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Jewish Tunnels Under New York

Oh dear, you are misisng the point again.
Someone (like an person who si really of Armenian ancestry) would presumably feel some solidarity with Jewish folks. Either AEON is not Armenian or..or simply not bright enogh to get the full picture.
Nobody here is missing the point. "You are from a persecuted group, therefore you have to show solidarity" is a pretty simple and also, as I said, a stale trope that Jews use all the time. You're just not as smart as you think.
Accusing everybody not agreeing with you of being stupid is also a classic tell-tale sign.

I repeat myself: You've been found out. You are not who you claim to be and you are not very good at keeping up appearances.
You made my day 😂

So you are indeed a jew, but a pretty unintelligent one since a) I didn’t claim to be Armenian and b) Armenians have nothing to share with jews other than the propped up propaganda of hoaxacaust being the second genocide after the first Armenian genocide in WWI.

Hope the cheerios tastes well.
He didn't know that there are non-Armenian Oriental-Orthodox. Probably just googled it.
This guy is obviously a Jew or a "Messianic Jew"/Zionist Evangelical. No one holds such blind ancient hatred against Russia and Orthodoxy more than the Jews do. As we see on the front page every day, they will burn down the world in an attempt to "destroy Russia", as if that were possible.
I've been watching his vitriol against Russia on here for a while now, and it's just so over-the-top that there can only be one conclusion. Just come clean about who you are, dude, and what your agenda is, and at least we can all discuss it openly. You're also clearly not a native speaker of English. Enough subterfuge.
Now, here is a real Jewish Believer is Christ
Ben Hersh. He and his wife operates that is stilla ctive in a Jewish area of London.

Would you and your pals send him to the gas chambers simply becasue he was born to Jewish mother and raised in a Jewish household? if your answer is yes, you should not call yourself a Christian.
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The Ethiopian Tewahedo Church is also Oriental Orthodox (and has rougly 11-times as many members of that of the Armenian Church).
The said poster posted a separate thread , celebrating the existenc eof the Armenian Orthodox Church.
Wow, 11 times? I didn't know that. You must be really good with numbers. Probably the smartest guy at your yeshiva.

Can you talk to me about Isaiah 53? I wanted to know your Catholic opinion on it.
Now, here is a real Jewish Believer is Christ
Ben Hersh. He and his wife operates that is stilla ctive in a Jewish area of London.

Would you and your pals send him to the gas chambers simply becasue he was born to Jewish mother and raised in a Jewish household?

No, we would thank him for being honest about his identity, and welcome him as a fellow follower of our Messiah, Jesus Christ.
Wow, 11 times? I didn't know that. You must be really good with numbers. Probably the smartest guy at your yeshiva.

Can you talk to me about Isaiah 53? I wanted to know your Catholic opinion on it.
Want to convert to Catholicism? Great. Please contact the nearest Catholic diocese to you. The priest would answer all your questions in abundant detail.
The same way, if someone is interested in let's see -eastern orthodoxy- contatc an eastern orthodox Church.

Want to convert to Judaism? Ask a rabbi in the synagogue of your choice.
The post was to celebrate the Holy Birth you ignorant sl*t NOT the existence of the Armenian church. Do you even realize you just insulted Christianity?
The post was to celebrate the Holy Birth you ignorant sl*t NOT the existence of the Armenian church. Do you even realize you just insulted Christianity?
The post was to celebrate the Holy Birth you ignorant sl*t NOT the existence of the Armenian church. Do you even realize you just insulted Christianity?
Calling other S;*T will hopefully get you banned. Goodbye.off you got the "ignore " list.
Want to convert to Catholicism? Great. Please contact the nearest Catholic diocese to you. The priest would answer all your questions in abundant detail.
The same way, if someone is interested in let's see -eastern orthodoxy- contatc an eastern orthodox Church.

Want to convert to Judaism? Ask a rabbi in the sunagogue of your choice.

Look dude, what people are having a problem with is deception. That's true for Jews collectively and for you individually. That's really one of the core contents of the JQ for us, and you didn't help your case by pulling this weird subversive trick.

Nobody hates you for your DNA. BrotherAugustine is on this forum and he's from an ethnically Jewish background, nobody antagonizes him for that.

If you wanted to come on this forum and defend Judaism or your community, fine, make that clear from the beginning and then you can argue with open cards.

What you cannot do is start a bizarre game of play pretend. It's against forum rules and it's also very bad for your image.

You've made a huge clown of yourself today and it didn't accomplish anything.

Nobody is trying to harm you, chillax.
Look dude, what people are having a problem with is deception. That's true for Jews collectively and for you individually. That's really one of the core contents of the JQ for us, and you didn't help your case by pulling this weird subversive trick.

Nobody hates you for your DNA. BrotherAugustine is on this forum and he's from an ethnically Jewish background, nobody antagonizes him for that.

If you wanted to come on this forum and defend Judaism or your community, fine, make that clear from the beginning and then you can argue with open cards.

What you cannot do is start a bizarre game of play pretend. It's against forum rules and it's also very bad for your image.

You've made a huge clown of yourself today and it didn't accomplish anything.

Nobody is trying to harm you, chillax.
As God’s children we continue praying for every single soul regardless of ethnicity.
Would you and your pals send him to the gas chambers simply becasue he was born to Jewish mother and raised in a Jewish household? if your answer is yes, you should not call yourself a Christian.

If you're referring to the made-up Jew fantasy about German WWII work camps, no one can be sent to a room that doesn't exist.
Cognitive dissonance 73 has been permanently banned. We gave him a lot of latitude (too much, some would say - but I like to promote healthy debate as long as the forum rules are respected) but even after multiple temporary bans and warnings he continues to shit up every thread he gets involved in, and at this point I'm firmly convinced he is a Jewish troll who only posts here to stir up trouble. But no more.

Cog dis, you are hereby banished back into the tunnel from which you emerged.
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"Why doors are anti-sem1t1c and a dog whistle for naz1 border controls"

door GIF