Lounge of The Russian-Ukrainian War

There aren't many Africans fighting in Russia, and I suspect that the few that are there are from allied countries like Burkina Faso, Niger etc that worked with Wagner in Africa.

Russia and Africa have superstrong bond. Soviet Union help many African countries in fight against colonizers and oppressor. In South Africa, Zimbabwe Namibia racist apartheid system, we help African people there too with money, training, weapons. Same in Algeria, Mozambicue, angola ethopia and many other places

Then the soviet union dies, Russia take a step back for 20 years. Now we are back in Africa, helping countries get rid of colonialism westerners.

Putin is like a Rockstar in Africa, so so popular. African people see him like Saint, he is working for their future.

So there are many African brothers who want to help Russia in the fights against the globalist, satanist, colonialist neo nazi West. They sign up and go to Russia forfighting for Russia. There are thousands, the numbers increase very very fast

I can show you new many videos and pictures everyday. But it is on Russia social media, so for now I use x.com.

What also helps is good salary and Russian citizenship after 1 year of service.

This is Russia recruitment in Nigeria, Russia not good with Nigeria government but many Nigerians love putin. So there is offline and online recruitment. The agent will get Nigerians student visa, then they go to Russia and sign up for army.

This is people from Ghana, they are thanking their agent. Also read comments, how positive all comments are!

This is mood in Africa my friend, video from ria novosti the Africans are saying they want come to Russia to help us in our fight!!

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blah blah blah

I can show you new many videos and pictures everyday. But it is on Russia social media, so for now I use x.com.
You can post Telegram here, widely used in Russia...

This is people from Ghana, they are thanking their agent. Also read comments, how positive all comments are!

Kind of funny that the one video of African mercs in Russia you could manage here is from last winter. Surely, if there are thousands of them fighting for Russia, you could have come up with a lot better than this, whole batallions kicking ass in the Donbas Summer... That's because their current number is still quite small.

It's almost as if you are reproducing Ukrainian/NAFO troll content wrapped in a fake Russian sock puppet account.

Russia on the other hand is going in in Africa:

You can post Telegram here, widely used in Russia...

Kind of funny that the one video of African mercs in Russia you could manage here is from last winter. Surely, if there are thousands of them fighting for Russia, you could have come up with a lot better than this, whole batallions kicking ass in the Donbas Summer... That's because their current number is still quite small.

It's almost as if you are reproducing Ukrainian/NAFO troll content wrapped in a fake Russian sock puppet account.

Russia on the other hand is going in in Africa:

I cannot post telegram here my friend nothing shows.

African brothers dying for Russia everyday but you are trying to deny it because you don't like it.

Russians don't care about weirdo Americanos. Africans are die for us so they are more important then strange racists western always online people who push fake fantasy image of Russia and what hurt us.

The Russia- Africa alliance is strong and real, western racists- Russia alliance is online and fake.

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So there are many African brothers who want to help Russia in the fights against the globalist, satanist, colonialist neo nazi West. They sign up and go to Russia forfighting for Russia. There are thousands, the numbers increase very very fast
Are you on crack dude? Most Africans could give less of a fuck about politics in other countries, they are just worried about how can they can pay their bills, health problems, crime, etc.
My friends, from 2025 Ukranian neonazis stop Russia oil transport through Dhruzba pipeline.

Before we still pay Ukraine so that we can transport oil to several European countries like Hungary, Czech and Slowakia.

Globalists want starve us but it won't work.

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Let's not forget that most of the foreign mercenaries including the Africans in the Russian army are there because they are poor and desperate for cash not for any ideological reasons. Who would want to go and die for a foreign country?

I'll tell you who: Tens of thousands of brainwashed westerners have volunteered to fight for Ukraine. For what?

And let's not even get started on the desperate wish that Americans have to fight and die for Israel.

My friend this is good news!!

But there is problem and I need your help.

Where is official Ukraine source on this? I am looking for 20 minutes already and nothing. I also look on strana.ua website and there is nothing.

Please send me link my friend.

I will also make prediction myself, in 6 months Ukraine will stop oil and gas to Europe, they are making intention clearly visible today.

Ukraine neonazis want to cut off Russia from Europe so if they can they just bomb pipeline several times and blame Russia they will do it
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Are you on crack dude? Most Africans could give less of a fuck about politics in other countries, they are just worried about how can they can pay their bills, health problems, crime, etc.
You say this because you are man without beliefs, religion and deeper meaning.

Sorry for you, many of us actually don't have money as priority number one. Our African brothers are example, they come to Russia to fight against unfair racist colonial system that the West design to keep them down.

There are 1 billion people in Africa, 700 million below 30 year old, 350 million males below 30 year old, out of the 350 million couple of thousand come to Russia to fight in Ukraine. Why is this hard to believe?
I'll tell you who: Tens of thousands of brainwashed westerners have volunteered to fight for Ukraine. For what?

And let's not even get started on the desperate wish that Americans have to fight and die for Israel.
My friend there aren't many Western peoplein Ukraine, Ukraine war is not that popular.

Russia has identified 4000 neonazi mercenaries.

Lot of mercenaries in Ukraine come from Colombia. Colombia has big neonazi problem, they belong to Alvaro Uribe fight against Farc and Eln for many many years, against the Colombia people. Now there is Petro, he doesn't want the paras anymore so they come to Ukraine. Last election there is also Rodolfo Hernandez full neonazi, he praise Hitler many times.

These are the people coming to Ukraine, Colombia is number 1, even more then Belarus and Georgia.

Last week 2 Colombian neonazis get captured on layover on Venezuela and extradited to Russia

Where is official Ukraine source on this? I am looking for 20 minutes already and nothing. I also look on strana.ua website and there is nothing.

Slavyangrad were citing the Strana UA Telegram channel.

Podolyak denies his own statement that Ukraine will stop the transit of Russian oil to the EU from January 1, 2025.

Now the adviser to the head of the OP has stated that the transit will continue until the end of the contract, which expires at the end of 2029.

"Ukraine has fulfilled and will fulfill its contractual obligations in full until the scheduled completion date of such contracts. This concerns our bilateral relations with European countries," Podolyak said.

Apparently, Yermak's advisor mixed up the contract end date. The gas transit contract ends in January 2025.

Screenshot in case they take it down:


Russia and Africa have superstrong bond. Soviet Union help many African countries in fight against colonizers and oppressor. In South Africa, Zimbabwe Namibia racist apartheid system, we help African people there too with money, training, weapons. Same in Algeria, Mozambicue, angola ethopia and many other places
Almost every post you write I facepalm at how you've managed to convince yourself that you are anti-Western whilst evaluating your virtuousness based on what Westerners have told you should be at the top of your value hierarchy - being anti-racist or anti-apartheid. It's the Western globalists that are racially replacing their own people (including with Africans) on a scale and at a speed that is unique in history. If you're going to be anti-Western then have the discernment and courage to actually challenge globalist talking points rather than parroting them. The problem in the West is not apartheid, its the disenfranchisement of the native people who are treated as inferior to the newcomers who are replacing them. If you're going to call out the economic exploitation of Africa then call out the demographic rape of Europe. All of the Western leaders, who you no-doubt despise, would completely identity with and rubberstamp your empty rhetoric on racism.
^That guy is almost certainly a western troll, I suspect a sock puppet account of a previous banned poster, or perhaps a poster who was a regular contributor who leans towards NATO and is intent on countering the pro-Russian narrative prevailing on this board.

For these Colombian mercenaries its not about any political ideology or neo-nazi ideology or anything else. They are fighting for Ukraine because they get paid more than fighting in their own country. That is it, there is no other reason.

Colombia has a long-standing "soldier of fortune" culture funded and maintained by the US, with plenty of counter-insurgency graduates from the School of the Americas. Agree about these people being ideologically vacuous opportunists who like to kill. Unfortunately for them Russia's curtain of steel artillery and advanced drone warfare is a bit tougher to handle than the jungle warriors they had to face back home.

As well the Colombians and other Latins are treated like 2nd class citizens by the Ukie officers, there were lots of videos showing some of them being badly roughed up for speaking up against the natives. The Ukies wouldn't dare do that to Americans or British mercs.
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Almost every post you write I facepalm at how you've managed to convince yourself that you are anti-Western whilst evaluating your virtuousness based on what Westerners have told you should be at the top of your value hierarchy - being anti-racist or anti-apartheid. It's the Western globalists that are racially replacing their own people (including with Africans) on a scale and at a speed that is unique in history. If you're going to be anti-Western then have the discernment and courage to actually challenge globalist talking points rather than parroting them. The problem in the West is not apartheid, its the disenfranchisement of the native people who are treated as inferior to the newcomers who are replacing them. If you're going to call out the economic exploitation of Africa then call out the demographic rape of Europe. All of the Western leaders, who you no-doubt despise, would completely identity with and rubberstamp your empty rhetoric on racism.
I facepalm to when I read weirdo Americano themepark fantasy image of Russia.

Every argument here I win because I have putin on my side.

Last year Russia have beautiful Russia Africa summit in Saint Petersburg putin talk about how the collective west is trying to conquer Africa through neocolonialism, and how Russia is a friend of Africa for many years always against racism and colonialism.

The Russia Africa bond is strong, growing. You deal with this my friend.

^That guy is almost certainly a western troll, I suspect a sock puppet account of a previous banned poster, or perhaps a poster who was a regular contributor who leans towards NATO and is intent on countering the pro-Russian narrative prevailing on this board.

Colombia has a long-standing "soldier of fortune" culture funded and maintained by the US, with plenty of counter-insurgency graduates from the School of the Americas. Agree about these people being ideologically vacuous opportunists who like to kill. Unfortunately for them Russia's curtain of steel artillery and advanced drone warfare is a bit tougher to handle than the jungle warriors they had to face back home.

As well the Colombians and other Latins are treated like 2nd class citizens by the Ukie officers, there were lots of videos showing some of them being badly roughed up for speaking up against the natives. The Ukies wouldn't dare do that to Americans or British mercs.
Sorry my friend they are neo nazis. Colombian soldier in Ukraine make less then security guard in dubai or macdonalds worker in California.

Colombians go with karpatsy sich this is neonazi unit.

End of discussion, no need to type unrelated nonsense to make you look smart 😁