er I have to fire them because they can't follow simple orders like "show up on time" without going into a deep vengeful depression. Gen Z is a generation that nobody ever said "no" to and as a result they are the weakest, most entitled lot of Americans to have ever been raised on this soil. Nick is a 26 year old "man" who plays video games and watches over-sexualized anime instead of crossing a continent on foot. He is a stellar example of a weak talking head who cares more about his own celebrity on Tik Tok and playing video games and watching anime than having to do any form of skilled manual labor with his hands. He rails against the jews, but he behaves just like one.
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Remember the 9 types of assets I posted earlier, if he is compromised he's one of the more indirect ones as he is not promoting crimes but seems to function as a distraction while diluting many truths of Third Position.

None of these clowns are fit to be leaders. They're all distractions.

There's more historical evidence that Our Lord was not some modern desert brownie as envisioned by the multicultural agenda that seeks to deny race realism. It's a sensitive topic for sure, but the "browning" of Christ is a liberal jewish smear tactic. The people back then were not Arabized until well after the 700s, so while there were certainly plenty of brown hair, black hair, and various shades of brown eyes, there was also lots of blue, green, hazel, and different tones of each as well, along with gold hair, red hair, and any tinge of blonde. Given the purity of Christ's bloodline, which is what the entire Old Testament tells the extensive history of, it is very likely He appeared in the flesh as close to the image of Adam (made in the image of God) as possible).

Though it ultimately doesn't matter in the world beyond because He transcends the flesh, the specific targeting of making Jesus appear physically ragged or atavistic is evil and it is wrong to perpetuate those stereotypes of man to God incarnate. Pilates letter describes Him as herculean and pious, with extensive physical descriptions.

View attachment 17167

Those letters are fake, cannot be verified before the 6th century, and have no original Greek manuscripts to compare them to (which 100% means they are fake since all documentation was done by the Library of Alexandria, which was run by Greeks).

It appears these letters are but Catholic forgeries designed to create some kind of legitimacy of Christ's appearence to match European features. I see they are posted on the Vatican's portal, with no context:

In reality none of the letters have anything to suggest they are authentic.

Conversely, the oldest pictures of Christ date before the 3rd century, many of them in Rome, and one from Mt. Sinai (which preserved the tradition handed to them from prior monks):




No blonde hair or blue eyes.
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I think the problem is that we genuinely care about our brothers in Christ here, I think most of us anyway. Nobody reported because none of us saw it as trolling we saw it as someone we wanted to help, even if it was tough love. Is it wrong and does it hurt the forum that we're still trying to give him the benefit of that doubt even though none of it makes sense? I don't know....

There is a point where instead of helping you are enabling him.
Has anyone hit the report button for IIMT in this thread? If you see someone trolling yet you don't hit report, then you are allowing the forum pollution to run rampant.

Good reminder.

I don't read this thread, as Fuentes doesn't interest me. However, enough noise has been made to bring this thread to my attention and IIMT is getting a month ban. Reasons: denial of reality, low quality posting, bad faith posting, off-topic derails. I think I also need to ban IIMT from this thread too, anytime the subject of WN comes up he can't help but troll and spam the board 24/7 with garbage posts.

Pretty amazing how someone with millions in the bank and works nonstop can make 10+ posts a day in a single thread. I also question the sanity of those who keep arguing with him, he's obviously not well upstairs. Just hit the report and move on fellas.

IIMT, this is the second time I've had to ban you like this. Last time was in the Patriot Front thread, and this time you've trolled nonstop in this thread for several weeks. You clearly didn't take the warning I gave you last time very seriously, so that's why your ban will be longer this time. I think the extended break will do you some good. This stuff isn't healthy for you, assuming you are a real person and not a fed. I don't think you are a fed, just a very troubled man.

Some very reasonable quality control.

I think the problem is that we genuinely care about our brothers in Christ here, I think most of us anyway. Nobody reported because none of us saw it as trolling we saw it as someone we wanted to help, even if it was tough love. Is it wrong and does it hurt the forum that we're still trying to give him the benefit of that doubt even though none of it makes sense? I don't know....

Dear FrancisK

It sounds tiring to argue with someone so much. Your thread about seeing negativity on the forum makes more sense after reading this thread.

My suggestion in that other thread was that, after engaging with someone 3 times without a perceived advancement in the discussion, it's unlikely to be of much benefit to keep arguing. I'll have a go at a second form of communicating about this topic albeit in a different style that will hopefully be more compelling.

I've seen you (and others, notably @Get2choppaaa , @Wutang and other posters I respect) go back and forth with IIMT dozens of times.

I admit, it can be entertaining at times:

Ha Ha Ha Lol GIF

However, I'm not sure what value you and the other posters are getting out of these tit-for-tats.

There is a point where instead of helping you are enabling him.



The “pig” in Shaw’s quote symbolizes a person or situation that thrives on chaos, conflict, or negativity. Engaging with such entities — whether they’re a toxic colleague, a combative friend, or a social media troll — often results in a loss of dignity and energy. You end up feeling frustrated and sullied by the encounter, while the other party derives some perverse satisfaction from the altercation. They enjoy the “mud,” or the messy, contentious exchange.

The “dirt” in this context represents the emotional and mental toll such interactions can take. When you argue with someone uninterested in constructive dialogue or mutual understanding, you risk lowering yourself to their level. You may find yourself saying things you don’t mean, becoming more stressed, or feeling emotionally drained. Essentially, you get “dirty.”

Put another way, if we regard our time and efforts as holding intrinsic value:
Matthew 7:6
Give not that which is holy unto the dogs, neither cast ye your pearls before swine, lest they trample them under their feet, and turn again and rend you.

My CIK brother @FrancisK what benefit are you (or others) gaining by trying to argue against someone who, for years, since the time of RVF, has suggested that a man needs several MILLION DOLLARS to start a family?

This number recently pumped up even higher... Not to $50,000. Or even $500,000. But $5,000,000.

Confused Rooster Teeth GIF by Achievement Hunter

When multiple inconsistencies in someone's story arise (e.g., claiming they're a happy hopeful guy while every post is negative and defeatist), the only conclusion that can be drawn is that this unknown entity is a manipulative liar unwilling to have a debate with dignity and sincerity and/or is completely lacking in self-reflection and personal accountability.

Either way... would you hop on this train and get stuck into lengthy chats about serious topics?

forum book GIF

Toot toot! All aboard. We really care about the future of young men!

I reported him for blackpilling. I didn’t mind his posts at first, but it seemed to me he was trolling and launching a widespread demoralization campaign. Extremely tiring to read his takes and he attempted to turn any positive development into a negative one.

I wasn’t sure why you guys kept engaging, because it was clear he wasn’t going to change his piss poor attitude. Then there were the blatant inconsistencies and it was too much.


Moving forward, it may be helpful to keep in mind a few powerful principles of behavioural and cognitive change. Here is one to start:

Once someone has made an irreversible decision or gone past the point of no return, it is EXTREMELY hard to make them change their mind.

For instance, people with children will tend focus on the benefits of HAVING children, whereas people who feel they 100% cannot or will not have children will tend to focus on the benefits of NOT HAVING children.

(Of course some people regret having kids and others regret never making it happen, but those tend to be the exception to the rule once enough time has passed since the crossroads event has taken place).

This example reflects a fundamental design of human psychology to help individuals be consistent and to keep a coherent sense of self.

Every human being has a fundamental need to feel and think that they are right.

Insulting others will NEVER work to influence them in reversing course on a belief. This explains in part why it seems like nobody EVER learns from arguments on MSM forums. (Online arguments on social media like facebook, IG, YouTube, X etc are 99.99% pathetic and a waste of time).

It can be *incredibly* hard for anyone to look back on a major life decision and live with the realisation that they made a mistake or didn't achieve their goals, and then accept these perceptions as being real and meaningful, as opposed to justifying them away... "Oh well, I didn't really want that thing I didn't get anyway" (sour grapes rationalisation) and "this thing I have now is what I actually wanted" (sweet lemon rationalisation).

More info on these rationalisations:

According to McGuire and McGuire’s (1991) “rationalization postulate,” people should adjust their judgments of the desirability of a future event to make them congruent with its perceived likelihood. In a political survey administered to 288 Democrats, Republicans, and nonpartisans immediately prior to the Bush-Gore presidential election, we manipulated the perceived likelihood that one or the other candidate would win and measured the subjective desirability of each outcome. Providing evidence for the “sour grapes” and “sweet lemon” types of rationalizations, we found that Democrats and Republicans rated preferred and non-preferred candidates to be more desirable as their perceived chances of winning increased (and less desirable as their perceived chances of winning decreased). These rationalization effects were found to depend upon a high level of motivational involvement, so that nonpartisans showed no evidence of a linear relation between perceived likelihood and assessed desirability.

Adjacent discussion as it relates to the (irreversible) jab:


May I suggest that you consider putting certain threads and/or posters on ignore (or just scroll past without reading, as I do), and instead, focus your attention on other topics and communicating with other people. I am confident you will enjoy your time here more by actioning this plan of letting things go and re-directing your energy.

Personally, I like writing about topics that give me some inherent knowledge, entertainment, enjoyment, or other kind of value. I hope you stick around with contributions to more positive topics or fruitful discussions, as that may have a more positive impact on your energy elsewhere.

I hope this helps. All the best 🫡
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I hate to pile on, but IMT was a defeatist and I believe his account was used to sow defeatism and demoralization. The Trump plane post is the perfect example of a ‘gotcha’ in his twisted mind. Apparent news of Mexico refusing to accept a plane of migrants, and he just posts with LOL as if he got of all of us that Trump has failed his mission.

There is no point to engage with a person like that and they should be continuously ignored. Some criticism is fine, but when it gets to the point where nothing is ever good enough, those people have severe issues.
@Steady Hands I don't take pleasure in these sort of arguments but at the same time I do feel like that the sort of posts that IIMT was writing should be called out for the sake of the forum. It's very similar to why I was active on the Flat Earth thread responding to the pro-flat earth people despite the headaches it was generating because I felt like if those sort of posts don't get any pushback it will lead to a degradation of the quality of the forum. A lot of work and care went into not only recreating the sort of environment we had in the previous iteration of the forum but also improving on the flaws that existed previously. This place is one of the few parts of the internet where we can have these sort of discussions in an intelligent way and as such I feel like it would be a tragedy if this place were to sink to the same level of the typical low quality communities that proliferate the internet now. With communities this being so rare, I do feel there is a need to maintain it's integrity.

Another solution to all of this is be more liberal with permabans but my position was and is still to keep those rare. One of the flaws of the old forum is that Roosh and the other admins tended to get too trigger happy with the bans and that is something I think this forum has improved on. Instead, I have advocated for discussion even if those can get heated like in the case with IIMT because though these sort of back and forths degrades the quality of a thread I still think it's superior to either 1) lowering the threshold for permabans or 2) letting low quality posters post their material unchallenged.

On the last point of low quality black pill posts or posts that resemble Fedbait; when I argue against the people who are making these posts it is not so much to convince the other person (which as you said is often futile) but rather because there's other members of this community watching and if these sort of posts remained unchallenged it can lead to people being influenced in a manner that is detrimental to them which in turn would also lower the quality of the forum. IIMT claimed he was mentoring younger guys on this forum and that he was giving them the true red pill so that they wouldn't cuck themselves into impotence by voting, joining a church (which according to him are only social clubs), having a family (since they'll likely go bankrupt unless they already had six gorllion dollars in savings) and that nothing can save this country unless a Hitler like figure rises up that will either kick out all non-whites or reduce them to a slave class. This isn't an exaggeration, it's something he has posted in the literal sense as can been seen here (

I actually IIMT think is delusional about people seeing him as some sort of figure to aspire to but the point remains that people of all sorts of reading this forum and looking for guidance here and the type of posts IIMT makes is going put the wrong ideas into people's minds: namely that everything is hopeless and time is running out and the only solution is to **REDACTED**
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It's a joke. That chart is a really old and well-known meme. Relax.

I explained to you in detail what he said and the reasoning he gave. Seems pretty coherent and goal-oriented to me. He was not opposing Trump, he was trying to get him to address certain important issues. Your response is that "he did it for attention". How do you know what's in his heart? How do you know that he did it "for attention" and not for the very specific reasons that he stated he had? His actions certainly seem to indicate the latter. Please explain to me what part of his actions you think indicates that he was lying about his motives.

I'm trying to have a good faith discussion here, but you appear to just really want to insult Fuentes for the hell of it. If that's what you're doing here, then I actually understand it. You admire Trump, how could you not? You hate this Fuentes guy's guts because you feel that he opposed Trump with malicious intent. I'm trying to argue that that's not the case, but if you don't want to hear it, then I ask of you to simply tell me that you don't want to hear it. I'll stop bothering you with my replies if you're not interested in discussing this.

He related himself? Did you mean to say "relegated"? Otherwise I can't make heads or tails of this sentence.
Relegated. Typo on my autocorrect.
The Kanye West thing happened years after he got banned from everything and made his own platform, so that has nothing to do with this. He did not relegate(?) himself to making his own platform, he was forced to because he got banned from everything for talking about the Jews. Milo and Kanye have absolutely nothing to do with the section of my post you're replying to with this.
He relegated himself to this by some of his extremely incendiary comments. Whether he was right or wrong is a different matter.

His association with Milo and Kanye just furthered his alienation.

Frankly the Kanye Trump dinner was a total shit show mostly because of the arrogance assumed by the group that Donald Trump would have anything other than disdain for an attempt to run against him.
He's popular with the youth. Forgive me if I am mistaken, but the impression that I have of you is that you're an older man, perhaps older than 50. It stands to reason that you think he's irrelevant, as you're far from his target audience. Are you around a lot of Zoomers? I certainly am, both my country's Zoomers and American Zoomers. My experience has definitely been that people know who Fuentes is and that he's certainly a polarizing figure, but it's not hard to find people who like him.

Certainly, I think he has moved the overton window by a significant amount, far beyond what could be simply explained as "people got sick of Biden". The youth are naming the Jew, Choppaa. Incredible things are happening in the minds of the youth. I partly thank Fuentes for this.
I'm in my mid 30s

Yes I'm around zoomers at work, bars, church. He's had some impact, I'm not saying that.

But that doesn't detract from the fact that he's a pariah and generally an agent of chaos.

I used to watch him pre Jan 6 and all the anti trump hate... But it's incredibly clear to Anyone with half a brain cell that now he's just in it to counter signal Trump wherever possible.

The fact is that the dude comes off like a emasculate closet homosexual fed. This is overwhelmingly the impression I get and many others get of him. At his age I was in the Marine Corps... Not pushing old ladies down the stairs for knocking on my door.
@Steady Hands You're right brother it did become redundant but even if it gets to the point where I'm not trying to actually compel the guy I'm arguing with anymore there are young men here who look for guidance and the things he says and the attitude he has towards life in general needs to be knocked down. I could go at it with him in 20 different threads, usually I just shake my head at my monitor and let it go but sometimes it's just too much.
@Steady Hands I don't take pleasure in these sort of arguments but at the same time I do feel like that the sort of posts that IIMT was writing should be called out for the sake of the forum. It's very similar to why I was active on the Flat Earth thread responding to the pro-flat earth people despite the headaches it was generating because I felt like if those sort of posts don't get any pushback it will lead to a degradation of the quality of the forum. A lot of work and care went into not only recreating the sort of environment we had in the previous iteration of the forum but also improving on the flaws that existed previously. This place is one of the few parts of the internet where we can have these sort of discussions in an intelligent way and as such I feel like it would be a tragedy if this place were to sink to the same level of the typical low quality communities that proliferate the internet now. With communities this being so rare, I do feel there is a need to maintain it's integrity.

Another solution to all of this is be more liberal with permabans but my position was and is still to keep those rare. One of the flaws of the old forum is that Roosh and the other admins tended to get too trigger happy with the bans and that is something I think this forum has improved on. Instead, I have advocated for discussion even if those can get heated like in the case with IIMT because though these sort of back and forths degrades the quality of a thread I still think it's superior to either 1) lowering the threshold for permabans or 2) letting low quality posters post their material unchallenged.

On the last point of low quality black pill posts or posts that resemble Fedbait; when I argue against the people who are making these posts it is not so much to convince the other person (which as you said is often futile) but rather because there's other members of this community watching and if these sort of posts remained unchallenged it can lead to people being influenced in a manner that is detrimental to them which in turn would also lower the quality of the forum. IIMT claimed he was mentoring younger guys on this forum and that he was giving them the true red pill so that they wouldn't cuck themselves into impotence by voting, joining a church (which according to him are only social clubs), having a family (since they'll likely go bankrupt unless they already had six gorllion dollars in savings) and that nothing can save this country unless a Hitler like figure rises up that will either kick out all non-whites or reduce them to a slave class. This isn't an exaggeration, it's something he has posted in the literal sense as can been seen here (

I actually IIMT think is delusional about people seeing him as some sort of figure to aspire to but the point remains that people of all sorts of reading this forum and looking for guidance here and the type of posts IIMT makes is going put the wrong ideas into people's minds: namely that everything is hopeless and time is running out and the only solution is to **REDACTED**

There will always be somebody, even if it's one person, that will tell you what you want to hear. It's a lot easier to be pessimistic than it is to be optimistic, it's entirely possible there were a few guys going to him for advice just because he was enabling their feelings of hopelessness......which is dangerous.

The more strong Christian men we have walking this earth the better, despair is worthless. Even worse if you start taking that despair as your identity and turn it into something positive in your mind.
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