Jewish Tunnels Under New York

“A member of Brooklyn’s Satmar Hasidim fundamentalist branch of Orthodox Judaism, Nuchem designs and repairs mikvahs in compliance with Torah Law. The mikvah is a ritual Jewish bathhouse used for purification.

Devout Jews are required to cleanse themselves in the mikvah on a variety of occasions: Women must visit following menstruation, and men have to make an appearance before the High Holidays, such as Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur. Many of the devout also purify themselves before and after the act of sex and before the Sabbath.

On a visit to Jerusalem in 2005, Rabbi Rosenberg entered into a mikvah in one of the holiest neighborhoods in the city, Mea She’arim. “I opened a door that entered into a schvitz,” he told me. “Vapors everywhere, I can barely see. My eyes adjust, and I see an old man, my age, long white beard, a holy-looking man, sitting in the vapors. On his lap, facing away from him, is a boy, maybe seven years old. And the old man is having anal sex with this boy.”

Rabbi Rosenberg paused, gathered himself, and went on: “This boy was speared on the man like an animal, like a pig, and the boy was saying nothing. But on his face—fear. The old man [looked at me] without any fear, as if this was common practice. He didn’t stop. I was so angry, I confronted him. He removed the boy from his penis, and I took the boy aside. I told this man, ‘It’s a sin before God, a mishkovzucher. What are you doing to this boy’s soul? You’re destroying this boy!’ He had a sponge on a stick to clean his back, and he hit me across the face with it. ‘How dare you interrupt me!’ he said. I had heard of these things for a long time, but now I had seen.”

The child sex abuse crisis in ultra-Orthodox Judaism, like that in the Catholic Church, has produced its share of shocking headlines in recent years. In New York, and in the prominent Orthodox communities of Israel and London, allegations of child molestation and rape have been rampant.

On March 6, 2008, Joshua told Detective Litwin that he had been molested by Lebovits on more than thirty occasions over four years. Once, he said, Lebovits had picked him up on his way to school and anally raped him in a building near his yeshiva. After each encounter, Lebovits apologized and promised he would never do it again.

Five days later, Baruch Lebovits was arrested in front of his house. Although Joshua’s name wasn’t publicly released, everyone in his neighborhood seemed to know that he had gone to the police. Natalie Hadad, his best friend, said, “People would call him and say, ‘If you testify, bad things are going to happen to your parents. If you testify, you’re going to get thrown out of Borough Park.’ ”

Afew months later, Kellner spoke with Dov Hikind, the assemblyman who represents Borough Park. Hikind hosts a weekly radio program, and he had recently dedicated three shows to the problem of sex abuse among the ultra-Orthodox. Hikind said that, after the show, more than a hundred victims had called or visited his office to complain about multiple offenders. One of the victims was a twenty-year-old named Aron, who said that Lebovits had repeatedly molested him in his car, beginning when he was sixteen. A year later, he fell in with a clique of teen-agers who were known to be O.T.D., or off the derech, and he began using heroin or cocaine almost every day.

“The shame and stigma that Mr. Kohn experienced is common,” said Kohn’s attorney, Hillary Nappi. “People are being abused throughout the community, not reporting it, and not getting the help they need.”

Life at his yeshiva was “a hell,” Kohn’s suit charges, saying the abuse ruined his childhood and caused ongoing psychological suffering. The married father of four is still in therapy, he said.

In the early 1990s, when Kohn was age 10, rabbi Berel Weiss began grooming his prey, and finally forced him into oral sex, the suit says.

Kohn reported Weiss’s actions to another rabbi, Shlomo Dov Pfefferkorn, who slapped his face and told him in Yiddish, “We do not discuss such things,” the suit says.

Pfefferkorn soon began hitting Kohn or slapping his knuckles with a stick in front of other students, then to “touch, rub and massage” Kohn’s penis in school, and force him to engage in oral sex, the suit charges.

At a “mikvah,” a bath where boys were nude, Pfefferkorn trapped Kohn against a wall and “forcefully” raped him anally, he charges.

...There's literally not a world where the COVID lockdown theory makes any sense... We don't know why these tunnels were created but no reason looks good.
Exactly. This whole thing is rotten to the core. Especially the way those nasty jews reacted to the tunnels being discovered by the goyim and refusing to comply with law enforcement. Methinks thoust doth protest too much. I'd like to see some Hamas soldiers sent into the JQ tunnels and see how they like it. At any rate, let all these crazy Christ-denying tunnel diggers annihilate each other. I gave up tunneling and underground forts when I was ten. I don't know what their excuse is, but it's time to grow up and start building your sh*t above ground like a real adult.

*(Now that I'm thinking about it, kids love tunnels and secret passages so maybe the tunnels are grooming mechanisms that also act as private places to perform ritual acts of pedophilic sexual abuse?)
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Ok I’ll have to do some digging to verify these things the Talmud says, but even if it does that’s not even the argument here. The argument is whether these tunnels were being used for human trafficking. I see no evidence that they were.

Anyway, back to all these things their book says. Is it actually condoning these things or is it just some crazy stuff that was written down thousands of years ago.

People then cherry pick examples and conclude “Look their book says this! They support it!”

Let’s see how stupid this is because someone can do that against the Bible too.

Here you go:

The Bible condones human trafficking:

“Slaves, be subject to your masters with all reverence, not only to those who are good and equitable but also to those who are perverse." Peter 2:18

"When a man sells his daughter as a slave, she will not be freed at the end of six years as the men are. If she does not please the man who bought her, he may allow her to be bought back again." Exodus 21: 7-8

It apparently also supports spousal abuse:

“When men strive together one with another, and the wife of the one draweth near for to deliver her husband out of the hand of him that smiteth him, and putteth forth her hand, and taketh him by the secrets. Then thou shalt cut off her hand, thine eye shall not pity her.” Deuteronomy 25: 11-12

Or it supports killing your kids if they curse at you:

“And he that curseth his father, or his mother, shall surely be put to death.” Exodus 21:17

We can go on and on all day, do you guys see how stupid this is? Someone who isn’t familiar with Christianity can look at cherry picked quotes and think Christian’s are ok and believe this stuff. It’s just ridiculous.

What’s happening to many of you here are are that you are falling prey to inherent biases and don’t even see it in yourself. You’re losing the ability to think critically.

I believe this is true. However, do they really need a 4ft by 4ft dirt tunnel to do it? I think the dirt tunnel is just some weird thing someone did. I think they usually do their molestations in a regular building.
You cant just dig a tunnel like that under ground without any of the other members knowing about it, that must have been a big messy noisy job, they must have all been aware of it and been in on it
I think the covid lockdown measure theory is overblown, they would have gotten in through a side entrance or fire escape instead, not through some dug up dirt tunnel and sewer grilles.
The covid tunnels make no sense, its much easier, cleaner and quieter to attend a worship service secretly than to have an entire construction sight set up, carrying tools and making a noise and dumping all that rubbel etc, anyway whu didnt they just meet online
You can see from their pics that they dumped the waste rock inside the buildings.
There was a protestant preacher who died his name was Chuck Missler, he was having some historical talk about some old city from the past, they discovered a secret tunnel behind some bookshelf at the local library that led all the way to the brothel accross the road haha
Time to kick out the jewsplainers. Challenge them and if you guys don’t you are no better, and also acting like teenage girls. Get them out!!
But guys, the tunnel itself isn't the focus here. How the whole thing was instigated by one rogue JQ tunnel digger is the big deal. That, and the soiled children's mattress I have in my basement which I'm keeping around because my trash service sucks and I might be having another kid.

This thread is not going in the direction I was hoping for. I never wanted to talk about the tunnel itself, just how they dumped the waste rock from the tunnel inside the building that proceeded this whole mess (which you can clearly see from their pics that obviously tells the complete and accurate story).

If somebody wants to perma-ban me then please do. I don't see any good coming from my posts.

@the beast1
But guys, the tunnel itself isn't the focus here. How the whole thing was instigated by one rogue JQ tunnel digger is the big deal. That, and the soiled children's mattress I have in my basement which I'm keeping around because my trash service sucks and I might be having another kid.

This thread is not going in the direction I was hoping for. I never wanted to talk about the tunnel itself, just how they dumped the waste rock from the tunnel inside the building that proceeded this whole mess (which you can clearly see from their pics that obviously tells the complete and accurate story).

If somebody wants to perma-ban me then please do. I don't see any good coming from my posts.

@the beast1
I like your posts - These stories and psy-ops are designed to cause division.
But guys, the tunnel itself isn't the focus here. How the whole thing was instigated by one rogue JQ tunnel digger is the big deal. That, and the soiled children's mattress I have in my basement which I'm keeping around because my trash service sucks and I might be having another kid.

This thread is not going in the direction I was hoping for. I never wanted to talk about the tunnel itself, just how they dumped the waste rock from the tunnel inside the building that proceeded this whole mess (which you can clearly see from their pics that obviously tells the complete and accurate story).

If somebody wants to perma-ban me then please do. I don't see any good coming from my posts.

@the beast1

This is a mimicry of Little Dark @MrRedsquare. Pretty funny but I don't think there's any need to rag on Beast.

As for the tunnels purpose, the photo evidence shows there were people living down there, children as well. The only two options that explain such a thing is either the synagogue was housing illegal alien Isrealis who were giving birth in secret to create anchor babies, or some kind of child trafficking network. Either way, not good...
Not to depart too much from the topic, but this discovery is not the first time a secret jewish tunnel or conclave has been revealed. It is in much of history, especially in parts of Europe that suffered the stain of their diaspora. Rewinding this VHS tape, every time I've crossed paths with a jewess in my life, it's almost been the end of me. Never any of the dangerous things I've done or been near, never a car accident, never a stray bullet, never a severe illness. But the inherent danger of having jews in your life. Stay away from them. Even the half yids whose father may be an Ashkenaz and mother is a goyess, and thus isn't technically "a jew". They are all sexually deviant, most have been raped or molested by their own parents or someone else in the family, and they are fully ready to stab you in the back for the simplest slight and use their ability to lie to force circumstance in their favor. That being said, this was before my transition from soft-hearted cosmopolitan to aggressive counter-semite. Seeing this tunnel malarkey reminds me of the things I would hear the family members of the jewesses say when they thought no dumb goy was within earshot. They clearly have a distinct and divided world, one for them, and one how they act in front of the "animals".

The purpose of the hidden physical parts of jewry is always sexual. Sometimes its sacrificial or for bloodletting. But it is always something "jewish" and not understood by those outside of the cult. In some ways, to understand what all the purpose of each of their ways and events and objects are for, is to be stained with their irredeemable nature that comes from Cain. We will never truly understand the ways of the devil, but we can recognize them.

Here is some more relevant information, and one of my favorite internet pianists:

"TDV: jew tunnels, organ and sex trafficking all to make shekels and genocide the goyim"

The intro to this one is awesome, but the rest is kind of boring:

"Oy Vey! jew tunnels in NYC and rebel news reporter arrested"

Here is another tie-in of the Chabad to their tunnels and how they hold unprecedented control over American politics among other countries:

"Who are the sewer jews?"
If we take (((Carl Sagan's))) baloney detector test as an example -- we don't get past the first bullet:
  • Wherever possible there must be independent confirmation of the “facts.”
Literally every 'conservative' blue check on twitter saying these tunnels were created due to COVID lockdowns does not want any more investigation to be done on these tunnels, and they will not decry the fact that we will never know what happened there.

I'm at the point where if something is in the MSM/blue checks on Twitter, I actively don't believe it unless much more proof comes out. The best recent example of this was that submarine with the logitech controller that imploded last summer. The MSM and Twitter folks were saying things like, "This is how many hours of air those people have left" when the reality is they knew that thing was gone. Whichever government entity monitors that ocean had detected the collapse. But you know, it was a slow news cycle.

Yeah that's generally my take on it. I'm not 100% sold on the rape dungeon theory, but I also have to acknowledge that the crimes of these people have shocked and surprised me in the past.

Overall, the story is just really fishy, and the way all the usual suspects tried to play it down makes it even more suspicious. I mean, you hear all these different stories about boys getting raped in mikvahs, then there is a secret tunnel from a very occultist Jewish sect into a mikvah, then they tell those convoluted and weird stories about "Israeli youngsters", who dug the tunnel on their own, but nobody ever told them to leave or removed them from the premises or anything?

It reminds me of when I watched "Capturing the Friedmans" (which I very much recommend for the ethnographically interested, but it's rough),
where this one Jewish guy, who clearly was a pedo and had pedo material, got accused of committing the most heinous crimes against children from his computer course, and then his crazy family going even more crazy and falling apart.

Long story short, it seemed like not all of the stories they got out of the children couldn't really be true, but then again, he had clearly child-pornographic material in his possession and a bizarre sexual past, so there must have been some kernel of truth in it all. What complicated it was that his Jew family seemed dead set on not giving any straight story to the goyim, and instead all telling their own versions, while ostensibly also being at each other's throat about it. It's a disturbing insight into the internal dynamics of Jewish communities.

My conclusion about this case was that he probably got into some beef with another Jew, or several, who knew about his damning material and somehow made the accusations by the students happen.

This might be a similar situation. I assume that the tunnel had some kind of weird ceremonial significance, but either way, nobody would actually tell the truth about that. That doesn't exclude the possibility of nefarious sexual things happening, because after all, it would be the perfect place for that because even the people horrified by it would never go to the authorities, and mostly just avert their gaze.
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I like your posts - These stories and psy-ops are designed to cause division.
Got it. However, it's not working here at CHRIST Is King because most of us are on the same page. That is, except for a guy named "TruthTeller" who lies and another guy claiming "The Beast Won."
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I just remembered. And for context I’m in nyc and have encountered many jews here. Including sone that cobsidered joining orthodox or hasudic sects. What they told me was this, the orthodox community’s number one priority is to grow the orthodox community and they are extremely insular similar to Amish or mennonites.

They actively recruit jews on the street and ask them on the street if they are jewish, if i say no then they just walk away. If I say yes then they try to get me to come to their synagogue and will be super nice at least initially.

Orthodox and hassidic members do not consider jews outside of their sect to be true jews and basically consider anyone outside of their community to be infidels who will burn in hell and are less than human.

That said, most likely the tunnel system and mattresses and strollers are to bring in 8th month pregnant Israelis to create anchor babies and grow the orthodox community in nyc. They will then hook them up with housing in tge orthodox section of Brooklyn and repeat.

This was samseau’s explanation and most likely what is really going on here.

Relative to the rest of clown and jewush subversion in music/tv/news media and spreading the globo homo agenda, I cannot even get that worked up about this. But it is the most likely explanation. I guess the two could be connected(spreading the globo homo agenda and creating anchor babies in Brooklyn) but really I can’t even spend that much energy thinking about it much less getting mad about it as it’s out of my control
That said, most likely the tunnel system and mattresses and strollers are to bring in 8th month pregnant Israelis to create anchor babies and grow the orthodox community in nyc. They will then hook them up with housing in tge orthodox section of Brooklyn and repeat.
That also doesn't make much sense to me. Like, a tunnel for highly pregnant women? To..give birth? To sleep?

I mean, if they want to import too many people and the other Hassids wouldn't let the immigrants stay at their places and that's why...a tunnel? Secret barrack with bunk beds?

I don't know, man. Aren't half of the people in that community landlords? Why would you need a secret underground place to house pregnant ladies?

Do Israelis even get deported? That I genuinely don't know.

But, out of all the ways they have to help their coethnics migration-wise, digging a secret tunnel right under their main synagogue seems like the weirdest possible thing to do. Granted, they are weird people. But it still makes zero sense to me. Housing illegal immigrants in an illegal tunnel you have to make a huge ruckus to build doesn't fit. Plus, they all look the same. In Crown Heights, they could pretty much hide in the open.

In the Russian Empire, they were infamously difficult for census workers to register, because they all wore the same, looked the same and would constantly change location.

I guess it would explain why the native community members sort of grudgingly tolerated it, but so would they if there was something else going on, out of what I and others have suggested.

Relative to the rest of clown and jewush subversion in music/tv/news media and spreading the globo homo agenda, I cannot even get that worked up about this. But it is the most likely explanation. I guess the two could be connected(spreading the globo homo agenda and creating anchor babies in Brooklyn) but really I can’t even spend that much energy thinking about it much less getting mad about it as it’s out of my control

I think you're right that it's not super outstanding, but I wouldn't say it's irrelevant. Whether they need the tunnels for procedural or ceremonial reasons, it's relevant to Christians. Chabad is one of the main sects involved in 3rd Temple stuff, so we have to keep an eye on them, if only to discern the signs of the times.

But also, the bizarre behavior and the universal attempt by Zionists and Shabbes Goyim to defend them makes it look like something to look into.
The fact that authorities agreed to just have it filled up and not investigate any of their shenanigans is at best another extraordinary example of Jewish privilege, at worst a marker of a larger conspiratorial complex.