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Moving Abroad Before the Collapse

Depends on the area. I've met plenty of white, blonde/light brown hair, blue/green eyed locals in Latin America. Where whites exist they don't stick out like a sore thumb. It's not like Asia where yes you stick out like a sore thumb, it's all eyes on you and it's obvious from 100 feet away that you're a foreigner.

At least in Asia they don't try to rob and kill you.
No matter how many people they write up as white on paper they are either not white to begin with or they are darker Spaniards.
Nordic person will never blend in. Anyway men and women look gangsta there. Plenty of vids from all countries.
Make coherent posts
Yeah, when you are tall, blond, no tan, don't wear gangsta clothing style and Germans and Swedes try to speak their languages to you whenever they see you, no chance of blending in
Yeah, when you are tall, blond, no tan, don't wear gangsta clothing style and Germans and Swedes try to speak their languages to you whenever they see you, no chance of blending in
Even in Colombia, people almost never wear "gangsta" clothing outside of bad areas. I wear very normal clothes of pretty good quality imported from America every day, and I never feel like they make me stick out.
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Even in Colombia, people almost never wear "gangsta" clothing outside of bad areas. I wear very normal clothes of pretty good quality imported from America every day, and I never feel like they make me stick out.
Nope, plenty of video evidence to the opposite, gangsta clothing styles all over. Sort of like what people wear in LA.

You telling that a Nordic person blends in Colombia is ultimate falsity. I had spent enough time among Latinos to know this is not true. But given wild, disconnected from reality nonsense often posted on this forum I am not surprised at any claims.
I especially love all the hideous tales people post about Russia here.
Indeed one better just stay in their native land, foreigners are such incomprehensible creatures.
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Nope, plenty of video evidence to the opposite, gangsta clothing styles all over. Sort of like what people wear in LA.
Look man, Colombia is quite large. It has areas where people dress like thugs, and areas where people dress normal. I was born and raised in Colombia and I've been all over the country, and I can assure you that the overwhelming majority of people in most regions dress normal. I don't know what else to tell you.
You telling that a Nordic person blends in Colombia is ultimate falsity. I had spent enough time among Latinos to know this is not true. But given wild, disconnected from reality nonsense often posted on this forum I am not surprised at any claims.
When I said whites can blend in, I was thinking about an average American white guy. If you're a 2-meter tall viking on the upper end of the eye color caste chart then yes, you're correct, it'd be hard to blend in.

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Rural living in Latin America is where you'll find what a lot of guys these days are looking for, but it's significantly more expensive, difficult & less documented than doing perma-tourism in BA or Medellin.

The return is you're living in places where families seldom let women roam alone, (air, noise, etc) pollution is often 0 as your very far from any sort of pipelines, factories, etc, 0 gays/trans/etc on the streets, churches fill up, women don't work, abundance of high quality food, some of the last untouched nature left on Earth, absence of the state, etc etc. Ages are generally young. It's not like that everywhere that's rural but in most places it is. Most of rural, northern Argentina, southern Bolivia, all of Paraguay, much of rural Brazil (border areas far from the coasts), Peru, even present day rural Venezuela, etc is like this. Latin American cities are not like this & a completely different world.

Everyone is different, but IME, years back, I spent a year in prewar Ukraine, Russia, Serbia, Albania, Croatia, etc & it wasn't for me. I was never mistreated, learned passable Russian before going but from Berat, up to Zagreb over to Rostov I found all the rural areas to be decrepit, geriatric & heavily polluted. Compared to the Andes the nature is mediocre at best & all of these places have issues with food production, so make sure you like borscht & buckwheat. As a standard US white boy, I didn't find the people that pleasant or easy to deal with & I felt like a fish out of water in most day to day situations.

For those asking themselves when/where/how/etc that is different for everyone, I've known several guys to setlle down in Ukraine & love it & they hate where I live in the Andes (the inverse can be said too), the only constant I've found is that regardless of your budget you're going to have to get your feet wet & take risks but the juice is worth the squeeze. Although we'll probably end up back at Uncle Sam's house some day, most guys I know myself included want to stay in Ukraine, Phillipines, Peru, etc indefinately for as long as the situation allows. I'm 15 yrs out & no plans to return anytime soon.

If you have any questions on how to get setup in rural Paraguay, Peru, etc let me know.
Everyone is different, but IME, years back, I spent a year in prewar Ukraine, Russia, Serbia, Albania, Croatia, etc & it wasn't for me. I was never mistreated, learned passable Russian before going but from Berat, up to Zagreb over to Rostov I found all the rural areas to be decrepit, geriatric & heavily polluted.
How long were you in each country by the way?
A few expats disapeared or just got plain murdered in rural safe Costa Rica.
But I think Ukraine is the best, can't beat it (y)
I second this man's warning. Most of rural LatAm is extremely dangerous. Please look for a tradwife someplace else. There's all kinds of criminals, there's tons of witchcraft, and in some countries there's marxist guerrillas, which are really just extremely violent drug cartels in military uniforms.
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Everyone is different, but IME, years back, I spent a year in prewar Ukraine, Russia, Serbia, Albania, Croatia, etc & it wasn't for me. I was never mistreated, learned passable Russian before going but from Berat, up to Zagreb over to Rostov I found all the rural areas to be decrepit, geriatric & heavily polluted. Compared to the Andes the nature is mediocre at best & all of these places have issues with food production, so make sure you like borscht & buckwheat. As a standard US white boy, I didn't find the people that pleasant or easy to deal with & I felt like a fish out of water in most day to day situations.
I have to agree having seen my fair share of rural areas in Eastern Europe and the Balkans. They can be downright depressing. In Bulgaria for example, every part of the country is losing population except for the four biggest cities. Low birth rates and a mass exodus of the youth from rural areas is taking it's toll.

That region is better suited to people who want to live in small or mid-size cities. However, there are certain exceptions and you can find a decent rural community if you look hard enough.
CR is a known haven for crooked expats into a certain con, apart from that it gets a lot more dangerous than CR in Latin America. Thailand too, it's safe, but it's the same thing there, google "thailand balcony deaths". Tons of missing expats in SEA too...

"Rural" in Latin America is not Boyaca or Rio Negro, it'd be a ranch in Caqueta that you'd need a 4x4 to reach, has roads that don't appear on google maps, and while the locals may be different, they're pleasant, morality is enforced & they have little to no contact with population centers. Internet is not fast enough for youtube, most of their time is spent sitting around in family, not netflix.

If you think rural Colombia is criminals & guerrillas, the Mennonites, a people who openly say they won't react to violence & are unarmed & rich, are buying up land the size of European provinces there right now. Why? Because the few people that live in areas connected by road are not a threat.
"Rural" in Latin America is not Boyaca or Rio Negro, it'd be a ranch in Caqueta that you'd need a 4x4 to reach, has roads that don't appear on google maps, and while the locals may be different, they're pleasant, morality is enforced & they have little to no contact with population centers. Internet is not fast enough for youtube, most of their time is spent sitting around in family, not netflix.

If you think rural Colombia is criminals & guerrillas, the Mennonites, a people who openly say they won't react to violence & are unarmed & rich, are buying up land the size of European provinces there right now. Why? Because the few people that live in areas connected by road are not a threat.
Perhaps it's safe in extremely remote areas like that, but I'm not so sure. I haven't personally gone that far outside the beaten path, but I know a guy who has worked in over-the-top remote places you need a donkey to get to, and he has some horror stories about crime and guerillas there. He's not someone who makes things up.

I would much prefer living somewhere like Envigado than rural Colombia, as I've seen some really bad stuff myself even in places like Yarumal.
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Perhaps it's safe in extremely remote areas like that, but I'm not so sure. I haven't personally gone that far outside the beaten path, but I know a guy who has worked in over-the-top remote places you need a donkey to get to, and he has some horror stories about crime and guerillas there. He's not someone who makes things up.

I would much prefer living somewhere like Envigado than rural Colombia, as I've seen some really bad stuff myself even in places like Yarumal.
Envigado/MDE has a culture of blatant satanism & scumbaggery, you're average Colombian living there would pimp out their own sister to a foreigner if they ran tight on money. The mere sound of their accent makes me gringe. I really have no idea how a Christian would feel comfortable in places like Medellin, Rio, etc. Lying, cheating & stealing is an accepted part of their culture. Most people there are like this.

Guerrillas & armed groups in Colombia fight for contested area which is almost always mines, ports or trafficking routes. If you're not near a gold/copper/etc deposit or near the ports the export it, it's likely you're safer than in a city. I've known many cocaleros, "illegal miners" & they're 10x more honest & reliable than these reggaeton idiots you find in the cities.
these reggaeton idiots you find in the cities.
I can attest to this being a proxy.

It's a testament as to how much of a desert the west is in general that decent people would go to places like LatAm here or there, rather than deal with their own, even with all its material comforts.

If you're really looking for higher level living with some sort of traditional aspect, it has to be EE somewhere, but globohomo is there so there are only a few spots left that really prize men who do reasonably well at all and where the effort is actually worth the squeeze.

I wonder where/how Posobiec met his orthodox wife. She was Belarusian but he's a roman catholic. At least he has some sensibilities.
I can attest to this being a proxy.

It's a testament as to how much of a desert the west is in general that decent people would go to places like LatAm here or there, rather than deal with their own, even with all its material comforts.

If you're really looking for higher level living with some sort of traditional aspect, it has to be EE somewhere, but globohomo is there so there are only a few spots left that really prize men who do reasonably well at all and where the effort is actually worth the squeeze.

I wonder where/how Posobiec met his orthodox wife. She was Belarusian but he's a roman catholic. At least he has some sensibilities.
The material comforts are what I'm escaping & I left long ago, my reasons for staying abroad run deeper than women. I'd become an alcoholic in the US, life is too easy there. Globohomo aside, US is still the best of the rest & I'd be siding with the US embassy in conflict.

IMHO, EE has the most gorgeous women but everything else about the place sucks. Again though, met plenty of guys who love it there so depends what you're after. I'm looking for quality nature, pre information age societies, high quality food, fresh air, big mountains, freedom, etc & in Europe in general that doesn't exist. If you're looking for a comfortable apartment life with lazy netflix women it's probably heaven for you though.

I disagree about traditional, where I'm at thieves get publically whipped & I've lived in places where cheating women get their hair cut off. This is common stuff out here, we still exist in a pre information age for the most part & leaders aren't elected. For most out here, you need to be after the settler lifestyle & embrace challenge.
The material comforts are what I'm escaping & I left long ago, my reasons for staying abroad run deeper than women. I'd become an alcoholic in the US, life is too easy there. Globohomo aside, US is still the best of the rest & I'd be siding with the US embassy in conflict.

IMHO, EE has the most gorgeous women but everything else about the place sucks. Again though, met plenty of guys who love it there so depends what you're after. I'm looking for quality nature, pre information age societies, high quality food, fresh air, big mountains, freedom, etc & in Europe in general that doesn't exist. If you're looking for a comfortable apartment life with lazy netflix women it's probably heaven for you though.

I disagree about traditional, where I'm at thieves get publically whipped & I've lived in places where cheating women get their hair cut off. This is common stuff out here, we still exist in a pre information age for the most part & leaders aren't elected. For most out here, you need to be after the settler lifestyle & embrace challenge.
How can you say there isn't beautiful nature in EE? Places like Albania and Montenegro have coast + mountains.
How can you say there isn't beautiful nature in EE? Places like Albania and Montenegro have coast + mountains.
OK, since I see so much pro Europe stuff here I'll give my perspective as a long time expat who gave it a serious go over there.

There is beautiful nature in Europe, the best of Albanian mountains would be Theth, and it is nice, but have you ever been to the Andes? The 2 don't compare, Theth is tiny, low altitude, in winter you can't breath because of all the pollution & (like all of Europe) suffers from lack of resources. In the Andean basin, any peasant can burn down a few acres they find & plant grass or corn to feed their livestock then sell it to you, in rich Europe (Switzerland) they're feeding cattle with soy, in poor places like Ukraine & Albania common sights are watching cattle, pigs, etc graze on roadside trash. That's the food quality over there. Sure, you can shop at Cilpo in Ukraine or Conad in Albania, but now you're paying higher than US prices for imported real food. Europe has been destroyed by centuries of industrialization, you're never far from a factory, pipeline, high tension/pressure rail/energy/etc. Fresh fish? Med., Black sea are the most overfished places on Earth, the fish they sold at markets in Odessa was stuff we'd throw back on trips. When you get into Sweden/Finland/north Europe they have more natural resources, they do have nature/waters with fish/etc but what Christian wants to live in Finland or Sweden? I feel bad even mentioning these pagan societies in polite conversation.

Have you actually tried living in places like Theth, Berat, Chornomorsk, satellite areas of Nikolaev, Poltava, etc? I have, it's almost exclusively impovershed old people. Young people flee to the cities & embrace globohomo. In any city in Albania, Ukraine, etc half naked women walking the streets is normal. These are very liberal countries, Muslim Albania is the exception. A few exceptions aside, abandandonded factories, buildings, chemical tarpits, etc are the norm in these areas. And in most of Europe especially in the central & east, due to their collective/communist past living in a house is frowned upon, so if you go to the cities you're now in apartments where you hear neighbors using the bathroom, etc.

My view? My ancestors fled Europe due to reasons still valid to this day. I'm from a backwood place in a very poor part of the US - we live better in terms of food/air/etc quality, houses, etc than anywhere I saw in Europe, maybe aside from Switzerland.

Again though, if we're being honest here, if all you're after is a woman & a cheap apartment & can put up with everything I wrote, it very well may be paradise for you.
IMHO, EE has the most gorgeous women but everything else about the place sucks.
Yes, you have to discern tradeoffs.
I would like to explore more of Russia and EE
Indeed, it's the same issue. If you are a competent guy in the west, it's golden handcuffs. You've proven you can beat, in certain ways, the best of the best but once you do that they reward you with old women and sabotage. Interesting how things work out.