I lived in Germany for many years and the legalized prostitution there has not diminished people's appetites. The "release valve" argument is proven wrong. As a matter of fact, they have become more degenerate and depraved. Skat pr0n and cuckoldry are normal there, and the wives, instead of being challenged by female competition to step up and be better wives, have actually become hyper-masculine and abrasive.
I’ve always found certain German women hyper masculine as well. Yeah, it’s to be expected when you legalize a thing like that.
From a Christian standpoint it makes no sense, we’re told to avoid sin and the near occasions of sin. I don’t know how much nearer you can be with hookers and brothels around. Even if regulated to their own area, come on. Then there’s the toll on the family unit, wife continues to piss you off so a guy goes to red light. It’s completely damaging, considering a big part of our faith is to tame our passions.