Moving Abroad Before the Collapse

With govt regulations and taxes, the true ownership of anything is quite disputable.
Welcome to Life, the way it's always been, there's no perfection.
In other countries it's much easier to take your property away than in the US, and often no "law" is even required for that.
Much nonsense is posted here (I don't mean you, mostly in other threads) by people who are not aware of land law and practices as they exist in other countries and clearly only had lived in one country their entire life, either lived in the US and have no clue how bad it can get in other places/have very entitled assumptions about privileges they might have elsewhere, or only had lived in a 3rd world country and have no clue about existing rights in the US. Also, I suspect a lot of people are young, have 10 year or something historical horizon, and have little idea about things that were going down in some of these countries just recently, where life isn't worth much, property much less (history tends to repeat itself)
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Also, as my last note on this pretty hopeless forum: United States has incredibly large, diverse and safe natural public lands with excellent road system to access them. This is unmatched elsewhere. Natural landscapes in the US are stunning (the best in the world to me) and most of these lands happen to be public (most of them are in the West). There're tons of opportunities to hunt too if one is into it, tons of places to camp in complete safety, tons of infrastructure that is free or costs less than in "cheap" countries where one pays more to pitch a tent in a safe place. There's anything from giant 2000 old trees wider than a house to deserts and the most scenic mountains, waterfalls, oceans, giant lakes, clean mountain rivers, steppes, glaciers, rainforests, tungra, long cross country hiking trails going for thousands of miles, anything, and sometimes much of this is found within 6 hour drive from each other like in California. All of this is protected by law enforcement and personal gun rights creating safety levels not seen elsewhere in the world, where one can be easily attacked by a gang on public lands and be defenseless. Road quality is unmatched elsewhere, and one can access nature fast over paved or good, graded gravel roads in many places, and then take dirt roads if want true remoteness and isolation. In other countries roads to remote nature landscapes are much worse usually and takes a lot more hours and car damage to get to the places.
The sheer mass of forests is insane, one can drive for hundreds of mile sthrough the wild forests and there're huge areas with no/almost no humans in them, while it's not some cold tundra with gazillion of mosquitoes, infected ticks and biting flies like in Siberia but quite pleasant climate.
Half of the US got next to none biting bugs and no infected ticks, almost no tropical disease, good luck with that in most other countries.
The climate is great in most places, warm without long harsh winters, but there's also cool comfortable season even in the hottest humid US climates. In California climate is simply amazing, rare Mediterranean climate near the coast that's considered the best/healthiest in the world by the textbooks and dry summers in the mountains of California which are great for camping.
Most countries out there are tiny to begin with, have little to no nature left, or access to nature is more restricted. Only few big countries, but Brazil and Argentina are heavily crime ridden, Russia is cold and got too much crime and Canada is frozen. For anyone liking nature there's nothing better than US of America.
One truly must live under the rock never venturing out not liking nature to think the US is a bad country not worth living in.

PS: below is the same one who used to advise me how Ukraine was a great place to move to back in 2020 on rooshv forum. Hahaha! Can't fool me, pal, I know more than you can ever imagine about this part of the world, I told him Ukraine was future war zone back then, but some got to learn the hard way. Either tons of clueless people on here but I think more of paid-up variety.
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One truly must live under the rock never venturing out not liking nature to think the US is a bad country not worth living in.
Who says this?

As I commonly mention, the issue is first women/family formation, then cultural decay or decline, then work opportunities without global reference (since that's meaningless to someone inside the US who can only work or not there).
Who says this?

As I commonly mention, the issue is first women/family formation, then cultural decay or decline, then work opportunities without global reference (since that's meaningless to someone inside the US who can only work or not there).
Exactly. Nature is just one piece of the puzzle. If you can’t find a good woman or raise a family what good is having fantastic nature?
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It's interesting to bring up the point again that in many ways, a collapse has happened. The only ways in which it hasn't are the conveniences that still exist to a large degree, and the lack of survival worries. The real collapse, I guess for those who are more focused on material things, is thus that which is suggested by economic crises or major failings. It seems these are going to be drawn out over time, but still real.
The average man's standard of living in the west has already collapsed over the past 30 years. Women have been somewhat shielded from the full impact of this.
Or have they? They just voted for a delay mechanism. Once the money runs out for them it will be way worse.

I don’t want to anything anything to harm anyone. But the truth is we need a bit of a reset, not the “great reset” but a return to authenticity. Best way for that to happen is for the government to stop stimulating and let everything crash.

But here’s the question - the women start coming out of the woodwork and want to be with you for no rent and unlimited food. Would you take the offer post crash?
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But here’s the question - the women start coming out of the woodwork and want to be with you for no rent and unlimited food. Would you take the offer post crash?
Even during a crash I can't see this happening unless you see a very severe crash coupled with war devastation e.g. the post world war 1 Weimar republic in Germany, or the post world war 2 Germany before the reconstruction got underway, etc.

For example even in Latin America today which is mostly poor the only countries where you see the average girl throwing themselves at foreigners are the extremely poor ones like Venezeula or Cuba. For example even in Colombia or Peru many girls would rather work as a waitress for $250 USD per month than to live with a random foreign guy. Basically in my experience women would have to be bordering on starvation and homelessness before they start behaving themselves en mass.
I think we'd have to see population decline and/or a better M:F ratio, which we haven't seen since post WW2.
The problem is countries populations have gotten larger and warfare has evolved to be more tech heavy (drones, missiles, etc) and perhaps doesn't have the same casualty rates as in the past. Only World War 3 could make enough of a dent in the male female ratio.
I think we'd have to see population decline and/or a better M:F ratio, which we haven't seen since post WW2.
The other problem is in the modern age social media and increased acceptance of informal polygamy (plate spinning by chads and rich men) will dampen the effect of any change in the male to female ratio as a lot of women will just double down on sharing the top 1% of men (male models, bodybuilders, very rich men, instagram influencers, DJs, etc).

Before the social media era women didn't have as ubiquitous access to these types of men at least not in unlimited numbers and also social shaming from a more conservative culture prevented the woman from being side-piece number 10 of a top 1% guy and so after a major war, mass migration etc happened which adjusted the male to female ratio women responded by lowering their standards and marrying whatever beta males were available to them. I'm not sure this time even if the male to female ratio changed drastically that the reaction would be the same.

Its possible that this time any change in the male to female ratio due to world war 3, etc could be offset by an acceleration in the hypergamy/polygamy trend with an even more extreme winner-takes-most dating market (i.e. for example the top 1% guys instead of having 3 girlfriends/plates at once might have 10 girlfriends at once, etc.)
A lot of asian countries take care of their own populations unlike countries run by whites who give no fucks about their own people.
Tbh decent point. Why don’t white countries care about locals? Greed is my first guess.
For example in Thailand it’s easy for a foreigner to get a retirement or investment visa etc than to get a work visa. They rightfully make it hard for foreigners to work there so they can protect Thai jobs while making it easy for foreigners to get tourist or retirement or investment visas. So it’s easy for foreigners to go there and spend money (which is good) but harder for foreigners to work there as it should be.
Interesting. Where did you get this info from?
Unlike Australians, Americans, Canadians, etc who have to compete with hordes of third worlders pushing down their wages. Meanwhile Australia, U.S.A. etc make it a pain in the ass for people with weak passports to get a tourist visa, which is insane to stop people coming to your country to spend money on vacation. Also in terms if property ownership in Thailand foreigners cannot own land and can only own condos up to 49% of a building. This keeps housing more affordable for the locals unlike Canada, Australia etc where hordes of wealthy Chinese trying to escape communism come and buy up our properties pushing land prices higher.
How does owning 49% of buildings not affect housing prices?
In Australia we have a work and holiday visa (backpackers) which is a completely retarded concept merely designed to crush local wages thus impoverishing all the locals while benefiting businesses. There are hardly even any jobs for these backpackers yet we still keep letting them in. For example I recently met a young French guy in Sydney (the largest city in Australia) and he said it took him 3 months to find a job!!
America has a terrible job market as well.
In Australia if you combine unemployed people with underemployed people it adds up to 3 million people!! In a country with only just over 25 million population. And meanwhile we still let in backpackers and people on "skilled migration" visas by the hundreds of thousands.
How common are Muslim immigrants?
Interesting. Where did you get this info from?
This gives information about Thai work visas. Suffice to say its not a super easy country to get a work visa (although not the hardest either).

For example Thailand has a long term residency visa program called the Thai Elite Visa.
It has different tiers and basically you can stay for a long time in Thailand if you just fork out a decent amount of cash upfront. Basically they want wealthy foreigners to come there and spend money (which is good). The top tier in the program is:

Thailand Privilege Visa RESERVE Membership

  • Membership program validity of 20 years or more
  • Provides a 5-year multiple entry visa, renewable another 5 years thrice throughout the 20-year membership duration. After the 20 years is up, Thailand Elite members can apply for another 5-year visa
  • It costs 5 million Thai Baht with no annual fee
  • Provides 120 privilege points per year
  • Only available to applicants via an invitation
  • No age restriction; members can apply at any age provided they have the invitation
How does owning 49% of buildings not affect housing prices?
Firstly it affects the price less than in other countries where foreigners can own 100% of an apartment building. But the other thing is that the Thai government is very developer friendly compared to many other countries so its easy for new apartments to get built and thus there is always a huge supply of new apartments being created each year thus any additional demand by foreigners does eventually tend to have a supply response. Also the additional construction creates construction jobs for the Thais. Importantly the fact that foreigners cannot own land or a house (they can only lease land and construct a house or rent a house) means that the price of traditional family homes (as opposed to condos) for the Thais remains more affordable than it would otherwise be.
How common are Muslim immigrants?
Very common.
Individuals who share the “spiritual and moral values” of Russia will be able to obtain temporary residence permits. For those looking for better odds in finding a white Christian wife with more traditional values, or simply a place to start over in a country with "normal" values, this may be a door opening.

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Also, as my last note on this pretty hopeless forum: United States has incredibly large, diverse and safe natural public lands with excellent road system to access them. This is unmatched elsewhere. Natural landscapes in the US are stunning (the best in the world to me) and most of these lands happen to be public (most of them are in the West). There're tons of opportunities to hunt too if one is into it, tons of places to camp in complete safety, tons of infrastructure that is free or costs less than in "cheap" countries where one pays more to pitch a tent in a safe place. There's anything from giant 2000 old trees wider than a house to deserts and the most scenic mountains, waterfalls, oceans, giant lakes, clean mountain rivers, steppes, glaciers, rainforests, tungra, long cross country hiking trails going for thousands of miles, anything, and sometimes much of this is found within 6 hour drive from each other like in California. All of this is protected by law enforcement and personal gun rights creating safety levels not seen elsewhere in the world, where one can be easily attacked by a gang on public lands and be defenseless. Road quality is unmatched elsewhere, and one can access nature fast over paved or good, graded gravel roads in many places, and then take dirt roads if want true remoteness and isolation. In other countries roads to remote nature landscapes are much worse usually and takes a lot more hours and car damage to get to the places.
The sheer mass of forests is insane, one can drive for hundreds of mile sthrough the wild forests and there're huge areas with no/almost no humans in them, while it's not some cold tundra with gazillion of mosquitoes, infected ticks and biting flies like in Siberia but quite pleasant climate.
Half of the US got next to none biting bugs and no infected ticks, almost no tropical disease, good luck with that in most other countries.
The climate is great in most places, warm without long harsh winters, but there's also cool comfortable season even in the hottest humid US climates. In California climate is simply amazing, rare Mediterranean climate near the coast that's considered the best/healthiest in the world by the textbooks and dry summers in the mountains of California which are great for camping.
Most countries out there are tiny to begin with, have little to no nature left, or access to nature is more restricted. Only few big countries, but Brazil and Argentina are heavily crime ridden, Russia is cold and got too much crime and Canada is frozen. For anyone liking nature there's nothing better than US of America.
One truly must live under the rock never venturing out not liking nature to think the US is a bad country not worth living in.

PS: below is the same one who used to advise me how Ukraine was a great place to move to back in 2020 on rooshv forum. Hahaha! Can't fool me, pal, I know more than you can ever imagine about this part of the world, I told him Ukraine was future war zone back then, but some got to learn the hard way. Either tons of clueless people on here but I think more of paid-up variety.
Its one thing I hear thats a great advantage in USA, the nature and the safety, I know some people who are South Africans who have gone to USA and they like the fact that they can just drive anywhere, park the car, find a river and fish and its safe and you can camp, we also have places like that here but its usually done inside large farms, reserves, private property, if done on public grounds there is great risk when you come back your car has been stolen or the people in the wilderness come out to mug you (or worse).

Too me being near open nature is important and also being near the church, if you can find these two together anywhere in the world then its a good deal.
The amount of safe public land is absolutely one of the best things about the US. Especially in the Western part of the country. Almost any type of climate or scenery you'd want, and hundreds of miles of wide open space. Also lots of right-wing white people and Christians in the Mountain West.
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As this is such HUGE news, I have started a new individual thread on this topic here:

Russia to offer temporary residence (in effect a kind of political asylum) to all westerners who reject the faggot Globohomo west, WITHOUT the requirement to speak Russian language.
This was published TODAY on an OFFICIAL Russian government news website.

"Russia offers safe haven for people trying to escape Western liberal ideals

Under the document, such foreign nationals will have the right to apply for temporary residence in Russia "outside the quota approved by the Russian government and without providing documents confirming their knowledge of the Russian language, Russian history and basic laws"

MOSCOW, August 19. /TASS/. Moscow will provide assistance to any foreigners who want to escape the neoliberal ideals being put forward in their countries and move to Russia, where traditional values reign supreme, according to a decree signed by President Vladimir Putin.

Under the document, such foreign nationals will have the right to apply for temporary residence in Russia "outside the quota approved by the Russian government and without providing documents confirming their knowledge of the Russian language, Russian history and basic laws."

Applications may be based on the rejection of their countries’ policies "aimed at imposing destructive neoliberal ideals on people, which run counter to traditional Russian spiritual and moral values."

The values are listed in the foundations of Russia’s state policy in this field, while the Russian government is expected to compile a list of countries imposing unhealthy attitudes on their citizens. The Foreign Ministry has been instructed to start issuing three-month visas to such applicants as early as in September.

In February, Putin supported the idea of Italian student Irene Cecchini that Russia should ease entry rules for those who share traditional cultural and family values. The head of state agreed that each case requires an individual approach."
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