But what have YOU done about it?
Do you have a farm? Are you self reliant? Do you know how to do Country boy stuff?
I sure do and I use my job to invest in my home and lifestyle and homestead....
This is like listening to a quadriplegic talk about running marathons
"Arbeit macht frei!'
That's actually kinda impressive.
It brings up something I hadn't considered before actually.
Why don't we invest in each other?
Andrew Torba said we should build parallel communities, and from your posts here, and judging by your success in these ventures, you are damn well worth investing in.
That's how you build a parallel community after all.
Good networking.
We mentioned "It is my Time", verifying his wealth in person before, does anyone want to meet up. I may have to be disqualified because of my visit to Rotherham even if nothing came of it, but if nothing else, I really want to visit a gun range in the future. We have some where I live, but England just isn't the same. What's the point if you can't take a drum mag AA12 and blow up tannerite?
Please give us an example of what sort of advice you give to these guys. It would do a lot to dispel the notion that you are a pure doomposting blackpiller.
This is actually a very good point. Well, not surprising you've been on the ball lately, but my point is, if "It is my Time" has useful advice, why withhold it?
It wouldn't be worth it to me. I'm not sure why you are arguing this point, it has been talked about more than enough. The debate is if boomer-tier conservatism will win or Nick Fuentes' style Nationalism
Why not? Do you consider us enemies, some people here are boomers and Gen X or millennials, I and Powerhouse are Zoomers, I'm 24, just a month away from being 25.
Please point out where I said anything about which political system is better. I didn't mention anything about any form of conservatism in my post. Yes I am instead making the posts about you. It is personal in the sense that they are about you but I do not write for the main purpose of attacking you but rather I am writing because I think that there's lots of aspects of your personality that makes everything you write about what's going on society to be suspect.
This is something we have to address. I can understand IIMT being demoralised, but lying, if he is actually lying is very questionable on a Christian forum. It is not unfair for us to expect some gesture of good faith and respect.
How about this, I am 24, so there's a fair chance of I met IIMT in person he could lead to me to believe his claims are true even if they are not.
If he is lying, he has less to fear from a British person who legally can't carry a gun. How does that sound IIMT?
Want to meet up? Your neuroses remind me of myself, and my studies of the Law of Assumption by Neville Goddard, so I find myself curious.
I would say having $5,000,000 in net worth is still poor in 2025 USA. It isn't enough to quit working and have a family and afford them a good life and start at things. That $5,000,000 would go very quickly. Probably need around $10,000,000 before I would consider someone well off.
Poverty is defined by lack.
I would say atheists are poor because they lack faith in God, and we are told faith is a gift.
I'm terms of material, if you can afford food and shelter with decent security, and can provide good education to your children and opportunities for development and work, you are not poor.
That very rarely exceeds an income of 100,000 if you are willing to sacrifice luxuries and have people you can trust.
If course, the discrimination against white people does exist, but in America it is not nearly as bad when the South is so full of white people, and when moving states is at least possible without abandoning your home.
In Britain, it's different, and as a mixed race person I am probably privileged in ways I don't realise as someone the Jews actively think are not a threat, or less of a threat than whites.
Funnily enough, the most competent people at my workplace are white. The quickest promotion I ever saw was from a white French man, who apparently did one of those street musician gigs to travel throughout France. Guy was the frankest person I've ever known when it came to his own death. He has a written will and everything. But then riding a motorcycle is probably more dangerous than the Africans.
My only guess is you think Trump boomer-tier conservatism is going to win out. I am very confident Nick style Nationalism will replace conservatism, as it did all across Europe in the 1930's.
Firstly, did you read what he said?
Secondly, why are you acting look Boomers are your enemy not Jews?
There is some valid criticism of Boomers and really every generation, primarily that Jewish media brainwashed people more effectively until very recently.
Yet you have right here a Boomer who despite being raised on MK Ultra style Television designed to brainwash him, was not broken nor bent.
Have a little faith in God, he will lead all Christians to the truth, no matter who or what they are.
Trump is also not Boomer tier conservatism.
We have just seen proof that is false.
His first day in the second term has seen him do things that republicans in Congress would never ever do, that in his previous term, nearly all of them prevented and fought against, and that Democrat staffers lied and claimed he wasn't allowed to do to stall him.
If Trump was no threat to Jews, why would every single one of his staff have needed to lie to him, every single General needed to deceive him in his first term, to stop him from doing things for years he is now accomplishing in years?
Do you not get it yet?
Trump was afraid of death. When I said I contemplated, even attempted suicide by jumping off a bridge on July 12th, then rejected it as ungodly and asked God for courage against themselves filthy demons raising my fist at the sky, Trump doing the exact same after being hit in the ear by a bullet that should have killed him was no damn coincidence.
Trump is not afraid of Jews anymore!
Why do you think he promised to end Usury?
He wanted to shock them! To taunt them! To prove his courage once again for us all to see!
He was promising God's judgement.
He is a flawed man, but like David and Abraham, his faith in God has saved him.
Look at the recent controversy.
Elon is Gen X, and Barron Trump is a Zoomer.
They played the media perfectly. Distracted them, trolled them, attacked their credibility and reputation, while giving us a bit of revenge over the lefts gaslighting and promoting National Socialism all at the same time.
Then there's JD Vance who is a millennial. Funnily enough, just realised millennials he's the least based of the four.
You don't answer anything. You'll just re-direct everything to somehow "so does this mean you think Trump can save us" "do you think your boomer takes will win" "do you think this will solve the white population collapse" even when none of those things are brought up. In previous posts on this thread I asked you to give an example of what sort of advice you are giving to the people supposedly PMing you. You also haven't disputed anything I've written about how your personality quirks are extremely unusual and that based on that your judgement is going to be questionable. I'm assuming your response to this will be "Are you saying Trump is going to be able to save the white race?" or something to that effect.
Did I quote these in the wrong order? Oops?
Anyway, RooshV literally gave advice on his blog, we all know good advice is both useful and worth it's weight in gold, so why withhold it?
What is an example of advice I give? One common question I get is what podcasts I listen to, so I send them links and offer to discuss it with them.
Give us the links then? Heck, I'm even kinda interested in Nicks podcasts. Supposedly clippers take him out of context, but his own twitter posts on X don't seem that great. He has good points, but horrible use of the carrot and stick.
Admittedly, that makes sense if he's still in the mindset of *every news outlet has poisoned the well on him so his endorsements gave the opposite effect.
I suppose I am unusual. I have no desire to be a slave or raise kids without a plan for them in a society that is and sick and evil as our society is. Most people I come across are looking for the next instant gratification to relieve them of their very stressed out lives. I have no desire to live like that.
You do realise there are plenty of communities in the south that are still old fashioned and good right?
Heck you should be creating your own. Like Andrew Torba said, a Parallel Society of Christians. There are plenty of Christian Zoomers, and are you are successful so mentoring them to improve their finances and defeat addictions should be easy.
Turn inwards, your problems lie within, not without.
They all do.
Heck, just join the Amish if you want. You are rich enough to practically buy a village of land for them if you want the space to live in a farm by yourself as well.
YES! You are unusual. You're finally understanding what we are saying.
He's still being pedantic about it though, claiming that addiction to instant gratification means you'll have a family, when in reality it's the opposite.
It's mostly left wing porn addicts who don't have families, and in some cases don't work.
Among the right wing, there are those who genuinely don't want a family, with or without reason, those who do but can't, those who are too disgusted by modern women, and those who do and are very happy about it.
It should be pretty obvious at this point, unless you genuinely don't want a family, in which case, fine, virginity is not a bad thing, just remember, God told us to be fruitful, so don't discourage those who do want a family.
And not well adjusted to what MOST men want. You're desire to have this perfect scenario is a fear based mentality.
There is no perfect scenario anyway, only God is good.
The problem is not that Nick does have some astute points, the problem is that he's incapable of being satisfied when good thing happen until some radical change happens.
I'm convinced he's manifesting at this point.
The whole, not being satisfied when you get part of what you want is a very common topic on the 4chan X/ LOA threads, and it does explain a lot about the guy.
Him not working out? He just doesn't want to. The Feds not hitting him over Jan 6? He prayed to God to save him.
There was even a guy claiming he was behind the Israeli's getting exposed for bombing children in Palestine thing, but I'm doubtful of that, maybe the 4chan X/ LOA thread is all in my head. The people there never respond to my posts.
You can call everything you don't like Boomer ideology. It's really quite irrelevant however because you're not offering anything of substance for young men to do.
Real talk, I like Boomers. The most based person I know in England is a Boomer.
Vietnam war veteran. He got bullied in the army for being a devout Christian.
When I told him about my Russian friend, he said he's a good one when I mentioned he's bipolar.
He still watches TV propaganda, but didn't bat an eye when told him Elon is owned by the Jews.
The time of cheering on small victories is long over. Either drastic things happen under Trump, or boomer-tier conservatism is dead.
We just had the best possible victory.
God made the women stop talking.
For the first time in history, the left is quiet.
Trump wins an election handily, issues a series of outstanding executive orders, and you claim his message is dying while an obscure fed Captured loser is going to grow?
Also, Twitter only censoring the truth about Jews half heartedly and ineffectively. Tiktok coming back, and the left becoming utterly demoralised at a political and moral victory.
Yeah he'll get popular in the circles you follow because you're on the fringe. But people are overwhelming happy and excited by what he's foing.
To be fair, Nicks content is okay in terms of information, it's just his opinions that suck. I'm gonna watch his podcast and investigate more deeply.
You not believing or recognizing this is just further demonstration of your lack of credibility or lense regarding reality.
Perhaps this is harsh, but IIMT has already been rather clear about his biases, and resentment of boomers.
We should move on to confirming he is not lying, but just in denial or actually telling the truth now that we have proven the anomaly beyond doubt rather than wasting time.
No matter how certain we are, truth can be stranger than fiction afterall, but better to be wrong than to waste time and emotions dwelling in bad places.
"Outstanding executive orders" which are just removing criminals that we previously let run wild, and other EO's already shot down by judges.
Look IIMT. Just know that even if you are lying, I forgive you.
For I have been forgiven many a time of sins, and Jesus Christ himself was without sin, yet still chose to forgive us all. How can I judge you knowing that?
If you are not lying, then I'm really damn curious, because your situation sounds impossible to me.
Don't care about Trump or little Nicky, stop dodging like a chat bot blowing a circuit.
I am telling you directly that the way you live and who you are is EXACTLY what all those "satanic elite" want out of you.
Does that not mean anything to you at all?
No need to get frustrated, if he is lying, it is no reason to let emotions affect us, but instead he prudent. God told us we should judge righteously afterall, and be discerning.
Well it's kinda easy to replace a population when it's natives decide to not start families buddy!
Their bidding is exactly how you have decided to live your life while looking to spread to others no less.
Don't try to start a family, work like a dog but for only yourself and give up on your nationality. You could be the key note speaker at the WEF this year.
Absolutely agree.
I myself have fallen for this illusion now that I evaluate it, though part of that has been my own laziness and bad habits of social media addiction, insomnia, lack of exercise and lack of food free from seed oils or water free of fluoride.
My stint as a sales executive went badly the same day I stopped drinking fluoride free (Evian water), and drank tap water instead, and I've been mentally struggling since then.
Among other things like porn addiction, lack of going to church, lack of attempts to find a good Christian wife, and lack of prayer and reading the Bible, my faults are many. So I will not judge.
You guys are riding him too hard for the family thing. I don't see him telling other men not to have families he is just talking about his own decision. This is why since this is an anonymous forum, we should not bring in personal life stories to every topic but all remain logical and rational.
He is saying it is not safe to raise a family even if you own 5 million dollars worth in property and (presumably live in America if you have dollars).
That is utterly not true. Even in England where taxes are higher, people are poorer, and property prices are sky high even outside London you don't need a fraction of that.
The only thing you should invest in, is God with prayer and Church, and yourself with education.
No matter how poor you are, if you can educate your kids properly, they will turn out fine. Letting shame or addiction hinder that is foolish when God promises us that if we pray and believe, even a mountain can be thrown into the sea.
I never told anyone else to have or to not have a family. That is a strawman. I am not comfortable doing it, if others are, then best of luck. I have said most young men cannot afford to do so, and that is true, and I know this from them talking about it and posting up the economic data.
This is true.
However, demoralising people by lying or exaggerating the difficulty of the situation is dangerous.
This is a Christian forum. The Jews give us enough blackpills to last until next century.
We all know that God provides. This world is sick, do not live the world, for it is passing, but God alone is eternal.
Yet God still commands us to be fruitful.
A lot of young men nowadays think they can't afford to start a family, IIMT does have a point there.
Absolutely agreed. I don't, but that is probably an illusion. If I could find a humble wife, and was willing to work longer hours, I could absolutely afford a small apartment and raise a family.
For some reason I put it off while fantasising about my own dreams and hoping things would just magically get better if I prayed for it.
But that was foolishness. God tells us it is harder for a rich man to get into heaven than a camel to enter the eye of a needle.
My difficulties are a blessing, and faith itself is a gift, who could be poorer than an atheist? Lacking even knowledge of God? Yet I was forgiven for atheism is desiring suicide, for being a disobedient and lazy son.
What more blessing could I need?
At the same time choppa, francis and now wutang, have all made excellent counterpoints for what is possible by using brains AND brawn to make something for yourself. There is a reason people from around the world still want to come to American, despite all the evil agendas being pushed over the last few years.
As greedy and self centered as it feels to say, I have to admit, I kinda feel like this is too difficult.
I kinda wish it were easier, but if God has not answered my prayers so, perhaps it was sinful to ask for that, and I should get on with doing instead of wanting.
For Nick this is a HUGE problem because he has positioned himself as a thought leader but who does he follow, where does he look for examples to follow? Other online influencers or men out there actually doing things, shaping reality by their actions and creating useful products, delivering valuable services, or raising animals and growing food for their family? Sure, Nick may be helping to shift the overton window, but Biden's handlers were so bad for America that any idiot can see it plain as day.
This is a good point?
What has Nick actually done?
His content appeals to Zoomers, and... That's about it? What has he accomplished specifically beyond that? Every white supremacist I see criticises him for doing the same thing he accused white supremacists of doing when he first started. "Making the whole movement look silly, and accomplishing nothing but dirtying the movement and wasting their energy."
I will not judge him for judging, but just as I judge myself for lack of results, I judge the lack of demonstrable things people can say he has done. Where are his documentaries? His books? His political victories? What major allies does he have? What has he given to his followers? What people has he sacrificed for in times of hardship? I want to know, not to judge, but to know if he is worth trusting.
For good fruit cometh from good trees, and bad fruit cometh from bad trees.
If he's really a Fed, that will probably get exposed eventually with Tulsi Gabbard as a Director of National Intelligence.
The TL;DR version is that Third Positionism is essentially
This is a very good post, I'm just quoting this to state how informative it is. Cheers.
I forget what this said.
(Okay, this is surprisingly wise from JD Vance of all people).
The guy was only recently a diehard democrat, so it'll be interesting to see how he changes over the next four years, specifically how he and his foreign wife react to the Classified documents being released.
Most of the Indians I know are either utterly honest to a fault, or narcissistic liars, few in-between. His wife seems pretty honest, so it'll be interesting to see how they react to the knowledge that immigration was the Jews chosen weapon to destroy us all.
$5m == $300K/yr salary @ 6% interest which is pretty standard.
If you can't live on $300k/year, you suck at life.
Let's be honest. With how addictions work in Satan's world, you will probably find life easier if you are poorer than that unless you are in a good Christian community or have a devout soul and strong willpower.
Less temptation from addictions and evil that way. God tells us to flee temptation, not to waste ourselves fighting it.
With 1M you can leverage it to 5M with a bank loan. Buy a building. Get 10%/year. 500k. Pay of the debt and still have 20-30k/month without doing nothing.
There are families in England living on 30k a month, albeit usually with both parents working. 90k is considered a good income for a family of 4.
That's in a country with less land, and thus much higher housing costs.
Prices for food and fuel is different, but shelter is the most important part in my opinion.
Anyway, that's the end of my post. Woah was this a long one.