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Probably so. They changed to euro in 2023. When I went there it wasn´t even in EU. We rented houses from old ladies in harbours. I doubt a room isn´t cheap in a off beaten path. Not from internet searches. I don´t know what cheap is for you. But traveling alone. I mean. You rent an apartment or a room with kitchen. Buy food from supermarket.

You could also try lakes. I think that could be a good second cheapest option.

Don´t waste time in Montenegro. Unless for scenery. Some friends of mine went there and it sucked. Budva I think.

Thought you were also in Albania from your writings. Kosovo is 93% ethnic albanians. Same logic applies. Why go there? But to each his own.

Travelling 2 days by plane from Australia to end up in Kosovo or Northern Macedonia??? Unless family or friends. What is this?

When they ask you why are you there. I would probably answer because it´s winter in Australia. And it´s a part of Europe you haven´t been before. You need to maximize Australia. It´s a country with good image. A friend of mine had lived in California. He would always show his Califonia driving license. That guy was such a tool. Loool. Australia doesn´t suck for the majority of people.

But I reinforce. Unless you stay in a place long enough. You will only find low quality woman. You also need to select. And for it to happen you will need time. Unless you are extremely lucky.

These type of travels are forced. It´s almost forcing interaction. When it should come naturally. For it. Developing natural relationships. And it goes from there. When your young it´s ok. I think. You start talking to people because you have mutual interests.

Go to a church. It might surprise you. Ask for what you want. This may seem childish. Or irrational maybe. But give it a go. What do you have to lose? 10mnts?
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you have to live in a city for minimum of 12 months and immerse yourself in the city to lock down a quality girl. There may be some exceptions where people get lucky but in general that is how it is.
Probably the best plan and you will be forced to pick a location that you actually like to live in and dont mind investing time in. whether you have a woman there or not.
Probably the best plan and you will be forced to pick a location that you actually like to live in and dont mind investing time in. whether you have a woman there or not.
Exactly. He must first like to live there. And then start developing normal relationships which will introduce him girls. If he is a quality man. His interests are first. And girls will follow. My wife met her when we were finishing college studies. She gave me half a sandwich one time in the cafeteria. And I was like. This girl is special. And she was. All the whores I wasted my time with meant nothing. If they died tomorrow I wouldn´t even blink an eye. She feeds me too much food though. I need to get serious with this weight shit.

The quest for foreigners girls most of the time. Is a subconscious way to put an expiration date in relationships. You or her will leave. It´s nonsense. I favored foreigners because of it.

I don´t know his age. But after 30-35. Going in girls hunting trips. He should focus in creating the nest he wants to attract girls into. Not the other way around. He needs to get his shit together. And make a decision if he really wants a relationship and the things it carries.

My 2 cents. I´m off to the beach.
Thought you were also in Albania from your writings. Kosovo is 93% ethnic albanians. Same logic applies. Why go there? But to each his own.
In Kosovo it's probably 95% Muslim now, because it's not just ethnic Albanians who are Muslim, some other peoples there too.
Used to be many more atheists 20-30 years ago, Islam had gotten a lot stronger since. Whoever stayed and dated there 20 years ago, it was not the same world.
Doing 200-500 approaches with almost zero dates or connections formed is going to be somewhat ego shattering. Especially if you are in this foreign country alone without a proper social network. It can be seriously despair inducing to be alone in a foreign country with the goal to meet women not working out. Are you doing direct or indirect game?

I disagree with joining clubs etc... unless you are gonna be there for months at a time. If you are just there for a month it's probably better to just get what you can from daygame.

Do you work remotely? How old are you?
I don’t work remotely.
I have a physical job. I’m just on holidays now. I am in my mid thirties

I mostly do indirect game in the Balkans because here direct game doesn’t work so well.
When people say "Albanians" they're referring to Kosovars and North Albanians, it's the same people, for locals the borders are open & it's now 1 country in practice. They're a central Asian peoples, like Chechens or Armenians. In Tirana & southward they're quite different, it's much more Greek & Turk influence. What little tourists do go to Albania/Kosovo are in Tirana & the south. Most foreigners living in Albania/Kosovo long term are US military.
Not really, Central Asian peoples are Uzbek, Tajik, Turkmen, Kyrgyz, Kazakh and such, very different.
Chechen and Armenians are Caucasian people, not in a sense as used to describe "White" but in a sense that they're from Caucasus Mountains and all peoples living there are quite similar and tend to have a lot of haplogroup G, especially G-M201 which Albanians hardly have.
Caucasus Mountains are located in Europe, not Asia..
Albanians got very similar DNA haplogroups to Greeks and Turks, drastically different from Croatians, who got North and South Slavic haplogroups mostly and only little Middle-eastern/North-African DNA.
Albanians have more than half of Middle-Eastern DNA: J (Arabian) and E3b (North African) haplogroups.
When Turks had conquered nations, which they did a lot, they committed mass rapes, it's kind of well known fact, to make people around become more Turkish, so definitely likely to be a part of it all. People would get blood from pox-infected cow and put in on the cut in their daughter's face, to disfigure them so that Turks won't rape them.
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