Lounge of The Russian-Ukrainian War

A Russian pilot who defected to Ukraine with his helicopter last year was found dead in an underground garage in Spain last week, his body riddled with bullets, Ukrainian and Spanish media reported on Monday.
Spain's state news agency EFE reported that a body found on Feb 13 in the town of Villajoyosa, near Alicante in southern Spain, belonged to pilot Maxim Kuzminov, who had landed in Ukraine with his Mi-8 helicopter last August. He had been living in Spain with a Ukrainian passport under a different name, it said.
Spain's La Informacion newspaper, which first reported the shooting, said investigators were searching for two suspects who had fled in a vehicle that was later found burnt out in a nearby town.

in the Putin interview he stated he spoke with Zelensky and asked why he was doing this since his dad fought against Nazis. Russia has a strong intelligence service, why not just Polonium Zelensky? Note I am not condoning this action, just asking the obvious question.
in the Putin interview he stated he spoke with Zelensky and asked why he was doing this since his dad fought against Nazis. Russia has a strong intelligence service, why not just Polonium Zelensky? Note I am not condoning this action, just asking the obvious question.
And what would getting rid of Zelensky do ?
He's not really in charge of anything, he can be easily replaced, and his demise would only turn him into a martyr and re-galvanize the (already tired) west.

Self-righteous leftists insisting on everyone calling the towns "Kiiv" or "Kharkiv", or "Zaporizhzhia", etc. instead of the long-standing normal Anglicised names drive me crazy. These same people would expect me to pronounce Paris with a French accent, or call it Venezia or Firenze, or München, in the middle of an English sentence.
And what would getting rid of Zelensky do ?
He's not really in charge of anything, he can be easily replaced, and his demise would only turn him into a martyr and re-galvanize the (already tired) west.
Zelensky running things is an benefit to Russia. I mean, sure, replacing him up until 2 years ago with someone who could have avoided war, if that were a viable option, would make sense. But once war is declared, the guy is nuts and other than getting expensive weaponry that has prolonged the conflict, he has made every major strategic decision poorly. He doesn't behave logically and I've never heard of anyone in history handling warfare the way he does (a combination of unrestricted emotion and complete lack of strategic vision, insisting on insane goals instead of suing for peace or making proposals that have any chance of success). The Ukraine attitude towards their enemy can only be described as comic book silliness.

If he were removed, say, in a coup, there would be immediate calls for a truce with Russia. If the conflict continues, Russia stands to gain Odessa and perhaps more. Not that Russia wanted any of this, but blood has been spilled and as long as this continues, the more the NATO allies suffer (big news that Germany has been in economic decline for 4 quarters now). Russia is not likely to attack these enemies like Germany, UK, USA, so this is one of the best ways to hurt them, without being directly blamed. The longer the war continues, the more NATO enemies suffer. And we are even seeing the acceleration of the end of the Petrodollar, which will be when America ceases to operate globally.

The only thing that makes me question this "Zelensky doesn't really run things" line is Putin's recent remark in the Tucker interview that of course Z runs things, he is the leader of the country and final authority rests with him. I don't know whether that was big brained propaganda from Putin, or whether he meant it as true, or merely that he runs things to the degree any one man can run anything in a "democracy." But, I think we all agree Zelensky could negotiate a truce tomorrow.
Self-righteous leftists insisting on everyone calling the towns "Kiiv" or "Kharkiv", or "Zaporizhzhia", etc. instead of the long-standing normal Anglicised names drive me crazy. These same people would expect me to pronounce Paris with a French accent, or call it Venezia or Firenze, or München, in the middle of an English sentence.
They don't expect that.
If they were consistent, calling the names of places the way people actually call them, that would be normal and fine.
But ask them what the capital of Berlin is and you're not going to get any sort of Deutchland answer from them.

They only do it as a form of lying, the same way they will pretend that men can become women and vice versa but then simultaneously won't believe women and men are the two opposite genders (of not just humans but all species).

The essense of evil is not that it tries to "beat" goodness, or have any sort of consistent strategy to win; it merely opposes Beauty, Truth, and Goodness, in this case, by lying.

I've always been annoyed by this American predilection for renaming things. I don't think other cultures do that. Mexicans might call it "Nueva York" but the place name is "York" and they leave it alone, with "new" just being the adjective modifier. People around the world will recognize when I talk about "Atlanta" as an airport I departed from or "Washington" as the capital of the USA. They don't try to halfheartedly translate the syllables into the local dialect. That said, I haven't looked into the historical pronunciation of KEEV or asked my Russian friends. I just assumed the renaming is all fake and gay, or they are just using the rules of Ukrainian, a fake new language that was recently invented. If we have indeed been mispronouncing KEEV all these years (Chicken Kiev?) then they are just picking an opportunistic time to lie and pretend they value local culture and language.
And what would getting rid of Zelensky do ?
He's not really in charge of anything, he can be easily replaced, and his demise would only turn him into a martyr and re-galvanize the (already tired) west.

You can look at it in the opposite way. He represents clown world, transgenderism, and is a propped up fake leader. Getting rid of him would represent Russia defeating those false inverted values.

Zelensky will never be a martyr. The people in the West don’t care about him, and he is a fool to think they do. He is just a tool or a useful idiot used by the west to try to weaken Russia.

The irony of it all is that Zelensky himself is either blinding himself to that or is too stupid to see it.

In the West we are losing all values and a persons worth is simply determined by how useful they are in the pure utilitarian sense if the self. We are no longer viewed as humans for most of the elites, just sophisticated monkeys destined for eventual termination.
And now children soldiers for Ukraine.

My brain really struggles to square how they have a complete Jewish dictatorship in Ukraine, and again and again I see videos of uniformed Ukrainians throwing nazi salutes. How are you a nazi fighting for a Jewish dictator? Maybe they're joking because Putin keeps calling them Nazis, so they just run with it? Wouldn't be the first time people appropriated an insult or slur and wore it with pride.

What is actually going on? Can someone with more understanding of Ukrainian culture explain this to me?
My brain really struggles to square how they have a complete Jewish dictatorship in Ukraine, and again and again I see videos of uniformed Ukrainians throwing nazi salutes. How are you a nazi fighting for a Jewish dictator? Maybe they're joking because Putin keeps calling them Nazis, so they just run with it? Wouldn't be the first time people appropriated an insult or slur and wore it with pride.

What is actually going on? Can someone with more understanding of Ukrainian culture explain this to me?
You will see this over and over across the globe. The satanic elites take the poor men, with little economic opportunity, and offer them money, women, and rewards to do their fighting for them. Now, if they told them they had to fight for transgender rights, and sodomy, most of these young men would say "no thank you, I would rather be poor". So, instead they correctly gaslight them and let them behave like "rebels fighting for their people" to garner support.

In Ukraine it is worshipping the Nazi resistance against the Soviets. The poor young men don't know that the Soviet Union is not Russia and that their leader is completely against National Socialism. They go fight, think they are fighting for their people, and get paid well for it. Until they die.

In the Middle East, they have ISIS, and tell them they are magically building a caliphate, despite fighting only against other Muslims and never against the invaders from the west.

I am sure they have some similar organization in Taiwan.

In the USA, they got the poor men to fight against the "towel heads". Anti-Muslim racism was once allowed in the west, before the borders were thrown wide open. I just saw the South Park last night where they make fun of Bin Ladin and the traditions in the middle east, which came out probably in 2002 or 2003.

Rinse and repeat. We must spread the word to educate these poor men to not fight on the side of the satanic elites.
My brain really struggles to square how they have a complete Jewish dictatorship in Ukraine, and again and again I see videos of uniformed Ukrainians throwing nazi salutes. How are you a nazi fighting for a Jewish dictator? Maybe they're joking because Putin keeps calling them Nazis, so they just run with it? Wouldn't be the first time people appropriated an insult or slur and wore it with pride.

What is actually going on? Can someone with more understanding of Ukrainian culture explain this to me?
What even worse is that when Russia invaded I remember seeing news footage of the jews escaping into Hungary and Romania by the busload. They had buses, trains, and planes waiting for them to shuttle them to other countries. Only the goyim die to protect the zionists.

As for nazis in the Ukraine..it's real. The Banderites have been there since WWII, afaik. They've just gone under the radar. When jews in the US were asked why they support them, they basically said something to the effect of "the Ukrainian nazis aren't killing jews, so we don't care". jews and nazis are not mutually exclusive. There were even jews in Hitler's NSDAP. Lots of material out there on that point...use Yandex.com for better search results.
You can look at it in the opposite way. He represents clown world, transgenderism, and is a propped up fake leader. Getting rid of him would represent Russia defeating those false inverted values.

Zelensky will never be a martyr. The people in the West don’t care about him, and he is a fool to think they do. He is just a tool or a useful idiot used by the west to try to weaken Russia.

The irony of it all is that Zelensky himself is either blinding himself to that or is too stupid to see it.

In the West we are losing all values and a persons worth is simply determined by how useful they are in the pure utilitarian sense if the self. We are no longer viewed as humans for most of the elites, just sophisticated monkeys destined for eventual termination.

Zelensky is still popular in the west, NPCs continue to swallow whatever slop the mainstream serves them with no questions asked, and the boomer-conservatives idolize him. If something would to happen to him, even a genuine accident, it would be immediately used to push another $100 billion package. That's the downside - what would be the upside ?
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My brain really struggles to square how they have a complete Jewish dictatorship in Ukraine, and again and again I see videos of uniformed Ukrainians throwing nazi salutes. How are you a nazi fighting for a Jewish dictator? Maybe they're joking because Putin keeps calling them Nazis, so they just run with it? Wouldn't be the first time people appropriated an insult or slur and wore it with pride.

What is actually going on? Can someone with more understanding of Ukrainian culture explain this to me?
I think most of those ukrainians are LARPers - they don't really adhere to the national socialist principles (they basically pawned their country to Black Rock and the likes). They simply use the symbols of WW2 era nationalists to build their national identity - anything else in their past, like the cossacks for example, is too tied to Russia.
My brain really struggles to square how they have a complete Jewish dictatorship in Ukraine, and again and again I see videos of uniformed Ukrainians throwing nazi salutes. How are you a nazi fighting for a Jewish dictator? Maybe they're joking because Putin keeps calling them Nazis, so they just run with it? Wouldn't be the first time people appropriated an insult or slur and wore it with pride.

What is actually going on? Can someone with more understanding of Ukrainian culture explain this to me?

The latest video from Modern Politics covers this exact question. It is becoming beyond ludicrous at this point with all the references to "Nazis". The term is used for propaganda purposes.

Watch from 35:00 to 46:00 for a nuanced discussion of this. I would recommend the entire video as well for an overview and analysis of the entire war so far.

Hopefully they don't put this behind their pay firewall but for now it's up.
