Lounge of The Russian-Ukrainian War

My friends this is very very dangerous

Globalist neonazi West today will say ok to long range missile attacks in Russia. Blinken in Kiev today, many people think he will say ok to mossile strikes in Russia

In telegram I find this picture, if this happens it is unacceptable and putin must declare war.

My friends fascist globalists in the USA now convict african American activists because they have pro Russia views.

Is having pro Russia views now crime in USA?

This is result of Ukraine war, collective west is losing so they go crazy. Pure censorship and intimididation

Four Black rights activists were convicted on Thursday of federal charges of conspiring to act as unregistered Russian agents, the Justice Department said.

Omali Yeshitela, 82, Penny Hess, 78, Jesse Nevel, 34, and Augustus Romain Jr., 38, face maximum sentences of five years in prison, the department said in a statement. A date has not yet been set for sentencing.

A jury in Tampa, Florida found them not guilty of the more serious charge of acting as agents of a foreign government.

Yeshitela is the founder of the African People’s Socialist Party (APSP) and Uhuru Movement. Hess and Nevel are white allies of the groups. Romain is the leader of a Georgia-based spinoff known as Black Hammer.

According to prosecutors, the four carried out a number of actions in the United States between 2015 and 2022 on behalf of the Russian government and received money and support from Aleksandr Ionov, president of the Moscow-based group Anti-Globalization Movement of Russia.

Ionov used the APSP, Uhuru Movement and Black Hammer to promote Russian views on politics, the Ukraine war and other issues, they said.

“Ionov’s influence efforts were directed and supervised” by Russia’s Federal Security Service (FSB), the country’s intelligence agency, the Justice Department said.

Ionov and two alleged FSB agents — Aleksey Borisovich Sukhodolov and Yegor Sergeyevich Popov — have also been indicted in the United States in connection with the case but are not under arrest.

The Justice Department said the Americans all knew Ionov worked for the Russian government.

Among the actions cited by prosecutors was the drafting by APSP in 2015 of a petition to the United Nations accusing the United States of committing genocide against African people.

Ionov also allegedly sought to influence the 2017 mayoral election in St Petersburg, Florida, in which Nevel unsuccessfully ran for office.

Leonard Goodman, an attorney for Hess, told the Tampa Bay Times that the four were prosecuted to censor their pro-Russian views.

“This case has always been about free speech,” Goodman said.
I heard that Biden told Zelensky no to the missile strikes? Is there another update?
I know for a long time that was the answer given to them. I don't know about Biden and his team saying "yes", but I saw Trudeau and the UK had given the green light. Maybe that doesn't matter as long as the USA says "no".

If I had to guess, nothing will happen in the next 2 months and if Trump wins the election, which I think he will, then this will all go away.
Sadly I think Trump will lose the election.
Even if Trump wins, the State Department especially will undermine him whenever he tries to pursue a normal, commonsense Ukraine policy. Not just the high officials but also the middle management and rank-and-file bureaucrats who pretty much all hail from continually one-party Beltway counties like Fairfax and Montgomery, if they don’t hail from even more lopsided D.C. proper (93% Clinton vote, right?).

I was delighted to have been wrong about Trump not beating Clinton (albeit only by the electoral college vote [at least officially losing the popular vote]).

But the artificial, anti-democratic swell behind putting Heels Up Harris in makes me believe we are going to see a fix. Philadelphia/Pittsburgh, Milwaukee, Detroit, and Atlanta will see massive, ridiculous spikes in Dem votes again so Trump loses three or four races in PA, WI, MI, and GA.
I heard that Biden told Zelensky no to the missile strikes? Is there another update?
Other Western countries don't announce anything without first having US approval. The US "no" is all theatre, plausible deniability. Zelensky has already been given the go ahead. The Neo-cons won the internal battle, as they always eventually do.


Actually, I'm going to retract the above, as it is out of date. It looks like there maybe some back-peddling going on, and that the Neo-cons have not necessarily succeeded. The friction with the British may indicate a genuine "no", hopefully.

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I do.

Ukraine is essentially a giant CIA base, posing as a sovereign nation.

The CIA moved into Ukraine after the fall of the Soviet Union, looking to take advantage of the lawless and destabilized country, using it as an offshore proxy, outside the scope of US oversight.

It began with the Nunn-Lugar Act in 1991, and then carried on into 2005, when then Senators Obama and Lugar visited Ukraine, to inspect the former Soviet bio, chemical, and nuclear facilities (pictured below), and then added Ukraine to the Defense Threat Reduction Agency, and began turning these former Soviet facilities into “defensive research facilities”, which opened the door for US contractors to establish their foothold in Ukraine, and set up their money laundering and racketeering operations, under the guise of “foreign aid”.

Then the CIA funded Nazi militant groups in Ukraine which led to the outbreak of civil war in 2014 in the Donbas. Amidst the chaos, the US State Department, via Victoria Nuland, leveraged the situation to install US-loyal puppets, including the infamous leaked phone call between her and fellow State Department bureaucrat Geoffrey Pyatt, about ensuring “their guy” Yatsenuik, was installed as Prime Minister. The State Department, in tandem with the CIA, covertly took control of Ukraine via Color Revolution in 2014.

Putin recognized this. He knew that the US had destabilized and taken control of Ukraine, and recognized that the US were building a proxy army on his border, by funding, training, and supplying Ukraine with weapons, and trying to bring them into NATO. This was a red line for Putin, as he has said for decades. Russia have been invaded from the West too many times before, and will not tolerate a hostile standing army and long-range missiles on their border. Just like the US didn’t like it when Russia tried to put nukes in Cuba in the 60’s, Russia doesn’t like the US trying to bring armies and weapons to Ukraine.

Essentially, Ukraine is an unofficial US territory and NATO member, and the Deep State do not want to lose out on their cash cow and strategic asset that is Ukraine, hence why they continue to send hundreds of billions of our tax dollars to protect Ukraine’s border. They are using Ukraine as a laundry mat to funnel in hundreds of billions for the war machine, and also covering up their extreme criminality in Ukraine, including crimes against humanity for bioweapon development, human trafficking, drug trafficking, etc. All the things they can’t get away with stateside, they do in Ukraine.

If the public knew the truth about the origins of US involvement in Ukraine, they would NEVER have supported sending a single penny to Ukraine. The narrative that Russia attacked Ukraine in 2022 “unprovoked”, is war propaganda to make it appear Ukraine are the righteous defenders in order to garner your support, when in reality, The US started this conflict, they are the ones who brought war to Putin’s doorstep, and the US are the ones perpetuating the war by continuing to fund and supply Ukraine.

Putin does not want to conquer all of Europe, he just wants NATO off of his border, and justice for US development of weapons of mass destruction in Ukraine, namely, gene-specific biological weapons.

The Cold War never truly ended.
I don't want to sidetrack this thread, but I couldn't find a "Russian Weapons" or "Military Apparatus" thread anywhere. I wanted to ask if anyone has knowledge about a rumored Russian weapon, based on the Poseidon/Status-6 underwater drone.

I know it is open knowledge that the Poseidons can go extremely fast, very deep, and can carry multi-megaton warheads that can be remotely detonated in the littorals.

Here's the rumor I heard quite a few years ago, but can't find info on: in theory the Russians have the same sort of Poseidon high-speed underwater drone that has a "screw" on the front that can burrow its way into the continental shelf, say off the US east coast. From there it/they can sit silently and wait, and could be remotely detonated by satellite, essentially rendering the east coast under water, irradiated, unliveable for centuries.

Does anyone know if there is any truth to this?
Are you on crack dude? Most Africans could give less of a fuck about politics in other countries, they are just worried about how can they can pay their bills, health problems, crime, etc.
africans supposedly fighting for Russia are looking to escape africa. by the time they are discharged or otherwise no longer needed, they will "forget" to return home and try to network with their own or seek support from a jewish immigration agent. next they will try to find logding, a russian woman and a job. others will make their way to western europe. it beats trying to cross an ocean on a rubber boat.

that's all that there is to it
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