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Finding a traditional wife abroad

So a local guy who is ugly, dresses like a gangster, cheats on his girlfriend, swears and acts like a 12 year old and earns €300 per month is somehow better than a foreign dude just by virtue of being a local? Somehow that’s having standards? But to date a foreigner would be having no standards?
You're making a lot of assumptions here. You don't know how much money they make, you don't know how physically attractive they are to the women, you don't know if they cheat, and you certainly can't tell how much they swear if you don't speak the Macedonian dialect.

It seems like you just feel entitled to one of these women but they don't care about that. You haven't shown you can add any value to their lives.
Except, I don’t think he’s soliciting traditional game advice. I’ll let him speak for himself on that though. From reading his posts, he seems to hate Australia hence the username and wants to find a traditional wife abroad. He shouldn’t be shutdown or talked down to because of that. Guys have gone after him for wanting virgins, but again that’s his choice, despite the feasibility of finding one. I contest it’s highly unlikely, and if he was a friend of mine I’d tell him he should be more realistic in his pursuit, but I’m not going to go after the guy for it. In fact, we have a member of this very forum who succeeded at that, and with a foreign woman no less.

Again, it’s deep seated competitiveness because his success would be another man’s failure. It’s the same reason American women trash the guy with the attractive foreign wife (he’s too much of a loser to find someone here) or even trash the wife herself (she’s just looking for a green card) While there is some truth in those insults, it doesn’t encompass the totality of every guy seeking a wife abroad. Whether he should go overseas or not is another discussion.

As for my posts or his posts, yes I will personally call out hypocrisy, ideas and posts I find flawed, or general snarkiness.

How many guys here fornicate themselves, watch porn, have girlfriends and have sex before marriage, but are shutting him down for ‘fornication’ and ‘not finding a wife’? Total hypocrisy. Then there are members that seem to use drugs, whether legal or illegal, but hey nobody says anything about that. From posts I read I know that’s the case for some members.

There is also an issue of disagreeing with current groupthink here which cause bans and posters portraying themselves as authorities with absolutely nothing to back it up. To my knowledge there isn’t one priest on this forum, but many members sure act like they’re one.

Dude, OP has said that he's only interested in virgins yet he's not one and is expecting women from a different culture to let him sleep with them.

There's nothing Christian about that.

If you think that this is something we should encourage... Then you're wrong.

This is like the 3rd thread with a somewhat similar line of posting.
So a local guy who is ugly, dresses like a gangster, cheats on his girlfriend, swears and acts like a 12 year old and earns €300 per month is somehow better than a foreign dude just by virtue of being a local? Somehow that’s having standards? But to date a foreigner would be having no standards?

That's a quite a strawman brother, who is saying that exactly? I'm trying to help you understand something and you want to make it into something contentious when it is not. I realize you've been treated harshly in regards to all of this but I'm not doing that with you, actually read what I'm typing to you instead of seeing red because it isn't affirmation. At this point I think you're past the point of accepting constructive advice, I tried.....good luck to you.
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So a local guy who is ugly, dresses like a gangster, cheats on his girlfriend, swears and acts like a 12 year old and earns €300 per month is somehow better than a foreign dude just by virtue of being a local? Somehow that’s having standards? But to date a foreigner would be having no standards?

So objectively if the qualities you’re assessing are correct, no they aren’t better. The difference is they are around those women all the time and share the same culture so they have a big advantage over a foreigner. You see the same thing with immigrant groups in the US.
So a local guy who is ugly, dresses like a gangster, cheats on his girlfriend, swears and acts like a 12 year old and earns €300 per month is somehow better than a foreign dude just by virtue of being a local? Somehow that’s having standards? But to date a foreigner would be having no standards?
Yes that's right when you insist on going to places like Kosovo and Macedonia which are almost not on the map and stuck in a time warp. It is great that you went all the way there to test it for yourself but given what your eyes are now telling you as well as ideas from people on the forum, it may be time to try another place. There's also the Black Sea places. Those girls you are referring to have a certain pride, but it is also small-mindedness. You don't need to change them, question them or impose on them just go elsewhere. It's like someone told you that Kosovo was poosy paradise and you just won't let it go.

@Australia Sucks don't ask this forum for tips on what you're trying to do it will trigger people no end. There are places you can turn for help or advice. I very rarely post anything in this forum about women, just stick with every other topic on here. I don't really need to post anything about women anyway, if something specific comes up I will.
He started a topic asking for advice on how to meet someone for long term dating, above a Christian marriage. Even if he was not explicitly soliciting advice on 'game' it's still not appropriate for a Christian forum.

What seems to be deemed appropriate or inappropriate for this forum seems to depend on the whim of certain members. There are members here who are long term dating and not married by their own admission. Are we banning them or locking their threads too? Are we to believe they are living with long term girlfriends and just hugging? I have a bridge to sell all you guys too.

There are also members who have admitted to living a life of sin and continue to engage in anti-Christian behavior, drug use is just one example. Also the guys that are married, I’m calling you all out, you did nothing, absolutely nothing with your wives before marriage and committed zero sexual sin?

As usual, people look outward and not at themselves. Those in glass houses can’t throw stones. The arrogance of some posters here knows no bounds.
You're making a lot of assumptions here. You don't know how much money they make, you don't know how physically attractive they are to the women, you don't know if they cheat, and you certainly can't tell how much they swear if you don't speak the Macedonian dialect.

It seems like you just feel entitled to one of these women but they don't care about that. You haven't shown you can add any value to their lives.
It’s not assumptions firstly I’ve joked about the memes about Balkan guys with girls here (Shrek standing next to a Princess) and they always laugh and say it’s true. Most girls will admit it that the local guys are ugly. Besides just walk down the street and you will see what Roosh termed “the busted dudes test” certainly applies here.

And I’ve met a bunch of dudes here that I got to know that were married and admitted to having girlfriends on the side etc. And believe me none of these guys were a catch. Also must people under 25 here have jobs that earn €250 - €700 (€700 Euro is an English speaking call center worker doing a lot of overtime or a young professional with a few years experience etc) per month.

That’s considered normal for a young person here from what I’ve gathered by speaking to people who work different jobs and you can confirm looking up statistics yourself.

As regard to swearing when I was in Kosovo I started taking some Albanian lessons and did manage to understand a few swear words and I have no reason to believe Macedonian guys also don’t swear.

It’s just extremely visible that objectively speaking the average quality of men in the Balkans is low. Anyone who has spent time in the Balkans can confirm this. And most young people here aren’t that religious so don’t even try and bring up that they are looking for someone with religious compatibility.
Yes that's right when you insist on going to places like Kosovo and Macedonia which are almost not on the map and stuck in a time warp. It is great that you went all the way there to test it for yourself but given what your eyes are now telling you as well as ideas from people on the forum, it may be time to try another place. There's also the Black Sea places. Those girls you are referring to have a certain pride, but it is also small-mindedness. You don't need to change them, question them or impose on them just go elsewhere. It's like someone told you that Kosovo was poosy paradise and you just won't let it go.

@Australia Sucks don't ask this forum for tips on what you're trying to do it will trigger people no end. There are places you can turn for help or advice. I very rarely post anything in this forum about women, just stick with every other topic on here. I don't really need to post anything about women anyway, if something specific comes up I will.
I already left Kosovo after three weeks because I realised it was a dead end. I’m realizing Maceodnia is the same and I’ll probably only be here for a few more weeks to enjoy the sightseeing then head home never to return to North Macedonia. I don’t think I’m being overly stubborn or dogmatic, time and money limit how many countries can be visited in one trip.
What seems to be deemed appropriate or inappropriate for this forum seems to depend on the whim of certain members. There are members here who are long term dating and not married by their own admission. Are we banning them or locking their threads too? Are we to believe they are living with long term girlfriends and just hugging? I have a bridge to sell all you guys too.

There are also members who have admitted to living a life of sin and continue to engage in anti-Christian behavior, drug use is just one example. Also the guys that are married, I’m calling you all out, you did nothing, absolutely nothing with your wives before marriage and committed zero sexual sin?

As usual, people look outward and not at themselves. Those in glass houses can’t throw stones. The arrogance of some posters here knows no bounds.
One can simulatenously be morally imperfect as a Christian and still expect standards of Christian morality to be upheld on an expressly Christian forum.

Your argument is ridiculous. Should we just let people post links to porn on here because "let he who is without sin cast the first stone"? "We aren't perfect Christians so what the heck... let's just allow whatever..."

The personal behaviour of individuals is irrelevant. You're arguing like a woman. The forum is called is Christ is King. Its a Christian forum. The rules explicitly state that Christian morality will be upheld on this site. Christian morality prohibits sex outside of marriage, ergo discussions encouraging it are not allowed. It literally doesn't matter what individuals on here have done, or continue to do. You can still have an overall standard for the forum even if it is comprised of sinful people. What-aboutism when it comes to individuals and their behaviour doesn't matter
One can simulatenously be morally imperfect as a Christian and still expect standards of Christian morality to be upheld on an expressly Christian forum.

Your argument is ridiculous. Should we just let people post links to porn on here because "let he who is without sin cast the first stone"? "We aren't perfect Christians so what the heck... let's just allow whatever..."

The personal behaviour of individuals is irrelevant. You're arguing like a woman. The forum is called is Christ is King. Its a Christian forum. The rules explicitly state that Christian morality will be upheld on this site. Christian morality prohibits sex outside of marriage, ergo discussions encouraging it are not allowed. It literally doesn't matter what individuals on here have done, or continue to do. You can still have an overall standard for the forum even if it is comprised of sinful people. What-aboutism when it comes to individuals and their behaviour doesn't matter
Has anyone here even talked about sex? Nobody is even mentioning anything about sleeping with girls.
Overly judgmental (one post makes someone a hypocrite?)
One can simulatenously be morally imperfect as a Christian and still expect standards of Christian morality to be upheld on an expressly Christian forum.

Your argument is ridiculous. Should we just let people post links to porn on here because "let he who is without sin cast the first stone"? "We aren't perfect Christians so what the heck... let's just allow whatever..."

The personal behaviour of individuals is irrelevant. You're arguing like a woman. The forum is called is Christ is King. Its a Christian forum. The rules explicitly state that Christian morality will be upheld on this site. Christian morality prohibits sex outside of marriage, ergo discussions encouraging it are not allowed. It literally doesn't matter what individuals on here have done, or continue to do. You can still have an overall standard for the forum even if it is comprised of sinful people. What-aboutism when it comes to individuals and their behaviour doesn't matter

Dude, the title of this thread is finding a traditional wife abroad. You’re coming up with stupid examples, none of which were mentioned or even insinuated in this thread. You’re a hypocrite and not a priest, so your opinion is worth less than the toilet paper I used this morning.
Dude, the title of this thread is finding a traditional wife abroad. You’re coming up with stupid examples, none of which were mentioned or even insinuated in this thread. You’re a hypocrite and not a priest, so your opinion is worth less than the toilet paper I used this morning.
You're actually encouraging people to do things that as a Christian we are not supposed to encourage.

Again, just because someone has done drugs doesn't mean you don't tell people not to do drugs.

I've got a shitload of kids. I did drugs when I was a teenager... I don't tell them to do things that are antithetical to my belief system just because I did them.
Do not insult others (even in retaliation)
Dude, the title of this thread is finding a traditional wife abroad. You’re coming up with stupid examples, none of which were mentioned or even insinuated in this thread. You’re a hypocrite and not a priest, so your opinion is worth less than the toilet paper I used this morning.
Yes and the user in question made a topic about finding a woman to fornicate with, then moved into this thread when that got shut down.

I'm surprised you're capable of wiping your own arse to be honest.
Overly judgmental (one post makes someone a hypocrite?)
Yes and the user in question made a topic about finding a woman to fornicate with, then moved into this thread when that got shut down.

I'm surprised you're capable of wiping your own arse to be honest.
Nowhere in any of the original threads did I mention fornication. Get off your soapbox you hypocrite priest wannabe. If you don’t like the thread stay out of it.
You're actually encouraging people to do things that as a Christian we are not supposed to encourage.

Again, just because someone has done drugs doesn't mean you don't tell people not to do drugs.

I've got a shitload of kids. I did drugs when I was a teenager... I don't tell them to do things that are antithetical to my belief system just because I did them.
You aren’t bringing anything constructive to the thread. If you don’t like the thread then stay out of it. Why try and pick fights needlessly?
Slovenia looks like a gem. Beautiful women and nature. It looks like English is widely spoken too, which would make meeting people a lot easier.
All those things are true but Slovenia is a reasonably wealthy country now plus just because women are beautiful and speak English it doesn’t mean that they are open minded and willing to date foreigners. I guess the only way to find out is to visit.