I haven't been to Russia yet either, but I've been learning the language on and off for a while and have met many people from there over the years, however, my impression is that they don't wear their Orthodoxy on their sleeves the way Greeks, Serbs or Romanians do.
In addition, while Russia condemns the LGBT movement and women are far less promiscuous than in the west, they still have extremely high divorce rates, which is also rather rare for Orthodox countries. I can also remember being somewhat surprised when I went out in Europe and my Russian friends would introduce me to small groups of married Russian women who were on vacation here, sometimes even for multiple weeks, and just wanted to have fun over here, if you know what I mean.
And, no, this isn't some black pill "you guys better start learning Vietnamese now, cause that's your only option" post. But what I am trying to point out is that Russia is a huge country with 140 million people and complex and diverse social structures without putting weird labels on them like people try to do in the west.
My personal opinion is that they're somewhat comparable to Muslims in Bosnia where they have certain essential core values, but very little interest in being "too" pious. I can remember reading about Yugoslavia and how it dawned on me that the Bosnians I grew up with were actually Muslims, but I never noticed, because their behavior is atypical compared to that of "real" Muslims.
But, as mentioned above, I've never actually been to Russia