Jewish Tunnels Under New York

Every Jew I've known in my life on a personal level ended up exhibiting some or all of the Dark Triad personality traits. I've already warned my son to be respectful towards them (like towards all humans), but to never trust them, and always verify.

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After seeing this.... I'm wondering if my ex-wife didn't convert to Judaism secretly about 6 months after our marriage. ;) She hit all 3 individually and collectively at different points.... But then EMJ says, "you don't have to be a Jew to act Jewish".... but I digress.

Yes I've made my boys aware of the relationship between Jews and Christians....but told them be careful in criticism publicly as people do not take it kindly.
Every Jewish "friend" I've had is not only neurotic, but very insecure and will backstab/gossip about someone in a heartbeat if they feel threatened or inadequate. It's actually very sad.

A lot of non-Jewish people are like this nowadays too, especially if they're left-wing, live in a big city or abandoned their Christian roots.
Every Jewish "friend" I've had is not only neurotic, but very insecure and will backstab/gossip about someone in a heartbeat if they feel threatened or inadequate. It's actually very sad.

A lot of non-Jewish people are like this nowadays too, especially if they're left-wing, live in a big city or abandoned their Christian roots.
But do they tunnel? ;)
Every Jew I've known in my life on a personal level ended up exhibiting some or all of the Dark Triad personality traits. I've already warned my son to be respectful towards them (like towards all humans), but to never trust them, and always verify.

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It's either that or their neuroticism is out of control.

Darwin was actually right about natural selection to an extent, at this point might it not be coded into their genes? When you make a lifestyle out of hating Jesus, usury, and cultural subversion for 2000 years, it's going to have some pretty profound effects. Abraham and Jacob must be shocked to see what became of their tribe today. Hopefully more of them can wake up like Brother Nathanael.
It's either that or their neuroticism is out of control.

Darwin was actually right about natural selection to an extent, at this point might it not be coded into their genes? When you make a lifestyle out of hating Jesus, usury, and cultural subversion for 2000 years, it's going to have some pretty profound effects. Abraham and Jacob must be shocked to see what became of their tribe today. Hopefully more of them can wake up like Brother Nathanael.
Not to sidetrack this, but this sort of gets into something called the theory of epigenetics, wherein our DNA literally changes, depending on our godly or sinful behavior. Perhaps this has something to with the Biblical verses about the sins of the father being visited on the 3rd and 4th generations. (Deut. 5:9).
Not to sidetrack this, but this sort of gets into something called the theory of epigenetics, wherein our DNA literally changes, depending on our godly or sinful behavior. Perhaps this has something to with the Biblical verses about the sins of the father being visited on the 3rd and 4th generations. (Deut. 5:9).
Epigenetics does not refer to the changing of genes within DNA, but of environmental conditions activating or deactivating existing genes in the DNA.
I also witnessed some neuroticism first hand. I was selling shoes as a student and one obviously Tractor guy showed up and while he started the conversation quietly he suddenly errupted because "one model of Nikes cost 85 euro while a similar one was 93". He made a big scene out of it. I also knew another guy that had a failed start-up and was trying all kinds of schemes such as ICOs or selling facebook accounts(?!)... he would politely but firmly ask me every other month if I wanted to participate. All of this while he was coming from a very wealthy family himself.

Nothing is past them. That is why they occupy industries that any moral person, even the clueless atheists, would shy away from. Selling snake oil and getting others into debt with terrible interest rates. The endless cruelty of a loanshark. I think especially them occupying such a large amount of legal positions turned America into what it is today. When I try to slowly introduce people to the JQ I start with the fact that for one group of people literally nothing is sacred.
This is not going to be a populat comments but I post it anyway.
Everyone's experiences are different.
I am not Jewish, my experience with Jewish communities has been -by and large- a very positive one.
I fondly rememeber my brother and I finding refuge in the Golders Green/Brent Cross area of northwest London -where there is a large Modern Orthodox Jewish Community. It is a very safe, clean and quiet area- where my family (as people who came from continental Europe to London) were finally able to live and be left alone.
(Anyone even remotely familiar with London knows that the area in question has always been sough after by Europeas living in London).

The Chassidim Jewish usually don't reside there, howeevr, but mostly in the Stamford Hill/Cazenove neghbourhoods (east London). My limited interactions with Cassidim folks were also mostly positive.

As for this particular "tunnel" underneath a synagogue is sued for people smuggling. I find this sad, and quiet frankly, insulting to the most peaceful and genuine community in both London and NYC.

Also, do you guys really think the pedophile memebr sof the New York (not of whom are Chassidim, by the way - most Chassisim Jewish folks are not wealthy) need tunnels underneath a synagogue to smuggle people? they have the whole Child protection services with the famili court helped by foster care and adotion rockets in place? Why did tunnels when there is a whole , legal scheme in place to help you?
This is not going to be a populat comments but I post it anyway.
Everyone's experiences are different.
I am not Jewish, my experience with Jewish communities has been -by and large- a very positive one.
I fondly rememeber my brother and I finding refuge in the Golders Green/Brent Cross area of northwest London -where there is a large Modern Orthodox Jewish Community. It is a very safe, clean and quiet area- where my family (as people who came from continental Europe to London) were finally able to live and be left alone.
(Anyone even remotely familiar with London knows that the area in question has always been sough after by Europeas living in London).

The Chassidim Jewish usually don't reside there, howeevr, but mostly in the Stamford Hill/Cazenove neghbourhoods (east London). My limited interactions with Cassidim folks were also mostly positive.

As for this particular "tunnel" underneath a synagogue is sued for people smuggling. I find this sad, and quiet frankly, insulting to the most peaceful and genuine community in both London and NYC.

Also, do you guys really think the pedophile memebr sof the New York (not of whom are Chassidim, by the way - most Chassisim Jewish folks are not wealthy) need tunnels underneath a synagogue to smuggle people? they have the whole Child protection services with the famili court helped by foster care and adotion rockets in place? Why did tunnels when there is a whole , legal scheme in place to help you?

Are you AI?
This is not going to be a populat comments but I post it anyway.
Everyone's experiences are different.
I am not Jewish, my experience with Jewish communities has been -by and large- a very positive one.
I fondly rememeber my brother and I finding refuge in the Golders Green/Brent Cross area of northwest London -where there is a large Modern Orthodox Jewish Community. It is a very safe, clean and quiet area- where my family (as people who came from continental Europe to London) were finally able to live and be left alone.
(Anyone even remotely familiar with London knows that the area in question has always been sough after by Europeas living in London).

The Chassidim Jewish usually don't reside there, howeevr, but mostly in the Stamford Hill/Cazenove neghbourhoods (east London). My limited interactions with Cassidim folks were also mostly positive.

As for this particular "tunnel" underneath a synagogue is sued for people smuggling. I find this sad, and quiet frankly, insulting to the most peaceful and genuine community in both London and NYC.

Also, do you guys really think the pedophile memebr sof the New York (not of whom are Chassidim, by the way - most Chassisim Jewish folks are not wealthy) need tunnels underneath a synagogue to smuggle people? they have the whole Child protection services with the famili court helped by foster care and adotion rockets in place? Why did tunnels when there is a whole , legal scheme in place to help you?
You're right, this is not going to be a "populat comments," but nevertheless you persisted and "post it anyway."

Regarding your personal JQ experience, let it also be known that I have one black friend who is a good father without a criminal record.
This is not going to be a populat comments but I post it anyway.
Everyone's experiences are different.
I am not Jewish, my experience with Jewish communities has been -by and large- a very positive one.
I fondly rememeber my brother and I finding refuge in the Golders Green/Brent Cross area of northwest London -where there is a large Modern Orthodox Jewish Community. It is a very safe, clean and quiet area- where my family (as people who came from continental Europe to London) were finally able to live and be left alone.
(Anyone even remotely familiar with London knows that the area in question has always been sough after by Europeas living in London).

The Chassidim Jewish usually don't reside there, howeevr, but mostly in the Stamford Hill/Cazenove neghbourhoods (east London). My limited interactions with Cassidim folks were also mostly positive.

As for this particular "tunnel" underneath a synagogue is sued for people smuggling. I find this sad, and quiet frankly, insulting to the most peaceful and genuine community in both London and NYC.

Also, do you guys really think the pedophile memebr sof the New York (not of whom are Chassidim, by the way - most Chassisim Jewish folks are not wealthy) need tunnels underneath a synagogue to smuggle people? they have the whole Child protection services with the famili court helped by foster care and adotion rockets in place? Why did tunnels when there is a whole , legal scheme in place to help you?

Although I am not sure what you are trying to say, I think you are trying to say that not all Chabad's have secret people smuggling tunnels under their synagogues. That's fair enough, but it doesn't detract from the point that lots of chews are into ridiculously evil stuff no matter what you see on the surface. Not only that, but every synagogue has a book in the center of their altar called the "Talmud," which is their Bible, and it says horrible things like Christ was a bastard, Mary was a whore, and that Jesus is boiling in poop in Hell.

Anyone who puts such a book in the center of their place of worship is, in fact, an enemy of mankind.
They may be mounting each other in the tunnels, but they're doing much worse things above ground.These jews have no sense of hygiene, decency, nor compassion for any form of life. "Master race" indeed:

"Kapparot - an annual orthodox jewish chicken ritual"
[warning animal cruelty]

The audacity that they think they can fool God by transferring their sins to a chicken, and that they continue to do it every year.
They may be mounting each other in the tunnels, but they're doing much worse things above ground.These jews have no sense of hygiene, decency, nor compassion for any form of life. "Master race" indeed:

"Kapparot - an annual orthodox jewish chicken ritual"
[warning animal cruelty]

The audacity that they think they can fool God by transferring their sins to a chicken, and that they continue to do it every year.

What you see here is classic Talmudic insanity.

Before the Christ, God had instructed Moses to cleanse the sins of Jews with ritual animal sacrifices within the Holy Temple. There were 3 major differences between then and now:

1. Animal sacrifices were to be conducted within the Holy Temple of Jerusalem. That Temple no longer exists, so what these guys are doing by slaughtering chickens in a savage manner is beyond me.

2. Animals back in the day were far, far more expensive, and sacrificing one was truly a sacrifice that came at a personal cost. Nowadays we have mass produced farm animals, so it is cheap and easy to buy and slaughter any farm animal, especially chickens. Going to Church is far more of a sacrifice of time and money than torturing some chicken to death.

3. The Christ has come, and instructed us to move beyond animal sacrifice for something far more precious was to be sacrificed; that of God Himself. No offering can ever surpass such a sacrifice, therefore, their denial of Christ is what turns them into monsters who slaughter hapless animals in the street like a bunch of savages.

The OT Jews would have nothing to do with these heretics, everyone knew animal sacrifices were to be made in the Holy Temple or else it meant nothing.
They may be mounting each other in the tunnels, but they're doing much worse things above ground.These jews have no sense of hygiene, decency, nor compassion for any form of life. "Master race" indeed:

"Kapparot - an annual orthodox jewish chicken ritual"
[warning animal cruelty]

The audacity that they think they can fool God by transferring their sins to a chicken, and that they continue to do it every year.

And why are they getting away with it? If I drop a Snickers wrap on the street I'd basically be in handcuffs within 10secs.
They may be mounting each other in the tunnels, but they're doing much worse things above ground.These jews have no sense of hygiene, decency, nor compassion for any form of life. "Master race" indeed:

"Kapparot - an annual orthodox jewish chicken ritual"
[warning animal cruelty]

The audacity that they think they can fool God by transferring their sins to a chicken, and that they continue to do it every year.

The wire around the city thing so they can go wherever they want on their Sabbath and still "remain indoors" is my favorite "we can fool God" trait.

I grew up in a suburban part of the northeast and my neighborhood was probably 1/3 or so Jewish so had a number I was friendly with growing up, but only one that I really considered a close friend. The stereotypes don't fully apply to every individual of course but they exist for a reason.
You're right, this is not going to be a "populat comments," but nevertheless you persisted and "post it anyway."

Regarding your personal JQ experience, let it also be known that I have one black friend who is a good father without a criminal record.
What are you worried about?
"Jewish crime"? Thanks, but you don't need to be worried about being assaulted or mugged by a Jewish accountant, hospital consultant, marketing executive or landlord. Also, you don't need to be worried about your family's safety that much around Jewish people who mind their own business, only mix with their own kind and want their neighbourhood to remain, safe, clean and quiet . It is easy to peacefully coexist with them.
Are you worried about "Jewish riots"? What are Jewish folks going to loot? Libraries?
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