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Moving Abroad Before the Collapse

One issue I see is being able to seriously vet a potential wife from another country. If you don’t have family or relatives with roots there it’s very hard. Women are good at hiding parts of themselves for some type of gain. Example in the US a woman going to church in my area means absolutely nothing.

The other issue is avoiding being scammed or being viewed as a sugar daddy of some sort. Maybe my view is skewed because I tend to see lots of LatAm females in the US, but many seem like gold diggers. I’m talking Brazilians or Colombians. While many are beautiful, I did not get great vibes from the ones I met. Keep in mind sex work is also legal in many of countries. So it would require possibly heading to smaller locales.

Finally, earning an income in said country. You could have a war chest you bring over with passive income, but taxes exist, and also I’m not the type who wants to be sitting around. Even the greatest wife will become burdensome when you are together constantly.

It's very difficult. You either need to live/work there which would generally mean a major city where honestly the values of the women won't be much different to your Western hell hole.

Or go digital nomad for a while to wife hunt.

I think expecting to find a wife on random excursions is very unlikely. Maybe if you keep going back to the place because you actually like it or have something else to do there rather than cerebral analysis of the women.
What is the point of "grinding in a Western hellhole for many years" only to give a significant amount of that income to the Spanish or Italian governments? Or to live amongst a ~85-IQ population like there is in Montenegro?

Is your "beautiful 18-21 Slavic virgin" (who, a few years later, is now in her late 20s) going to be as interested in the guy who has a rapidly deteriorating income in a high-tax PIIGS country (Italy, Spain) or is constantly appalled by the actions of her low-IQ Slavic "peers" (in Montenegro)?

You have to be careful when you consider "ultimate setups" like this. This one actually sounds like quite the nightmare.
Let me address some of your concerns. And I will adress bith your concerns and DeusLux in one post because you seem to be arguing along similar lines.

Unless you live in a tax haven country either way you will pay tax to one government or another. Yes different countries have different tax rates. Now unless you are planning on going to very high tax hellhole like Norway moving from a country like Australia or U.S.A. or England or Canada to a country like Spain or Italy or Portugal for most people will not be a make or break factor.

Any slight increase in tax you pay will likely be more than offset by your overall cost of living (of which tax is just one component).

As for living in a backwards country like Montenegro even if there is day to day 3rd world dysfunction you probably would get a lot of benefits (low cost of living, healthier food and lifestyle, less social/leftist degeneracy, etc).

At the end of the day the old saying applies "there are no solutions, only tradeoffs". You trade one set of problems for another set of problems. The real questions is which set of problems would you prefer to deal with.

I already said the plan is to have passive income so I'm not planning to work in those countries but you are choosing to ignore what I wrote and make straw man arguments. As for tax I have already addressed that above.

Who said anything about rapidly deteriorating income? Another straw man argument, because if your money is wisely invested into growth assets (barring a civilization collapse or great depression re-run) then over time your income should grow not shrink.

Almost all relationships between men and women have a transactional element to them. As for the risk of gold digging as if men aren't already getting divorce raped in the west.

Way too many straw man arguments in your post.

If you want to talk about taxes in PIIGS countries vs the anglosphere countries put up some data rather than just merely stating it as fact.
You'd be driven mad by working with the delicate little flowers that surround me. As soon as it freezes, it's an Ice Age apocalypse, and a couple of flakes of snow constitutes a full on blizzard. Trying to explain the cycle of nature is like banging your head into a brick wall.
I like the cold. It’s refreshing. Anything above - 20 Celsius is fine.
As for living in a backwards country like Montenegro even if there is day to day 3rd world dysfunction you probably would get a lot of benefits (low cost of living, healthier food and lifestyle, less social/leftist degeneracy, etc).

If you want to talk about taxes in PIIGS countries vs the anglosphere countries put up some data rather than just merely stating it as fact.
Tell me more about the "low cost of living" and "healthier food and lifestyle" in Montenegro. Like, first-hand information.

Regarding taxes, tell me about your investments/passive income. Then we can make a direct comparison on how the rates for these investments/income would differ between the countries.
Tell me more about the "low cost of living" and "healthier food and lifestyle" in Montenegro. Like, first-hand information.

Regarding taxes, tell me about your investments/passive income. Then we can make a direct comparison on how the rates for these investments/income would differ between the countries.
I can't comment about Montenegro specifically as I have not been there I just mean that is a thing that is common to many developing countries (not all mind you). I would be surprised if food is more industrialized in a small country like that than in an Anglosphere country like Australia. I have been to a range of developing countries and they all had on average better food quality than Australia.

In terms of healthier lifestyle I mean more that if you are stuck in the Anglosphere unless you are wealthy you are likely going to be engaged in the rat race whereas with a modest passive income you can escape the rate race lifestyle in a developing country. The freedom from the rat race automatically improves your lifestyle.

For example the equivalent of 20,000 after tax of passive income in USA, U.K. or Australia is well below average and nowhere near enough to stop working. However in most cheaper countries that is enough to live a simple/modest yet comfortable life with the basics taken care of if you are not materialistic.

I think in any cheaper country in Europe (e.g. Bulgaria, Montenegro, Albania, Romania, etc) in Europe you could have your basic needs comfortably covered. Even in the middle range countries such as Italy or Spain or Portugal or Greece you could probably get by on that money if you live in a town or small city. For example even in Italy which is not a cheap country the average income is around 21,000 per annum (before tax). I am sure if you live in a non-touristic small city or town you could get by okay with that money.

Taxation comparisons under differing scenarios could be its own long winded thread
For interested parties following along:

Montenegro DOES NOT offer legitimate "low cost of living" unless you choose to live as the average Montenegrin person. The country is not in the EU (not the worst thing in the world in many respects) and has to pay heavy import taxes on many supermarket items so food is often 20-30 percent higher than you would see in even Central European countries.

The country produces little to nothing on its own so in order to save money by "buying local" involves going to one of the thousands of low-quality pekaras multiple times per day and subsisting on tasty, but low-quality bread and/or burek which is a macronutrient nightmare OR eating the local meat. It isn't hard to come across the sources of this meat aimlessly walking local residential streets spending their days eating out of the numerous overflowing trash dumpsters.

If that information seems a little too non quantifiable (as far as "promoting healthy lifestyles" go), the country also clocks in at 24th overall for smoking rates.

We'll get back to that Balkan paradise in a minute, but let's take a quick look at tax rates. We'll include both income (which "passive income" might classify as, depending on how the country taxes) and CGT:

Montenegro you're looking at 15% across the board (some sources of income/investment are actually no subjected to tax). No argument that this is pretty good. Doesn't make up for the awful quality of life the country presents.

Spain goes like this:

  • Spanish income tax for incomes up to €12,450: 19%
  • Spanish income tax for incomes ranging from €12,451 to €20,200: 24%
  • Spanish income tax for incomes ranging from €20,201 to €35,200: 30%
  • Spanish income tax for incomes ranging from €35,201 to €60,000: 37%
  • Spanish income tax for incomes ranging from €60,000 to €300,000: 45%
  • Spanish income tax for incomes over €300,000: 47%
with CGT like this:
  • 19% for the first 6.000€ obtained as a profit
  • From 6.000€ to 50.000€, the tax percentage is 21%
  • From 50.000€ onwards, a 23%

I'm not sure how much is going to be necessary to woo the 18-21 Slavic virgin, but let's say it's at least 50k. Well, in either case, your gonna get hit with a higher tax bill than you would in the US.

and Italy:

28.001€50.000€35%6.440€ + 35% on the part exceeding 28.000€
50.001€ 43%14.140€ + 43% on the part exceeding 50.000€

"Capital gains are categorized as miscellaneous income. The tax is calculated based on the difference between the selling price and the purchase cost, which may include any additional legal and administrative expenses.

Starting from January 1, 2019, non-business individuals are subject to a flat tax of 26% on capital gains earned from both qualified and non-qualified participation in Italian and foreign companies."

Is this what winning feels like?

In reality, you're "dream scenario", even under the best conditions, probably looks something more like this:

Somehow, you DID find the dream 18-21 Slavic virgin. She is a "traditional" girl you met while traveling through northern Serbia. She loves her family and enjoys trips to the seaside. Italy and Spain sound exotic, but Montenegro is more inviting due to the historic ties and language. Unfortunately, the few somewhat desirable parts of the country are closed off to you since real estate prices are higher (due to internet interest pumping and a huge influx of Russian and Ukrainians with Zelensky bucks) than they would be in many Western countries so you settle on a quieter town further south and further away from the sea.

Her parents come to visit and aren't so impressed with your place. You're a Westerner after all; why aren't you living in one of those dream villas they saw in the ads at the Belgrade Airport? Additionally, they aren't doing so well financially and her father still struggles from injuries he incurred during the conflicts ~30 years ago. Your traditional girl promises them that they can stay with you to provide support and care for them and begins making the arrangements.

In the meantime, you have had some trouble making friends since you don't speak Serbian ("I SPEAK MONTENEGRIN!") and nobody is really interested in you or your Western sensibilities anyways. You have started to take up "hiking" (your only form of exercise since there isn't a proper gym or similar facility within 30 kilometers), although the sub-standard quality of the "trails" isn't ideal. After your 15th burek, you start to question your decisions and you wonder why even the bottled water tastes disgusting.

I could go on, but this is honestly a more realistic version of the fantasy scenario presented (notice, I didn't imply anything about a gold-digging spouse).

Be careful when using the Internet as your only source of information prior to making a major lifestyle decisions.
For interested parties following along:

Montenegro DOES NOT offer legitimate "low cost of living" unless you choose to live as the average Montenegrin person. The country is not in the EU (not the worst thing in the world in many respects) and has to pay heavy import taxes on many supermarket items so food is often 20-30 percent higher than you would see in even Central European countries.

The country produces little to nothing on its own so in order to save money by "buying local" involves going to one of the thousands of low-quality pekaras multiple times per day and subsisting on tasty, but low-quality bread and/or burek which is a macronutrient nightmare OR eating the local meat. It isn't hard to come across the sources of this meat aimlessly walking local residential streets spending their days eating out of the numerous overflowing trash dumpsters.

If that information seems a little too non quantifiable (as far as "promoting healthy lifestyles" go), the country also clocks in at 24th overall for smoking rates.

We'll get back to that Balkan paradise in a minute, but let's take a quick look at tax rates. We'll include both income (which "passive income" might classify as, depending on how the country taxes) and CGT:

Montenegro you're looking at 15% across the board (some sources of income/investment are actually no subjected to tax). No argument that this is pretty good. Doesn't make up for the awful quality of life the country presents.

Spain goes like this:

  • Spanish income tax for incomes up to €12,450: 19%
  • Spanish income tax for incomes ranging from €12,451 to €20,200: 24%
  • Spanish income tax for incomes ranging from €20,201 to €35,200: 30%
  • Spanish income tax for incomes ranging from €35,201 to €60,000: 37%
  • Spanish income tax for incomes ranging from €60,000 to €300,000: 45%
  • Spanish income tax for incomes over €300,000: 47%
with CGT like this:
  • 19% for the first 6.000€ obtained as a profit
  • From 6.000€ to 50.000€, the tax percentage is 21%
  • From 50.000€ onwards, a 23%

I'm not sure how much is going to be necessary to woo the 18-21 Slavic virgin, but let's say it's at least 50k. Well, in either case, your gonna get hit with a higher tax bill than you would in the US.

and Italy:

28.001€50.000€35%6.440€ + 35% on the part exceeding 28.000€
50.001€43%14.140€ + 43% on the part exceeding 50.000€

"Capital gains are categorized as miscellaneous income. The tax is calculated based on the difference between the selling price and the purchase cost, which may include any additional legal and administrative expenses.

Starting from January 1, 2019, non-business individuals are subject to a flat tax of 26% on capital gains earned from both qualified and non-qualified participation in Italian and foreign companies."

Is this what winning feels like?

In reality, you're "dream scenario", even under the best conditions, probably looks something more like this:

Somehow, you DID find the dream 18-21 Slavic virgin. She is a "traditional" girl you met while traveling through northern Serbia. She loves her family and enjoys trips to the seaside. Italy and Spain sound exotic, but Montenegro is more inviting due to the historic ties and language. Unfortunately, the few somewhat desirable parts of the country are closed off to you since real estate prices are higher (due to internet interest pumping and a huge influx of Russian and Ukrainians with Zelensky bucks) than they would be in many Western countries so you settle on a quieter town further south and further away from the sea.

Her parents come to visit and aren't so impressed with your place. You're a Westerner after all; why aren't you living in one of those dream villas they saw in the ads at the Belgrade Airport? Additionally, they aren't doing so well financially and her father still struggles from injuries he incurred during the conflicts ~30 years ago. Your traditional girl promises them that they can stay with you to provide support and care for them and begins making the arrangements.

In the meantime, you have had some trouble making friends since you don't speak Serbian ("I SPEAK MONTENEGRIN!") and nobody is really interested in you or your Western sensibilities anyways. You have started to take up "hiking" (your only form of exercise since there isn't a proper gym or similar facility within 30 kilometers), although the sub-standard quality of the "trails" isn't ideal. After your 15th burek, you start to question your decisions and you wonder why even the bottled water tastes disgusting.

I could go on, but this is honestly a more realistic version of the fantasy scenario presented (notice, I didn't imply anything about a gold-digging spouse).

Be careful when using the Internet as your only source of information prior to making a major lifestyle decisions.

Exactly. Which is why without long visits or better yet family and a network in said country, uprooting can be dangerous or expensive. Of course if someone has a net worth of millions of dollars they probably don’t care, then again they wouldn’t need any advice. Uncle Sam will get his taxes one way or another.

I’m also skeptical of many travel channels or the new passport bro trend since these guys are making money off their content. Some good info maybe, but verify everything on your own.

Another point and this goes for the US as well. Most knowledge and real information is gained at the local level. If people grew up in any sort of ethnic community they would know that’s where the real information is. Said girl may claim to the a virgin, but that social circle knows if she had a promiscuous past. All the hiding in the world and nice girl act won’t change that cause her aunt saw her go to that married man’s house at 2 AM. This stuff is known, and would be nearly impossible for a nonlocal to know.
For interested parties following along:

Montenegro DOES NOT offer legitimate "low cost of living" unless you choose to live as the average Montenegrin person. The country is not in the EU (not the worst thing in the world in many respects) and has to pay heavy import taxes on many supermarket items so food is often 20-30 percent higher than you would see in even Central European countries.

The country produces little to nothing on its own so in order to save money by "buying local" involves going to one of the thousands of low-quality pekaras multiple times per day and subsisting on tasty, but low-quality bread and/or burek which is a macronutrient nightmare OR eating the local meat. It isn't hard to come across the sources of this meat aimlessly walking local residential streets spending their days eating out of the numerous overflowing trash dumpsters.

If that information seems a little too non quantifiable (as far as "promoting healthy lifestyles" go), the country also clocks in at 24th overall for smoking rates.

We'll get back to that Balkan paradise in a minute, but let's take a quick look at tax rates. We'll include both income (which "passive income" might classify as, depending on how the country taxes) and CGT:

Montenegro you're looking at 15% across the board (some sources of income/investment are actually no subjected to tax). No argument that this is pretty good. Doesn't make up for the awful quality of life the country presents.

Spain goes like this:

  • Spanish income tax for incomes up to €12,450: 19%
  • Spanish income tax for incomes ranging from €12,451 to €20,200: 24%
  • Spanish income tax for incomes ranging from €20,201 to €35,200: 30%
  • Spanish income tax for incomes ranging from €35,201 to €60,000: 37%
  • Spanish income tax for incomes ranging from €60,000 to €300,000: 45%
  • Spanish income tax for incomes over €300,000: 47%
with CGT like this:
  • 19% for the first 6.000€ obtained as a profit
  • From 6.000€ to 50.000€, the tax percentage is 21%
  • From 50.000€ onwards, a 23%

I'm not sure how much is going to be necessary to woo the 18-21 Slavic virgin, but let's say it's at least 50k. Well, in either case, your gonna get hit with a higher tax bill than you would in the US.

and Italy:

28.001€50.000€35%6.440€ + 35% on the part exceeding 28.000€
50.001€43%14.140€ + 43% on the part exceeding 50.000€

"Capital gains are categorized as miscellaneous income. The tax is calculated based on the difference between the selling price and the purchase cost, which may include any additional legal and administrative expenses.

Starting from January 1, 2019, non-business individuals are subject to a flat tax of 26% on capital gains earned from both qualified and non-qualified participation in Italian and foreign companies."

Is this what winning feels like?

In reality, you're "dream scenario", even under the best conditions, probably looks something more like this:

Somehow, you DID find the dream 18-21 Slavic virgin. She is a "traditional" girl you met while traveling through northern Serbia. She loves her family and enjoys trips to the seaside. Italy and Spain sound exotic, but Montenegro is more inviting due to the historic ties and language. Unfortunately, the few somewhat desirable parts of the country are closed off to you since real estate prices are higher (due to internet interest pumping and a huge influx of Russian and Ukrainians with Zelensky bucks) than they would be in many Western countries so you settle on a quieter town further south and further away from the sea.

Her parents come to visit and aren't so impressed with your place. You're a Westerner after all; why aren't you living in one of those dream villas they saw in the ads at the Belgrade Airport? Additionally, they aren't doing so well financially and her father still struggles from injuries he incurred during the conflicts ~30 years ago. Your traditional girl promises them that they can stay with you to provide support and care for them and begins making the arrangements.

In the meantime, you have had some trouble making friends since you don't speak Serbian ("I SPEAK MONTENEGRIN!") and nobody is really interested in you or your Western sensibilities anyways. You have started to take up "hiking" (your only form of exercise since there isn't a proper gym or similar facility within 30 kilometers), although the sub-standard quality of the "trails" isn't ideal. After your 15th burek, you start to question your decisions and you wonder why even the bottled water tastes disgusting.

I could go on, but this is honestly a more realistic version of the fantasy scenario presented (notice, I didn't imply anything about a gold-digging spouse).

Be careful when using the Internet as your only source of information prior to making a major lifestyle decisions.
Lol. Were you the user 'Kreese' on the old forum?
Somehow, you DID find the dream 18-21 Slavic virgin. .
I don’t understand this virgin thing. A virgin is obviously ideal since you can imprint on her but it’s too high of a standard for a passport bro or even a expat.

The whole notion makes no sense.

Why would some innocent virgin be looking for a foreigner? This alone contradicts the notion of innocence. Your best hope is basically a family selling their daughter to you for financial security.

In my travels I’m not just seeing “losers”, including locals, plenty of young “Jocks” travel too and are abound. If she can be reached by a tourist, she probably already met attractive, fit men. Your smv isn’t going to blow anyone away. This also ignores social media.

Believe it or not but all men across the globe have access to porn now and overall exhibit standard human degenerate nature. I can’t imagine there are local men somewhere who are perfectly fine with sweet, kind Virgins roaming around no one dares speak to. These women are going to be sought after by the locals, even if not for marriage but sex or just the standard alpha widow story. Most women prefer the locals to boot. This increases 100 fold if she got sex appeal like curves and healthy physical assets.

Even if you score a virgin, who says marriage is going to be a cake walk? Maybe she will become annoying as hell.

Lastly, unfortunately I’m finding the red pill stuff reigns supreme, Asia included. The second you spot some nice guy/kind natured soul here, tourist or local, you best believe he’s all alone.
I don’t understand this virgin thing. A virgin is obviously ideal since you can imprint on her but it’s too high of a standard for a passport bro or even a expat.

The whole notion makes no sense.

Why would some innocent virgin be looking for a foreigner? This alone contradicts the notion of innocence. Your best hope is basically a family selling their daughter to you for financial security.

In my travels I’m not just seeing “losers”, including locals, plenty of young “Jocks” travel too and are abound. If she can be reached by a tourist, she probably already met attractive, fit men. Your smv isn’t going to blow anyone away. This also ignores social media.

Believe it or not but all men across the globe have access to porn now and overall exhibit standard human degenerate nature. I can’t imagine there are local men somewhere who are perfectly fine with sweet, kind Virgins roaming around no one dares speak to. These women are going to be sought after by the locals, even if not for marriage but sex or just the standard alpha widow story. Most women prefer the locals to boot. This increases 100 fold if she got sex appeal like curves and healthy physical assets.

Even if you score a virgin, who says marriage is going to be a cake walk? Maybe she will become annoying as hell.

Lastly, unfortunately I’m finding the red pill stuff reigns supreme, Asia included. The second you spot some nice guy/kind natured soul here, tourist or local, you best believe he’s all alone.
In Albania and Montenegro the girls for sure wait to put out and many use social media way less or not at all.
Exactly. Which is why without long visits or better yet family and a network in said country, uprooting can be dangerous or expensive. Of course if someone has a net worth of millions of dollars they probably don’t care, then again they wouldn’t need any advice. Uncle Sam will get his taxes one way or another.

I’m also skeptical of many travel channels or the new passport bro trend since these guys are making money off their content. Some good info maybe, but verify everything on your own.

Another point and this goes for the US as well. Most knowledge and real information is gained at the local level. If people grew up in any sort of ethnic community they would know that’s where the real information is. Said girl may claim to the a virgin, but that social circle knows if she had a promiscuous past. All the hiding in the world and nice girl act won’t change that cause her aunt saw her go to that married man’s house at 2 AM. This stuff is known, and would be nearly impossible for a nonlocal to know.
You make good points here, but I am not making an argument AGAINST uprooting. I just think it is important to be as realistic and honest about the process and locations, people, cultures, etc. as possible.
In Albania and Montenegro the girls for sure wait to put out and many use social media way less or not at all.
I can't speak to the first part, but to the second part (social media use), I have actually found Balkan people (not just the women) to be THE biggest consumers (maybe not users) of social media I have ever encountered.
You make good points here, but I am not making an argument AGAINST uprooting. I just think it is important to be as realistic and honest about the process and locations, people, cultures, etc. as possible.

Agree. Honestly, I think there is fundamental flaw in all this thinking about uprooting and that is that peace can be found in earth. It can’t.

Relevant section in this video and explained eloquently, although the entire video is worth a watch:

It is interesting to see how you guys, from the outside, are still considering EE as a place worth relocating to. Despite demography, economy, and geopolitics again sliding toward disaster.
There are so many evil agendas on the horizon, and the EU would be the place where they try again to implement them.
Remember that this is the ground base of the System, others are just franchises.

Digitalization and growing control over every aspect of life are in full progress; COVID and war didn't slow it, but sped it up.
Digital Identity Wallet is on the way in the EU (all citizens should be able to access their online health records and everyone should have access to secure privacy-enhancing eID. source https://ec.europa.eu/commission/presscorner/detail/en/ip_23_5651)

That means, when the next disaster X strikes, you won't show authorities paper bumazhkas anymore, stating that you are healthy, but you will need QR codes in the app, which is connected online to the state database.

How would you live in such a Chinese-style environment? How many of your potential future wives remain unvaxxed when entering any supermarket would require a scan of ID?
For reference, such a system was in use here during the height of the hysteria, and some Baltic states already used QR apps with set expirations.

And that is just one example of the vast inventory of control mechanisms, rules, regulations, taxes, and other coercing means that the system uses.
As the crisis deepens, the masses begin to revolt, and the suppression tools will be used even more. For public safety, of course.

I understand the need to find a wife, but choose wisely the region of the world for that quest because a ruined two-week vacation is one thing, but spending years somewhere only to find out later that it was all for nothing is a quite painful lesson.

Last year, I finally left central EE and moved to a rural part of LatAm because, at some point, I started to appreciate peace, freedom, and living in nature more than the material comfort of the wicked idiocracy.

But this is also not a trouble-free paradise, and Mordor is influencing things here too, although to a lesser extent, because it is hard to execute a surveillance state when a corrupt, incompetent govt can't even build stable electric poles that don't fall after every storm :D
Agree. Honestly, I think there is fundamental flaw in all this thinking about uprooting and that is that peace can be found in earth. It can’t.

Relevant section in this video and explained eloquently, although the entire video is worth a watch:

Thank you for posting this. It is a good reminder when we get caught in this endless whac-a-mole, relocation discussion.

His will be done.
It is interesting to see how you guys, from the outside, are still considering EE as a place worth relocating to. Despite demography, economy, and geopolitics again sliding toward disaster.
There are so many evil agendas on the horizon, and the EU would be the place where they try again to implement them.
Remember that this is the ground base of the System, others are just franchises.

Digitalization and growing control over every aspect of life are in full progress; COVID and war didn't slow it, but sped it up.
Digital Identity Wallet is on the way in the EU (all citizens should be able to access their online health records and everyone should have access to secure privacy-enhancing eID. source https://ec.europa.eu/commission/presscorner/detail/en/ip_23_5651)

That means, when the next disaster X strikes, you won't show authorities paper bumazhkas anymore, stating that you are healthy, but you will need QR codes in the app, which is connected online to the state database.

How would you live in such a Chinese-style environment? How many of your potential future wives remain unvaxxed when entering any supermarket would require a scan of ID?
For reference, such a system was in use here during the height of the hysteria, and some Baltic states already used QR apps with set expirations.

And that is just one example of the vast inventory of control mechanisms, rules, regulations, taxes, and other coercing means that the system uses.
As the crisis deepens, the masses begin to revolt, and the suppression tools will be used even more. For public safety, of course.

I understand the need to find a wife, but choose wisely the region of the world for that quest because a ruined two-week vacation is one thing, but spending years somewhere only to find out later that it was all for nothing is a quite painful lesson.

Last year, I finally left central EE and moved to a rural part of LatAm because, at some point, I started to appreciate peace, freedom, and living in nature more than the material comfort of the wicked idiocracy.

But this is also not a trouble-free paradise, and Mordor is influencing things here too, although to a lesser extent, because it is hard to execute a surveillance state when a corrupt, incompetent govt can't even build stable electric poles that don't fall after every storm :D

Great points. Which country are you in in LatAm if you don’t mind sharing? If you want to keep it to yourself, feel free to PM.
Or to live amongst a ~85-IQ population like there is in Montenegro?
There's no way Montenegro has an average IQ of 85. That's the average IQ of US Blacks and not much above India, and I'm pretty sure Montenegro doesn't look anything like da hood or the slums of Mumbai. In your hypothetical scenario you seem to exaggerate many of the problems there.
For interested parties following along:

Montenegro DOES NOT offer legitimate "low cost of living" unless you choose to live as the average Montenegrin person. The country is not in the EU (not the worst thing in the world in many respects) and has to pay heavy import taxes on many supermarket items so food is often 20-30 percent higher than you would see in even Central European countries.

The country produces little to nothing on its own so in order to save money by "buying local" involves going to one of the thousands of low-quality pekaras multiple times per day and subsisting on tasty, but low-quality bread and/or burek which is a macronutrient nightmare OR eating the local meat. It isn't hard to come across the sources of this meat aimlessly walking local residential streets spending their days eating out of the numerous overflowing trash dumpsters.

If that information seems a little too non quantifiable (as far as "promoting healthy lifestyles" go), the country also clocks in at 24th overall for smoking rates.

We'll get back to that Balkan paradise in a minute, but let's take a quick look at tax rates. We'll include both income (which "passive income" might classify as, depending on how the country taxes) and CGT:

Montenegro you're looking at 15% across the board (some sources of income/investment are actually no subjected to tax). No argument that this is pretty good. Doesn't make up for the awful quality of life the country presents.

Spain goes like this:

  • Spanish income tax for incomes up to €12,450: 19%
  • Spanish income tax for incomes ranging from €12,451 to €20,200: 24%
  • Spanish income tax for incomes ranging from €20,201 to €35,200: 30%
  • Spanish income tax for incomes ranging from €35,201 to €60,000: 37%
  • Spanish income tax for incomes ranging from €60,000 to €300,000: 45%
  • Spanish income tax for incomes over €300,000: 47%
with CGT like this:
  • 19% for the first 6.000€ obtained as a profit
  • From 6.000€ to 50.000€, the tax percentage is 21%
  • From 50.000€ onwards, a 23%

I'm not sure how much is going to be necessary to woo the 18-21 Slavic virgin, but let's say it's at least 50k. Well, in either case, your gonna get hit with a higher tax bill than you would in the US.

and Italy:

28.001€50.000€35%6.440€ + 35% on the part exceeding 28.000€
50.001€43%14.140€ + 43% on the part exceeding 50.000€

"Capital gains are categorized as miscellaneous income. The tax is calculated based on the difference between the selling price and the purchase cost, which may include any additional legal and administrative expenses.

Starting from January 1, 2019, non-business individuals are subject to a flat tax of 26% on capital gains earned from both qualified and non-qualified participation in Italian and foreign companies."

Is this what winning feels like?

In reality, you're "dream scenario", even under the best conditions, probably looks something more like this:

Somehow, you DID find the dream 18-21 Slavic virgin. She is a "traditional" girl you met while traveling through northern Serbia. She loves her family and enjoys trips to the seaside. Italy and Spain sound exotic, but Montenegro is more inviting due to the historic ties and language. Unfortunately, the few somewhat desirable parts of the country are closed off to you since real estate prices are higher (due to internet interest pumping and a huge influx of Russian and Ukrainians with Zelensky bucks) than they would be in many Western countries so you settle on a quieter town further south and further away from the sea.

Her parents come to visit and aren't so impressed with your place. You're a Westerner after all; why aren't you living in one of those dream villas they saw in the ads at the Belgrade Airport? Additionally, they aren't doing so well financially and her father still struggles from injuries he incurred during the conflicts ~30 years ago. Your traditional girl promises them that they can stay with you to provide support and care for them and begins making the arrangements.

In the meantime, you have had some trouble making friends since you don't speak Serbian ("I SPEAK MONTENEGRIN!") and nobody is really interested in you or your Western sensibilities anyways. You have started to take up "hiking" (your only form of exercise since there isn't a proper gym or similar facility within 30 kilometers), although the sub-standard quality of the "trails" isn't ideal. After your 15th burek, you start to question your decisions and you wonder why even the bottled water tastes disgusting.

I could go on, but this is honestly a more realistic version of the fantasy scenario presented (notice, I didn't imply anything about a gold-digging spouse).

Be careful when using the Internet as your only source of information prior to making a major lifestyle decisions.
You cannot look at headline income tax rates in a country without seeing how their systems for deductions work. Also note in that table of tax rates for Italy if you earn 50,000 EUR you pay 14,130 EUR tax. which is 28.28% tax.

Also for example In Australia if you earn the equivalent of 50,000 EUR (which is 82,448 AUD at the official spot market rate) you will pay 17,263 AUD of tax. That works out to 20.93% Tax. That is an extra 7.35% tax. While it is important its not a make or break factor at that level. Especially if you live in a small city in Italy your cost of living will be lower than in Australia.

Also again I am not sure the scenario you are painting about Montenegro being expensive is realistic. Sure if you want a luxury villa next to the guys who own super yachts you will have to cough up big. However even if a touristic city like Kotor Bay you can get long term apartment rentals of basic 2 bedroom apartments between 500 EUR and 900 EUR per month (depending on size, location and newness of apartment, etc). Here is a link with examples https://2home.me/en/kotor/rent/apartment/1/
Also that scenario you painted still sounds like an upgrade from the situation most western guys are in currently.

I never advocated using the internet before making major life decisions. If you think you might like a place go and live there for one year first before committing to it long term.
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I don’t understand this virgin thing. A virgin is obviously ideal since you can imprint on her but it’s too high of a standard for a passport bro or even a expat.

The whole notion makes no sense.

Why would some innocent virgin be looking for a foreigner? This alone contradicts the notion of innocence. Your best hope is basically a family selling their daughter to you for financial security.

In my travels I’m not just seeing “losers”, including locals, plenty of young “Jocks” travel too and are abound. If she can be reached by a tourist, she probably already met attractive, fit men. Your smv isn’t going to blow anyone away. This also ignores social media.

Believe it or not but all men across the globe have access to porn now and overall exhibit standard human degenerate nature. I can’t imagine there are local men somewhere who are perfectly fine with sweet, kind Virgins roaming around no one dares speak to. These women are going to be sought after by the locals, even if not for marriage but sex or just the standard alpha widow story. Most women prefer the locals to boot. This increases 100 fold if she got sex appeal like curves and healthy physical assets.

Even if you score a virgin, who says marriage is going to be a cake walk? Maybe she will become annoying as hell.

Lastly, unfortunately I’m finding the red pill stuff reigns supreme, Asia included. The second you spot some nice guy/kind natured soul here, tourist or local, you best believe he’s all alone.
Nobody said the virgin is looking for a foreigner. I agree in all likelihood with a virgin the idea of marrying a foreigner never came to her mind but the point is if she sees you as a high value man it will make no difference to her if you are a local or a foreigner she will marry you either way. Yes I agree the girls specifically looking to marry foreigners are usually gold diggers.