Finding a traditional wife abroad

off-topic posting
Cyprian is a sock puppet of Perseus66.
This is a false accusation, dear "Bird". I can assure you guys I've never had any account apart from this one on this forum, nor do I know who is behind the nick of "Cyprian". It's easy to become paranoid after spending too much time in an echo chamber on the internet.

Reading this forum I sometimes feel that there are many users who will readily point their fingers at others and accuse them of being irrational, when they are much more irrational themselves. It's the same with leftist NPCs in the real world - they are clinging together in madness and attacking outsiders who try to argue with them rationally.​
An attempt to illustrate this thread scientifically...

View attachment 9691
The figure in your avatar sure looks like a bald wanker, and also like an alcoholic. Did you draw it by yourself too?

Finding a woman and male baldness are very touchy subjects.

I haven't seen any evidence linking excessive masturbation to baldness.

There will never be any (((scientific))) evidence for it. Balding is usually a symptom of sexual sin in younger men, that's why it's a sensitive topic. Balding men who wish to stop or at least slow down their hair loss - and maybe even regrow lost hair - could do so by following strict celibacy. At the very least they should quit self-abusing.

With many balding men it's the same psychology as with overweight people. They will keep denying that they have become fatter, or keep saying that they can't help it because it's "genetic", when the real reason in this case is gluttony. They will often keep sinning and getting even heavier as a result, until they finally repent and lose weight.​

And who is going to provide all the young virgins for men to marry so they are not tempted to resort to sin? Not everyone can be a monk.

Has there been an (anonymous) poll on how many users on this forum are married, by the way? It'd be interesting to know...

1) how many members are married
2) how many are unmarried but currently looking for a wife
3) how many are unmarried and intending to stay celibate​
This forum is getting weird
Yes ...

Though I'm still waiting on someone to come see me in Houston to kick my ass.

It's been a while since I've had a physical altercation with anything other than one of my bulldogs.... Maybe cyprian can be my Huckleberry and make my day

Seriously though.
I always appreciate a good shit post... It's quite sad when there's zero originality in it and the insults are the level of a 4 year old.
The statistics are the statistics, the culture is obvious, the realities of women chasing fun and career before putting marriage and family formation, whether it is their fault or not, are all real. I don't mind you all promoting hope and that "you never know, so keep trying" but just be honest about the reality of the current western world and USA, and cut the BS unicorn stuff.

The rubber still hits the road with what is available. What you want and what you can get are obviously both constraints. What many of the circle jerk (no pun intended) conversations around here revolve around are what the person behind the handle brings to the table, and whether anyone can believe it. As Rational1 and I have suggested, much of the attitude about other forum members is a skepticism, which is on average a fine point of view, but it also can be wrong on occasion and taken too far. We posit that competition is mostly the basis of this, whether anyone likes to admit it or not.

Of course. The reality is we don’t know anyone’s real situation. Some posters seem to talk gibberish on here and sometimes brag. It makes me believe them less since going online and saying all these things means they are seeking the validation of the men here.
I don’t think you or I have bragged in a post ever.

No it's not. For example, I don't view it the way that you state, and I'm Orthodox. But I'll speak for myself only.

At a population level, I've put forth of course that celibate for any but a small number is highly unlikely. That is the question, indeed, and a big question of the forum for years now.

It doesn’t work. The celibate model that is. Unless a man is part of a monastic community or maybe younger with strict parents and a strict surrounding community, it’s just not viable. Not today, maybe years ago. The society is just too open.

"Lawful" options is a funny way to put it. I'm not trying to get creative, crafty, or pull any "fast ones" but I don't see the difference in many of the "prostitutes" as they are all are a spectrum. I also do not promote PMO, in general.

Prostitute officially means a women who accepts money for sex. We can argue over semantics, but slut, whore, thot, sugar baby, and hooker are in about the same category in 2024. The trajectory for most women in the US at least, is a HS boyfriend, maybe a college boyfriend, and rarely do they stay with these men, they are playing the field until 30, 35 and many times past that then want to settle down with a good man. So I ask if she has already had so many previous partners is she not equivalent to a prostitute of yesteryear?

Then there is the issue that women lie a lot. They will not tell their husband their real past, so when I hear guys brag about having a prize wife, unless you knew her and her family well growing up, you’re either rationalizing how great she is at best or at worst getting played. It’s more believable to me at least, if she’s foreign and from a traditional culture.

But from the posts here, except for a few guys it seems they currently have or have had massive issues in their marriages or long term relationships. So my opinion is it’s best to stay single than to choose poorly, and with the modern dating scene it’s hard to find someone who wants to play the get to know you game for 6 months or more and wait for marriage. She’s getting tons of “offers” even if she’s religious and odds are she will break down. Without sex, her physical investment is little. She gets what she wants, companionship attention, and as a man you are in a friend zone type situation. This was possible in previous generations because the pool was the people around them, now it’s every guy on her fb or insta, the men at work, and everyone else.

Which brings me to the hypocrisy I spoke of earlier. I’d put money that many of the religious men here and in society general never followed any courtship rules. By that I mean doing nothing sexually before marriage when courting their girlfriends/wives and by nothing I mean nothing. It didn’t happen, it rarely does, so stop trying to tell other guys how they should date or court.
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Reading this forum I sometimes feel that there are many users who will readily point their fingers at others and accuse them of being irrational, when they are much more irrational themselves. It's the same with leftist NPCs in the real world - they are clinging together in madness and attacking outsiders who try to argue with them rationally.​

You have a point.

There will never be any (((scientific))) evidence for it. Balding is usually a symptom of sexual sin in younger men, that's why it's a sensitive topic. Balding men who wish to stop or at least slow down their hair loss - and maybe even regrow lost hair - could do so by following strict celibacy. At the very least they should quit self-abusing.​

I don’t believe there’s any scientific evidence to support this. Baldness comes from a conversion of androgens mechanism from what I’ve read. How semen retention would affect this mechanism is beyond me.

With many balding men it's the same psychology as with overweight people. They will keep denying that they have become fatter, or keep saying that they can't help it because it's "genetic", when the real reason in this case is gluttony. They will often keep sinning and getting even heavier as a result, until they finally repent and lose weight.

Has there been an (anonymous) poll on how many users on this forum are married, by the way? It'd be interesting to know...

1) how many members are married
2) how many are unmarried but currently looking for a wife
3) how many are unmarried and intending to stay celibate​

2 > 1 > 3
This is a false accusation, dear "Bird". I can assure you guys I've never had any account apart from this one on this forum, nor do I know who is behind the nick of "Cyprian". It's easy to become paranoid after spending too much time in an echo chamber on the internet.

Reading this forum I sometimes feel that there are many users who will readily point their fingers at others and accuse them of being irrational, when they are much more irrational themselves. It's the same with leftist NPCs in the real world - they are clinging together in madness and attacking outsiders who try to argue with them rationally.​

The figure in your avatar sure looks like a bald wanker, and also like an alcoholic. Did you draw it by yourself too?

There will never be any (((scientific))) evidence for it. Balding is usually a symptom of sexual sin in younger men, that's why it's a sensitive topic. Balding men who wish to stop or at least slow down their hair loss - and maybe even regrow lost hair - could do so by following strict celibacy. At the very least they should quit self-abusing.

With many balding men it's the same psychology as with overweight people. They will keep denying that they have become fatter, or keep saying that they can't help it because it's "genetic", when the real reason in this case is gluttony. They will often keep sinning and getting even heavier as a result, until they finally repent and lose weight.​

Has there been an (anonymous) poll on how many users on this forum are married, by the way? It'd be interesting to know...

1) how many members are married
2) how many are unmarried but currently looking for a wife
3) how many are unmarried and intending to stay celibate​
This is literally one of the most ignorant things I've ever read.

You need a basic education in the endocrine system.

Never mind the correlation vs causation discussion.... This is just retarded
Then there is the issue that women lie a lot. They will not tell their husband their real past, so when I hear guys brag about having a prize wife, unless you knew her and her family well growing up, you’re either rationalizing how great she is at best or at worst getting played. It’s more believable to me at least, if she’s foreign and from a traditional culture.

But from the posts here, except for a few guys it seems they currently have or have had massive issues in their marriages or long term relationships. So my opinion is it’s best to stay single than to choose poorly, and with the modern dating scene it’s hard to find someone who wants to play the get to know you game for 6 months or more and wait for marriage. She’s getting tons of “offers” even if she’s religious and odds are she will break down. Without sex, her physical investment is little. She gets what she wants, companionship attention, and as a man you are in a friend zone type situation. This was possible in previous generations because the pool was the people around them, now it’s every guy on her fb or insta, the men at work, and everyone else.
Thank you for this. I think your post reflects reality pretty well. I posted in the courtship thread solidifying my understanding of pursuing a relationship in a Christian manner, and I've been encouraging traditional courtship on women that have shown interest in me since the end of my previous relationship.

Like you observed, this approach peters out between right away or within a few months regardless of her religiosity. Corrupt western culture and the factors you listed have simply made finding a virtuous partner harder than finding a needle in a haystack. I think where I am the Church has fallen, as has good parenting, to steer single women away from temptations of modernity and to instead live virtuously.

That being said, I'm maintaining my standards of traditional courtship so I don't enter in a bad relationship. I think it is better to stay single than sacrifice my dignity going along with the degenerate game. If enough single men would do the same in my area perhaps in a generation or two the culture will be better, but I'll be dead by then.
This forum is getting weird

This forum has always been a weird place - just like its "PUA turned monk" predecessor:

na na na na boo boo!
Is this even real?

Are you married?
Yes ...

Though I'm still waiting on someone to come see me in Houston to kick my ass.

It's been a while since I've had a physical altercation with anything other than one of my bulldogs.... Maybe cyprian can be my Huckleberry and make my day

Seriously though.
I always appreciate a good shit post... It's quite sad when there's zero originality in it and the insults are the level of a 4 year old.

I find it really hard to believe that this guy is supposed to be an adult, let alone responsible husband in real life. Such men should have better things to do than to engage in 24/7 shitposting on the internet.​
This forum has always been a weird place - just like its "PUA turned monk" predecessor:

I find it really hard to believe that this guy is supposed to be an adult, let alone responsible husband in real life. Such men should have better things to do than to engage in 24/7 shitposting on the internet.​
I kind of like it.
We can’t tell people to adhere to basic Christian teachings because it’s hard, no one else does it many of us have struggled with sin. Got it.

Sometimes I see how wise Roosh’s moderation was on RVF. Well-meaning ecumenism just lets batshit insanity run riot
I'm not Orthodox and I don't want CiC to be an Orthodox forum. I assume there are already other Orthodox forums out there for those who want that. I've talked to one of the main guys who created this forum and his intention was that the forum be a force for positive change in the world, with different Christian denominations working together on things they do agree on rather than focusing on fighting over theology.

That said, one of those things all Christians can agree on is that seeing prostitutes is disgusting, vile, and sinful. It seems like Perseus66 is actually having a small amount of success with convincing some of the guys following this thread that maybe he's got a point and under some circumstances it could be justified. Like you say, this is based on the idea that being chaste is difficult so we can't be expected to try and the obvious solution is to pay a woman for sex. Anyone allowing this idea to creep in should ask himself sincerely which specific teaching of Christ suggests this. If you wanted to analyze church tradition too, or the teachings of the clergy of the denomination you follow, whichever it is, I think the answer will be the same.

While I don't want the heavy handed, arbitrary moderation we had on RVF 2.1 where you could get nuked with no warning or even understanding of the reason, especially if you weren't Orthodox, I'd definitely favor tightening things up a bit and banning obviously subversive anti-Christian voices like Perseus66.
Anyone who goes to a prostitute is a loser. Whenever you look in the mirror. Theres no man there. Just a bitch. A weak pathetic bitch.

You need to pay? Loser.

How much of a loser can you be? To not be able to get on with a woman? Loser.

She should be paying you. Let me repeat that. She should be paying you. Girls paid me drinks. What is this crap?

Grab the money you were going to give to the whore. And pay a gym membership. Or go to an upper class salon. And ask for a haircut. The priciest salon. See if women look more to you. And always make the same cut.
Your taste is irrelevant. What you like to wear means nothing. What you want is female atraction. Which is easy to evaluate from how many looks females will make to you.

Prostitutes are degrading. All the p4p is really a sad world. Only losers. Its all a sad world.

A guy here already wrote a lot of times. Go to a hospital. And apply to volunteer there. Nobody listened.

You meet woman organically without forcing through studying or working.

You need to be in a place where theres women. To have a pool of woman to select.

A friend of mine plays volleyball. Its full of woman. He is married. Its a goldmine.

Another friend of mine is still single. Enrolled in BJJ. I told him. You will for sure find a lot of woman there. Fag Dumbass. Enroll in a language course instead. You need to be where females are. Fucking idiot. Still single.

You CAN’T FISH IN A DESERT. No matter how skilled of a fisher you are. You need to go where the fish is.

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Thank you for this. I think your post reflects reality pretty well. I posted in the courtship thread solidifying my understanding of pursuing a relationship in a Christian manner, and I've been encouraging traditional courtship on women that have shown interest in me since the end of my previous relationship.

I’ve been doing the same thing.

Like you observed, this approach peters out between right away or within a few months regardless of her religiosity.

We live in a culture of instant gratification, so it’s hard. These are topics for another thread, but I can write about how the approach peters out. As a quick summary, I’ve been up front and told women that were interested in me that I’m a strict devout Christian and following the rules on chastity. I did this in a socially tactful way and invariably things would go nowhere. In my last experience the woman cancelled a date with an excuse and then came up with some other excuse to not meet anymore. You can argue these are fake Christians, but the pattern has been clear and has repeated.

Corrupt western culture and the factors you listed have simply made finding a virtuous partner harder than finding a needle in a haystack. I think where I am the Church has fallen, as has good parenting, to steer single women away from temptations of modernity and to instead live virtuously.

The church does nothing to help you.

That being said, I'm maintaining my standards of traditional courtship so I don't enter in a bad relationship. I think it is better to stay single than sacrifice my dignity going along with the degenerate game. If enough single men would do the same in my area perhaps in a generation or two the culture will be better, but I'll be dead by then.

Good. I’m not advocating entering into the degenerate game or visiting brothels until you find a wife.

My comment was more that I doubt many religious men followed all the chastity rules when courting their wives. Even less so, a tiny fraction were virgins or pure themselves before marriage. Obviously if I found a good woman who was on board following church teachings, I’d be ecstatic.
This is a false accusation, dear "Bird". I can assure you guys I've never had any account apart from this one on this forum, nor do I know who is behind the nick of "Cyprian". It's easy to become paranoid after spending too much time in an echo chamber on the internet.

Reading this forum I sometimes feel that there are many users who will readily point their fingers at others and accuse them of being irrational, when they are much more irrational themselves. It's the same with leftist NPCs in the real world - they are clinging together in madness and attacking outsiders who try to argue with them rationally.​

The figure in your avatar sure looks like a bald wanker, and also like an alcoholic. Did you draw it by yourself too?

There will never be any (((scientific))) evidence for it. Balding is usually a symptom of sexual sin in younger men, that's why it's a sensitive topic. Balding men who wish to stop or at least slow down their hair loss - and maybe even regrow lost hair - could do so by following strict celibacy. At the very least they should quit self-abusing.

With many balding men it's the same psychology as with overweight people. They will keep denying that they have become fatter, or keep saying that they can't help it because it's "genetic", when the real reason in this case is gluttony. They will often keep sinning and getting even heavier as a result, until they finally repent and lose weight.

Has there been an (anonymous) poll on how many users on this forum are married, by the way? It'd be interesting to know...

1) how many members are married
2) how many are unmarried but currently looking for a wife
3) how many are unmarried and intending to stay celibate​

It was funny when you weren't taking yourself too seriously. Not so much if not!
As for my avatar;

-Been around since the 80's
-Only drinks Soda Pop
-Has very high T-levels and get's many Russian virgins

Anyone who goes to a prostitute is a loser. Whenever you look in the mirror. Theres no man there. Just a bitch. A weak pathetic bitch.

You need to pay? Loser.

How much of a loser can you be? To not be able to get on with a woman? Loser.

She should be paying you. Let me repeat that. She should be paying you. Girls paid me drinks. What is this crap?

Grab the money you were going to give to the whore. And pay a gym membership. Or go to an upper class salon. And ask for a haircut. The priciest salon. See if women look more to you. And always make the same cut.
Your taste is irrelevant. What you like to wear means nothing. What you want is female atraction. Which is easy to evaluate from how many looks females will make to you.

Prostitutes are degrading. All the p4p is really a sad world. Only losers. Its all a sad world.

A guy here already wrote a lot of times. Go to a hospital. And apply to volunteer there. Nobody listened.

You meet woman organically without forcing through studying or working.

You need to be in a place where theres women. To have a pool of woman to select.

A friend of mine plays volleyball. Its full of woman. He is married. Its a goldmine.

Another friend of mine is still single. Enrolled in BJJ. I told him. You will for sure find a lot of woman there. Fag Dumbass. Enroll in a language course instead. You need to be where females are. Fucking idiot. Still single.

You CAN’T FISH IN A DESERT. No matter how skilled of a fisher you are. You need to go where the fish is.

This is all great advice. Be where the women are. Good point about BJJ. I once heard a similar point about being in a band to meet women: any type of band will do, except for heavy metal because the fan base is a sausage fest.

Back before I met my wife I was saving up enough money to not have to work for a few years. My plan was to surf in Central America in the winter and spend the summers Europe. In Europe my plan was to do volunteer work and go to yoga classes. Not only because there would be a lot of women at both of those, but that was certainly one reason.
We can of course debate in person or live instead of this nonsense. You seem to be located in Texas, correct?
Rowan Atkinson Attack GIF by Working Title
Anyone who goes to a prostitute is a loser. Whenever you look in the mirror. Theres no man there. Just a bitch. A weak pathetic bitch.

You need to pay? Loser.

How much of a loser can you be? To not be able to get on with a woman? Loser.

She should be paying you. Let me repeat that. She should be paying you. Girls paid me drinks. What is this crap?

Grab the money you were going to give to the whore. And pay a gym membership. Or go to an upper class salon. And ask for a haircut. The priciest salon. See if women look more to you. And always make the same cut.
Your taste is irrelevant. What you like to wear means nothing. What you want is female atraction. Which is easy to evaluate from how many looks females will make to you.

Prostitutes are degrading. All the p4p is really a sad world. Only losers. Its all a sad world.

A guy here already wrote a lot of times. Go to a hospital. And apply to volunteer there. Nobody listened.

You meet woman organically without forcing through studying or working.

You need to be in a place where theres women. To have a pool of woman to select.

A friend of mine plays volleyball. Its full of woman. He is married. Its a goldmine.

Another friend of mine is still single. Enrolled in BJJ. I told him. You will for sure find a lot of woman there. Fag Dumbass. Enroll in a language course instead. You need to be where females are. Fucking idiot. Still single.

You CAN’T FISH IN A DESERT. No matter how skilled of a fisher you are. You need to go where the fish is.

I second the volleyball. You can easily weed out the drunken, crass women. 6 on 6 co-ed. Constantly rotating teams/women. You will note body language (important) and social interaction. If she's prone to cursing it will happen here. Feminists prone to calling off the men for balls. I played with my wife for awhile. A lot of fun.
This forum has always been a weird place - just like its "PUA turned monk" predecessor:

I find it really hard to believe that this guy is supposed to be an adult, let alone responsible husband in real life. Such men should have better things to do than to engage in 24/7 shitposting on the internet.​
Are you married?

Do you have kids?

I find it hard to believe that someone is actually arguing for prostitution as a net societal good.

As for my shit posts.... I suppose by your logic that no men on here could be married and have successful career and be on the forum?
Are you married?

Do you have kids?

I find it hard to believe that someone is actually arguing for prostitution as a net societal good.

As for my shit posts.... I suppose by your logic that no men on here could be married and have successful career and be on the forum?

Some people like to bring you down to their level to make themselves feel better about their own insecurities and failures. It upsets them that someone is happy and lives a good life while they had to build their lives and minds around silly things to give themselves meaning and pretend strength.

I was of the mind that we had very little to none of that around here because we pull for each other as we are all brothers in Christ, something that benefits one of us benefits all of us because we're all on the same side together. But lately with some that have come out the woodwork it's becoming clear that this is not the case with everyone and seeing what some of these "men" have built their lives around and accepted as their identity is concerning.
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Like you observed, this approach peters out between right away or within a few months regardless of her religiosity.
Yes, this is similar also to my past where if you "rejected" a girl to take it slow, they take it as an ego hit and then generally distance. What's harder there is that if the girl is attractive, you never know if you were just a transitional interest anyway, even if you had a good connection.
You need to be in a place where theres women. To have a pool of woman to select.
This is the hardest part of all. You can be very high value, and if a later bloomer that might be in your 30s, and by that time in the west it can be very hard to find much/what's left. I actually don't doubt many men's possible qualities on the forum, since men are more intangible, but I am skeptical of what they rate any given woman.
The church does nothing to help you.
This is the sad thing regarding expectations and it comes up here again in the modern day: The Church is the rudder but it doesn't mean many are actually there earnestly and continuously, faithfully. What I see, for better or worse, is just a place that is what we say it is (a hospital for those who are sick) but what I believe it should be is a place that is equally as interested in edifying its members. It could be the multiculturalism/leftism/modernism and what I'm wondering about never was going to happen anyway - I don't know - but it turns out to be mostly just a place for people to come for sickness. That's well and good, but I think it should be more of a community in a full way. When you hear and see what some sharp priests have to say, or how they act about couples or family formation, you see generally that they are fairly indifferent and in the cycle mindset. I'm calling that as I see it and I can assure you it's quite accurate.