Jewish Tunnels Under New York

Whata re you worried about?
"Jewis crime"? Thanks, you don't need to be worried about being assaulted or mugged by a Jewish accountant, hospital consultant, marketing executive or landlord. Also, you don't need to be worried about your family's safety that much around Jewish people who mind their own business, only mix with their own kind and want their neighbourhood to remain, safe, clean and quiet . We can coexist with them, like we had before.
Are you worried baout "Jewish riots"? What are Jewish folks going to loot? Libraries?
Yeah.... jew crime.... as in high dollar white collar crime...and paedophilia.

They may be mounting each other in the tunnels, but they're doing much worse things above ground.These jews have no sense of hygiene, decency, nor compassion for any form of life. "Master race" indeed:

"Kapparot - an annual orthodox jewish chicken ritual"
[warning animal cruelty]

The audacity that they think they can fool God by transferring their sins to a chicken, and that they continue to do it every year.

Not everyone in jewish community obseves the Kapparos that way:

What are you worried about?
"Jewish crime"? Thanks, but you don't need to be worried about being assaulted or mugged by a Jewish accountant, hospital consultant, marketing executive or landlord. Also, you don't need to be worried about your family's safety that much around Jewish people who mind their own business, only mix with their own kind and want their neighbourhood to remain, safe, clean and quiet . It is easy to peacefully coexist with them.
Are you worried about "Jewish riots"? What are Jewish folks going to loot? Libraries?

May I ask what brand of Catholicism you count yourself among?
What are you worried about?
"Jewish crime"? Thanks, but you don't need to be worried about being assaulted or mugged by a Jewish accountant, hospital consultant, marketing executive or landlord. Also, you don't need to be worried about your family's safety that much around Jewish people who mind their own business, only mix with their own kind and want their neighbourhood to remain, safe, clean and quiet . It is easy to peacefully coexist with them.
Are you worried about "Jewish riots"? What are Jewish folks going to loot? Libraries?
I mean I think most of us would much rather live in a majority Jewish neighborhood than a majority black one if that's the question. The issue is being aware of who and what is driving the bigger picture trends and why. Doesn't mean your kid's dentist is evil or that he's personally involved in some grand conspiracy, just that there are patterns at the highest level that once you begin to notice them become impossible to un-notice.
I mean I think most of us would much rather live in a majority Jewish neighborhood than a majority black one if that's the question. The issue is being aware of who and what is driving the bigger picture trends and why. Doesn't mean your kid's dentist is evil or that he's personally involved in some grand conspiracy, just that there are patterns at the highest level that once you begin to notice them become impossible to un-notice.
I hear you. However, what really concerns me that some, and not just on this forum, are really punching below.
Well, if they vocie a criticism of - let's say- the decendants of the Rotschild family, you may even see their point.
But having a go at the Chassidim community? The most genuine...but (arguably) the poorest and least influential of all Jewish communities? Why?
I am not Jewish, if that is what you are trying to imply. So, please stop.
Nothing in Roman Catholicism (or in your Orthodox Church) has ever prohibited someone having a positive view on the Jewish community.
Instead of answering the question, you have a wrong answer to a question I didn't even ask. We are actually bound to Scripture and Patristics, both of which outline very clearly that Christians are to avoid proximity to Jewish communities. Both St. Paul (Scripture, among others) and St John Chrysostom (Patristics, among others) are very clear in that regard.

See, now you put me into an ugly position, because I have to attack you. I believe you are lying about your denomination. You are definitely lying about its contents. At best, you could make a case that the take on living alongside Jews had been revised at Vat II, but you didn't do that. Instead you claimed there is "nothing"..?

Can you steelman my position in order to show that you understand why someone would find that weird?
Instead of answering the question, you have a wrong answer to a question I didn't even ask. We are actually bound to Scripture and Patristics, both of which outline very clearly that Christians are to avoid proximity to Jewish communities. Both St. Paul (Scripture, among others) and St John Chrysostom (Patristics, among others) are very clear in that regard.

See, now you put me into an ugly position, because I have to attack you. I believe you are lying about your denomination. You are definitely lying about its contents. At best, you could make a case that the take on living alongside Jews had been revised at Vat II, but you didn't do that. Instead you claimed there is "nothing"..?

Can you steelman my position in order to show that you understand why someone would find that weird?
Then might as well deny Christ himself, all the apostles, Peter and St they were all Observant Jewish folks at the time.
FYI, no meanstraim Christian denomination has ever denied that Jesus Christ was a Jew.
Then might as well deny Christ himself, all the apostles, Peter and St they were all Observat Jewish folks.
lol okay. See, I have heard and read those arguments recently, but only from Hasbara twitter accounts and Adam King.

You should have picked "other Christian" like your pal, because at least then you could lie about your position on Scripture.

You've been found out.
Is that a trick question?
Actually, yes, I do beleive in the Judeo-Christian values in the good sense of the word, since that was the basis of our Western civilization as we know it.

Did you know that Jews were kicked out of basically every Christian nation in Europe? There is no historical basis for the term "Judeo-Christian".
lol okay. See, I have heard and read those arguments recently, but only from Hasbara twitter accounts and Adam King.

You should have picked "other Christian" like your pal, because at least then you could lie about your position on Scripture.

You've been found out.
Educate yourself.
No mainstream Christian denomination expects you pray for "Jewish folks to convert".
lol okay. See, I have heard and read those arguments recently, but only from Hasbara twitter accounts and Adam King.

You should have picked "other Christian" like your pal, because at least then you could lie about your position on Scripture.

You've been found out.

I don't think he's lying, I just think he hasn't noticed yet.
Educate yourself.
No mainstream Christian denomination expects you pray for "Jewish folks to convert".
Moyshe, from the bottom of my heart, just stop. I know you hate Christianity, but you would at least have to google a couple of things before you start LARPing like that.

You haven't been smart about it, and you have been discovered. Your Hasbara mission has failed and now you are just making a fool of yourself.