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Moving Abroad Before the Collapse

Interesting you mention Europa Del Sol Mediterranean Countries as preferable to CCP mining and Drugs Gangstas' Controlled Latin America "Expat Paradises"...

Amelia and JP are as liberal White Milk Toast American Expats you can find - they do a nice Expat informative YT Travel Vlog... they lived in Ecuador Expat communities for years but the Cost of Living and Crime increase (Drugs Gangstas) in Ecuador caused them to uproot and move and go on an extended travel vlog AirBnB hunt in Europa Del Sol starting in Portugal and Spain with firsthand shoes on the ground perspective for potential Expats... Portugal changed their Expat visas rules and taxes and living expenses in Portugal increased significantly during the Covid work from home anywhere invasion - so on to Spain as they speak passable Espanol due to their expat years in Ecuador. (Note Amelia comes across as a friendly Auntie Type and JP as your geeky tech uncle who is on Amelia's short control leash just saying...)

Listen to the video for a fairly balanced and recent report on Malaga Spain (vs Seville etc) rated the Best Expat City in the World... YMMV

Spain is like Greece. It's a great country to be a traveler in, and to enjoy, but it's not going to be a good country to go to if you don't have money OR if you are looking for (young) women.
Spain is like Greece. It's a great country to be a traveler in, and to enjoy, but it's not going to be a good country to go to if you don't have money OR if you are looking for (young) women.
Spain or Greece are probably more the type of "bring your own woman with you" country. If you come there with your girlfriend/wife and are not looking to work there (retired or online income, etc) then they would probably be great I would imagine. But yeah I would not be going to Spain to look for a traditional woman. as for Greek women, in general Greek girls are not that attractive.

To me the ultimate set up would be something like:
Step 1: Have sufficient passive income (most likely the money will need to be saved from grinding in a western hellhole for many years)
Step 2: Spend a few years in a Slavic country to find a traditional and beautiful 18 - 21 Slavic virgin
Step 3: Retire to a sunny coastal town or city with amazing beaches and historic architecture in a European country such as Italy or Spain or Montenegro, etc with your Slavic girl
Step 4: Live happily ever after ;-)

I truly believe in this day and age no one country can provide you with all the pieces of the Jigsaw puzzle. You have to take what you need from a range of countries. The best country for becoming wealthy is different to the best country for women which is again different for the best country for day to day lifestyle, etc so you need to combine things in a way that works best for you.
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Spain is like Greece. It's a great country to be a traveler in, and to enjoy, but it's not going to be a good country to go to if you don't have money OR if you are looking for (young) women.

Can confirm. I’ve spent a lot of time in Spain and it’s probably one of the worst countries on earth to find a woman. Feminism has established deep roots there and in general Spanish women have a fairly masculine personality.
Spain or Greece are probably more the type of "bring your own woman with you" country. If you come there with your girlfriend/wife and are not looking to work there (retired or online income, etc) then they would probably be great I would imagine. But yeah I would not be going to Spain to look for a traditional woman. as for Greek women, in general Greek girls are not that attractive.

To me the ultimate set up would be something like:
Step 1: Have sufficient passive income (most likely the money will need to be saved from grinding in a western hellhole for many years)
Step 2: Spend a few years in a Slavic country to find a traditional and beautiful 18 - 21 Slavic virgin
Step 3: Retire to a sunny coastal town or city with amazing beaches and historic architecture in a European country such as Italy or Spain or Montenegro, etc with your Slavic girl
Step 4: Live happily ever after ;-)

I truly believe in this day and age no one country can provide you with all the pieces of the Jigsaw puzzle. You have to take what you need from a range of countries. The best country for becoming wealthy is different to the best country for women which is again different for the best country for day to day lifestyle, etc so you need to combine things in a way that works best for you.
That's the absolutely perfect scenario but maybe focus on getting something that's 'good enough.'

How do you realistically expect to find a perfect 18-21 year old slavic virgin? Assuming you are 10 or more years older than her.

The passive income thing...what exactly?

Part 3 seems doable enough and not sure about 4.
Spain is almost the perfect country. All it needs is a woman transplant and the rough around the edges vibe of latin america.
Yes, but here's the other problem. You go there and it's worse than Greece, by miles, in terms of western ideals and laws. Amazing to say that, but true. The only hope would be someone who wasn't spanish speaking of course, which I'll address in my next double arb post.
How do you realistically expect to find a perfect 18-21 year old slavic virgin? Assuming you are 10 or more years older than her.
You don't. The compromise is that you find a country where things are generally like they used to be in the old days, which is one where women from 25-30 are literally looked at, and treated, like old maids. The key is that they are treated in a particular way, because that's the only thing that makes things real to women. If they don't have consequences or dried up hopes, they'll keep looking at apps or the internet to fool their otherwise normal-ish brain to believe it's something else and not them.
To me the ultimate set up would be something like:
Step 1: Have sufficient passive income (most likely the money will need to be saved from grinding in a western hellhole for many years)
Step 2: Spend a few years in a Slavic country to find a traditional and beautiful 18 - 21 Slavic virgin
Step 3: Retire to a sunny coastal town or city with amazing beaches and historic architecture in a European country such as Italy or Spain or Montenegro, etc with your Slavic girl
Step 4: Live happily ever after ;-)
This is what I have called the double-arb for some time. A few guys on the forum that know me realized how genius it is/was, and set off to try to make it happen. The problem is that it is EXCEEDINGLY difficult unless you come from a LatAm country OR your country of origin happened to be some place like Romania that people want to go to NOW, because typically you know english, the local language and you grew up with friends there or still have family. The good thing about sunnier places is that slavic women love to leave their cold countries in general, but you will also be selecting for this type. I know a guy currently who is one of the few honest posters here in his evaluation of things around the world, is red pill, and accurately assesses his own value. He is an average guy, but smart and did the work, found the country where women will go out with men if they have their stuff together, and don't care about looks (let's say, within big time reason). The only issue with this is that you have to land somewhere if you actually want to have a family. A lot of visa situations are at best 180 days, and most are 60-90. That's very tough.

At this point, I'd take a mid 20s slavic girl who had good genes. From what I've seen reported, it seems (@Cynllo opines on this frequently) that most european descent women are very difficult to deal with until it's too late. I don't know what to think about that except that you have to find them in a handful of countries. The problem with being with other races is that they are elated and you are desperate (sorry that's how I see it). That doesn't matter so much as that your kids won't look like you so you don't gift them the unique characteristics. Your partner would be happy that you smoothed out their dominant, and less desirable, characteristics though.

Oh by the way, the average poster's girl trying to find the ultimate location is a legit 7+. You can trust that when it's coming from me. We'll see if it actually works out long term, though, something I always question since I'm just realistic about things.
This is what I have called the double-arb for some time. A few guys on the forum that know me realized how genius it is/was, and set off to try to make it happen. The problem is that it is EXCEEDINGLY difficult unless you come from a LatAm country OR your country of origin happened to be some place like Romania that people want to go to NOW, because typically you know english, the local language and you grew up with friends there or still have family. The good thing about sunnier places is that slavic women love to leave their cold countries in general, but you will also be selecting for this type. I know a guy currently who is one of the few honest posters here in his evaluation of things around the world, is red pill, and accurately assesses his own value. He is an average guy, but smart and did the work, found the country where women will go out with men if they have their stuff together, and don't care about looks (let's say, within big time reason). The only issue with this is that you have to land somewhere if you actually want to have a family. A lot of visa situations are at best 180 days, and most are 60-90. That's very tough.
The Balkan countries are not really that cold though. Including Serbia, Bulgaria, or Romania. Personally, I don't mind 3 months of snowy winters because it adds variety. And there are pleasant towns to live in, it's not all grey commie blocks. Even Odessa is a beautiful city with (relatively) mild winters. I think I could adapt to colder weather, but I'm not sure I could tolerate the low quality sunlight in the north. Anywhere north of Kiev (50°) is pretty rough. Definitely wouldn't want to live north of Moscow (55°) at the worst.

Sure EE is not going to be the Côte d'Azur by any means. But I think the cultural factor and having marriageable women are going to take precedence over having a beautiful, warm environment.

Also the Christian way is not to escape suffering, rather to transcend it by finding meaning. All the conditions in our life are never going to be perfect, there's always trade-offs.
The Balkan countries are not really that cold though. Including Serbia, Bulgaria, or Romania
No, they aren't. South Slav-land is awesome. The problem is that everyone left Romania and you need to know people there mostly to get early 20s girls, if you can even get them. Serbia is one of the best, the problem is they have a good culture and tall, manly men and are very nationalistic. Bulgaria might be better, but is similar to the other spots. Ukraine used to be good but everyone left like Romania. The best at this point are isolated FSU spots, which I think we all know about but are hard to pull off unless there for a little bit. I often wonder how awesome Moldova might be, but it's REAL poor.
Also the Christian way is not to escape suffering, rather to transcend it by finding meaning. All the conditions in our life are never going to be perfect, there's always trade-offs.
I agree. This forum is and has been based on the dance that we are all doing in trying to find meaning in our lives, while we work out our salvation. This is harder to contemplate over 50 years when you aren't going to be, or aren't willing to be, a monk - and you have testosterone flowing let alone the natural desire to have a family or legacy.

I think people who enter into female abusive relationships, which is what most of western marriage is at this point, aren't doing anyone any favor, least of all their children. I wouldn't seek suffering either, which is what that seems to be from what I've seen. Suffering from realizing how dumb most people are and how the world is, is enough for the time being. I know it looks funny to read that without any attachment or knowledge of me as a person, but I actually say it with some love. I don't hold any contempt or hate in my heart for others, but I do realize just how slave-like most people are: enslaved to money, enslaved to technology, enslaved to esteem of others, enslaved to any passion. Perhaps I give myself a pass for constantly thinking about sex or being indifferent about how that passion seems to run things for most men. The thing is, you have to go out of your way to act on it, and I largely don't do that at this point. It's not because I'm any good, it's because the women in the west are awful and I don't find many worth time or the ones I do, are too young and the taboo is there, so it won't happen anyway. That's why I fear going to places where women are actually somewhat normal or feminine. They'll actually want to please you and you'll be going from desert to oasis. Talk about temptation.
The problem is that everyone left Romania and you need to know people there mostly to get early 20s girls, if you can even get them.
What do you mean by "everyone left"? I actually think the emigration has slowed down a lot in recent years and many Eastern Europeans have returned home from Western Europe. Especially after the plandemic. Salaries in the east aren't as bad anymore and many people are realizing it's not worth putting up with the additional crime and degeneracy in the west just for a raise.

In any case, more men have generally emigrated than women so that won't hurt your chances of finding someone. There are still 20 million people in Romania. I would try to get to know people anywhere I go, regardless of whether I'm looking for a wife or not. It's important to integrate into the community and have people you can rely on. So it might take some patience, but I think Romania still offers way better prospects for women than the west.
What do you mean by "everyone left"?
I was just there. My friend told me they have lost a quarter of their population to emigration from 1989 after the revolution. Most of those that stuck around were pensioners and government holdovers, and most of the successful are good looking by the way, which means most of the good looking women also left. Just like Ukraine in the last 8 years.

So it might take some patience, but I think Romania still offers way better prospects for women than the west.
I actually agree with this, but my analysis, and I could be wrong about this, is that I don't have the time and sadly my connections won't really help me to make that happen as fast as I believe it should. I wasn't impressed walking around the cities by the women, except 18 year olds here and there, by the way. There are a few countries left where you can fall out of bed and see 100s of 6s and 7s that day.
I was just there. My friend told me they have lost a quarter of their population to emigration from 1989 after the revolution. Most of those that stuck around were pensioners and government holdovers, and most of the successful are good looking by the way, which means most of the good looking women also left. Just like Ukraine in the last 8 years.

I actually agree with this, but my analysis, and I could be wrong about this, is that I don't have the time and sadly my connections won't really help me to make that happen as fast as I believe it should. I wasn't impressed walking around the cities by the women, except 18 year olds here and there, by the way. There are a few countries left where you can fall out of bed and see 100s of 6s and 7s that day.
I don't doubt what your friend says, but I visited multiple cities in Romania a couple years ago and saw plenty of thin, attractive young women. Also I was in Ukraine just before the war and saw the same thing, no shortage of beautiful women. Certainly for me there were the "100s of 6s and 7s" you mention, but to each his own. I'm not surprised if Ukraine has changed since the invasion, but I really doubt Romania is much different. Romanian women don't usually wear as much make-up and dress more casually during the day, which is a positive.

Now the real question is what their character is like, and that's hard to assess unless you spend some serious time on the ground. You probably want to stay out of Bucharest, which is a somewhat unpleasant city to live in anyways.
For those considering Russia, there is an American Village project that is still in its infancy. They state that they help with the immigration and bureaucratic hurdles, as well as finding/building a house in a location that suits you.

For those considering Russia, there is an American Village project that is still in its infancy. They state that they help with the immigration and bureaucratic hurdles, as well as finding/building a house in a location that suits you.

Are there any other Christian 'communes' like this that aren't in cold Russia?

There must be more places like this, but I would imagine they don't want to advertise them too much.
Spain or Greece are probably more the type of "bring your own woman with you" country. If you come there with your girlfriend/wife and are not looking to work there (retired or online income, etc) then they would probably be great I would imagine. But yeah I would not be going to Spain to look for a traditional woman. as for Greek women, in general Greek girls are not that attractive.

To me the ultimate set up would be something like:
Step 1: Have sufficient passive income (most likely the money will need to be saved from grinding in a western hellhole for many years)
Step 2: Spend a few years in a Slavic country to find a traditional and beautiful 18 - 21 Slavic virgin
Step 3: Retire to a sunny coastal town or city with amazing beaches and historic architecture in a European country such as Italy or Spain or Montenegro, etc with your Slavic girl
Step 4: Live happily ever after ;-)

I truly believe in this day and age no one country can provide you with all the pieces of the Jigsaw puzzle. You have to take what you need from a range of countries. The best country for becoming wealthy is different to the best country for women which is again different for the best country for day to day lifestyle, etc so you need to combine things in a way that works best for you.

What is the point of "grinding in a Western hellhole for many years" only to give a significant amount of that income to the Spanish or Italian governments? Or to live amongst a ~85-IQ population like there is in Montenegro?

Is your "beautiful 18-21 Slavic virgin" (who, a few years later, is now in her late 20s) going to be as interested in the guy who has a rapidly deteriorating income in a high-tax PIIGS country (Italy, Spain) or is constantly appalled by the actions of her low-IQ Slavic "peers" (in Montenegro)?

You have to be careful when you consider "ultimate setups" like this. This one actually sounds like quite the nightmare.
The US Dollar is making it very hard for me to move. I'm looking at places to rent in Western Europe thinking I was going to find some good deals as I heard rent was so much cheaper over there than in the US. But what I'm finding is that the prices are very similar for long-term rentals thanks to our weak dollar.


What is your ACTUAL budget for your "moving abroad before the collapse" journey? Knowing this makes it much easier to give realistic recommendations.
The Balkan countries are not really that cold though. Including Serbia, Bulgaria, or Romania. Personally, I don't mind 3 months of snowy winters because it adds variety. And there are pleasant towns to live in, it's not all grey commie blocks. Even Odessa is a beautiful city with (relatively) mild winters. I think I could adapt to colder weather, but I'm not sure I could tolerate the low quality sunlight in the north. Anywhere north of Kiev (50°) is pretty rough. Definitely wouldn't want to live north of Moscow (55°) at the worst.

Sure EE is not going to be the Côte d'Azur by any means. But I think the cultural factor and having marriageable women are going to take precedence over having a beautiful, warm environment.

Also the Christian way is not to escape suffering, rather to transcend it by finding meaning. All the conditions in our life are never going to be perfect, there's always trade-offs.
You'd be driven mad by working with the delicate little flowers that surround me. As soon as it freezes, it's an Ice Age apocalypse, and a couple of flakes of snow constitutes a full on blizzard. Trying to explain the cycle of nature is like banging your head into a brick wall.
One issue I see is being able to seriously vet a potential wife from another country. If you don’t have family or relatives with roots there it’s very hard. Women are good at hiding parts of themselves for some type of gain. Example in the US a woman going to church in my area means absolutely nothing.

The other issue is avoiding being scammed or being viewed as a sugar daddy of some sort. Maybe my view is skewed because I tend to see lots of LatAm females in the US, but many seem like gold diggers. I’m talking Brazilians or Colombians. While many are beautiful, I did not get great vibes from the ones I met. Keep in mind sex work is also legal in many of countries. So it would require possibly heading to smaller locales.

Finally, earning an income in said country. You could have a war chest you bring over with passive income, but taxes exist, and also I’m not the type who wants to be sitting around. Even the greatest wife will become burdensome when you are together constantly.