Jewish Tunnels Under New York

I find your arguments incredibly weak. You posted a Twitter thread of what looks like someone videotaping a dirty basement with random stuff inside.

“It’s certain that the Catholic church was used for sexual abuse. The Catholic Church has a long history of sex attacks on children.

Until the late 80s, Catholic Church leadership hid the crimes from police and never punished the perpetrators. They simply moved problem priests to different churches.

The Catholic Church also supports homosexuality. It is an open secret that many priests and seminarians are gay.”

See what I did there?

I can go on and and on and write the same exact thing about what YOU have listed under your screen name.

The difference is…there’s real evidence to what I wrote above and not some vague allegation that a dirt tunnel under a synagogue was being used for sexual abuse.

I hate to break it to you guys but there are sick and evil people everywhere. Some of these people position themselves into roles where they will be around children because they are sick.

The difference is, the Talmud authorizes the molestation of toddlers and children.
I believe this is true. However, do they really need a 4ft by 4ft dirt tunnel to do it? I think the dirt tunnel is just some weird thing someone did. I think they usually do their molestations in a regular building.
That may absolutely be the case... But they have to get in and the tunnels location next to a children's museum is sure convenient.

Where they are conducting the acts is less the point.... The discussion of their acts is the key here.

And the constant Catholic comparison is very very tiresome and inaccurate. The number of convicted offenders in the Catholic Church is low and the press is very high... And this scandal of course is pushed by Jews to discredit the Catholic Church. EMJ has documented this.
The difference is, the Talmud authorizes the molestation of toddlers and children.

Ok I’ll have to do some digging to verify these things the Talmud says, but even if it does that’s not even the argument here. The argument is whether these tunnels were being used for human trafficking. I see no evidence that they were.

Anyway, back to all these things their book says. Is it actually condoning these things or is it just some crazy stuff that was written down thousands of years ago.

People then cherry pick examples and conclude “Look their book says this! They support it!”

Let’s see how stupid this is because someone can do that against the Bible too.

Here you go:

The Bible condones human trafficking:

“Slaves, be subject to your masters with all reverence, not only to those who are good and equitable but also to those who are perverse." Peter 2:18

"When a man sells his daughter as a slave, she will not be freed at the end of six years as the men are. If she does not please the man who bought her, he may allow her to be bought back again." Exodus 21: 7-8

It apparently also supports spousal abuse:

“When men strive together one with another, and the wife of the one draweth near for to deliver her husband out of the hand of him that smiteth him, and putteth forth her hand, and taketh him by the secrets. Then thou shalt cut off her hand, thine eye shall not pity her.” Deuteronomy 25: 11-12

Or it supports killing your kids if they curse at you:

“And he that curseth his father, or his mother, shall surely be put to death.” Exodus 21:17

We can go on and on all day, do you guys see how stupid this is? Someone who isn’t familiar with Christianity can look at cherry picked quotes and think Christian’s are ok and believe this stuff. It’s just ridiculous.

What’s happening to many of you here are are that you are falling prey to inherent biases and don’t even see it in yourself. You’re losing the ability to think critically.
Ok I’ll have to do some digging to verify these things the Talmud says, but even if it does that’s not even the argument here. The argument is whether these tunnels were being used for human trafficking. I see no evidence that they were.

Anyway, back to all these things their book says. Is it actually condoning these things or is it just some crazy stuff that was written down thousands of years ago.

People then cherry pick examples and conclude “Look their book says this! They support it!”

Let’s see how stupid this is because someone can do that against the Bible too.

Here you go:

The Bible condones human trafficking:

“Slaves, be subject to your masters with all reverence, not only to those who are good and equitable but also to those who are perverse." Peter 2:18

"When a man sells his daughter as a slave, she will not be freed at the end of six years as the men are. If she does not please the man who bought her, he may allow her to be bought back again." Exodus 21: 7-8

It apparently also supports spousal abuse:

“When men strive together one with another, and the wife of the one draweth near for to deliver her husband out of the hand of him that smiteth him, and putteth forth her hand, and taketh him by the secrets. Then thou shalt cut off her hand, thine eye shall not pity her.” Deuteronomy 25: 11-12

Or it supports killing your kids if they curse at you:

“And he that curseth his father, or his mother, shall surely be put to death.” Exodus 21:17

We can go on and on all day, do you guys see how stupid this is? Someone who isn’t familiar with Christianity can look at cherry picked quotes and think Christian’s are ok and believe this stuff. It’s just ridiculous.

What’s happening to many of you here are are that you are falling prey to inherent biases and don’t even see it in yourself. You’re losing the ability to think critically.

This was you just yesterday:
“Certain members on here want to ridicule, censor, or report my posts just because I don’t agree with them and have a differing point of view. They have no leg to stand on when it comes to censorship, or free speech.”

And today, you’re easily accusing the rest of the members for
“falling prey to inherent biases and don’t even see it in yourself. You’re losing the ability to think critically.”
That’s just pathetic and hypocritical.
Ok I’ll have to do some digging to verify these things the Talmud says, but even if it does that’s not even the argument here. The argument is whether these tunnels were being used for human trafficking. I see no evidence that they were.

Anyway, back to all these things their book says. Is it actually condoning these things or is it just some crazy stuff that was written down thousands of years ago.

People then cherry pick examples and conclude “Look their book says this! They support it!”

Let’s see how stupid this is because someone can do that against the Bible too.

Here you go:

The Bible condones human trafficking:

“Slaves, be subject to your masters with all reverence, not only to those who are good and equitable but also to those who are perverse." Peter 2:18

"When a man sells his daughter as a slave, she will not be freed at the end of six years as the men are. If she does not please the man who bought her, he may allow her to be bought back again." Exodus 21: 7-8

It apparently also supports spousal abuse:

“When men strive together one with another, and the wife of the one draweth near for to deliver her husband out of the hand of him that smiteth him, and putteth forth her hand, and taketh him by the secrets. Then thou shalt cut off her hand, thine eye shall not pity her.” Deuteronomy 25: 11-12

Or it supports killing your kids if they curse at you:

“And he that curseth his father, or his mother, shall surely be put to death.” Exodus 21:17

We can go on and on all day, do you guys see how stupid this is? Someone who isn’t familiar with Christianity can look at cherry picked quotes and think Christian’s are ok and believe this stuff. It’s just ridiculous.

What’s happening to many of you here are are that you are falling prey to inherent biases and don’t even see it in yourself. You’re losing the ability to think critically.
The Bible doesn't say that you can rape and kill children.

I'm sorry but you're sounding like a boomer whose making moral equivalents in denial.

You can't cherry pick a boom that says Jesus is burning in hell in a vat of human excellent and that the Virgin Mary is a whore.

Just because you're ignorant of it doesnt mean you need to defend it.
This was you just yesterday:
“Certain members on here want to ridicule, censor, or report my posts just because I don’t agree with them and have a differing point of view. They have no leg to stand on when it comes to censorship, or free speech.”

And today, you’re easily accusing the rest of the members for

That’s just pathetic and hypocritical.

How is that the case? I’m not asking them to be banned or censored unlike the people who keep reporting my posts or responding with alien or glowie likes. I haven’t reported anybody’s post on here.

I’m questioning the critical thinking because here is what seems to be the thought process for some people on the forum went.

Story of tunnels under Jewish Synagogue —> All Jews are evil —> Tunnel must be there for nefarious purpose —> Tunnel has been used for human trafficking.

The argument isn’t about whether the Talmud says vile things or that certain sects despise Christianity, it’s whether these tunnels have been used for human trafficking. Once the evidence for that was lacking it turned into a discussion more fitted for what seems to be the Jewish question thread.
How is that the case? I’m not asking them to be banned or censored unlike the people who keep reporting my posts or responding with alien or glowie likes. I haven’t reported anybody’s post on here.

I’m questioning the critical thinking because here is what seems to be the thought process for some people on the forum went.

Story of tunnels under Jewish Synagogue —> All Jews are evil —> Tunnel must be there for nefarious purpose —> Tunnel has been used for human trafficking.

The argument isn’t about whether the Talmud says vile things or that certain sects despise Christianity, it’s whether these tunnels have been used for human trafficking. Once the evidence for that was lacking it turned into a discussion more fitted for what seems to be the Jewish question thread.
The point is that this tunnel system is an avenue for trafficking of children.

The Talmud references in conjuction with the historical arrests and trafficking articles and practices of sucking circumcised baby pe-pe's are all apropos to the sort of actions alleged to a purpose of the tunnel.

Add that up with blood soaked mattresses and kids strollers.

Is it scandalous... Yes.

But don't those things give more credence to the idea that these allegations are credible vs not credible?

I mean if we had a video of a kid being tortured to death people would still dispute it as fake or AI or something.
What was that thing with all of the cables around New York? I remember reading a post about it a while back on RVF, something to do with a "religion hack" so that they could keep practicing business on Sundays or something.
You refer to the "eruv," a shamanic barrier erected by the jews to evade their sabbath restrictions. These have only aboveground delineations as far as I know.
The point is that this tunnel system is an avenue for trafficking of children.

Besides the 4chan post which is dubious, where is the evidence that this is an entire tunnel system vs. just one that is leading into that Chabad synagogue? Lots of cities and towns have underground tunnels.

The Talmud references in conjuction with the historical arrests and trafficking articles and practices of sucking circumcised baby pe-pe's are all apropos to the sort of actions alleged to a purpose of the tunnel.

Not really, but I’m not familiar with the historical allegations and history of this. Frankly with what you described I have no desire to look it up either.

Add that up with blood soaked mattresses and kids strollers.

What I saw was a picture of a mattress and it was a baby chair thrown into what seemed like a dirty basement or the tunnel. The chair makes no sense makes no sense in transporting kids around.

Is it scandalous... Yes.

But don't those things give more credence to the idea that these allegations are credible vs not credible?

I don’t think they are credible at this point. The law also states innocent until proven guilty, so no prosecutor would take this case.
It’s all internet speculation at this point.

I mean if we had a video of a kid being tortured to death people would still dispute it as fake or AI or something.

Nah, if this existed and the people could be identified and questioned, then we are building a case.

Abuse has probably happened in this community, like many others. Like I posted their are evil people in many organizations but an underground tunnel system of trafficking kids is a stretch.
The Talmud references in conjuction with the historical arrests and trafficking articles and practices of sucking circumcised baby pe-pe's are all apropos to the sort of actions alleged to a purpose of the tunnel.
Not really, but I’m not familiar with the historical allegations and history of this. Frankly with what you described I have no desire to look it up either.

Why do you think you have a right to hold an opinion on which that you choose to be ignorant about? And how on earth would you ever choose a handle like "TruthTeller" if you choose to be willingly ignorant about certain things? Perhaps a handle like "NarrativeCrafter" would better suiting, but, it may be a bit too honest for your liking?
Why do you think you have a right to hold an opinion on which that you choose to be ignorant about? And how on earth would you ever choose a handle like "TruthTeller" if you choose to be willingly ignorant about certain things? Perhaps a handle like "NarrativeCrafter" would better suiting, but, it may be a bit too honest for your liking?

Because his purpose is to create chaos on the forum and derail threads with hostility. Acting in good faith is not part of the job.
Besides the 4chan post which is dubious, where is the evidence that this is an entire tunnel system vs. just one that is leading into that Chabad synagogue? Lots of cities and towns have underground tunnels.

Not really, but I’m not familiar with the historical allegations and history of this. Frankly with what you described I have no desire to look it up either.

What I saw was a picture of a mattress and it was a baby chair thrown into what seemed like a dirty basement or the tunnel. The chair makes no sense makes no sense in transporting kids around.

I don’t think they are credible at this point. The law also states innocent until proven guilty, so no prosecutor would take this case.
It’s all internet speculation at this point.

Nah, if this existed and the people could be identified and questioned, then we are building a case.

Abuse has probably happened in this community, like many others. Like I posted their are evil people in many organizations but an underground tunnel system of trafficking kids is a stretch.
I appreciate the fact that there's tons of speculation about what's going on in the tunnels. But you seem to have a more "head in the sand" approach about the individuals within the community...and create false moral equivalence like "well its just some extremists within the religion" When the very thing being accused of is acceptable in the religion of question.

Why do you say it doesn't make sense to have a chair? You saying it doesn't mean its a refutation of it being there. Seems just as likely if you grabbed a kid off a stroller you'd have a stroller.

So far I've seen nothing but you trying to obfuscate/ignore/deny the amount of pederasty within the group, and the fact of the matter.
Maybe they havent been trafficking kids. At this point however, I'm going with a 51-49 that there was use for trafficking of children personally. Do I think they had 6 million children being brought in and out of there? Nope.... but do I think it's more likely to have occured than not occurred. YES I do.

Normally when I dont know what I'm talking about, (i.e. you not knowing whats in the Talmud) I inquire and learn. Instead you're playing ping pong trying to present it as though the things we are presenting to you about pederastic behavior in the Hassidic community or the fact that a mohel will literally put he mouth on the genitals of a circumcised genitals in "oral suctioning" is some sort of wild theory. As we've stated.... many many losely practicing, culturally jewish people who dont engage with the Hassidic community don't get into all of this. But here we are talking about Chabad Lubavitch and their headquarters.... a very powerful group with a very large funding group with a history of high level rabbis involved in extremely nefarious stuff.
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