Moving Abroad Before the Collapse

Do you get to pick where you go in Russia? I'd want the Black Sea/Caucasus region

No idea....I think the Russians are just getting started with this plan.
I had hoped for years that Putin would offer people disgusted by all this endless demonic garbage an escape route, and now it seems it's finally really happening.

The only real concern I would have is if if by moving there you automatically can be drafted into the Russian military in a future war.
If it does happen at least one would be on the side fighting for Christ and Orthodoxy.
The amount of safe public land is absolutely one of the best things about the US. Especially in the Western part of the country. Almost any type of climate or scenery you'd want, and hundreds of miles of wide open space. Also lots of right-wing white people and Christians in the Mountain West.
And sadly, especially for those with money or some resources and are 35-55, this means almost nothing when no decent women, potential wives, etc are around. In the other thread I said most threads regarding living elsewhere are about two things: monetary confiscation and women, which are related. I guess I could add a third, which would be surveillance state. That might be the one thing that would push someone to move irrespective of the women problem.
And sadly, especially for those with money or some resources and are 35-55, this means almost nothing when no decent women, potential wives, etc are around. In the other thread I said most threads regarding living elsewhere are about two things: monetary confiscation and women, which are related. I guess I could add a third, which would be surveillance state. That might be the one thing that would push someone to move irrespective of the women problem.
You're not wrong, but it is what it is. I'm going to enjoy life with or without a wife and kids.

Or you could move abroad, meet younger women, etc. I'd rather be content with peace and quiet than dwell over the awful women out there. Ironically, I think this is when the chances of meeting the few nice women increases a lot.
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You're not wrong, but it is what it is. I'm going to enjoy life with or without a wife and kids.
To be certain, the women and family thing is not the be all/end all. Even among the Christians, while children can be a blessing, they can go in all sorts of directions, and I tend to think that most people (as their primal base is guided by the fallen "evolutionary" world) are just fulfilling this instinct, which of course has to be strong (or we wouldn't be here).

The forum is about trying to make sense of life and perhaps more directly, discerning the "secret will" of the Father as Fr. Moses has pointed out. Once you have become successful, you really do see more of the folly of the world, since on average you got there via smarts and skill (not the case for all of course). The purpose then becomes getting the women you couldn't get previously, getting a legacy or family, or for some realizing the world itself (this world) is absurd but it has meaning because of Jesus Christ has revealed to us and what the Holy Trinity has has planned for those who are faithful.

As I was reminded recently, there is truth in the fact that it is at times better for us not to be granted "what we wish", but again that a lot of times can only be seen in retrospect, and we likely also disregard what was granted that was good, so we are inherently biased. The point is that it's really hard for us to see purpose in things, as we are inclined to want/do things (good and bad), but we're oftentimes mixed up in our instincts.

I'm going on a bit here so forgive me, but I do perceive that some really drastic things will continue to happen or even jump the shark on what has happened recently in history, let's say within the next 5-10 years. Those realities will sober up many of the things about the world that we think, what we should do, what we should plan, or even care about at all. I could be wrong, but I think the odds will be quite high of seeing real life questions, harder than ever, come up.
You spineless cowards.

There is no "escaping the collapse". It will be worldwide.

You cannot love God without loving your neighbor, that's a fact.
Can you love God without loving your country ? Without the will to do your duty ?

You're not wrong, but it is what it is. I'm going to enjoy life with or without a wife and kids.
You are not supposed to enjoy life, you are supposed to carry your cross and do your duty.

A real christian is happy while suffering, knowing he's suffering for truth.

I'm not going anywhere and with God's help I may be useful for my country.

You're going to suffer anyway. If you want to suffer in a foreign country, so be it.
You spineless cowards.

There is no "escaping the collapse". It will be worldwide.

You cannot love God without loving your neighbor, that's a fact.
Can you love God without loving your country ? Without the will to do your duty ?

You are not supposed to enjoy life, you are supposed to carry your cross and do your duty.

A real christian is happy while suffering, knowing he's suffering for truth.

I'm not going anywhere and with God's help I may be useful for my country.

You're going to suffer anyway. If you want to suffer in a foreign country, so be it.

Anonymous guy on Internet forum calls other guys on Internet forum cowards.

Watch out fellas. Got a real tough guy here.

Rowan Atkinson Attack GIF by Working Title
Anonymous guy on Internet forum calls other guys on Internet forum cowards.

Watch out fellas. Got a real tough guy here.

Rowan Atkinson Attack GIF by Working Title
He has a point escaping the collapse.
To give you an example my wife is Indonesian, her family is in west Timor which geographically is the arse end of the world even for Indonesia. Her nieces and young cousins at the local university are learning mostly the U.S syllabus with its feminist agenda. I know this because I get called occasionally to assist with various assignments they're having difficulty with due to the language barrier.

During covid they went all in for a hard lockdown and mass vaccination, they are a very compliant people with anything govt sanctioned.
My point is even the most remote areas of the world are becoming pozzed at an alarming rate. I really dont understand people who fail to notice that most govts are in synch/lockstep with each other, sure I will concede that they do differ on some things culturally, economics etc, but its true what they say...its a big club and you ain't in it.
Sorry gents but theres nowhere to run, thats my opinion.
do not insult forum members at large, 1-point
Hahah, this forum is full of race traitors.
Probably not White themselves.
No wonder the hatred towards Nordic White on here.
Sell your race, your ancestors, your lands your roots, that's what this relocation thread is about.
Interracial breeding is abhorrent and exactly what the elites want to destroy white race.

And total BS that there are no conservative white women to meet in the US, just an excuse for own failures and to do race mixing in countries full of prostitutes and women marrying for money and passports.
I'm not going anywhere and with God's help I may be useful for my country.
"my country" is the funniest part of that.
He has a point escaping the collapse.
If you know history, this is an absurd statement to make. It's in just recent history that this is totally false.
And total BS that there are no conservative white women to meet in the US, just an excuse for own failures and to do race mixing in countries full of prostitutes and women marrying for money and passports.
The idea is that whether their fault or not, women don't run the race with you, and by the time you've achieved and are successful, there aren't "conservative" women that are any different than the cultural status quo, which thinks something like a proven 35 year old man is "old." And we haven't even talked about in shape, above average looking, pleasant, etc.

Gimme a break, jag