Finding a traditional wife abroad

Are you married?

Do you have kids?

I find it hard to believe that someone is actually arguing for prostitution as a net societal good.

As for my shit posts.... I suppose by your logic that no men on here could be married and have successful career and be on the forum?

If what you're saying is true, then Kudos to you and to your family. I have no way of confirming of what other guys are doing in RL and it also is none of my business. Giving out too much detailed information is forbidden anyway for privacy and doxxing reasons.

I usually prefer lurking around on the forum as an outsider and developing my own thoughts on matters without commenting. Let's just say I had a very different image of the average CiK user in mind, from reading between the lines. I thought "real Christian family men" in happy marriges would prefer to hang around with their actual families in their RL communities, rather than share their views with random "incels" searching for wives and venting frustrations about fallen women on the internet. But maybe I'm just projecting things.​
I thought "real Christian family men" in happy marriges would prefer to hang around with their actual families in their RL communities, rather than share their views with random "incels" searching for wives and venting frustrations about fallen women on the internet. But maybe I'm just projecting things.​
Why cant you do both?

Im watching euro game between England and swiss with my kids. And scrolling the forum. My wife is reading a book. We just came back walking from a second hand antique fair. Everybody is tired.

Its half time in the game and Im scrollin the forum and whatsapp group. And im writting this.

Game sucks.
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We have a Catholic "young professionals" group in my area which is pretty much a way for the Church to get young people together to marry and make babies. I've been to one it was actually really nice, the excuse was for a speaker they had which did missionary work or something like that but really it was just a church hook up party.....I say that in a good way. Everyone was cordiaI, social, happy and well put together and these do these events regularly. I refuse to believe there isn't something like this in most areas, I think a lot of the guys lamenting their issues finding wives have either an unrealistic view of reality or they are after something which is much different than what they claim to be after.
If we're adding personal ancetodals, I'll say that from what I see in my offline life pretty much every married couple I know that got married in their early or mid 20s were people were active in church. When I say active I meant they weren't just showing up on Sunday and leaving as soon as the service is over but they were integrated into the social life whether because they were on the worship team, are in a small group, was volunteering and such.

I think the doom and gloom we see on here is because of a selection bias where the type of guys that would be posting on a forum like this are going to possess personality traits such as being more contratarian than average and also have interests and patterns of thought that cause them to have trouble fitting into mainstream society. It's not a coincidence one of the most active threads on here is the Moving Abroad Before the Collapse thread and how lots of people here did the nomad thing in the past and have talked about how they feel like they don't fit in when they are in Western societies. How often do you encounter people in your life that are flat earthers or who thinks baldness is a side effect of cooming too much? I have never met someone like that in my offline mode but it's a regular occurrence here.

Needless to say all those married couples I was talking about above are normies and would be completely bewildered with the conversations that happen here. They wouldn't even know what the word normies means. If you can't relate to people like that and integrate yourself into those sort of circles then it's really going to put a damper on on your marriage prospects.
If we're adding personal ancetodals, I'll say that from what I see in my offline life pretty much every married couple I know that got married in their early or mid 20s were people were active in church. When I say active I meant they weren't just showing up on Sunday and leaving as soon as the service is over but they were integrated into the social life whether because they were on the worship team, are in a small group, was volunteering and such.

I think the doom and gloom we see on here is because of a selection bias where the type of guys that would be posting on a forum like this are going to possess personality traits such as being more contratarian than average and also have interests and patterns of thought that cause them to have trouble fitting into mainstream society. It's not a coincidence one of the most active threads on here is the Moving Abroad Before the Collapse thread and how lots of people here did the nomad thing in the past and have talked about how they feel like they don't fit in when they are in Western societies. How often do you encounter people in your life that are flat earthers or who thinks baldness is a side effect of cooming too much? I have never met someone like that in my offline mode but it's a regular occurrence here.

Needless to say all those married couples I was talking about above are normies and would be completely bewildered with the conversations that happen here. They wouldn't even know what the word normies means. If you can't relate to people like that and integrate yourself into those sort of circles then it's really going to put a damper on on your marriage prospects.

Oh, I thought virgin tradwives loved pessimistic black pilled lunatics

If what you're saying is true, then Kudos to you and to your family. I have no way of confirming of what other guys are doing in RL and it also is none of my business. Giving out too much detailed information is forbidden anyway for privacy and doxxing reasons.

I usually prefer lurking around on the forum as an outsider and developing my own thoughts on matters without commenting. Let's just say I had a very different image of the average CiK user in mind, from reading between the lines. I thought "real Christian family men" in happy marriges would prefer to hang aroung with their actual families in their RL communities, rather than share their views with random "incels" searching for wives and venting frustrations about fallen women on the internet. But maybe I'm just projecting things.​
Posting on the crapper is pretty easy and requires very little intellectual efforts...

But what do I know ... I am a bald married man with a shitload of boy kids.

According to you I'm some pervert or deviant punished for my sexual activity...

Yet I'm married and a lot of kids... So that dog doesn't hunt.

Since you won't confirm if you're married or single yourself.....

The bigger issue you need self inflection is why you're posting.
Posting on the crapper is pretty easy and requires very little intellectual efforts...

This thread was not supposed to come down to a personal feud between you and me.

But what do I know ... I am a bald married man with a shitload of boy kids.
You didn't necessarily have to tell that. Did you turn bald during, or before your marriage?
Since you won't confirm if you're married or single yourself.....
I actually did answer in post #266, but many people must have overlooked it in the heat of discussion.

Anyway, we should avoid becoming too personal as if this were an inquisition tribunal.​

The bigger issue you need self inflection is why you're posting.

You're right. Venting online does help me just as many of the "misogynist" black-pilled guys here on CiK. We certainly won't be telling "normies" in RL what we're posting here, out of fear for societal repercussions.

Do you guys even tell your own families and friends about your activity on CiK - or do you keep your writings a secret from those people close to you?​
Posting on the crapper is pretty easy and requires very little intellectual efforts...

But what do I know ... I am a bald married man with a shitload of boy kids.

A role-model Christian wouldn't be using such vulgar language, by the way. Were your "shitloads" of children born on the crapper too?
A role-model Christian wouldn't be using such vulgar language, by the way. Were your "shitloads" of children born on the crapper too?
No. My children were born in the hospital by my wife.

You might look into how child birth works. There's this whole process and many books about it. Apparently your mommy and daddy never gave you that talk.

Also spare your sanctimony... You receive commentary with the same vulgarity as your vulgar ideas.

You're posting trash, and when someone posts trash I'm going to address their ideas accordingly.

You're position that prostitution is a net good is totally garbage and something someone with our children might share, but imagine if you had a wife or a girl.... That position would change.
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He is just an obvious troll. I have already put him on ignore I suggest you do the same instead of arguing with him. He is not worth your time.
Yeah. I'm disappointed to see guys actually engaging Perseus66. My best guess is that he's a fallen Catholic and his views are essentially a parody of how Catholics tend to see sex as icky and shameful, something truly righteous people don't want. He's likely on some leftist site gleefully laughing about how he's gotten us all riled up.

Or he's just nuts. Either way, if the mods won't ban him, ignore him.
In real life it’s exactly these type of hypocritical busybodies that lead to declining numbers of people joining churches and newcomers leaving the church.

A good Christian should encourage others by their actions and by serving as a good example rather than trying to pridefully browbeat others into behaving well. Pride is clearly a sin according to the bible. There are many prideful posters on this forum. I’m not a Christian but those who are Christian should stick to the rules of their religion.

Why should any Christian take an agnostics opinion on another's spiritual state seriously? Someone who is actually "A good Christian" will not fit in the box you imagine.

Mocking the foolishness of others who are insistent on staying on a destructive path has precedent in the Old Testament, and is even done by Church Fathers as well.

Medieval Christians accepted prostitution as a necessary evil. It was very widespread in Europe.

In the medieval era you have medieval era controls and pressure valves so that the degeneracy didn't spread into modern society, but what medieval Christians didn't have is smartphones, the smartphone and apps like Tinder provide more than enough space for the modern version of a red light district, legalized prostitution is something redundant, and only furthers to decay society. You cannot put these things into law, the red light district is an area which people know about, but don't talk about if you value the integrity of society. You cannot openly speak well of corruption or you get more of it. It's the same way that drug use skyrocketed when "safe injection sites" were introduced.
So a local guy who is ugly, dresses like a gangster, cheats on his girlfriend, swears and acts like a 12 year old and earns €300 per month is somehow better than a foreign dude just by virtue of being a local? Somehow that’s having standards? But to date a foreigner would be having no standards?

Yes in their culture that is correct.

I don't know why you're getting upset with me about it, I didn't say it was right or wrong I'm simply telling you how it is. Youre not of their culture, conservative old world cultures marry within their own's kinda what makes their cultures what they are otherwise they turn into the west.

100% you are not actually out there looking for a wife if this upsets you and you don't respect or understand it, you're upset because you traveled across the world thinking it would be easier to get laid and you still can't.

Whoever is still trying to feel bad for this guy needs to stop playing into him just to be a contrarian.
They would rather marry what you call a "loser" than date outside their culture and be branded for the rest of their lives taking a chance on the random guy who showed up in their country trying to pick them up, it seems you're having trouble grasping this concept thinking you're still in the's actually the opposite of not having standards and it has nothing to do with how long you've lived there.
I’m pretty sure refusing to marry foreigners does mean it has to do with how long someone has lived there.
So a local guy who is ugly, dresses like a gangster, cheats on his girlfriend, swears and acts like a 12 year old and earns €300 per month is somehow better than a foreign dude just by virtue of being a local? Somehow that’s having standards? But to date a foreigner would be having no standards?
Yes in their culture that is correct.
No, marrying a foreigner doesn't mean not having standards, it means the woman is seen as a traitor, and thus shamed for it. This a form of tribal mate guarding.
I’m pretty sure refusing to marry foreigners does mean it has to do with how long someone has lived there.

No, marrying a foreigner doesn't mean not having standards, it means the woman is seen as a traitor, and thus shamed for it. This a form of tribal mate guarding.
The only Balkans girls (with one exception) so far I met that married foreigners were the ones that lived overseas for a while. The ones that have never lived in another country are extremely unlikely to marry a foreigner (irrespective of how long the foreigner has lived there).
I’m pretty sure refusing to marry foreigners does mean it has to do with how long someone has lived there.

No, marrying a foreigner doesn't mean not having standards, it means the woman is seen as a traitor, and thus shamed for it. This a form of tribal mate guarding.

Are those not just different ways of phrasing it? I was speaking to what he had said.

Being a sex tourist for 5 years doesn't mean you're now part of that culture and preferring to marry your own culture is a "standard" would you not say?
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The only Balkans girls (with one exception) so far I met that married foreigners were the ones that lived overseas for a while. The ones that have never lived in another country are extremely unlikely to marry a foreigner (irrespective of how long the foreigner has lived there).

Yea because they became westernized, you left the west specifically seeking a non western girl remember? Funny how you got upset with me and "banned" me from your other thread when I tried to make you understand this....

Again you're not looking for a wife, you went there for sex tourism and you got upset when guys didn't help you get laid.
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I will soon be getting the citizenship of the country I've been living in now for 11 years.
I've asked the natives whether I would then be seen as an "XX" (let's just say Andorran, for example).
They told me no. I would just be a foreigner with their passport. This, despite me being white, speaking their language fluently, having a good job, paying taxes, and being 100% of European stock (I have the DNA test to prove it).
That should give you an idea how tribal the Europeans are.
Just showing up and searching for a traditional wife is going to be hard, even in western Europe, and certainly in eastern Europe. From my experience here, the very few native women who I see interested in non-rapefugee immigrants have nevertheless always been either rebellious, feminists, gold-diggers, over-the-hill, or social misfits. Only one normal native woman was interested in me, but I didn't find her attractive.
Being Orthodox in a non-Orthodox country makes the pool even smaller. MUCH smaller. The only single women in my church are under 25 or over 60 and widowed or recovering Boomer hippies. Granted, I'm not really looking for a wife. I'm just sharing my anecdotal experiences.
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