Are you married?
Do you have kids?
I find it hard to believe that someone is actually arguing for prostitution as a net societal good.
As for my shit posts.... I suppose by your logic that no men on here could be married and have successful career and be on the forum?
If what you're saying is true, then Kudos to you and to your family. I have no way of confirming of what other guys are doing in RL and it also is none of my business. Giving out too much detailed information is forbidden anyway for privacy and doxxing reasons.
I usually prefer lurking around on the forum as an outsider and developing my own thoughts on matters without commenting. Let's just say I had a very different image of the average CiK user in mind, from reading between the lines. I thought "real Christian family men" in happy marriges would prefer to hang around with their actual families in their RL communities, rather than share their views with random "incels" searching for wives and venting frustrations about fallen women on the internet. But maybe I'm just projecting things.