Is there more to nuclear bombs than we know?

For my sins, in the early noughties I spent a lot of time on the David Icke forum. Back then most anything and everything deemed established fact in the mainstream was questioned. There were a few casualties on that forum. One guy was so black pilled he drank himself to death, never leaving his blacked out home. It was on that forum I witnessed how immersion in such topics could cause some people to lose their logical bearings, for want of a better term. They became fixed in their beliefs, no matter how bizarre, and could not be argued against.

Today, despite everything that he got correct, I consider David Icke a dangerous man. He's everywhere. As soon as someone gets any awareness that they're sleeping to Satan's lullaby, Icke is there to sweep them off to the Great Awakening, the gnostic merry-go-round, where Jesus Christ is just another enlightened master along with all the others. But I digress.

Point being, whether it's nukes are fake or any other fringe conspiracy, if you can't back up your assertions or refute others logically, then you have a problem, or at least a potential problem.

It's really okay to be wrong and admit being so. In fact it's a spiritual requirement you do so, lest pride lead you into deep, dark waters.
For my sins, in the early noughties I spent a lot of time on the David Icke forum. Back then most anything and everything deemed established fact in the mainstream was questioned. There were a few casualties on that forum. One guy was so black pilled he drank himself to death, never leaving his blacked out home. It was on that forum I witnessed how immersion in such topics could cause some people to lose their logical bearings, for want of a better term. They became fixed in their beliefs, no matter how bizarre, and could not be argued against.

Today, despite everything that he got correct, I consider David Icke a dangerous man. He's everywhere. As soon as someone gets any awareness that they're sleeping to Satan's lullaby, Icke is there to sweep them off to the Great Awakening, the gnostic merry-go-round, where Jesus Christ is just another enlightened master along with all the others. But I digress.

Point being, whether it's nukes are fake or any other fringe conspiracy, if you can't back up your assertions or refute others logically, then you have a problem, or at least a potential problem.

It's really okay to be wrong and admit being so. In fact it's a spiritual requirement you do so, lest pride lead you into deep, dark waters.
It is no different than people who ruin their marriages because they cannot stop talking about how the earth is flat. The darkness is tangible.
I find the direction of this thread concerning.

Why is there such borderline hostility towards paternos, and even warnings of closing the thread?

Is this not just a harmless topic of discussion? Even if paternos is wrong, is he not allowed to be mistaken? Maybe you think he is being stubborn and won't listen to reason. Then why not just leave his thread alone? If you have convincingly proved paternos wrong, and it is clear for all to see, why is there a need to force him to concede? If no one agrees with him, and no one is interested in what he is saying, the thread will die off naturally. I expect most people here can discern for themselves and make up their own minds. I also suspect that if any shared his views, now they are less likely to say so, lest they suffer the same treatment.

On the matter of paternos being proud. Maybe he is, maybe he isn't. I submit we are all guilty of it, only we are quick to see it in others. Are all these criticisms leveled at him done with love? If he were your own father or brother whom you cared about, would you not, however frustrated you are, continually try to persuade him to see the truth rather than argue bitterly? And if having failed that, which often is the case, would you not then pray to God for them?

This is the level of aversion I would expect for someone maliciously spreading false doctrine, not someone entertaining conspiracies in the "Deep Forum" section. Does no one else find it strange that this has become so inflamed?
I find the direction of this thread concerning.

Why is there such borderline hostility towards paternos, and even warnings of closing the thread?

Is this not just a harmless topic of discussion? Even if paternos is wrong, is he not allowed to be mistaken? Maybe you think he is being stubborn and won't listen to reason. Then why not just leave his thread alone? If you have convincingly proved paternos wrong, and it is clear for all to see, why is there a need to force him to concede? If no one agrees with him, and no one is interested in what he is saying, the thread will die off naturally. I expect most people here can discern for themselves and make up their own minds. I also suspect that if any shared his views, now they are less likely to say so, lest they suffer the same treatment.

On the matter of paternos being proud. Maybe he is, maybe he isn't. I submit we are all guilty of it, only we are quick to see it in others. Are all these criticisms leveled at him done with love? If he were your own father or brother whom you cared about, would you not, however frustrated you are, continually try to persuade him to see the truth rather than argue bitterly? And if having failed that, which often is the case, would you not then pray to God for them?

This is the level of aversion I would expect for someone maliciously spreading false doctrine, not someone entertaining conspiracies in the "Deep Forum" section. Does no one else find it strange that this has become so inflamed?

I actually was specifically trying to not make personal attacks about paternos mental state or his character. Instead I specifically addressed the logical character of the arguments he was making and trying to get him to see that using his train of logic it would lead to some pretty strange conclusions and used certain examples to illustrate that. When I used my Fed example I wasn't calling him a Fedposter but was showing him that using the type of thinking he was using to prove that nukes are fake or whatever, I could also use that thinking to say that he or anyone else posting is a Fedposter. This is not me saying he is a Fedposter but me illustrating to him that if his line of reasoning could be used to prove that he is a Fedposter then it also means it can be used for other silly conclusions.

As for leaving his thread alone, that's completely against the spirit of a discussion forum. The whole point of a discussion is to put forth ideas to a community and to allow let them respond to it whether it be to challenge the idea or to support it. If you want to be able to write something without having anyone comment negatively on it, sounds like you would be better off just writing in a diary rather then in a place that's designed for you to communicate to other people. There are rules here about how to engage in discussion but there's no rule saying you can't disagree with another poster.
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I actually was specifically trying to not make personal attacks about paternos mental state or his character. Instead I specifically addressed the logical character of the arguments he was making and trying to get him see that using his train of logic it would lead to some pretty strange conclusions and used certain examples of that. When I used my Fed example I wasn't calling him a Fedposter but that using the type of thinking he was using to prove that nukes are fake or whatever then I could also use it to say that he or anyone else posting is a Fedposter. This is not me saying he is a Fedposter but me illustrating to him that his line of reasoning could be used to prove that he is a Fedposter then it also means it can be used for other silly conclusions.

As for leaving his thread alone, that's completely against the spirit of a discussion forum. The whole point of a discussion is to put forth ideas to a community and to allow let them respond to it whether it be to challenge the idea or to support it. If you want to be able to write something without having anyone comment negatively on it, sounds like you would be better off just writing in a diary rather then in a place that's designed for you to communicate to other people. There are rules here about how to engage in discussion but there's no rule saying you can't disagree with another poster.

By the way, I was not addressing my post to anyone in particular. I'm not "calling out" anyone. I just noticed many jibes along the way as I was reading the thread. I also don't think there is some sort of intentionally coordinated attack. But keep in mind, most people can tolerate a jibe here and there (as they ought to as a man). But sometimes people forget that when it happens all at once, the intensity for the person receiving it is different. If you have ever been on the receiving end of this, you'll know what I mean.

As for the spirit of discussion, I did not discourage disagreement. Even though I didn't say it before, I think it is good to see disagreements on discussions like this. I like to consider points from both sides. I am only concerned about the way in which it is happening. And it would seem that you would agree this thread shouldn't be closed/banned because paternos is refusing to see the light, so to speak.
By the way, I was not addressing my post to anyone in particular. I'm not "calling out" anyone. I just noticed many jibes along the way as I was reading the thread. I also don't think there is some sort of intentionally coordinated attack. But keep in mind, most people can tolerate a jibe here and there (as they ought to as a man). But sometimes people forget that when it happens all at once, the intensity for the person receiving it is different. If you have ever been on the receiving end of this, you'll know what I mean.

As for the spirit of discussion, I did not discourage disagreement. Even though I didn't say it before, I think it is good to see disagreements on discussions like this. I like to consider points from both sides. I am only concerned about the way in which it is happening. And it would seem that you would agree this thread shouldn't be closed/banned because paternos is refusing to see the light, so to speak.
I see where you are coming from in part. When other people disagree with me, I try to tell myself I'm not the reality police, and I don't have to make everybody accept reality. If they believe something I know is untrue, I usually will point out that I disagree, and then if they don't change their mind, I might make a second attempt to point out the truth. After that I prefer to let them think whatever they think.

For some reason this topic triggers me. For one thing Paternos wasn't innocently going his own way thinking nukes are made up. He was aggressively trying to convince us, and being somewhat mocking of us for believing they are real. Part of me says I shouldn't care even if he says the moon is made of cheese, but somehow I can't help pointing out evidence for what I believe, or in this case what I would say I know.

I was at the point of deciding to ignore the thread when things came to a head.
I find the direction of this thread concerning.

Why is there such borderline hostility towards paternos, and even warnings of closing the thread?

Is this not just a harmless topic of discussion? Even if paternos is wrong, is he not allowed to be mistaken? Maybe you think he is being stubborn and won't listen to reason. Then why not just leave his thread alone? If you have convincingly proved paternos wrong, and it is clear for all to see, why is there a need to force him to concede? If no one agrees with him, and no one is interested in what he is saying, the thread will die off naturally. I expect most people here can discern for themselves and make up their own minds. I also suspect that if any shared his views, now they are less likely to say so, lest they suffer the same treatment.

On the matter of paternos being proud. Maybe he is, maybe he isn't. I submit we are all guilty of it, only we are quick to see it in others. Are all these criticisms leveled at him done with love? If he were your own father or brother whom you cared about, would you not, however frustrated you are, continually try to persuade him to see the truth rather than argue bitterly? And if having failed that, which often is the case, would you not then pray to God for them?

This is the level of aversion I would expect for someone maliciously spreading false doctrine, not someone entertaining conspiracies in the "Deep Forum" section. Does no one else find it strange that this has become so inflamed?

The hostility is in your head. No one wants to read nonsense, and so became irritated at the nonsense replies Paternos was making. Of course people will start to mock him in order to make him post seriously or with some humility. But hostile? Nah, 99% don't care. There were no direct insults towards Paternos and that is a job well done by the forum.

This is a Christian forum which means dedication to the Truth. Having people spout lies nonstop isn't what this forum is for. The moderators have a duty not to let lies spread as a result. That said, of course discerning the Truth is extremely difficult. It's good to have disagreement. But everyone must be willing to consider that they could be wrong, which is exactly why the #1 Rule is to Be Humble, which wasn't happening when Paternos replied to people with nonsense while insisting he was right. The rules are clear.

If Paternos merely had written the OP, and then not replied until he had very strong counter-arguments to what people present, then there would be nothing wrong with this thread. But the fact he was just clickbaiting with low-quality posts is antithetical to the purpose of the deep forum.

This is, again, why I promote a 1-post per day rule for certain forums. I am convinced the Deep Forum would be improved if we could implement 1 or 2 posts per day on any given thread.
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I find the direction of this thread concerning.

Why is there such borderline hostility towards paternos, and even warnings of closing the thread?

Is this not just a harmless topic of discussion? Even if paternos is wrong, is he not allowed to be mistaken? Maybe you think he is being stubborn and won't listen to reason. Then why not just leave his thread alone? If you have convincingly proved paternos wrong, and it is clear for all to see, why is there a need to force him to concede? If no one agrees with him, and no one is interested in what he is saying, the thread will die off naturally. I expect most people here can discern for themselves and make up their own minds. I also suspect that if any shared his views, now they are less likely to say so, lest they suffer the same treatment.

On the matter of paternos being proud. Maybe he is, maybe he isn't. I submit we are all guilty of it, only we are quick to see it in others. Are all these criticisms leveled at him done with love? If he were your own father or brother whom you cared about, would you not, however frustrated you are, continually try to persuade him to see the truth rather than argue bitterly? And if having failed that, which often is the case, would you not then pray to God for them?

This is the level of aversion I would expect for someone maliciously spreading false doctrine, not someone entertaining conspiracies in the "Deep Forum" section. Does no one else find it strange that this has become so inflamed?
Where is anyone forcing anyone else to converse?

But by name-dropping every member who disagrees with you... Which is a somewhat odd way of arguing your point if you feel you have the superior position... You're going to incur some direct replies... And maybe a little direct satire or guff.

One can make an observation that a single subject intense, borderline autistic focus is neither healthy for an individual nor a forum.

One can also refute an argument with a somewhat ascerbic tone and still not mean to personally offend the recipient.

But at the same time, some of these topics are like glowbait for fed fishing.

Not saying Paternos is a fed. Merely making the point that it's true. Hence why many of us who are hostile to fedfiltrstion, might have an active incentive to shoot down the perception of the topics genuine validity. Much like flat earth.

I've got a friend who does on about the blacks ad nauseum... To the point where I lose interest in talking about him even when I agree. That's the same level of intense focus on one topic here that I see.
I'd imagine a more productive conversation would be on nuclear physics, reactors, and then extrapolate to if bombs could exist from that perspective. Comparing coal to uranium isn't exactly apples to apples as most the energy is lost to heat with coal, much like a gasoline vehicle. I think most coal plants operate off of turbines much like a nuclear plant but that's where the similarities end. A solid understanding of thermodynamics is also helpful to have these discussions.
As mentioned several maritime vehicles utilize reactor technology. Google Earth Hanford to see the actual reactor graveyard. Not far from there is the nuclear reactor on the Columbia. I know several people that worked at the plant and on naval ship reactors so see no reason to doubt those experiences. But I don't see reactors being contested.
A good understanding of explosives is also handy to understand how a bomb would operate. Such as implosion style weapons. I guess I don't see why it's hard to imagine that when compressing something with explosives that is already known to make a lot of energy when in close proximity to itself it makes a rather big boom. Add tritium (hydrogen 3) to boost the reaction and the boom gets even bigger. Throw in multiple layers of plutonium and uranium and you get very deliverable sized weapon system.
I do think most things are fake till proven gay to steal from another poster but that's a heck of a long con job if it's all fake. Ive worked on weapon systems and been in the reactor biz but I don't really have time to dissect long books and videos on why it's fake. I'd be willing to entertain arguments saying their fake because of x reason and here's my evidence rather than because the movie told me so.
Thanks for the reply.

I don't mind open discussion on taboo-ish topics, but the level of discourse has so far been subpar. Most arguments are simply illogical and lacking content.

@Thomas More
While I disagree with Paternos on some of these "XX isn't real" topics, I think he is a very solid poster on most other topics. I'd rather not see this kind of pile on
For this kind of dog piling not to happen you'd have to get rid of the like system
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For some reason this topic triggers me.
I'm slightly triggered by it as well and the reason is that some of us have spent years learning about and working with various sciences and technology so it is almost personal when the whole thing is attacked.

'psychology' is a pseudoscience but other sciences like Newtonian physics and nuclear physics are well established hard sciences. Of course the nuclear one is newer and with more unknowns still but not to the extent that nuclear power or bombs don't exist.
I can respect the search for truth that @paternos is going through, and have done so myself. I suppose that the conclusion I came to is that I don't particularly care if nukes are real or fake, because if they ever get used, well then, I am just like most of everyone on this forum - long gone.

To live life in fear of the possibility of death via nuclear holocaust detracts from the opportunity that each of us have right now to get right with God. The purpose of life is to know Him, and then to carry yourself in a way that helps others to know Him, too. All else is a distraction, something that is more akin to a video game or television series, the drama of being alive.

If nukes are fake - that doesn't mean I won't die tomorrow.

If nukes are real - that doesn't mean I won't die tomorrow.
It saddens me to see people getting so upset and arguing like this. I can see there are strong beliefs and feelings involved but at the end of the day this forum is called Christ is King. So I hope everyone will take a moment to remember why we are here and try to empathize with others and pray for them and take a slightly less antagonistic approach, even if you believe they are wrong or misguided. And please don't take my post personally either because I am by no means perfect. Jesus Christ came into the world to save sinners of whom *I* am first. Take care & God bless.
I'm slightly triggered by it as well and the reason is that some of us have spent years learning about and working with various sciences and technology so it is almost personal when the whole thing is attacked.

'psychology' is a pseudoscience but other sciences like Newtonian physics and nuclear physics are well established hard sciences. Of course the nuclear one is newer and with more unknowns still but not to the extent that nuclear power or bombs don't exist.
From mysids I have a slightly different relationship to this subject.
My Dad was present as a young serviceman at the British nuclear tests in the Pacific - he talked about it a few times with me during his life.
In terms of the Truth and What is Objectively True it raised a couple of small issues to me regarding - what I believe to be the truth based on received information and how much our view of the world / our cosmology changes depending on the information we get.

During my dad's lifetime there was an ongoing campaign on behalf of BNTVA or British Nuclear Test Veterans Association who are campaigning and I quote from their literature:
"Imagine waking up every morning wondering if your government has intentionally exposed you to lethal radiation, and is lying to you about it.
That living nightmare is the daily reality for thousands of nuclear testing veterans and their families - 70 years on.
Now, they have one last chance to sue the Government for the toxic legacy of trauma and illness they have been left to endure."

The London Daily Telegraph writes:
"Councillor Alan Dowson was just 19 when he witnessed most people’s worst nightmare – a nuclear explosion. the now 84-year-old closes his eyes and takes us back to that day: April 22, 1958.
“When the blast went off, you saw all your bones in your hands,” he recalls. “The X-rays ran through your body.”
This was Operation Grapple – an H-bomb detonation which was part of the UK’s atomic weapons testing programme. The awestruck 19-year-old had just seen for himself an H-bomb airdrop with an explosive yield of around three megatonnes"

My Dad's attitude was that the test never affected him badly either physically or mentally and he thought that the people who contacted him about joining their civil suit were more likely trying to milk the system.
He was part of the British auxiliary forces and had served the UK in other theatres and was far more affected by coming under heavy fire than by witnessing a nuclear explosion from several miles away.

Quotes like: "“When the blast went off, you saw all your bones in your hands, The X-rays ran through your body.”
and the guy in this video describing the very same tests that my father described to me but as:
"it was like sitting, in the centre of the sun.." mean that I view what they are claiming a little askance.

My dad developed skin cancers in later life but then, so have I, and Ive never been near a nuclear test. He never had any other kind of relatable sickness.
When I was at a left wing university and jewish reform left types, who didn't have it in them to actually make it big in things like the media or finance, came around banging this drum with lots of leaflets and speeches I found my self slowly edging to the back of the crowd, struggling to believe all that they claimed.

One thing my dad did say to me was that he understood that the Generals and Air Marshals had demanded that a plane be flown right through the mushroom cloud. He said he didn't know their fate but that he felt bad for the pilots.

I actually met an ex forces guy after my dad died and discussed it with him, as he had been involved in some ways in those tests.
I mentioned the fate of the pilots and he had said "oh yes, I know the man you mean!" and he proceeded to tell me that one pilot had worn or transported a Geiger counter on his hip that had been flown through the mushroom cloud.
"Now he was fine, but where that Geiger counter had been on his hip he developed a massive tumour that had to be cut out, but other than that, right as rain."
"So.. he was fine?"
"But he had a huge tumour, shaped like a Geiger counter, on his hip"
"Got that cut out, absolutely fine!"
"Apart from the huge tumour that had to be cut out?"
"Yes..!" he was an old gent and he and his lovely elderly wife both sat there, smiling at me, and I could see their point but also thought to myself "I wonder what the whole entire story with that plane and those pilots was?" Maybe it didn't run to much more than this old gent had just told me but.. there seemed to be a few loose ends that hadn't been tied off.

Just a personal tale about brushes with large scale nuclear explosions and how much word of mouth can effect one's reading of history.
A mate of mine's sister supposedly got Gulf War Syndrome from all those crazy drugs they injected British troops with in Gulf War One. But then she had her own issues, sometimes its hard to tell what is the alleged effect of military participation and what is verifiable fact.
If you watch some US military veteran shows they run adverts **guaranteeing** that they can get US veterans disability ratings and payouts massively enhanced. There's a whole indutry around these things.

I think the need to question things is important and it is amazing what turns up for those who go out looking for answers.
Not necessarily on nuclear weapons but on so many other recent historical subjects like Gulf War One for example.
@Vas Incrementum you mention the dangers of the likes of David Icke and exaggerating the "truth" and "lies" in all sorts of different directions.

I actually wrote a lengthy post about David Icke recently on the old RVF forum. I went into my belief that he is a high level freemason, always has been a freemason and a pawn of the UK govt (much like Tommy Robinson) and got lots of positive feedback and DMs saying that the post was interesting.
I also got yet another warning for my "low quality post" - go figure.

Icke is a dangerous man precisely for the reason that TPTB are constantly putting their hand on the scales of truth - for norms that trust the mainstream media, AND for truth-seekers that are searching and thus liable to the predations of establishment goons like Icke, who prey on their disillusionment.
@ soli.deo.gloria
Please don't take my comment as a challenge to you, but just a personal opinion and experience of an older member here.

We now live in an age when hurting feelings has become a criminal offence for which one can be sent to prison. It's infantile and should be resisted and held in contempt. We, as dissidents, cannot do anything about this state of affairs, but we can adjust our behaviour with each other to meet realistic, healthy standards.

I grew up in a time that taking and giving offence was simply not discussed. If someone offended me, I would have to weigh up whether to challenge the person or let it go. Usually I just marked their card and let it go. In a masculine environment you have expect a degree of rough housing in interactions and learn how to deal with it. It's just how men are, or were should I say. I struggled with some of the banter as a boy, because I was sensitive. But I learnt to stick up for myself, gained respect and joined the club.

As men we still have feelings, but we have to learn to stand up for ourselves and not allow a hurt feeling to ruin our day. Sometimes things can get a little heated with a gathering of men, but men are in the business of establishing a hierarchy and consciously or unconsciously test each other to weed out whimps. Just because we are Christians we certainly don't have to be whimps.

All that said, being civil and gentlemanly in our conduct, despite our differences, is virtuous and what we ought to aspire to. I say be firm but fair and resist the temptation to retaliate with shaming if you can, but a certain degree of "rough housing" ought to be tolerated too.

All that said, I haven't seen anything in this thread to be concerned about other than the Ops premise😊
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Nuclear reactors are by the way also used not just for domestic electricity production but to power some submarines and ships in particular the icebreaker ones that travel across frozen sea ice
Most other things which are used to generate electricity or propel a vehicle, especially when it is to do with heat and thermodynamics can also be used to blow something up.

For example, if you made a fire with coal and heated up a very strong closed steel container half filled with water, you would also get a powerful explosion. Ordinarily in a coal power station that steam would be used to drive a turbine but you could also use it to create a destructive shockwave or at the very least, fast flying metal shrapnel.

Similarly if you took the petrol that goes in a car, say a cup of it, poured it out in the boot on a hot summers day, gave it time in there to evaporate then sparked the fuel air mixture in the boot you could also generate a destructive explosion.

In all purely chemical reactions, mass is conserved. The weight of the ashes and smoke is the same as the weight of the fuel and air. In a nuclear reaction some mass 'disappears' and is converted directly to energy.

There is some analysis here of the rate of consumption of uranium in a nuclear reactor :
MWe means megawatts of electrical power, MWt means megawatts of thermal energy

It says that a 3000MWt nuclear reactor uses about 3 kg of fuel per day whereas a 1000MWe coal power station uses 10 000 000 kg of coal per day. Yes there might be some small differences here with thermal energy vs electrical energy but essentially the nuclear one has fuel that would fit on a table top whereas the coal one sound more like a train with several carriages.

Is it then no wonder that a nuclear bomb only takes a relatively tiny amount of uranium or plutonium to do its work.

Similar statistics are listed on that page for the power station, the actual amount of matter that disappears each year after being transformed into energy is tiny, like about 1kg.

Many things in physics or the technical world are quite hard to accept. There have been experiments already a century ago or more to measure the speed of light or measure gravitation between celestial bodies, it proves the point but is very abstracted away from what we perceive. Then even modern technology like the density of circuitry in chips is hard to imagine.

It is a bit of a waste of time. Hope @paternos is not losing touch with reality, I've seen him post about wars we see on television in the middle east all being staged. Be careful, once a person loses their sanity and grip on reality it may not come back, is not something to play around with.

Would be happy to see no atomic bomb denial, satellite denial or moon landing denial. No flat Earth discussion. On the one hand, radical free speech but on the other hand like moths to a lightbulb it will attract all kinds of strange characters and more normal posters may get drowned out or withdraw.
I don't think we should insinuate that @paternos is losing his sanity.

A few hundred years ago, we had no idea what happened outside of our immediate village aside from our priest and his knowledge of Christ through the Bible and Church.

We are barraged with psyops on a daily basis (holocaust, covid, 9/11, mass shootings, etc.) that we really do have to view everything with skepticism, and realize that it doesn't even really matter.

Getting this emotional and heated about this issue is very absurd to me. Let the man ask his questions and give his opinion. We don't expect other posters to give footnotes and peer-reviewed papers on their particular subject of interest.

If you don't like it, don't click on the thread, or else have constructive criticism please.
I don't think we should insinuate that @paternos is losing his sanity.

A few hundred years ago, we had no idea what happened outside of our immediate village aside from our priest and his knowledge of Christ through the Bible and Church.

We are barraged with psyops on a daily basis (holocaust, covid, 9/11, mass shootings, etc.) that we really do have to view everything with skepticism, and realize that it doesn't even really matter.

Getting this emotional and heated about this issue is very absurd to me. Let the man ask his questions and give his opinion. We don't expect other posters to give footnotes and peer-reviewed papers on their particular subject of interest.

If you don't like it, don't click on the thread, or else have constructive criticism please.

No one questioned his sanity because of his views on nukes. They questioned his sanity because he was making lists of those who disagreed with him. That is plain weird if not concerning, no matter how you slice it.
I think to say they're fake you would need to debate the physics behind the possibility of could something even exist. If yes then is it feasible to build such a thing and deploy it. If yes again then what would prohibit any government from having them. If no then why the decades old very expensive hoax. Why would I say I have nukes to keep you from nuking me if nukes aren't possible.
So yes I think on this complicated of a question citations would be expected. Or at least reference materials that explain your position.
I do wonder though if ICBMs actually work. I mean Iv worked on them and been inside silos but the tech looks ricky ticky for shooting a giant missile into space with several warheads on it. The warheads then detach and aim at earth then deliver the payload. Seems like a lot of accuracy to ask for how retarded the government is but I digress. Elon seems to have perfected putting satellites up and the new Russian missile seems to work pretty good so it could be possible.
Not to detail the thread but I think the Gulf War Syndrome's crazy drugs were the vaccines they pumped us with, the DU rounds used indiscriminately, and EOD techs blowing up chem munitions because they weren't identifying all the ordnance before demo ops. Happened during the second round but to a much lesser extent.