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Finding a traditional wife abroad

I agree.

Also, cyber prostitution is much worse than fleshly prostitution in the RLD. Quite a few women today decide to become cyber prostitutes, amateur porn actresses or side hustlers with OF, gaining money from men jerking off to them. This should be illegal. Fallen women should be forced to offer their services in flesh in brothels, and men should be forbidden to masturbate in their basements. Real men actually go out and engage with women in a bodily act if they want to have sexual release, else they stay celibate.​

Absolutely true, pornography has infiltrated into the home and caused much more degeneracy. In the past a man had no such outlet, except with a girlfriend, wife, or prostitute. The act of masturbation is filthy and pointless, like Onan. With the celibate lifestyle being impossible for anyone but a select few, a real outlet is needed. The question then becomes if a single man can not find a wife and wants release what then.
Prostitution has and was the normalcy in many times in history, there are men arguing with you that are self proclaimed horndogs or ex horndogs and I surmise visited hookers or had sexual relations with women of ill morals yet are now standing on a high horse.
Yes, I don't blame any man for his sexual desires, just for how he decides to live them out. The only lawful options for sexual release, in my opinion, are marital sex or legal prostitution. If an unmarried man doesn't want to visit a legal prostitute, he should just stay celibate. He should definitely not masturbate or get into casual dating (PUA).​
Many of your views are quite practical and correct. The obsession with purity within the ortho and catholic movements stems from the obsessive veneration of the ‘virgin’ Mary. It is likely that she was never a virgin at all as there is no proof of this. Protestants are aware and accepting that it was unlikely, so she is not worshipped as an idol. Prostitution has and was the normalcy in many times in history, there are men arguing with you that are self proclaimed horndogs or ex horndogs and I surmise visited hookers or had sexual relations with women of ill morals yet are now standing on a high horse.

Furthermore it has always been well known that priests and even high ranking clergy have had secret wives and girlfriends. Some even fathering children with these women. The most modern example is the recently defrocked Metropolitan Joseph who was once the highest ranking clergyman in all of North America, you can read about it here:

So yes nature and the urge to procreate will always find a way.
Red light district. A real world place where prostitutes are allowed to wear sexy clothes (in the Middle Ages, there were different dress codes for prostitutes and civil women) and offer their services to paying clients.

I don't want to give anyone unnecessary ideas, but I define cyber prostitutes as women who gain financial benefits from men by selling them sexually arousing material, videos, pictures or texts/chats of themselves over the internet. I'm not sure if Insta thots gain money directly from their followers looking at their pictures, but in a way they are selling themselves as wanking material.

One particular, sad and tragic case of cyberprostitution I heard about was the case of Grant Amato. This guy lived with his parents at age 29 and stole money from them just to able to pay a camgirl for her virtual services:


He later murdered his family (parents and brother) and ruined his entire life just for a camgirl. Notice his bald head, an indication of a sexual degenerate (wanker).

Your obsession with baldness is really really weird.

No it is not. Research it yourself before speaking so obtusely. There are arguments that Matthew mistranslated the word for young woman as virgin from the book of Isaiah. Read more about it for yourself here:

While most Protestants agree that Mary was a virgin at the time of birth, we don’t believe she was a virgin for life. How do you explain James the brother of Jesus?
No it is not. Research it yourself before speaking so obtusely. There are arguments that Matthew mistranslated the word for young woman as virgin from the book of Isaiah. Read more about it for yourself here:

While most Protestants agree that Mary was a virgin at the time of birth, we don’t believe she was a virgin for life. How do you explain James the brother of Jesus?

This is blasphemy.

A whole unique component of Christ is the virgin birth.

If you want to pedal your heresies somewhere else do so. But you will not be allowed to say this garbage here with out rebuke.
No it is not. Research it yourself before speaking so obtusely. There are arguments that Matthew mistranslated the word for young woman as virgin from the book of Isaiah. Read more about it for yourself here:

While most Protestants agree that Mary was a virgin at the time of birth, we don’t believe she was a virgin for life. How do you explain James the brother of Jesus?
Joseph was a widower and had children from his first marriage.

That's the understanding Orthodox and Catholics have.

Ever Virgin Mary.

You joined at 7:12 am today and are a troll.
No it is not. Research it yourself before speaking so obtusely. There are arguments that Matthew mistranslated the word for young woman as virgin from the book of Isaiah. Read more about it for yourself here:

While most Protestants agree that Mary was a virgin at the time of birth, we don’t believe she was a virgin for life. How do you explain James the brother of Jesus?
Mary being a virgin prior to Jesus' birth is Biblical truth. Mary as aiparthenos, ever virgin, is indeed an unbiblical novelty, another man-made tradition.

Better for another thread. This thread is already derailed enough.
My worry is that "men" with issues within themselves will take to whatever enables them. They'll read garbage being spewed here and say "hey look this one guy agrees". It's already happened with @Australia Sucks seeking out not good advice but enablers.
Pornography is substantially more destructive than prostitution on both the individual and societal level, simply due to having a much lower barrier of entry. For example, nine year-old boys obviously don't have the means or opportunity to hire prostitutes, but all they need is a smartphone/tablet to start consuming hardcore pornography. The result is that pornography is consumed on a shockingly wide spread level, with a rate of participation far in excess of the small minority of men who utilize the services of prostitutes. And to be clear, this is in no way an endorsement of prostitution. Just a recognition that the negative externalities created by pornography are overall far worse.
Same argument can be applied to weed. It's not the hardcore drugs, but the gateway drugs that rope everybody in.

Men raping women less isn't the only variable to consider in the case of pornography. The porn industry has grown so large that it now influences the mainstream culture. It's one the main reasons why things have gotten so bad that men want to fly over to the Balkans to find a non-degenerate wife.
Same argument can be applied to weed. It's not the hardcore drugs, but the gateway drugs that rope everybody in.

Men raping women less isn't the only variable to consider in the case of pornography. The porn industry has grown so large that it now influences the mainstream culture. It's one the main reasons why things have gotten so bad that men want to fly over to the Balkans to find a non-degenerate wife.

Weed is a great analogy, it isn't the weed itself that is an issue it's that it enables people to live crappy worthless lives and still be happy. It is also absolutely a gateway drug, every former friend turned pothead I know has transitioned into much worse things because of it, drug culture is nothing but poison to your life.

Just as porn gives you a warped disgusting sense of reality.