Lounge of The Russian-Ukrainian War

B at MOA says the US support for the war is all but over, and there may be a civil war in Ukraine before this ends.
We've seen this pattern before in other US interventions.

U.S. Is Pushing Kiev Into Admitting Defeat​

Two such articles on the same day are not a coincidence.

Ukraine's war aim is to regain all of its land up to the 1991 borders.

The appearance of those pieces means that the U.S. is now trying to push Kiev into admitting defeat.

But there are powerful forces in Ukraine, previously nurtured by the U.S., which will resist to do so.

It may thus require a civil war in Ukraine to achieve that aim.
B at MOA says the US support for the war is all but over, and there may be a civil war in Ukraine before this ends.
We've seen this pattern before in other US interventions.

U.S. Is Pushing Kiev Into Admitting Defeat​

Two such articles on the same day are not a coincidence.

Ukraine's war aim is to regain all of its land up to the 1991 borders.

The appearance of those pieces means that the U.S. is now trying to push Kiev into admitting defeat.

But there are powerful forces in Ukraine, previously nurtured by the U.S., which will resist to do so.

It may thus require a civil war in Ukraine to achieve that aim.

The NYT article was clearly aimed at forcing Zelensky to the negotiation table. Also noteworthy, the Europeans were not consulted or advised that these pieces would be published. The panic in Brussels is palpable at this point.

In any case, this is basically 1944 all over again, the war was long known to be lost before the summer of 1945. And the same quote applies: 'Make peace, you fools!' Of course, as always, it won't happen and a lot more senseless blood will be spelled out of sheer ideological pride.
A soldier with what appears to be downs syndrome spotted in a trench on the Ukrainian frontlines while another man mocks him and makes a joke out of it:



"Vokha" is on duty
-Look who they mobilized.
-"Vokha", what's going on, big guy?
-I'm on duty.
-Where's your rifle?
-Didn't receive it yet. I was told I'll get one during battle.
-Listen, will you %$&@ up Moskals?
-Moskal, yes.

As sad as this is, surely this is a sign that the Ukraine military is approaching it's breaking point...
A soldier with what appears to be downs syndrome spotted in a trench on the Ukrainian frontlines while another man mocks him and makes a joke out of it:

View attachment 3342


"Vokha" is on duty
-Look who they mobilized.
-"Vokha", what's going on, big guy?
-I'm on duty.
-Where's your rifle?
-Didn't receive it yet. I was told I'll get one during battle.
-Listen, will you %$&@ up Moskals?
-Moskal, yes.

As sad as this is, surely this is a sign that the Ukraine military is approaching it's breaking point...

I couldn’t really access the video but this is sickening if they are enlisting mentally challenged people.
Regular army is fully engaged in Ukraine, and there still long borders to protect elsewhere, can not bare them by throwing all to Ukraine, that's why so many are being hired for contract on top of those who got drafted. North Korean military aid was much needed. What's also saving the weapons situation, after much was depleted, is ramped up manufacturing. All came at great cost. It's all out war, short of using the nukes. Sources that say otherwise are simply not truthful.
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I guess the USA is going to bankrupt itself fighting/funding two wars at once.

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In impotent rage over their military infrastructure being taken out at will by Russian missiles, the AFU took "revenge" in the only way they know - by blindly firing rockets at downtown Belgorod. Over 40 civilians have been wounded, 5 have been confirmed dead so far, among them children. The death toll will likely rise. It is the typical tactic the psychopaths in Kiev have been using since 2014 - every humiliation they suffer on the battlefield is taken out on peaceful citizens, wherever they can reach them. Their weapons cannot reach the Russian army or the Russian military industry, so they resort to pure terror tactics, firing at random civilians going about their New Year preparations. This crime will be repaid in the blood of tens of thousands of AFU militants, conscripts or not.

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BREAKING: Russia responded to the massacre in Belgorod It targeted a hotel in Kharkiv, allegedly full of NATO personnel. Judging by the fact that Ukraine does not publish and hides information about the victims from the Hotel itself, it is very likely that this is true.
I think they probably aimed for one particular room or floor. If I was NATO brass, I wouldn't ask for a room with view...

The way this actually works:

Weapons impact from the top down, it's typically a high angle fires and most smart weapons will try to angle down and achieve vertical impact.

If you're doing PD it will be the highest floors that get hit. Typically though, you'd set a delay fuse and the delay fuse can be used to adjust penetration into a building (to a point. Some weapons have more advanced capabilities here, others have just a "delay" switch that you turn with a fuse key).

MOFA Kuleba let the cat out of the bag. Some Ukrainians are waking up - they are fighting truly as a proxy for NATO, and (vulgarly) for prosperity for Americans, but not for their independence.

Imagine being a troop or enlistee, being informed by your Minister of Foreign Affairs that you are fighting for "American prosperity." I can't see that settling well with Ukrainians.
More and more are beginning to notice. Funny how an ehtnic Jew that leads Ukraine can change the date for the celebrated Christmas holiday to the western standard. Imagine an ethnic Ukrainian changing the date for Hannukah or Yom Kippur in Israel...

I guess Z forgot to greet his countrymen that celebrate Christmas on Jan 6. Even the Catholic President of Poland greeted his Orthodox countrymen on Jan 6.

Do we see cracks developing in the dam:

Anybody got the shut it down meme?
