Lounge of The Russian-Ukrainian War

28 civilians died from Ukrainian airstrike on Donbass today. This had been going on for 9 years now. Donbass is not being protected sunce the war started, instead, Belgorod is being bombed now and a few died there.

Ukrainians are wasting their ammo on civilian targets while losing the war, seeking revenge. This one is easy to explain.

Yet Ukrainian leadership visits places like Kherson and Avdeevka, walks the streets in the open and leaves unharmed, there are no strikes on them. No strikes on important government agencies and objects in Ukraine.

Because not one of these puppets matter, and Russia knows it. Their main targets are all NATO generals and leadership, which are inside of the EU and Russia does not want to strike them in fear of Article 5.

Pipelines keep pumping right through Ukraine, unharmed, materials for Ukrainian fuels keep coming from Russia. There appear to be agreements in place. NATO weapons deliveries proceed unhindered since 2022. Shall I not say more. Very strange war.

Ukraine has a massive western border, I do not think it is possible to stop all shipments into Ukraine. Any rail lines blown up are easily repaired as well, it's just metal versus very expensive missiles.

So, most of your observations are easily explained, however, the situation with fuels is indeed revealing. It appears both EU and Russia are still co-dependent on each other to some degree, hence why the gas pipeline running through Ukraine continues to operate. They shut that off and energy prices will explode. Conversely, Russia is probably making record profits on their gas sold to the EU due to shortages caused by the Nordstream bombing, which means Russia would be looking at a massive deficit should they stop selling natural gas. So neither side is able or willing to turn off the gas completely, which is quite remarkable given the levels of violence in this war. It's proof that self-interest can be a strange thing.
So, most of your observations are easily explained, however, the situation with fuels is indeed revealing. It appears both EU and Russia are still co-dependent on each other to some degree, hence why the gas pipeline running through Ukraine continues to operate. They shut that off and energy prices will explode. Conversely, Russia is probably making record profits on their gas sold to the EU due to shortages caused by the Nordstream bombing, which means Russia would be looking at a massive deficit should they stop selling natural gas. So neither side is able or willing to turn off the gas completely, which is quite remarkable given the levels of violence in this war. It's proof that self-interest can be a strange thing.
The Druzhba pipeline, running through ukraine, delivers oil to Hungary (and is planned to extend into Serbia) - is not only an important revenue stream for Russia, but also an instrument of foreign policy.
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I'm of the opinion the Gaza/Hamas/Israel "conflict" is just another theatrical show piece to follow on the Ukrainian show.

On all sides:

- The fake Nova festival attack with flying buggies (are you serious?)
- The fake abduction videos
- The Gaza theatrics, i have seen literally 50+ videos of babies covered in dust found perfectly fine in the rubble, yeah right
- The dramatic bombings (controlled explosions)
- The fake iron dome theatrics
- The hospital attacks 😂 remember that from Ukraine?

I think no-one is dying in Gaza, I think a part of Northern Gaza a large movie set to spread kids from rubble images. Just theater for the next money grab.

This theatrical piece is a bit different from the Ukrainian one. We are meant to be divided on this one in communist fashion.

So in Europe we have on the same day; pro-Israel demonstrations and also pro-Palestine demonstrations. (which is different from Russia full bad)

It seems they need to constantly need to occupy our minds with one fake conflict after another.

"We've always been at war with Eastasia." - George Orwell, "1984"

This quote exemplifies the manipulation of historical records and the constant rewriting of the past to fit the current narrative. The enemy, whether it's Eurasia or Eastasia, is portrayed as an eternal foe to justify the oppressive policies of the ruling party. The fluidity of alliances and enemies serves the purpose of keeping the population in a perpetual state of confusion and fear.

That summarizes it well for me.

A perpetual state of confusion and fear.

Welcome in communism, welcome in 1984. I love big Brother.
Looks like the Ukraine shot 3 German or US missiles that took down a Russian plane carrying a load of Ukrainian POWs, who were going to be traded back for Russian ones.

“This is a Nazi regime, nurtured by [US President Joe] Biden, [French President Emmanuel] Macron, [German Chancellor Olaf] Scholz… they must understand their responsibility,” he added, urging Western legislators to impeach the aforementioned leaders.

Ukraine more and more actively recruits women, there are entire units consisting of women fighting now and they raised contract ceiling to 60 years old.
Ad promising women weight loss for serving in Ukrainian army, a woman lost 40lbs since signing up 🤡
Telegram commentary says if you step on a landmine you surely are guaranteed quick weight loss

That US State Department warmonger Toria Nuland, who seems to delight in condemning tens of thousands of people, mostly men, to death in a series of neocon-inspired color revolutions/wars, should be suiting up and going in as cannon fodder instead.

I get the distinct impression she was severely bullied in school and/or abused in her home life, so she compensates with this highly sadistic foreign policy.

People criticize John Bolton for being a chicken hawk who avoided military service, but he has nothing on the malicious cowardice of Toria Nuland.
Looks like the Ukraine shot 3 German or US missiles that took down a Russian plane carrying a load of Ukrainian POWs, who were going to be traded back for Russian ones.

“This is a Nazi regime, nurtured by [US President Joe] Biden, [French President Emmanuel] Macron, [German Chancellor Olaf] Scholz… they must understand their responsibility,” he added, urging Western legislators to impeach the aforementioned leaders.

Some Ukie sources are claiming that the cargo plane shot down was carrying S-300 missiles, not POWs. Not sure how trustworthy these sources are...

Some Ukie sources are claiming that the cargo plane shot down was carrying S-300 missiles, not POWs. Not sure how trustworthy these sources are...

I've already seen stories how ukrainian POWs broke free and hijacked the plane, which forced the Russians to shoot it down, or claims that the plane was carrying IRGC advisors / Russian special forces / Russian high command - so the S-300 cargo story isn't the only one floating around.
Leaving the team ukraine twitterati, or my personal views aside, I'm just gonna say that a single S-300 interceptor missile can weight anything between 1000lbs and 10 000lbs (roughly, depending on the variant) of rocket fuel and explosives - a planeload of those missiles exploding in the air would look like 4th of July.
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A moment of levity in this brutal war:

Video dubbed in English:

"He showed up alone to a huge group of Russian soldiers armed with a side weapon. When they didn't react to his orders he started to yell and threaten them with a pistol and of course was rapidly overtaken. #Russians traced where he came from and took over the next position

Reality is stranger than fiction. In the end I am sure he wasn't laughing. It illustrated that #Russians were able to make a quick progress and took over #Ukranian positions before the command was able to realize it

It actually happens frequently soldiers get separated, wander around and walk on to the enemy positions. Only to get captured. The fact that both sides ethnically, culturally and linguistically so close is what makes this a bigger tragedy. #NATO new who to pick as proxy"
$40 million Ukrainian embezzlement scheme after 100,000 mortar shells were meant to be purchased:


The US has arranged for well over $100 billion for Ukraine, but $100b is an easy even number.

$40 million of $100 billion may seem like a tiny amount (0.04% or 1/2,500th) but it’s actually astonishingly large for one scheme.

1/2,500th of $100b is huge when it involves only (so far) five people being arrested.

Localized and “disorganized” corruption (almost like shoplifting amongst a few friends at department stores) probably strips many more billions of the $100 billion. Think junior officers, NCOs and enlisted men selling body armor and other items from warehousing for a fraction of their value etc.

Medium and large-scale corruption, so more variations of this $40 million mortar scheme, account for still further funds.
Does anybody else think that the Biden administration might push for all out war with Russia, given they have potentially less than a year to do so?

All this talk of war with Russia is pretty disturbing, to be honest. Just this last week there has been talk of conscription in the UK, for example. I cannot help but think TPTB are preparing the public for what is planned.
Does anybody else think that the Biden administration might push for all out war with Russia, given they have potentially less than a year to do so?

All this talk of war with Russia is pretty disturbing, to be honest. Just this last week there has been talk of conscription in the UK, for example. I cannot help but think TPTB are preparing the public for what is planned.
I think that America's attention (and resources) had shifted to other areas: MENA and Taiwan. Project ukraine has failed to deliver and is getting dumped on the Europeans, which are beginning to realize that soon they will left alone with an angry bear.
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@TruckDriver9 - thank you for the updates, which I always appreciate. As someone who clearly follows the was closely, are you seeing rapid Russian gains? Slow progress, but nonetheless progress? Or is it something of a stalemate?
Don't see any breakthroughs and rapid advancements anytime soon. First of all Russia is currently focused on draining ukrainian resources and preventing them from building reserves - they keep applying pressure all along the front and forcing ukrainians to constantly dispatch new troops to plug the holes. Second, it's objectively difficult to launch an offensive: dominant role of the reconnaissance-strike complex (drone + artillery combo), density of engineering obstacles and proliferation of cheap precision munitions (commercial FPV drones jerry rigged with explosives) make any attempt to advance very costly if not downright impossible. The failure of last year's ukrainian counteroffensive is an example of what can happen to troops leaving the protective umbrella of their own positions. I do not expect that Russians will take such risks anytime soon, not with Russian presidential elections just around the corner. That being said, I think that later, in the second half of this year, Russians will try to break this gridlock.
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Sergei Korotkikh, a Ukrainian soldier, reports that western men have been neutered by feminism and are now unwilling to fight Russians. He's not entirely wrong. Still, he doesn't have the introspection to see that is indeed what he is fighting for - globohomo. You are correct, Sergei, you are killing your cousins so your sponsors can pervert your children.

The first sign of a true turning is seeing that your current ideas aren't working as advertised. Ol' Sergei is getting closer.