Lounge of The Russian-Ukrainian War

That’s an interesting comparison.

So if we compare it to the Ukrainian War, did America lose because they weren’t able to create a proper meat grinder in Afghanistan?

I agree with you that the “slow” complaints are stupid, just as the justification for them is stupid.

Russia can move slow if they feel they need to. That’s fine. People could be honest about it. That’s literally what the reports from the ground say. Ukrainians are entrenched, Ukrainians are putting up heavy resistance. Supposedly. There’s no other explanation. This is why it’s slow. I don’t even understand why you want to make Ukrainian soldiers seem like morons, that makes Russia look even worse.

The biggest issue with the “slow” thing like I tried to explain in my book above; is there nothing Russia can do outside of supplying rounds and drones? Is the strategy to shoot your way to victory?

I’m glad we got that out of the way so let’s continue. Ukrainians are getting massacred. WHAT does this even mean? It’s so retarded. War is the massacre. I don’t even understand how this is a talking point. It was retarded when people claimed Russia is running out of ammo and it’s equally retarded when people talk about a manpower shortage because they’re all dead supposedly. The 300 hohols, best of the best, have fallen. Russia is through the gates. The reality is there’s always more men to sacrifice.

So let’s recap:
  • Ukraine is running out men.
  • Ukraine is bankrupt.
  • Ukraine is running out of everything.
So then if we have common sense we have to ask ourselves WHY? WHY? Why are they going slow? What is the problem? Is everyone insane? Is this some kind of sick genocide of the male population according to you? What is even happening here?

I threw you a bone. I don’t even care about this slow BS. I care about what it is all for. Something we can all discuss, but once again even here we have to go in circles. They’re defeating the west by doing nothing. When they sell gas to China they make Uncle Sam suffer. What is this? Am I in an insane asylum?

You forget that there is much ruin in a nation.

Ukraine received a quarter of a trillion dollars already, which is more money then they've ever made in the history of their country, so naturally it will take years for Russia to blast their way through so much military equipment.

Money is always the limiting factor in war, not manpower, and so, in reality, Russia is actually fighting the USA's pocketbook. It was never going to be easy despite what some pro-Russian guys were saying.

America had massive stockpiles of military equipment at the start of the war, and we're probably not even halfway through depleting them. There is still political will to fund Ukraine's war inside of the USA, and still millions of Ukrainians left to conscript across Ukraine and the EU.

You should stop criticizing the pro-Russia guys, who are obviously wrong, and focus on the pro-stalemate guys, like me, who have yet to be proven wrong once during this war. Both the pro-USA and pro-Russia guys have gotten it all wrong. Both sides are competent, and this war was always going to last decades since both sides are equally powerful in many different ways.
You forget that there is much ruin in a nation.

Ukraine received a quarter of a trillion dollars already, which is more money then they've ever made in the history of their country, so naturally it will take years for Russia to blast their way through so much military equipment.

Money is always the limiting factor in war, not manpower, and so, in reality, Russia is actually fighting the USA's pocketbook. It was never going to be easy despite what some pro-Russian guys were saying.

America had massive stockpiles of military equipment at the start of the war, and we're probably not even halfway through depleting them. There is still political will to fund Ukraine's war inside of the USA, and still millions of Ukrainians left to conscript across Ukraine and the EU.

You should stop criticizing the pro-Russia guys, who are obviously wrong, and focus on the pro-stalemate guys, like me, who have yet to be proven wrong once during this war. Both the pro-USA and pro-Russia guys have gotten it all wrong. Both sides are competent, and this war was always going to last decades since both sides are equally powerful in many different ways.
Agree with you that's it's basically a stalemate, and this should be very obvious to anyone who's not emotionally committed to either side. However, Ukrainians I know on the ground over there mostly seem to suspect that there will some kind of treaty with Russia within a year or so. Personally, I think that if Ukraine can get a deal where they keep Kharkov and Odessa they should jump at that. Just like they should have jumped at the original Minsk agreements.
The question I have is how on earth they didn't anticipate the push. Russia has full satellite ISR which would have observed the staging movements of troops and equipment.
More and more are speculating that the Russians knew about it and let it happen to easily annihilate the best remaining Ukrainian brigades.

I'm skeptical about this theory, but it's definitely possible. It's certainly much easier to destroy these brigades on your own turf using flexible defense to ambush them in forested areas than on the offensive in the heavily fortified and urbanized Donbass.

There's tons of footage coming out on a daily basis of Ukrainian DRGs getting absolutely smashed in ambushes in Kursk. The carnage we're seeing rivals the absolute mauling inflicted on the Ukrainians in the summer 2022 by the elite Russian VDV paratroopers` in their defense of Kherson region on the right bank of the Dnieper before their November 2022 withdrawal. See below from a reliable commentator on X:

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The question I have is how on earth they didn't anticipate the push. Russia has full satellite ISR which would have observed the staging movements of troops and equipment.
I think the Russians did know, and allowed it to happen. The last Ukie reserves are now going to get smashed in a pointless Hail Mary exercise. They went to Lukashenko to agree a joint pull-back from the Belarus border. This freed up the troops for the Kursk operation. There is no way that Putin was not informed of the deal. The Russian would have known what they were up to and told Lukashenko to agree. The whole Northern border has greatly decreased its protection. Lukashenko has now moved troops back to the border.

There is nothing for the Ukies in the open rural terrain of Kursk. They will not get to the Kursk power plant, their logistics will not stretch that far.

It is a trap, and will become the graveyard of their last reserves. After they are gone, Kiev will get a visit by all the troops stationed in Belarus.
Agree with you that's it's basically a stalemate, and this should be very obvious to anyone who's not emotionally committed to either side. However, Ukrainians I know on the ground over there mostly seem to suspect that there will some kind of treaty with Russia within a year or so. Personally, I think that if Ukraine can get a deal where they keep Kharkov and Odessa they should jump at that. Just like they should have jumped at the original Minsk agreements.

But you miss the point. It was in Ukraine's interest to keep the Minsk agreement, but they did not. Likewise, it would be in their interest to take a new agreement so they can keep what they have. Yet when has Ukraine's interest ever been a consideration?

That's why it's not going to happen. Because this has never been about Ukraine's interest, only (((America's))) interest. And the Talmuds want war, they want to conquer Russia. Ukraine means nothing and will not exist by the time the war with Russia is finished.

Pretty much the only way to pause the war against Russia at this point is a Trump victory, who would at least try to halt the war. Provided of course Trump isn't impeached, he would sign a ceasefire with Putin because the war is bankrupting America, not that the Talmudic Jews care. But even in this best case scenario, as soon as Trump is gone the odds of the war resuming in Ukraine are north of 90%.
It's insane how many people on the Ukraine subreddit buy into all the mainstream propaganda.

Some quotes from different members:

This is getting slightly understandably not understandable. Putin is literally exhausting material and personal at an alarming rate which will drive the Russian economy into third world levels quickly, but why? Is it purely delusional or a heinous long game as a way of rebuilding Russia to fit world politics/policies without admitting to the failure of communism in modern idealism? Or is it a way of carving one's own name into history? My disturbing take from this is that the amount of money being spent in this skirmish would cure a lot of homeless problems. But then again there is no money to be made from being nice

The citizens of the Kursk region will experience how it is to live under the rule of a democratic, civilized and responsible government, if only for a few months or years, until the 1991 border is reestablished.

I hope Ukraine chips away at Russia one region at a time until Putin has no choice but to surrender.
Riddle me this, if Russia can’t deny a press pass for a BBC jew, how do you figure they will win anything?

Before the democracy lovers chime in here’s a wiki article, people do get charged under this all the time.

He's been in Russia since the early 1990s and knows a lot of very important people.
In the past 35 years he has interviewed Gorbachev, Lukashenko and Putin
I think at this stage they know he's not someone to be worried about.
I think the Russians did know, and allowed it to happen. The last Ukie reserves are now going to get smashed in a pointless Hail Mary exercise.
I'm reading more and more that suggests this.
In fact, it's typical Russian strategy to use their land as a weapon itself--it's how both Napoleon and Hitler were defeated despite winning major battles in Russian territory.

It's what the west calls "defense-in depth."

I've read some things that go so far as to suggest that Russia even de-mined the area Ukraine was planning to attack, to allow them deeper into Russian territory. I don't believe that and it seems like a cope (why not just kill a bunch with your mines--we have already seen the remaining troops will generally keep attacking even when there is no hope). But I think it's very likely this was known and a planned technique for killing off some of the last elite Ukrainians.

The main thing that gives me pause to the 4D Chess Russia Theory of Kursk is that Russia is a sane country that cares about its own people, and I'm not sure it would allow innocent civilians to be put at risk for this operation to succeed. Putin has never risked innocent Russian (or even Ukrainian) civilians for military gain.

However, the fact that many of these troops are reportedly Polish/British/French/American may have been enticing enough that the Russian command didn't want to risk scaring them off by evacuating towns, and saw this group of NATO troops too tempting to pass up.

Some good evidence for this theory is that Russia pulled NO frontline troops to respond to Kursk. If it was really an existential emergency for Russia, they would have pulled many nearby troops to respond, but instead they calmly cut off supply lines, surrounded the invaders, and begin destroying and starving them from a distance.

The Ukrainian plan is already backfiring: Russia was set to sign an agreement that electricity and certain infrastructure would be off limits for attacks. Now Russia has backed out just before the meeting was to happen.

Ukraine and Russia were set to send delegations to Doha this month to negotiate a landmark agreement halting strikes on energy and power infrastructure on both sides, diplomats and officials familiar with the discussions said, in what would have amounted to a partial cease-fire and offered a reprieve for both countries.

The official said the two sides agreed to a summit in Doha with just minor details left to be worked out.

“After Kursk, the Russians balked,”
I'm reading more and more that suggests this.
In fact, it's typical Russian strategy to use their land as a weapon itself--it's how both Napoleon and Hitler were defeated despite winning major battles in Russian territory.

It's what the west calls "defense-in depth."

I've read some things that go so far as to suggest that Russia even de-mined the area Ukraine was planning to attack, to allow them deeper into Russian territory. I don't believe that and it seems like a cope (why not just kill a bunch with your mines--we have already seen the remaining troops will generally keep attacking even when there is no hope). But I think it's very likely this was known and a planned technique for killing off some of the last elite Ukrainians.

The main thing that gives me pause to the 4D Chess Russia Theory of Kursk is that Russia is a sane country that cares about its own people, and I'm not sure it would allow innocent civilians to be put at risk for this operation to succeed. Putin has never risked innocent Russian (or even Ukrainian) civilians for military gain.

However, the fact that many of these troops are reportedly Polish/British/French/American may have been enticing enough that the Russian command didn't want to risk scaring them off by evacuating towns, and saw this group of NATO troops too tempting to pass up.

Some good evidence for this theory is that Russia pulled NO frontline troops to respond to Kursk. If it was really an existential emergency for Russia, they would have pulled many nearby troops to respond, but instead they calmly cut off supply lines, surrounded the invaders, and begin destroying and starving them from a distance.

The Ukrainian plan is already backfiring: Russia was set to sign an agreement that electricity and certain infrastructure would be off limits for attacks. Now Russia has backed out just before the meeting was to happen.

Short version:

It's always been very easy for a foreign hostile army to invade Russia.....but later on it's almost impossible to get out.