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Moving Abroad Before the Collapse

I'm not orthodox so perhaps that's a factor, but nowhere I saw in Europe is any type of Christian law enforced by society. The church was about as real to those people as Santa and the elves. Muslim Albania is the exception but they were, understandably, very standoff-ish with non muslims.

Here is far from comfortable, I mean we clear our own roads & often make trips that can last a week to get basic supplies like screws, you never stop working it's always something. But the few people we deal with live in societies where Christian law & norms are enforced, it's not optional.

Non European Russia would be interesting as they still have fresh land/resources/etc to settle out there but I never made it past Rostov.
Non European Russia would be interesting as they still have fresh land/resources/etc to settle out there but I never made it past Rostov.
I think these are the last places that actually have normal humans, and certainly normal women (Uzbek, Kazak, etc).

Belarus has it to a degree but they are still border with Europe and in the news too much, as they are a constant talking about and satellite state for Russia so it'll keep up that way until WW3 is over.
After seeing the new Argentina Prez Javier Milei AI Translated Voice speech in English ripping the Davos WEF Marxist Socialists a new one, I was wondering about taking up Tango Classes again and sniffing out Investment Opps in Buenos Aries...

I'm not orthodox so perhaps that's a factor, but nowhere I saw in Europe is any type of Christian law enforced by society. The church was about as real to those people as Santa and the elves. Muslim Albania is the exception but they were, understandably, very standoff-ish with non muslims.

Here is far from comfortable, I mean we clear our own roads & often make trips that can last a week to get basic supplies like screws, you never stop working it's always something. But the few people we deal with live in societies where Christian law & norms are enforced, it's not optional.

Non European Russia would be interesting as they still have fresh land/resources/etc to settle out there but I never made it past Rostov.

I've spent a lot of time in Albania and didn't find it to be particularly muslim. Maybe just osetnsibly muslim but very secular. It's as muslim as the UK is Christian.

Well now you're talking about finding the best possible nature and comparing one experience to another. Having some mountains and beaches to visit might be enough for some people. Let's not make perfect the enemy of good enough.
Look man, Colombia is quite large. It has areas where people dress like thugs, and areas where people dress normal. I was born and raised in Colombia and I've been all over the country, and I can assure you that the overwhelming majority of people in most regions dress normal. I don't know what else to tell you.

When I said whites can blend in, I was thinking about an average American white guy. If you're a 2-meter tall viking on the upper end of the eye color caste chart then yes, you're correct, it'd be hard to blend in.

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I traveled around Colombia a lot and yes if you got to the rich areas the local guys don't wear gangsta clothing but they still have a different dress style and hair style than a typical American or European man so I am not sure how well an American tourist would blend in.

Colombian women are often well dressed but the men have terrible fashion taste even the non-thug looking ones. The exception to this is the boomer aged men in Colombia. I saw a decent number of them wearing impressive looking suites (with ties or bow ties) that looked like they were tailored suites with well polished black shoes, etc.

In general Colombia is very high on the busted dudes spectrum. You see a lot of busted dudes walking around with dime girlfriends. Whereas I feel like for example Argentinians or even Brazilians tend to be more evenly matched - hot girl paired up with good looking dude.
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I'm not orthodox so perhaps that's a factor, but nowhere I saw in Europe is any type of Christian law enforced by society. The church was about as real to those people as Santa and the elves. Muslim Albania is the exception but they were, understandably, very standoff-ish with non muslims.

Here is far from comfortable, I mean we clear our own roads & often make trips that can last a week to get basic supplies like screws, you never stop working it's always something. But the few people we deal with live in societies where Christian law & norms are enforced, it's not optional.

Non European Russia would be interesting as they still have fresh land/resources/etc to settle out there but I never made it past Rostov.
What do the women in Rostov look like compared to other cities you were in? And is the city just Russian tower blocks or are there nicer neighborhoods with better architecture?
IMHO, EE has the most gorgeous women but everything else about the place sucks.
St. Petersburg strikes me as being a good city to live in since the women and the architecture are both beautiful. Why those numbskulls decided to build it by the artic circle is beyond me. If it was in the South of Russia, I would've move in yesterday.

Do the parks in your neighborhood have gold statues and look like this? Mine sure don't.



St. Petersburg strikes me as being a good city to live in since the women and the architecture are both beautiful. Why those numbskulls decided to build it by the artic circle is beyond me. If it was in the South of Russia, I would've move in yesterday.

Do the parks in your neighborhood have gold statues and look like this? Mine sure don't.




Saint Petersburg is the most beautiful city I’ve ever been to. But yeah, the winters would be a stern test.
Czech women are almost as fat as American according to stats. Serbian are on the heavier side too. But younger women avoid getting fat in EE. Its after marriage when they let go, Russian too, especially after 30-35. It "improved" in Russia due to losses of male population, though. Many perished or left in the 90s, plus Chechen wars, made it more competitive for women, now there is another war and many left the country again, will get even more competitive to find a man
That data sounds suspicious to me. I have not been to Czechia but all of the Czech women I saw in Australia (well not all but 95%) looked fantastic and were slim or normal. To the extent that obesity occurs with these women it seems to be women 45+. I would make the same comment about Russian and Serb woimen. It just doesn't sound right. Even the younger married women are still slim. Even if most of the babushka's are supposedly fat if all the young girls are slim it should not have a % anywhere near that high.
Depends on the area. I've met plenty of white, blonde/light brown hair, blue/green eyed locals in Latin America. Where whites exist they don't stick out like a sore thumb. It's not like Asia where yes you stick out like a sore thumb, it's all eyes on you and it's obvious from 100 feet away that you're a foreigner.

I have been to Chile, Mexico, Peru and Colombia. In the south of Chile I saw a handful of German Chileans and Croatian Chileans that had blonde hair and blue eyes but only in very small numbers. In Mexico, Peru and Colombia I virtually did not meet any such Nordic looking/Germanic looking people. I met lots of European looking people that looked like Spanish or Italians that have dark hair, etc
Envigado/MDE has a culture of blatant satanism & scumbaggery, you're average Colombian living there would pimp out their own sister to a foreigner if they ran tight on money. The mere sound of their accent makes me gringe. I really have no idea how a Christian would feel comfortable in places like Medellin, Rio, etc. Lying, cheating & stealing is an accepted part of their culture. Most people there are like this.

Guerrillas & armed groups in Colombia fight for contested area which is almost always mines, ports or trafficking routes. If you're not near a gold/copper/etc deposit or near the ports the export it, it's likely you're safer than in a city. I've known many cocaleros, "illegal miners" & they're 10x more honest & reliable than these reggaeton idiots you find in the cities.
I would extend that to every major city in Colombia has the blatant satanism and scumbaggery.

The small towns seemed more civilised though. But to be honest I found many of the small towns in Colombia somewhat depressing due to the ugly architecture and just overall vibe of the place. Although the towns sucked the surrounding nature was usually pleasant. The nicer (colonial) small towns were pleasant and highly livable but highly touristic and not cheap either. Yeah if you want off the grid village living there are some good spots in Latin America for example in the Andes mountains or the Sierra Nevada mountains for that.

But if you want a decent sized town (at least 10,000 people) that has beautiful architecture, and is still accessible to major cities well I would think (have not been but based on what I heard) in Spain, Italy and Portugal, Greece and Croatia, etc there are many pleasant towns with fantastic mountain or beach surrounds, healthy local produce and old colonial buildings and they are actually cheap to buy property due to all the young people leaving to work in the big cities.

I mean if you want to go semi-offgrid sure I can see why you might prefer a Latin American country like Peru or Colombia, etc But if you want to live in a decent sized historic town that has amenities and is close to civilisation (major city with hopsitals, work, etc) than some of the countries such as Spain, Croatia, Montenegro, Greece, portugal, Italy, Malta, etc might be better.
What does this mean? I don't understand the slang.
It makes reference to an old article of Roosh, where he analyzed the comparative attractiveness of couples in various countries. So for example, in Poland it's fairly common to see short, busted guys with feminine, beautiful women. In America, you'll usually see the opposite, occasionally even a good looking tall fit guy walking hand in hand with an overweight McDonald's chomping, nagging witch.
It makes reference to an old article of Roosh, where he analyzed the comparative attractiveness of couples in various countries. So for example, in Poland it's fairly common to see short, busted guys with feminine, beautiful women. In America, you'll usually see the opposite, occasionally even a good looking tall fit guy walking hand in hand with an overweight McDonald's chomping, nagging witch.
I guess "busted" means out of shape?
It makes reference to an old article of Roosh, where he analyzed the comparative attractiveness of couples in various countries. So for example, in Poland it's fairly common to see short, busted guys with feminine, beautiful women. In America, you'll usually see the opposite, occasionally even a good looking tall fit guy walking hand in hand with an overweight McDonald's chomping, nagging witch.
I know Roosh wrote that about Poland but I think it's changed a lot.
I would extend that to every major city in Colombia has the blatant satanism and scumbaggery.

The small towns seemed more civilised though. But to be honest I found many of the small towns in Colombia somewhat depressing due to the ugly architecture and just overall vibe of the place. Although the towns sucked the surrounding nature was usually pleasant. The nicer (colonial) small towns were pleasant and highly livable but highly touristic and not cheap either. Yeah if you want off the grid village living there are some good spots in Latin America for example in the Andes mountains or the Sierra Nevada mountains for that.

But if you want a decent sized town (at least 10,000 people) that has beautiful architecture, and is still accessible to major cities well I would think (have not been but based on what I heard) in Spain, Italy and Portugal, Greece and Croatia, etc there are many pleasant towns with fantastic mountain or beach surrounds, healthy local produce and old colonial buildings and they are actually cheap to buy property due to all the young people leaving to work in the big cities.

I mean if you want to go semi-offgrid sure I can see why you might prefer a Latin American country like Peru or Colombia, etc But if you want to live in a decent sized historic town that has amenities and is close to civilisation (major city with hopsitals, work, etc) than some of the countries such as Spain, Croatia, Montenegro, Greece, portugal, Italy, Malta, etc might be better.
Interesting you mention Europa Del Sol Mediterranean Countries as preferable to CCP mining and Drugs Gangstas' Controlled Latin America "Expat Paradises"...

Amelia and JP are as liberal White Milk Toast American Expats you can find - they do a nice Expat informative YT Travel Vlog... they lived in Ecuador Expat communities for years but the Cost of Living and Crime increase (Drugs Gangstas) in Ecuador caused them to uproot and move and go on an extended travel vlog AirBnB hunt in Europa Del Sol starting in Portugal and Spain with firsthand shoes on the ground perspective for potential Expats... Portugal changed their Expat visas rules and taxes and living expenses in Portugal increased significantly during the Covid work from home anywhere invasion - so on to Spain as they speak passable Espanol due to their expat years in Ecuador. (Note Amelia comes across as a friendly Auntie Type and JP as your geeky tech uncle who is on Amelia's short control leash just saying...)

Listen to the video for a fairly balanced and recent report on Malaga Spain (vs Seville etc) rated the Best Expat City in the World... YMMV

And Vietnam (Da Nang Beach etc... ) for those with an Asian preference in Cultures, Food and Females seems to be interesting...

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It makes reference to an old article of Roosh, where he analyzed the comparative attractiveness of couples in various countries. So for example, in Poland it's fairly common to see short, busted guys with feminine, beautiful women. In America, you'll usually see the opposite, occasionally even a good looking tall fit guy walking hand in hand with an overweight McDonald's chomping, nagging witch.
Yes, this is the no brainer, obvious litmus test for a country. You don't need advanced analytics.