Jewish Tunnels Under New York

Did you know that Jews were kicked out of basically every Christian nation in Europe?
What you should ask: as there any Biblical basis for justifying persecution of Jewish folks in the Middle Ages?
No, it was simply the ignorance of some of the world leaders at the time. And it should not be repeated.
As in Genesis 12:3, the Lord about Jewish folks: "I bless those who bless you"
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What you should ask: as there any Biblical basis for justifying persecution of Jewish folks in the Middle Ages?
No, it was simply the ignorance of some of the world leaders at the time. And it should not be repeated.
As in Genesis 12:3, the Lord about Jewish folks: "I bless thos who bless you"

I'm not saying it was right. Just pointing out that there was no love lost between Judaism and Christianity until very recently.
Moyshe, from the bottom of my heart, just stop. I know you hate Christianity, but you would at least have to google a couple of things before you start LARPing like that.

You haven't been smart about it, and you have been discovered. Your Hasbara mission has failed and now you are just making a fool of yourself.
Oh, I see. you ran out of rational argument and courtesy. Here come the insults.
"Moyshe", huh? Your colleague a few months ago was more polite , he addressed me as "Mr Goldberg". Lol
Just think of it.
If I was really a Jewish person, I would be proud of my Jewish identity and be very connected to my faith and my community.
Why would I waste my time on this site?
Oh, I see. you ran out of rational argument and courtesy. Here come the insults.
"Moyshe", huh? Your colleague a few months ago was more polite , he addresse dme as "Mr Goldberg". Lol
Just think of it.
If I was really a Jewish person, I would be proud of my Jewish identity and be very connected to my faith and my community.
Why would I waste my time on this site?
It's called crypsis and Hasbara and it's being done all the time. You infiltrate platforms to shill for your tribe.

Why would a Catholic have such an oddly specific awareness on historical persecution of Jews, yet none of the traditional teaching?

Also, you haven't made a single rational argument since you entered this thread. You've engaged in whataboutism, no true scotsman and other fallacies and concealed your position on Christianity.

You've been using arguments from Hasbara accounts almost word for word.

You're being dishonest and stereotypical.
I'm not saying it was right. Just pointing out that there was no love lost between Judaism and Christianity until very recently.
Not exactly correct:during the period of the "Haskalah" (Jewish Enlightenment) -roughly between 1775 and 1890" the relations between Jews and Christians were very decent in most of Europe.
It's called crypsis and Hasbara and it's being done all the time. You infiltrate platforms to shill for your tribe.

Why would a Catholic have such an oddly specific awareness on historical persecution of Jews, yet none of the traditional teaching?

Also, you haven't made a single rational argument since you entered this thread. You've engaged in whataboutism, no true scotsman and other fallacies and concealed your position on Christianity.

You've been using arguments from Hasbara accounts almost word for word.

You're being dishonest and stereotypical.
Well, that;s your opinion.
So far , you did not come up with rational argument, you were only throwing around insults and calling me names.
Why don't you just put someone on the "ignore" list?
Well, that;s your opinion.
So far , you did not come up with rational argument, you were only throwing around insults and calling me names.
Why don't you just put someone on the "ignore" list?
You're not someone I am annoyed by, you are an interloper. You people have been losing it since Oct 7 and it's not the first time one of you has been discovered on a right wing platform.

Are you still denying that you are not, in fact a Catholic, or do you remain with the charade?
You claim to be "Orthodox" but also claim to be an expert on the Catholic Churche's opinion on how Catholic should perceive Jewish folks?

Indeed, someone is trolling here, but that's not me.

Since you claim to be Orthodox Christian, please cite your Orthodox Christian sources as to why hating and despising Jewish folks is a canonical requirement of being an Orthodox Christian? Or is it just your personal opinion?

I am waiting.
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You claim to be "Orthodox" but also claim to be an expert on the Catholic Churche's opinion on how Catholic should perceive Jewish folks?

Indeed, someone is trolling here, but that's not me.

Since youa re Orthodox, please cite your Orthodox Christian sources as to why hating and despising Jewish folks is a canonical requirement of being an Orthodox Christian?

I am waiting.
Setting up another straw man, classic Talmudic behavior. Nobody's requiring you to despise anybody, but there are clearly positions outlined towards people who claim to remain in the Old Covenant. I've given you both Scripture and Patristics, and I'm not playing the quotation game with you.

One last question: What's your opinion on Isaiah 53?
You're not someone I am annoyed by, you are an interloper. You people have been losing it since Oct 7 and it's not the first time one of you has been discovered on a right wing platform.

Are you still denying that you are not, in fact a Catholic, or do you remain with the charade?
Nothing I said here goes against my Catholic faith in any way or form.
What are you worried about?
"Jewish crime"? Thanks, but you don't need to be worried about being assaulted or mugged by a Jewish accountant, hospital consultant, marketing executive or landlord. Also, you don't need to be worried about your family's safety that much around Jewish people who mind their own business, only mix with their own kind and want their neighbourhood to remain, safe, clean and quiet . It is easy to peacefully coexist with them.
Are you worried about "Jewish riots"? What are Jewish folks going to loot? Libraries?

Actually, spotting physical dangers coming out of street criminals, thugs, stealing of luxury goods and casual assaults is much, much easier. On the contrary, protecting yourself and your family from shady jew accountants/lawyers, Godless hospital consultants, jewish marketing consultants driven by profits and zionist urgency to promote lgbtqz&!%]++ for your kids from schools to billboards, or inhumane landlords who pass every single penny down to the tenant and lobby for more stringent rules for them is insanely hard and dangerous.

We have to be on constant alert when dealing with jews for they have no God and will only promote their evil needs undermining your Holy-given human rights and your family’s security.

Do you naively think God’s children are blind?

You intentionally posted with hope to engage us in comments about something that’s well-known for generations. jews are chosen by satan himself and are behind every single evil on earth.

Just continue enjoying your kosher cheerios.
Is that a trick question?
Actually, yes, I do beleive in the Judeo-Christian values in the good sense of the word, since that was the basis of our Western civilization as we know it.
The "judeo" prefix is a 20th century invention, by people with an agenda to undermine the idea of Western Civilization being synonymous with Christendom. In fact Jewish values are significantly anti-Christian, so it doesn't even make sense to talk about Judeo-Christian values, any more than it does to refer to pagan-Christian values.
Nothing I said here goes against my Catholic faith in any way or form.
You have literally blamed the Medieval position of the Church on Jews on "corrupt leaders", ignoring contemporary writings on it.
You then claimed that the blessing outlined in Genesis still apply to the Jewish people as an ancestral group. Church teaching is that the Church is the New Israel and the carrier of the Covenant.

The Orthodox Church and the Roman Church used to be one, which you probably didn't know until just now.

What's your opinion on the Tzoah Rotachat passages from Gittin in the Talmud? Is that a smoking gun for you as a Catholic?
Actually, spotting physical dangers coming out of street criminals, thugs, stealing of luxury goods and casual assaults is much, much easier. On the contrary, protecting yourself and your family from shady jew accountants/lawyers, Godless hospital consultants, jewish marketing consultants driven by profits and zionist urgency to promote lgbtqz&!%]++ for your kids from schools to billboards, or inhumane landlords who pass every single penny down to the tenant and lobby for more stringent rules for them is insanely hard and dangerous.

We have to be on constant alert when dealing with jews for they have no God and will only promote their evil needs undermining your Holy-given human rights and your family’s security.

Do you naively think God’s children are blind?

You intentionally posted with hope to engage us in comments about something that’s well-known for generations. jews are chosen by satan himself and are behind every single evil on earth.

Just continue enjoying your kosher cheerios.
Wow...just wow.

Since you claim to be Armenian let me finish this conversation with an old joke only a person with Armenian ancestry would understand.

Elderly Armenian man is dying. Next to his bed, his two sons. He calls them.
"My dear sons...please...come closer...I have something...important to say"
His sons come closer.
"Please...always... protect the Jewish people"
The two sons are puzzled.
"Dad, why should we protect the Jewish people?"
"Because...once they are gone...we will be next".

Have a nice evening, Mr Kardashian.

PS: funnily enough I am enjoying some kosher snacks right now. "Bamba" peanut butter puffs made by the Israeli bakery "Osem". If you ever get a chance , try them. They are delicious and not that expensive.
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Wow...just wow.

Since you claim to be Armenian let me finish this conversation with an old joke only a person with Armenian ancestry would understand.

Elderly Armenian man is deying. Next to his bed, his two sons. He calls them.
"My dear sons...please...come closer...I have something...importan to say"
His sons come closer.
"Please...always... protect the Jewish people"
The two sons are puzzled.
"Dad, why should we protect the Jewish people?"
"Becasue...once they are gone...we will be next".

Have a nice evening.
That actually sounds like a joke only a Jew would know. You know that Dönmeh Jews like Nazim Bey were among the number one promoters of anti-Armenian policies in Turkey, right?

"Let me reply to this by using a stale template tailored to your group, so as to appeal to your in-group sentiments. I'm a Catholic by the way, totally not Jewish. You go to hell if you don't bless Jews by the way. Have I mentioned that I'm a Catholic? Mixed race Brazilian women are better than Eastern European women, whom I refer to as 'biatches'. Cradle Catholic, but I love my Jewish neighbors"
This guy is obviously a Jew or a "Messianic Jew"/Zionist Evangelical. No one holds such blind ancient hatred against Russia and Orthodoxy more than the Jews do. As we see on the front page every day, they will burn down the world in an attempt to "destroy Russia", as if that were possible.
I've been watching his vitriol against Russia on here for a while now, and it's just so over-the-top that there can only be one conclusion. Just come clean about who you are, dude, and what your agenda is, and at least we can all discuss it openly. You're also clearly not a native speaker of English. Enough subterfuge.
That actually sounds like a joke only a Jew would know. You know that Dönmeh Jews like Nazim Bey were among the number one promoters of anti-Armenian policies in Turkey, right?

"Let me reply to this by using a stale template tailored to your group, so as to appeal to your in-group sentiments. I'm a Catholic by the way, totally not Jewish. You go to hell if you don't bless Jews by the way. Have I mentioned that I'm a Catholic? Mixed race Brazilian women are better than Eastern European women, whom I refer to as 'biatches'. Cradle Catholic, but I love my Jewish neighbors"
Oh dear, you are misisng the point again.
Someone (like an person who si really of Armenian ancestry) would presumably feel some solidarity with Jewish folks. Either AEON is not Armenian or..or simply not bright enogh to get the full picture.
What is your obsession with me? Did you really read all 170 comments - just to come back with a personal insult ratehr than addressing the point the discussion was about.
Wow...just wow.

Since you claim to be Armenian let me finish this conversation with an old joke only a person with Armenian ancestry would understand.

Elderly Armenian man is dying. Next to his bed, his two sons. He calls them.
"My dear sons...please...come closer...I have something...important to say"
His sons come closer.
"Please...always... protect the Jewish people"
The two sons are puzzled.
"Dad, why should we protect the Jewish people?"
"Because...once they are gone...we will be next".

Have a nice evening, Mr Kardashian.
You made my day 😂

So you are indeed a jew, but a pretty unintelligent one since a) I didn’t claim to be Armenian and b) Armenians have nothing to share with jews other than the propped up propaganda of hoaxacaust being the second genocide after the first Armenian genocide in WWI.

Hope the cheerios tastes well.