Finding a traditional wife abroad

My worry is that "men" with issues within themselves will take to whatever enables them. They'll read garbage being spewed here and say "hey look this one guy agrees". It's already happened with @Australia Sucks seeking out not good advice but enablers.
There's nothing you can really do to stop that. You can shout the truth till you're blue in the face but some people will only hear what they want to hear and march right into the buzzsaw.
more-off topic garbage
It's mildly entertaining, but I'm a little concerned that there could be some innocent, younger soul out there who is reading the insane ravings of @Perseus66 and taking it seriously. Then again if anyone is doing that, they're likely beyond help and unlikely to find a woman anyway. I hope.

It's mildly entertaining seeing how different users are reacting and what this is telling us about themselves. It seems like some men were triggered personally. Could it be that some of us get reminded of their PUA and masturbator past when they look in the mirror? It's OK, on this forum most have sinned in these ways in the past.

We all have to repent ourselves because we commited the original sin, i.e. discovered sexuality or more precisely masturbation. I think there are very few adult men left today in the west who have never masturbated, except maybe among strict cradle Christians. Self-abuse is the root of most evils in this world.​

I'd mention his obsession with committing adultery with whores while leaving your wife unsatisfied at home first, but yeah, the thing with baldness is also very odd.

I doubt that the majority of the active users on this forum are actually married - but maybe I'm wrong. Too much frustrated talk about women and "western sluts" in general, too many childish memes. There are certainly a lot of unmarried men lurking in the background too, like I myself used to do on RVF.

We must face reality. Many western men will probably never find a (suitable) wife, not even if they travel to the other end of the world. Also, I think it's not wise to grab the next best Thai or Russian woman just because she appears to be easy and submissive, or triggers your base desires. The less thirsty and desperate you are the higher the likelihood of making rational decisions. Marriage should be based on rational principles, you can't allow yourself to be blinded by lust in the choice of your partner.

What options do the lots of unmarried men have left - other than (maybe) finding a wife one day?
Are they supposed to stay celibate at any cost and repress their desires?
Are they to risk relapsing into masturbation, casual dating or even rape? Certain other perversions like muslim men?​
It's mildly entertaining seeing how different users are reacting and what this is telling us about themselves. It seems like some men were triggered personally. Could it be that some of us get reminded of their PUA and masturbator past when they look in the mirror? It's OK, on this forum most have sinned in these ways in the past.

We all have to repent ourselves because we commited the original sin, i.e. discovered sexuality or more precisely masturbation. I think there are very few adult men left today in the west who have never masturbated, except maybe among strict cradle Christians. Self-abuse is the root of most evils in this world.​

I doubt that the majority of the active users on this forum are actually married - but maybe I'm wrong. Too much frustrated talk about women and "western sluts" in general, too many childish memes. There are certainly a lot of unmarried men lurking in the background too, like I myself used to do on RVF.

We must face reality. Many western men will probably never find a (suitable) wife, not even if they travel to the other end of the world. Also, I think it's not wise to grab the next best Thai or Russian woman just because she appears to be easy and submissive, or triggers your base desires. The less thirsty and desperate you are the higher the likelihood of making rational decisions. Marriage should be based on rational principles, you can't allow yourself to be blinded by lust in the choice of your partner.

What options do the lots of unmarried men have left - other than (maybe) finding a wife one day?
Are they supposed to stay celibate at any cost and repress their desires?
Are they to risk relapsing into masturbation, casual dating or even rape? Certain other perversions like muslim men?​
Is this even real?

Are you married?
A lot of guys who say American women are bad are the ones engaged in behavior where they would only find bad women. It wouldn't matter what country it is....
The statistics are the statistics, the culture is obvious, the realities of women chasing fun and career before putting marriage and family formation, whether it is their fault or not, are all real. I don't mind you all promoting hope and that "you never know, so keep trying" but just be honest about the reality of the current western world and USA, and cut the BS unicorn stuff.
Sometimes I wonder if people realize that the unicorn is a mythological creature. This chasing the unicorn mentality comes across more as mental masturbation than actually trying to find a real wife, it even fantasizes it.
The rubber still hits the road with what is available. What you want and what you can get are obviously both constraints. What many of the circle jerk (no pun intended) conversations around here revolve around are what the person behind the handle brings to the table, and whether anyone can believe it. As Rational1 and I have suggested, much of the attitude about other forum members is a skepticism, which is on average a fine point of view, but it also can be wrong on occasion and taken too far. We posit that competition is mostly the basis of this, whether anyone likes to admit it or not.
Many of your views are quite practical and correct. The obsession with purity within the ortho and catholic movements stems from the obsessive veneration of the ‘virgin’ Mary. It is likely that she was never a virgin at all as there is no proof of this.
No it's not. For example, I don't view it the way that you state, and I'm Orthodox. But I'll speak for myself only.
With the celibate lifestyle being impossible for anyone but a select few, a real outlet is needed. The question then becomes if a single man can not find a wife and wants release what then.
At a population level, I've put forth of course that celibate for any but a small number is highly unlikely. That is the question, indeed, and a big question of the forum for years now.
The only lawful options for sexual release, in my opinion, are marital sex or legal prostitution. If an unmarried man doesn't want to visit a legal prostitute, he should just stay celibate. He should definitely not masturbate or get into casual dating (PUA).
"Lawful" options is a funny way to put it. I'm not trying to get creative, crafty, or pull any "fast ones" but I don't see the difference in many of the "prostitutes" as they are all are a spectrum. I also do not promote PMO, in general.
There are arguments that Matthew mistranslated the word for young woman as virgin from the book of Isaiah.
You guys are flat out wrong on this topic and don't know it. We'll shut it down with ease, by simply referring to the dead sea scrolls, which confirm the septuagint in many ways (including "virgin" and other references to Christ in the Psalms that the Masoretes changed). That proves the tradition that you doubt correct, but I suspect you'll still stick to whatever lies you want to promote, as they are for other reasons. Oddly, you are siding with the anti-Christs, which I find amusing. I wonder if you will admit that? Either way on this topic, it's checkmate.
It's mildly entertaining seeing how different users are reacting and what this is telling us about themselves. It seems like some men were triggered personally. Could it be that some of us get reminded of their PUA and masturbator past when they look in the mirror? It's OK, on this forum most have sinned in these ways in the past.

We all have to repent ourselves because we commited the original sin, i.e. discovered sexuality or more precisely masturbation. I think there are very few adult men left today in the west who have never masturbated, except maybe among strict cradle Christians. Self-abuse is the root of most evils in this world.

I doubt that the majority of the active users on this forum are actually married - but maybe I'm wrong. Too much frustrated talk about women and "western sluts" in general, too many childish memes. There are certainly a lot of unmarried men lurking in the background too, like I myself used to do on RVF.

We must face reality. Many western men will probably never find a (suitable) wife, not even if they travel to the other end of the world. Also, I think it's not wise to grab the next best Thai or Russian woman just because she appears to be easy and submissive, or triggers your base desires. The less thirsty and desperate you are the higher the likelihood of making rational decisions. Marriage should be based on rational principles, you can't allow yourself to be blinded by lust in the choice of your partner.

What options do the lots of unmarried men have left - other than (maybe) finding a wife one day?
Are they supposed to stay celibate at any cost and repress their desires?
Are they to risk relapsing into masturbation, casual dating or even rape? Certain other perversions like muslim men?​

The things you have decided to obsess about and make your identity are choking you away from reality. You're not the only one, it seems we are attracting many misguided people here.
The statistics are the statistics, the culture is obvious, the realities of women chasing fun and career before putting marriage and family formation, whether it is their fault or not, are all real. I don't mind you all promoting hope and that "you never know, so keep trying" but just be honest about the reality of the current western world and USA, and cut the BS unicorn stuff.

There has always been degeneracy, is it worse then ever yes I will absolutely concede that. But there are still conservative families out there who raised nice girls, trust me there are. The thing is you're seeing the nasty ones because they are the loudest and the good ones have no interest in that.
You guys are flat out wrong on this topic and don't know it. We'll shut it down with ease, by simply referring to the dead sea scrolls, which confirm the septuagint in many ways (including "virgin" and other references to Christ in the Psalms that the Masoretes changed). That proves the tradition that you doubt correct, but I suspect you'll still stick to whatever lies you want to promote, as they are for other reasons. Oddly, you are siding with the anti-Christs, which I find amusing. I wonder if you will admit that? Either way on this topic, it's checkmate.
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I've already shown in another thread that's false. The Dead Sea Scrolls affirm the Masoretic Text, not the Septuagint.
We should return to the main topic, but the fact that Greek speaking Jews of the Septuagint (3rd century BC) translated the word as parthenos still remains a problem for you, especially in light of the archetypal realities found in second temple Judaism and in other ancient belief systems. I don't need to play literalism games with sola scriptura people, since that has also been found to be errant.
Ohh nooo. Scary man threatening to come find me and kick my ass.

Haha this is absolutely my first Rodeo with internet trolls gayboy.

Whatever will I do?
For those who are unaware, Cyprian is Saint Thascius Caecillus Cyprianus (early church father). But another meaning is it pertains to the worship of Aphrodite or lewd person (aka prostitute).

Translation: Cyprian is a troll.
We should return to the main topic, but the fact that Greek speaking Jews of the Septuagint (3rd century BC) translated the word as parthenos still remains a problem for you, especially in light of the archetypal realities found in second temple Judaism and in other ancient belief systems.
"Archetypyal realities"?

It's not a problem for me at all. I don't reject translating "young woman" as "virgin." The Gospel of Matthew certainly doesn't.

I just reject the lie that the Dead Sea Scrolls affirm the Septuagint translation, when they are almost identical with the Masoretic Text.
Finding a woman and male baldness are very touchy subjects.

I haven't seen any evidence linking excessive masturbation to baldness.

In Deuteronomy 23:17 the LORD tells the Israelites that "there shall be no whore of the daughters of Israel." Niether prostitution nor pornography should exist in a Christian land.
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Finding a woman and male baldness are very touchy subjects.

I haven't seen any evidence linking excessive masturbation to baldness.

In Deuteronomy 23:17 the LORD tells the Israelites that "there shall be no whore of the daughters of Israel." Niether prostitution nor pornography should exist in a Christian land.

But did you consult Reddit?!?!??

I swear this shit people hang their hats's sad.
Finding a woman and male baldness are very touchy subjects.

I haven't seen any evidence linking excessive masturbation to baldness.

In Deuteronomy 23:17 the LORD tells the Israelites that "there shall be no whore of the daughters of Israel." Niether prostitution nor pornography should exist in a Christian land.
And who is going to provide all the young virgins for men to marry so they are not tempted to resort to sin? Not everyone can be a monk.
And who is going to provide all the young virgins for men to marry so they are not tempted to resort to sin? Not everyone can be a monk.

I agree that not everyone can be monk. I'm struggling with my own realization of this limitation in myself. Working on yourself and submitting to God are the only things I want to encourage others to do.

As others in this thread have already stated, if you seek a virginal wife from another culture you've got to be worthy of her.
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