Marriage: Virgins vs Non-virgins

This map shows age of sexual consent in various European countries. Also if you look around the world around 16 years old tend to be a very common age of consent (even most states in Australia and most states in The U.K. and even most U.S.A. states its also 16). Although in many countries certain restrictions apply to people under age 18.


Not that this is a thread about sex, but it would be awkward if a country let you marry a 16 year old but the age of sexual consent was say 18, etc. Hence me posting maps relating to both ages.
This map shows age of sexual consent in various European countries. Also if you look around the world around 16 years old tend to be a very common age of consent (even most states in Australia and most states in The U.K. and even most U.S.A. states its also 16). Although in many countries certain restrictions apply to people under age 18.

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Not that this is a thread about sex, but it would be awkward if a country let you marry a 16 year old but the age of sexual consent was say 18, etc. Hence me posting maps relating to both ages.

No "norrmal" parents of a under 18 year old girl are gonna give their permission to marry (or even date) you.
No "norrmal" parents of a under 18 year old girl are gonna give their permission to marry (or even date) you.
I think it depends a lot on which country we are talking about. If we are talking about a highly developed country then yes you are generally right. But there are many countries in the world where the parents of a girl who is under 18 have no issue with her dating or marrying a much older foreigner.
Because her entire ideology consists of concealing and lying to her future husband about past relationships and occasional instances of non-traditional sex for the sake of remaining complete virgin. Consequently, she will eventually teach our kids the same way of thinking, the same ideology and “values” of lying and manipulating others to achieve their objective. In other words, according to those types of girls lying and manipulating is justifiable even if it pertains your future husband and children.

I didn’t want to elaborate this much in my original post, it was already too long and somewhat impulsive.

I know you can't go back in time, but your mistake here is that women have "ideology," they don't. They are just emotional creatures who will follow a strong lead, even if your young girlfriend was lying to you it would have been easy to correct it in her with time, patience, and love. I've corrected many bad traits in my girl over the years and it's a mistake to think women will stay the way you meet them.
I am more inclined to believe that a leopard doesn't change its spots. But yes of course there are exceptions.

People are always changing, either for better or worse, depending on what is influencing them. This is because man is a spiritual animal, and if we are exposed to good spiritual forces then we become more heavenly, and vice versa is also true.
People are always changing, either for better or worse, depending on what is influencing them. This is because man is a spiritual animal, and if we are exposed to good spiritual forces then we become more heavenly, and vice versa is also true.
I tend to believe that things degrade much more effortlessly than they improve. Its much easier to pick up a bad habit than a good habit, etc. Its much easier to destroy something than it is to create something. Its much easier to be a bad person than a good person and so on.
I tend to believe that things degrade much more effortlessly than they improve. Its much easier to pick up a bad habit than a good habit, etc. Its much easier to destroy something than it is to create something. Its much easier to be a bad person than a good person and so on.

If this were true humanity would have gone extinct a long time ago. The rise of Christianity is direct proof against your belief.
I know you can't go back in time, but your mistake here is that women have "ideology," they don't. They are just emotional creatures who will follow a strong lead, even if your young girlfriend was lying to you it would have been easy to correct it in her with time, patience, and love. I've corrected many bad traits in my girl over the years and it's a mistake to think women will stay the way you meet them.
Don’t get me wrong I’ve corrected, helped, advised many girls in life, education, and in career.
This is different. Don’t call it “ideology” call it a core belief system or a last resort solution.
The more women I meet, the more I'm seeing how important it is to marry a virgin. I'm starting to think a single man under 35 and without kids would be insane to marry a woman that's had sex. Maybe it's bad luck, but every non-virgin I'm getting to know starts to eventually show red flags left and right.
This map shows age of sexual consent in various European countries. Also if you look around the world around 16 years old tend to be a very common age of consent (even most states in Australia and most states in The U.K. and even most U.S.A. states its also 16). Although in many countries certain restrictions apply to people under age 18.

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Not that this is a thread about sex, but it would be awkward if a country let you marry a 16 year old but the age of sexual consent was say 18, etc. Hence me posting maps relating to both ages.
Great work AS, I have researched this too, it is still possible. IMO, Russia is an option. Legally you can marry as young as 14 in some parts of Russia. You have to establish yourself on the ground in the community for a period of time, before it's even a possibility.
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I am yet to shake my skepticism regarding Christianity as I have not personally seen any evidence of a Christian god or Christ being the "only begotten son of god" which by the way what does that even mean?
One of a kind, or unique Son of God.

Are we not all supposedly children of god?
In the sense that God created us all, yes. In the special covenantal sense that characterizes the Church, no.

As for Christ being "the son of man", what does that even mean?
The one to whom all worship is owed.

At this stage I cannot be Christian because I have not personally seen sufficient evidence to support a belief in Christianity but I am open to changing my mind in the future should I see such evidence at a later date.
Here's the thing, what you are willing to accept as evidence is up to the question. For me, the creation itself is sufficient evidence that there is a God. The internal witness of the Holy Spirit is what convinces me that Jesus Christ is the Son of God and that the Bible is true, and not just true, but the necessary precondition for truth itself, it is truer than true.

By the way if anyone wants to pray for me to receive the gift of faith that would be appreciated/welcome. I do not believe in Christianity at this point but I certainly have a lot of respect for it.
I'm happy you recognize it as a gift. I will pray that God grants you the gift of faith, that He would cause you to look into His Word and that you would place your trust in the Lord Jesus Christ. Everyone who believes in Jesus finds Him to be a perfect Savior.
I do not believe in Christianity at this point but I certainly have a lot of respect for it.
Upon reflection of your "tone" and outlook I can now understand your posts better. This lack of faith is going to continue to be a big problem for you (resulting in a dull malaise and things not quite going your way). Faith in God takes intentional work. You have to want it. You seem to be in a place where you don't really want it. You have to crave it. You have to look up to the sky and plead for forgiveness and salvation from your blasphemy, sin, and denial (lack of faith). You have to fear Christ. When you fear The Lord you become humble. Because "The Lord giveth, and The Lord taketh away." I guarantee that if your health began to fail that you'd be on your knees praying to God every day. Why? Because nothing humbles a man quicker than a disabling physical ailment.

Do not look a gift horse in the mouth. Your existence in this realm has a purpose but without faith and God, it is highly unlikely that you will ever realize it.
If this were true humanity would have gone extinct a long time ago. The rise of Christianity is direct proof against your belief.
But it is true, and it is biblical. It's incomparably easier for us to do evil than good, and to deteriorate than to improve. Extinct? No, it would have just devolved into complete, animalistic, abject barbarism. Which is actually exactly what happened, and that was the state of the whole world for thousands upon thousands of years, and things only changed for the better when people started becoming Christian.

That way of life, barbarism and might makes right, is in fact the unavoidable logical conclusion of fallen man's fallen tendencies, but it still causes indescribable pain to the soul, and I would argue that the meteoric rise of Christianity was partly because the darkness was so great that it made a lot of people with the right dispositions extremely eager to throw absolutely everything away, even their lives, in order to be freed and to reach for the light offered by Christ.

Stable, peaceful, moral civilizations are not the natural state of fallen man, and they are only possible through divine intervention. There are non-Christian civilizations, but if we get real here, they are still full of pure barbarism and they need brutal laws to keep people in check, which have historically not been necessary in Christian nations. The things that these Indians and muslims do to each other, with things like castes, Lord have mercy. No wonder these people go absolutely wild when they enter these European countries with lax laws designed for moral Christian populations. It's not even a matter of race. We brown latinos used to have a pretty wonderful Christian civilization too, and if you talk to our grandfathers, the difference is absolutely abysmal and I cannot believe an entire people can degrade this much in just three or four generations.
Extinction seems a bit extreme to me, but if we're just considering general behaviors, it's way easier to eat sugar, watch TV, masturbate, be promiscuous, deceiving etc. than it is to do the opposite.

However, there are limits. It is in fact difficult to perform acts of pure evil, probably because we have some innate degree of empathy, sympathy etc.
Extinction seems a bit extreme to me, but if we're just considering general behaviors, it's way easier to eat sugar, watch TV, masturbate, be promiscuous, deceiving etc. than it is to do the opposite.

However, there are limits. It is in fact difficult to perform acts of pure evil, probably because we have some innate degree of empathy, sympathy etc.
Empathy, sympathy and so on for their own people? Sure. For others? Not at all. That's from Christianity, actually. You only think it's simple innate human nature and take it for granted because your society has not yet totally lost Christian morality. Before Christianity gave our civilization its moral foundations, even concepts as basic as "human life is inherently valuable" were not much of a thing.

The things that heathen peoples have historically always done to each other, and in fact to this day still do to each other, are horrifying. Most people in the west simply do not know of it, because for 97% of them, if a piece of information is not served to them in a silver platter by a social media algorithm or by the TV, it might as well not exist at all. If they did know about this, maybe we'd see people actually appreciate the moral heritage given to them by Christianity, which they are in the process of losing since they've rejected the root of it, and in many places it has already been totally lost.

Have you heard about what Indians do to people of "lower castes"? All the rape, murder and dehumanization? Did you know that human trafficking is still seen as perfectly normal in much of the middle east, to the point where if you travel to even "westernized" places such as Egypt with your wife or daughter, it's not particularly rare for a complete stranger to casually come up to you and offer you camels or cows or whatever in exchange for them? What do you think happens to western women when they go there alone?

Vikings cared deeply about their own people, but did not see any problem whatsoever with raiding foreign villages or with the acts of pure evil that such raids involved. This is because they were barbarians. People only stop being barbarians when they convert to Christianity. Our nations are not Christian anymore, and I think everyone has noticed at this point that we are seeing an awful lot of barbarism going around in recent times, and it's only going to get worse and worse over time. If God grants you a long life, you may live to witness the reason why your forefathers built things like this:


On some level, I agree that all humans have a God-given inherent moral compass. There's Romans 1:20-21 and whatnot. But if you are born and raised in a deeply demonic society, then this can be taken away to a very large extent. I don't think Islamic and Mongol barbarian hordes found it hard to perform acts of pure evil. People need to be Christian or this is what you get: Might makes right. That's all there will be to life.
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I know you can't go back in time, but your mistake here is that women have "ideology," they don't. They are just emotional creatures who will follow a strong lead, even if your young girlfriend was lying to you it would have been easy to correct it in her with time, patience, and love. I've corrected many bad traits in my girl over the years and it's a mistake to think women will stay the way you meet them.
Anyway, back to the thread's topic, no, don't date a woman who has had anal and oral sex and has the gall to bold-facedly call herself a virgin still. You will not fix her, that's insanity and I don't understand why Samseau would say such a thing. That's simply not acceptable behavior. Marrying a non-virgin is understandable, but if on top of not being a virgin, her morality and basic understanding of reality are THAT warped and confused that she thinks she's still a virgin after having had phalluses in her mouth and anus, then you'd be a fool to try and make that work. If you're desperate enough that such a woman is someone you're even remotely considering as a viable option, then honestly at that point just take the trip to Thailand or EE already, or accept that marriage is simply not in your cards, that there's absolutely no shame in that, and start considering the possibility of joining a monastery. If I reach the age of 30 or maybe 40 and I am still not married, then that's exactly what I personally plan on doing.

I think if you're going to date a woman, especially if you're a Christian aiming for marriage, you should 100% assume that she will never ever change in the slightest from the state that you found her in. Not because it's true that she won't - obviously, if you're a masculine leader, then she will follow your lead on a lot of things - but because, actually, it's exceedingly hard for people to change anything major about themselves, so you should ensure that she at least does not have anything you would not be able to overlook and live with for the rest of your life. Check for absolute deal-breakers first, and if there are any, then waste your time no further. If you're going into any relationship thinking anything that sounds even remotely like "I can fix her", then you're going all in with the absolute worst hand mathematically possible, and you are going to walk out of there looking like this:

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This map shows age of sexual consent in various European countries. Also if you look around the world around 16 years old tend to be a very common age of consent (even most states in Australia and most states in The U.K. and even most U.S.A. states its also 16). Although in many countries certain restrictions apply to people under age 18.

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Not that this is a thread about sex, but it would be awkward if a country let you marry a 16 year old but the age of sexual consent was say 18, etc. Hence me posting maps relating to both ages.
What’s odd about those laws is that so many Christians support draconian penalties for sleeping with teenage girls, when the Bible doesn’t say anything about it, (at most a fine of 50 shekels) while at the same time are fine with sodomy despite the Bible claiming it should be punishable by death.

I think too many Christians are brainwashed by feminism and don’t understand how a high age of consent combined with Romeo and Juliet laws only results in stupid teenage boys defiling virgins as opposed to the virgins pairing up with young adult men with careers.

In fact the very first law proposed by a feminist was to raise the age of consent to 21.

Such a shame the average Christian would defend the feminist laws, because they don’t even realize they are feminists to begin with.
I stopped caring what other people think about age gaps. Most of them are miserable losers. The times we live in now are abnormal because men are expected to settle for used up, mentally ill women. People from the past would think we're crazy for doing so. If a single man wants to get married and have peace in the West, a younger, Christian virgin is the only way. Or move abroad.