Lounge of The Russian-Ukrainian War

Because you have a third-rate army fighting against a third-rate army. One has fancy Western gadgets, the other has nuclear weapons. Aside from those aspects, they are both third-rate clearly.
3rd rate compared to what though?
Israel supposedly/allegedly has one of the best in the world but they can't even deal with a few tunnels and a land area that is tiny compared to the front lines in the Ukraine.
The US hasn't fought a peer/near-peer directly for decades so there's no way of knowing how it will stack up, except for the fact that much of its mil equipment sent to the Ukraine is quite underwhelming at best and obsolete in many cases.
Because you have a third-rate army fighting against a third-rate army. One has fancy Western gadgets, the other has nuclear weapons. Aside from those aspects, they are both third-rate clearly.

This is largely a pinprick win and morale booster for Ukraine/NATO, they caught Russia with its pants down. I think the complacency is largely due to Russia having dominated the last year and completely annihilated Ukraine's last major offensive.

Russia has been fighting this war on 2nd or 3rd gear, minimizing their losses and keeping their economy running in peace mode for political reasons. It still has the best land army in the world today, and would today defeat NATO in an all-out war on its borders. NATO has no answer to Russia's stand-off weapon packages. The US has not fought a war without air dominance and against a peer army.

I do think however that this situation is not permanent, NATO and its allies in Asia could manufacture drones and missiles in large quantities a few years from now that are less vulnerable to Russian countermeasures, this would even out the odds down the road. Just because Russia has neutralized every NATO weapon system to date doesn't mean that it can block the next ones, which are being specifically developed for the Russian front.
It's twitter, so take it with a grain of salt but there are reports of at least two separate attacks on Russian military installations within Russia by the Ukrainians. These appear to be major attacks with powerful missiles which would have been provided by the West.
The critiques of Russia's supposed negligence in allowing a bunch of UA troops to cross the border and start shooting at civilians and doing terrorism are somewhat overblown. On the one hand, although it is quite lengthy, one would expect some contingency plans for an attack anywhere along the RU/UA border. More importantly, Ukraine has shown itself to be both irrational and desperate, opting for terrorism and civilian deaths over battlefield gains (as seen in its weekly attacks on the supposed "Ukrainian citizens" it kills when it attacks Crimea indiscriminantly with bombs and missiles. So there should have been some preparation for something like this.

And Russia makes things worse for itself, by going with old Soviet-style disavowals. I don't believe much of anything that comes out the mouth of a US official, but it's pretty absurd that Russia has declared they have already stopped the invaders... 6 times!

On the other hand, this was an illogical and futile move that achieves nothing militarily, and it is extremely difficult if not impossible to prevent someone from striking out in anger and killing random innocent people (most of the world realizes this; the US has become aware over the past 2 decades).

If, say, some loonies from Mexico wanted to pop across the border and murder American civilians at random, this would be quite successful. And assuming the loonies decided to remain in the US, it would take a while to mobilize troops and repel them, easily days if it was in a populated area and they were behaving suicidally as the Ukrainians are.

Even pro-Ukrainians are criticizing this move as idiotic:

I think all we are seeing here, is Ukraine's desperation to show they are able to do anything other than retreat and die: Their heavily advertised offensive operation was a total failure, and then Russia has been able to push the line almost everywhere they attack, and I believe this border incursion is used as evidence that the Ukraine army still functions, to show the west that they deserve more money and weapons (and indeed you see the NAFO types eating it up, as they have been desperate for any kind of good news for over a year).

However, one must question the point of PR for PR's sake when there are no actual victories. Everything Ukraine has been sent gets blown up without changing the odds, so why do a risky PR play for more weapons? What is the point of more weapons and money, other than to slow Russia's inevitable victory (and in the process, make Russia less amenable to your peace terms, the longer the conflict takes).

There is still the fact that neither side seems to take this conflict as seriously as they should: As The Spectator reports here, Ukraine is still receiving $750 million annually in gas transit fees for Russian gas going to Hungary, Slovakia, Austria, and Czech (why!). They posit that the motive for this attack was to control the pipeline, which has a transit station in the town of Sudzha near Kursk, where they attacked.
Yet does this really matter? Time will tell if it was a sensible gamble or not, but those Strykers could have been put to good use in the desperate defense of such Donbas bastions as Chasyv Yar, and already the Ukrainians are losing men and materiel. Taking villages against scattered light forces taken unawares is also a great deal more straightforward that holding them, especially as Russian airpower and Lancet loitering munitions start to take their toll on Ukraine’s supply lines. Call it audacity or call its desperation, but the attack clearly demonstrates that Kyiv felt the need to change the narrative.
Unless one wants to live in a permanently militarized police state, there is essentially no protection against an illogical and random killing of civilians. Indeed, it happens weekly right here in the US (over 40 mass killings in 2023).
However, one must question the point of PR for PR's sake when there are no actual victories. Everything Ukraine has been sent gets blown up without changing the odds, so why do a risky PR play for more weapons? What is the point of more weapons and money, other than to slow Russia's inevitable victory (and in the process, make Russia less amenable to your peace terms, the longer the conflict takes).

Well this is easy to answer, it's because when a multi-billion aid package comes into Ukraine Zelensky and friends make hundreds of millions of dollars.

They fear the war is losing steam, and want to secure another $70 billion before the Biden admin is up. The soldiers whose lives are thrown away like trash bags do not matter at all to the leadership of Ukraine. Indeed if Ukraine has a pyrrhic victory at Kursk that causes the entire country to collapse, it will be worth it to Ukrainian leadership because of how great the money involved is.
I don’t think people understand how bad this looks from a PR standpoint.

The biggest issue is the supposed collapse of Ukrainian lines people keep bragging about. This is not going to to happen. So this narrative “it doesn’t matter, Ukraine is about to lose anyway” is false.

Russia has not been fighting a war. They don’t even call it a war. There will never be any winning in this war as people imagine it. It is clear that aside from the literal front line, zero effort is being made for the strategic defeat of Ukraine, and a strategic defeat of the west isn’t even uttered.

If you’re not blind then you see that the Russian general staff has only one directive. Reach the regional borders in Ukraine which they’re doing with great difficulty, probably 70/30 due to corruption/incompetence. This directive has been heavily accelerated for Donbass so Russia expects negotiations soon which might border on a surrender after all is said and done. Russia needs a carrot on a stick for the population. They want to reach Donbass borders.

The only thing Russia CAN hypothetically do is Reach the border of Donbass in the near future [year(s)]. There will ABSOLUTELY not be a military campaign to conquer Ukraine or force it to be a vessel or something.

Russia should be taken literally when they say they’re fighting “terrorists”. The whole Russian army is strictly, strictly on a search and destroy mission. Any operational success will just involve them marching to the next fortified area.

This is where conspiracy theories come in.

What people need to understand is it’s Russia that wants PR pyrrhic victory. It is Russia that is trying to achieve this. Ukraine invasion of Russia proper has now nullified their ability to do it.

So even if you want to say Ukrainian defense lines are collapsing then the Jews in Ukraine have did this on purpose to spite Russia. To make sure they can’t declare victory.

If the Ukrainian war effort collapses then negotiations would begin immediately and Russia would run, run to these negotiations. They will because they’re clowns.

The next day I will come on here and read comments like “the important thing is people are not dying anymore”.
NATO and its allies in Asia could manufacture drones and missiles in large quantities a few years from now that are less vulnerable to Russian countermeasures, this would even out the odds down the road. Just because Russia has neutralized every NATO weapon system to date doesn't mean that it can block the next ones, which are being specifically developed for the Russian front.
I understand what you're saying here Cooper but is this not like closing the proverbial stable door after the horse has bolted?Are the Russians going to just sit on their hands for the next couple of years whilst NATO and its' allies play hardware catch up?I don't think so.NATO et al are already years behind Russia in the manufacturing/production arms race.How are they going to catch up?
The Russians are learning from their mistakes and adjusting accordingly on the battlefield,in real time.NATO fags are gaming the conflict by watching videos on telegram channels like you and I.
The Ukrainian troops for the Kursk operation were taken from the Belarus border zone, after some kind of agreement where Belarusian troops were pulled back.
This has left the border mostly unprotected, and Belarus has now moved troops back to the border. There is little to stop a march on Kiev.
Ukraine has messed up badly. They were going for the Kursk Nuclear Power Plant, probably to blackmail Russia, or just blow it up to spite them.
They failed, the Kursk group is going to get annihilated, and perhaps a move on Kiev will happen.
Russia has not been fighting a war. They don’t even call it a war.

If you’re not blind then you see that the Russian general staff has only one directive. Reach the regional borders in Ukraine which they’re doing with great difficulty, probably 70/30 due to corruption/incompetence.

The only thing Russia CAN hypothetically do is Reach the border of Donbass in the near future [year(s)]. There will ABSOLUTELY not be a military campaign to conquer Ukraine or force it to be a vessel or something.

Russia should be taken literally when they say they’re fighting “terrorists”. The whole Russian army is strictly, strictly on a search and destroy mission. Any operational success will just involve them marching to the next fortified area.

This is where conspiracy theories come in.

What people need to understand is it’s Russia that wants PR pyrrhic victory. It is Russia that is trying to achieve this. Ukraine invasion of Russia proper has now nullified their ability to do it.
Russia(President Putin) from day one stated that the Russian military response to NATO creep was a Special Military Operation(SMO).This a level below a full declaration of war by Russia which would require Russian Parliamentary approval and full mobilisation.This obviously has not happened and by the look of things, is not even required and NAto sees this.
One of the stated objectives of the SMO was to deplete Ukraine's ability to wage war in the future.This in my opinion is being done quite successfully by the Russians to wit, the 'meat grinder' aka Bahkmut, was a good example of luring in Ukrainian foot soldiers to be annihilated. Chasov Yar was always the second meat grinder after Bahkmut.The fluidity of the front lines merely put back the timing for the assault on Chasov Yar.

If the Russians are incompetent in your eyes,what does that make Stoltenberg,Von Der Leyen and Sergeant Schultz et al?
One of the stated objectives of the SMO was to deplete Ukraine's ability to wage war in the future.This in my opinion is being done quite successfully by the Russians to wit, the 'meat grinder' aka Bahkmut, was a good example of luring in Ukrainian foot soldiers to be annihilated. Chasov Yar was always the second meat grinder after Bahkmut.The fluidity of the front lines merely put back the timing for the assault on Chasov Yar.

First that is not the objective of the war, war isn’t a tower defence game, and it doesn’t even make sense.

There two prevailing narratives, vaguely three, in regards to the war from hundreds of public statements.

The first is it’s defensive war to protect the Russian speaking population. I won’t use the “Nazi” label they use in Russia but the frequency of its use gives you a clue as to how they justify it to the population. Basically there is general hostility in Ukraine to the Russian population and Ukraine has used paramilitary group to repress them. If you read about it then it’s pretty clear the whole thing got pretty nasty, and the Russian separatists were the straw that broke the camel’s back where hardline Ukrainians borderline feel there needs to be a final solution.

The interesting thing here is I’ve already made a post a long time ago saying that there is hostility to Russians everywhere. The Baltic states are the easiest example to find for the western audience. So you can make parallels of Ukraine with like 10 countries, especially the Muslim ones. Countries that Russia loves doing business with and importing their savages as a workforce. The Turks, Azeris, Kazakhs, Kyrgies, etc all have a significant hostile population towards Russia. I don’t have a grand revelation here but it’s nice food for thought that isn’t mentioned in alt-media.

So if you use this justification for the war then Russia’s goal is to conquer “friendly” territory and to create a buffer zone since Ukies love shelling everything. This has not been achieved. You can double down here and say they first need to deplete Ukie military potential to the last man. Not inspiring and indicative of incompetence.

“Meat grinder” is a bravado phrase popularized I’m pretty sure by Prigo. Let’s use a synonym. The Russians are massacring the Ukie soldiers, it’s a bloodbath. Sounds stupid, immoral and inaccurate. Russia stormed Bakhmut not the other way around. This is a major reason there are so many white nationalists who take issue with this war.

The second narrative is NATO encroachment. Finland joined NATO. Ukraine is as hostile as it’s ever been. Russia has done nothing to deter NATO. A justification that the morons can argue amongst themselves with in my opinion.

The third vague narrative is one that guys like Medvedev vaguely allure to. This is the one where Russia has willingly entered into a civilizational war with the west, has restored the Empire and is spanking Ukraine back into line. Aside from them making some light anti-LGBT progress there is zero indication, evidence or stated goals that such a thing is happening.
So if you use this justification for the war then Russia’s goal is to conquer “friendly” territory and to create a buffer zone since Ukies love shelling everything. This has not been achieved. You can double down here and say they first need to deplete Ukie military potential to the last man. Not inspiring and indicative of incompetence.

The second narrative is NATO encroachment. Finland joined NATO. Ukraine is as hostile as it’s ever been. Russia has done nothing to deter NATO.

The third vague narrative is one that guys like Medvedev vaguely allure to. This is the one where Russia has willingly entered into a civilizational war with the west, has restored the Empire and is spanking Ukraine back into line. Aside from them making some light anti-LGBT progress there is zero indication, evidence or stated goals that such a thing is happening.
This is all stuff we all know and agree on. A lot of these are pretty obvious observations that were posted back in 2022. Ukraine On Fire from 2016 revealed that Ukraine was shelling its own people (funny how that doesn't have the same impact on the west that "gas" does) and yes, Russia intervened when it had finally had enough of thousands of Russian speakers getting killed (much as the US would probably invade Mexico if there were thousands of American speakers getting killed (there was a big story about a large Mormon family being killed in northern Mexico a year or two ago).

None of the above is false. It's just that everyone accepts these premises, even the NAFO shills, at this point.

Yes, it's obvious the full criteria of the SMO have not been achieved yet; that is why it is still ongoing.

Russia has done nothing to deter NATO? It has been trying to negotiate with the west for years on precisely this point. The SMO in itself hasn't collapsed NATO (though many argue it has been weakened), but that was never an aim of the SMO. So why bring it up?

Russia is making "light-Anti-LGBT progress"? In comparison to whom?
What first world nation has ANY anti-LGBT policies? In Russia gay pride parades are banned. You cannot do drag time story hours to children. And most importantly, gays are not seen as the elite class to be pridefully venerated, but instead something to be ashamed of.
This is bad because... they are not throwing gays off buildings or something?

That's just a weird complaint. The same way about the only real criticism we see of Russia is "they aren't winning fast enough tho."
Fast enough compared to what?
Russia is operating under their own timetable, not that of internet bloggers.

And there is a lot of evidence that the longer Russia drags this out, the better it is for BRICS, and the global geopolitics of a declining America/NATO (the Ukraine position is very unpopular outside the Anglo-American vassal states and we are seeing independent nations waving Russian flags in the streets, the same way you would see people wave American flags as a symbol of freedom in the days of Communism).

New evidence here:

British Airways described London-Beijing as “one of our most important routes”.
From October to at least November 2025 the carrier will not fly to the capital of China.

European carriers are not currently able to enter Russian airspace which makes flying to China more challenging as it takes a few hours longer than it used to.
It is one of many Western airlines avoiding Russian airspace, which is adding to their flight times, fuel costs and complexity over how they deploy crew and aircraft.

and here:
Large corporations such as BASF are closing factories because management no longer believes it can efficiently produce essential chemicals. There is a trend of deindustrialization.

Anyway, the US waged war against the Afghanis for 20 years, before losing to them. Saying Russia should "hurry up" and fix a demographic problem that has existed for many decades along its border, when it is 2 years into solving this problem, is rather silly.

The social and practical reasons for this slow grind have been discussed in this thread already. But, playing Devil's Advocate, even if Russia wanted to do things faster, and they just can't, so what? They are still winning, and Ukraine has no path to victory, where they arguably did a year ago.

There are huge social, moral, and economic costs to having a behemoth military like America does. Should Russians make those sacrifices so they can defeat the Hohols faster? Why? So they could end up more like America?

The Kursk incursion seems to have been finally stopped (after several premature announcements by the Russians).

The few photos of Ukrainian flags right across Russia's border turned out to be not much of a PR victory.. even western establishment media is pretty negative of the situation:
The hospital ward reeks of the sacrifice: soil, blood, and stale sweat. Foil burn-dressings line the corridor. In the yard, the patients, some wrapped like mummies from head to toe in bandages, smoke furiously. Angol, a 28-year-old paratrooper with the 33rd brigade, looks like a Christmas tree. His left arm is immobilised in a fixation device. Tubes, bags and wires protrude from his body. He was also about 30km into Russia when his luck ran out. He isn’t sure if it was artillery or a bomb that hit him. Maybe it was friendly fire; there was a lot of that.

This puts into perspective the large front Russia must defend; it is simply not practical to cover thousands of km of territory, and incursions like this are possible in any nation, as border checkpoints are sparse and not militarized. Nor should we want them to be.

The current front line in Ukraine is over 1,200 km long, the border between Ukraine and Russia proper adds 2,295 kms of frontier to active combat frontlines, to defend its entire length in depth is essentially impossible while fighting an advancing assault in the East.
This sort of incursion could easily happen in the middle of nowhere along one of America's borders, if a crazy gay Jewish dictator wanted to send a thousand armed Mexican military men to cause havoc and mayhem randomly among the population of a small border town. Russia can be criticized for taking 6 days to quell the invasion, I suppose, but war is full of these types of operations. Even in Iraq and Afghanistan where Americans had large multiples of manpower advantages, and air supremacy, there were still incidents where the locals ambushed and pushed back American forces.

Anyway, one only has to look at the Ukraine News and Battle Reports thread to see the large gains Russia has been making militarily while the Ukies try to shoot at passenger cars and run around like crazies before they get killed in this pointless stunt. And they wasted 3 brigades on this, two of them elite brigades trained in Britain and Germany for weeks.

In the coming days, Russia will take New York, Chasiv Yar, and Toretsk. And this incursion into Kursk will be totally forgotten.
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More importantly, the Russian army is 15km from Pokrovsk, the most important logistics hub in Donbass. The Russians are advancing 500m/a few kms daily and have not slowed down at all since the Kursk PR incursion started. The main railroads that are used to supply the Ukrainian army in Donbass go through this town.

Once Pokrovsk falls, the logistical situation of the Ukrainian army will be seriously degraded.
Anyway, the US waged war against the Afghanis for 20 years, before losing to them. Saying Russia should "hurry up" and fix a demographic problem that has existed for many decades along its border, when it is 2 years into solving this problem, is rather silly.
That’s an interesting comparison.

So if we compare it to the Ukrainian War, did America lose because they weren’t able to create a proper meat grinder in Afghanistan?

I agree with you that the “slow” complaints are stupid, just as the justification for them is stupid.

Russia can move slow if they feel they need to. That’s fine. People could be honest about it. That’s literally what the reports from the ground say. Ukrainians are entrenched, Ukrainians are putting up heavy resistance. Supposedly. There’s no other explanation. This is why it’s slow. I don’t even understand why you want to make Ukrainian soldiers seem like morons, that makes Russia look even worse.

The biggest issue with the “slow” thing like I tried to explain in my book above; is there nothing Russia can do outside of supplying rounds and drones? Is the strategy to shoot your way to victory?

I’m glad we got that out of the way so let’s continue. Ukrainians are getting massacred. WHAT does this even mean? It’s so retarded. War is the massacre. I don’t even understand how this is a talking point. It was retarded when people claimed Russia is running out of ammo and it’s equally retarded when people talk about a manpower shortage because they’re all dead supposedly. The 300 hohols, best of the best, have fallen. Russia is through the gates. The reality is there’s always more men to sacrifice.

So let’s recap:
  • Ukraine is running out men.
  • Ukraine is bankrupt.
  • Ukraine is running out of everything.
So then if we have common sense we have to ask ourselves WHY? WHY? Why are they going slow? What is the problem? Is everyone insane? Is this some kind of sick genocide of the male population according to you? What is even happening here?

I threw you a bone. I don’t even care about this slow BS. I care about what it is all for. Something we can all discuss, but once again even here we have to go in circles. They’re defeating the west by doing nothing. When they sell gas to China they make Uncle Sam suffer. What is this? Am I in an insane asylum?
I don’t think people understand how bad this looks from a PR standpoint.

The biggest issue is the supposed collapse of Ukrainian lines people keep bragging about. This is not going to to happen. So this narrative “it doesn’t matter, Ukraine is about to lose anyway” is false.

Russia has not been fighting a war. They don’t even call it a war. There will never be any winning in this war as people imagine it. It is clear that aside from the literal front line, zero effort is being made for the strategic defeat of Ukraine, and a strategic defeat of the west isn’t even uttered.

If you’re not blind then you see that the Russian general staff has only one directive. Reach the regional borders in Ukraine which they’re doing with great difficulty, probably 70/30 due to corruption/incompetence. This directive has been heavily accelerated for Donbass so Russia expects negotiations soon which might border on a surrender after all is said and done. Russia needs a carrot on a stick for the population. They want to reach Donbass borders.

The only thing Russia CAN hypothetically do is Reach the border of Donbass in the near future [year(s)]. There will ABSOLUTELY not be a military campaign to conquer Ukraine or force it to be a vessel or something.

Russia should be taken literally when they say they’re fighting “terrorists”. The whole Russian army is strictly, strictly on a search and destroy mission. Any operational success will just involve them marching to the next fortified area.

This is where conspiracy theories come in.

What people need to understand is it’s Russia that wants PR pyrrhic victory. It is Russia that is trying to achieve this. Ukraine invasion of Russia proper has now nullified their ability to do it.

So even if you want to say Ukrainian defense lines are collapsing then the Jews in Ukraine have did this on purpose to spite Russia. To make sure they can’t declare victory.

If the Ukrainian war effort collapses then negotiations would begin immediately and Russia would run, run to these negotiations. They will because they’re clowns.

The next day I will come on here and read comments like “the important thing is people are not dying anymore”.
The Russian General Staff does not care about looking bad. Their goal is to annihilate the Ukrainian army to force the Ukrainian government to surrender. The Ukrainians just handed them a golden opportunity to accelerate this.

Sure, it looks like the Russian General Staff was caught off guard and failed to prevent this offensive. However, not that is has happened, they are seizing this opportunity to destroy what is left of Ukraine's elite brigades. Russia has tens if not hundreds of thousands of soldiers they could rush to Kursk to crush this Ukrainian force, but this would be a mistake from their point of view as it would force the Ukrainians to retreat. However, by only adding a comparable force numerically they are sucking them in and inciting them to double and triple down, which is what the Ukrainians are doing. The Ukrainians are sending more and more reserves that are being wiped out by ambushes in forested areas by flexible defense.

See below a good explanation of Russian tactics in Kursk:

After the failure of the Istanbul negotiations, Ukraine conscripted their population and conducted the Kharkov offensive of summer 2022. The Russians then understood that they were in a total, existential war against the Ukrainians. The Ukrainians and the Western powers refused to accept a perfectly acceptable settlement and pushed for a strategic defeat from Russia. Russia has had the opportunity for a while to carpet bomb much of Ukraine, destroy Kiev with strikes, and start a huge offensive to end it quickly. However, when faced with an enemy who is waging total war, you have to destroy your enemy's military potential for good. If you do not do that, the enemy will recover and wage war against you again in the near future to defeat you strategically. Since Ukraine is continuously mobilizing its male population, Russia is successfully annihilating Ukraine's male population, neutralizing it as a potential threat for decades to come. Furthermore, as John Mearsheimer has said repeatedly, Russia is in the process of wrecking Ukraine as a state to prevent it from being used as a battering ram by the USA ever again. Much of Ukraine's electric grid is gone and its industries are wrecked.

I'm not sure how the war will end, but it will end in Ukraine's unconditional surrender and what is left of Ukraine will be a very poor and miserable place.
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