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Finding a traditional wife abroad

I’ve met a bunch of dudes here that I got to know that were married and admitted to having girlfriends on the side etc. And believe me none of these guys were a catch.

As regard to swearing when I was in Kosovo I started taking some Albanian lessons and did manage to understand a few swear words and I have no reason to believe Macedonian guys also don’t swear.

It’s just extremely visible that objectively speaking the average quality of men in the Balkans is low. Anyone who has spent time in the Balkans can confirm this.
Also just want to add more about guys being losers. On top of guys typically being ugly, dressing badly, earning a low salary, swearing, acting like a thug and cheating they usually also like to smoke, drink alcohol, smoke weed etc. I haven’t been to other Balkan countries but in Kosovo and Macedonia from personal observation and meeting people etc I would say 80% of guys are trash tier by western standards.

Some countries women are a lot more rational and willing to recognise that western men are generally superior to their own garbage men. Other countries women are more closed minded.

some countries on average have men which are low quality and losers objectively speaking. Why is this contentious in any way?

In Latin America for example the average Colombian guy is a loser but the average Argentinian guy is objectively speaking serious competition even though they usually don’t have money they are good looking, they dress well and they have good game and charisma.

These are a whole lot of negative and judgmental attitudes.
It also sounds a bit like "white god complex" which is total garbage.

I'm practically a white supreeemist and these types of opinions strike me as racist and bigoted and, frankly, wrong.

So guys on the forum suck, latinos suck, slavics suck, Australia sucks, most guys are losers, and ugly and dumb. But you are going to show up and act differently from the local cultural mores and norms and women are going to eat it up? Hmm...

I've traveled quite a bit and that plan is not likely to see much success.

And respectfully, that much negativity is not a healthy attitude and it's going to be difficult to sustain any sort of relationship with that mindset.

Going abroad with the hopes of meeting a girl with a different mindset, while relating everything back to "western standards" is illogical. Do you really think a Korean man is ugly to a Korean woman?

If you are leaving the west, why would you retain western standards and condemn people by their income, dress, or style? Maybe these guys that are "losers" by western standards are actually looked up to in other societies. African American blacks who are intellectually gifted are ridiculed. Nerds in Japanese culture are basically worshipped. Fat people in the Renaissance were idolized. Fat people today are gluttonous and gross. Smoking in the 1950s was cool and trendy. Today a sign of low time preference and disregard for health. Even if you don't think one value system is "better" you must acknowledge they are different. You can't bring your standards to another culture. It makes no sense.

I don't want to go all Stuart Smalley here, but a Postive Mental Attitude is one of the greatest gifts a man can have. The reality is life is a struggle. Just look to nature: Life is short, brutish, and ugly, and you can be killed by a predator instantly. Our time here on earth is not supposed to be a paradise. But you can look at it two ways. The pessimistic viewpoint of everything sucks and is dumb. I mean, I believe that on some level. The world is insane, right now especially.

But consider the alternate viewpoint. The username "Australia Sucks" doesn't match my experience at all. I went to Australia and thought it was a naturally beautiful place full of people with a great "No Worries Mate" attitude, blessed with natural resources and a strong domestic economy (bought some great shoes and a nice coat and hat there) and it reminded me of what I think America 1950s was like. Enjoy what you have. Australia may "suck" in some ways but it's pretty amazing in many others. Other than cost of living, you have it way better than America, and as much as it sucks here, and I am planning a departure, there's plenty to appreciate and enjoy and you're far more likely to attract a potential mate with a positive vibe than you are with a pessimistic or even realistic outlook.

Australia also has something found hardly anywhere else in the world (yes I know your women are anglicized and I was not attracted to any of them except the Asians when I was there. Nevertheless this is a huge White Pill):

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Do you know why there is so much uproar about you? Because it is quite painful to watch someone so stubbornly avoiding God and trying to be blessed on his own.
At some point in life, man should understand, that only when he submits to Divine order, things begin to fall into place eventually, and the whole universe will start conspiring toward your benefit.

Until then life is just pissing against the wind.
Nowhere in any of the original threads did I mention fornication. Get off your soapbox you hypocrite priest wannabe. If you don’t like the thread stay out of it.
You're being disingenuous. We all saw that you stated that you were not looking for marriage but a long term relationship, that's why it got shut down. Don't pretend that you were looking for someone to do colouring in with and hold hands at playtime. You're being a snake.

This is a Christian forum. Degenerates get called out. If you don't like it, leave.
These are a whole lot of negative and judgmental attitudes.
It also sounds a bit like "white god complex" which is total garbage.

I'm practically a white supreeemist and these types of opinions strike me as racist and bigoted and, frankly, wrong.

So guys on the forum suck, latinos suck, slavics suck, Australia sucks, most guys are losers, and ugly and dumb. But you are going to show up and act differently from the local cultural mores and norms and women are going to eat it up? Hmm...

I've traveled quite a bit and that plan is not likely to see much success.

And respectfully, that much negativity is not a healthy attitude and it's going to be difficult to sustain any sort of relationship with that mindset.

Going abroad with the hopes of meeting a girl with a different mindset, while relating everything back to "western standards" is illogical. Do you really think a Korean man is ugly to a Korean woman?

If you are leaving the west, why would you retain western standards and condemn people by their income, dress, or style? Maybe these guys that are "losers" by western standards are actually looked up to in other societies. African American blacks who are intellectually gifted are ridiculed. Nerds in Japanese culture are basically worshipped. Fat people in the Renaissance were idolized. Fat people today are gluttonous and gross. Smoking in the 1950s was cool and trendy. Today a sign of low time preference and disregard for health. Even if you don't think one value system is "better" you must acknowledge they are different. You can't bring your standards to another culture. It makes no sense.

I don't want to go all Stuart Smalley here, but a Postive Mental Attitude is one of the greatest gifts a man can have. The reality is life is a struggle. Just look to nature: Life is short, brutish, and ugly, and you can be killed by a predator instantly. Our time here on earth is not supposed to be a paradise. But you can look at it two ways. The pessimistic viewpoint of everything sucks and is dumb. I mean, I believe that on some level. The world is insane, right now especially.

But consider the alternate viewpoint. The username "Australia Sucks" doesn't match my experience at all. I went to Australia and thought it was a naturally beautiful place full of people with a great "No Worries Mate" attitude, blessed with natural resources and a strong domestic economy (bought some great shoes and a nice coat and hat there) and it reminded me of what I think America 1950s was like. Enjoy what you have. Australia may "suck" in some ways but it's pretty amazing in many others. Other than cost of living, you have it way better than America, and as much as it sucks here, and I am planning a departure, there's plenty to appreciate and enjoy and you're far more likely to attract a potential mate with a positive vibe than you are with a pessimistic or even realistic outlook.

Australia also has something found hardly anywhere else in the world (yes I know your women are anglicized and I was not attracted to any of them except the Asians when I was there. Nevertheless this is a huge White Pill):

What you are saying is complete nonsense Balkans guys are not looked up to by their own women. Actually here women complain about local guys a lot if you just ask the right question. They just live in a culture where women get shamed into being with their own kind so they do it to avoid being socially ostracized. They don’t do it because they like these guys. If you really question girls here about the quality of local guys most will admit that the guys here are mostly losers.

Also that ethnic composition graph for Australia is from 2007! Things have changed a lot since then!
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You're being disingenuous. We all saw that you stated that you were not looking for marriage but a long term relationship, that's why it got shut down. Don't pretend that you were looking for someone to do colouring in with and hold hands at playtime. You're being a snake.

This is a Christian forum. Degenerates get called out. If you don't like it, leave.
If you don’t like the thread go to another thread! You are not a moderator and you are not a priest. If your priest saw how you behave outside of church he would rebuke you for being prideful.
They just live in a culture where women get shamed into being with their own kind so they do it to avoid being socially ostracized.
What is wrong with this?
They don’t do it because they like these guys.
So we should defer to what women want?

Remember this study?

The Paradox of Declining Female Happiness​

By many objective measures the lives of women in the United States have improved over the past 35 years, yet we show that measures of subjective well-being indicate that women's happiness has declined both absolutely and relative to men. The paradox of women's declining relative well-being is found across various datasets, measures of subjective well-being, and is pervasive across demographic groups and industrialized countries. Relative declines in female happiness have eroded a gender gap in happiness in which women in the 1970s typically reported higher subjective well-being than did men. These declines have continued and a new gender gap is emerging -- one with higher subjective well-being for men.
What is wrong with this?

So we should defer to what women want?

Remember this study?

The Paradox of Declining Female Happiness​

By many objective measures the lives of women in the United States have improved over the past 35 years, yet we show that measures of subjective well-being indicate that women's happiness has declined both absolutely and relative to men. The paradox of women's declining relative well-being is found across various datasets, measures of subjective well-being, and is pervasive across demographic groups and industrialized countries. Relative declines in female happiness have eroded a gender gap in happiness in which women in the 1970s typically reported higher subjective well-being than did men. These declines have continued and a new gender gap is emerging -- one with higher subjective well-being for men.
Of course we shouldn’t defer to what women want and I do agree women are generally clueless but what people in those countries should be doing is enforcing standards for the men their daughters date and marry.

Why let your daughter marry a loser merely because he is the same race? Why is race (and sometimes religion) and the length of time the man has known them seemingly the only factors?

The same men who often fought in wars for their country and lived hard lives are allowing their daughters to marry losers.

Balkans are heading toward the movie idiocracy because there seems to be no selection pressure on men. Yes there is selection pressure on women but there is no selection pressure on men. So you see all the time attractive well dressed young virgin women who can cook etc marrying loser men. It won’t bode well for their race or society if it continues for another 100 years.
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Also just like Latin America I see a huge difference in mentality between older men and younger men. The older guys seem a lot more decent and those men grew up in hard times and were on average a lot more religious. I get the feeling they don’t really approve of the way younger men behave and that was certainly the case when I was Latin America and I spoke to older guys (taxi drivers, etc) about why they think of the younger generation of men.

But the problem is the older men haven’t done anything to adapt to the times or implement new standards for who their daughter should marry.
Also for North Macedonia it is projected that within 30 years that the youth will be majority Albanian. They are letting Albanians outbreed them and takeover their country. So obviously a lot of things wrong with what they are doing.
Anyway the point is that as a foreigner you need to look to a country where women are open to (or even prefer) marrying foreigners.

I remember many years ago Roosh wrote about this topic. There were some countries where women prefer the local men and other countries where women dislike local men and prefer to marry a foreigner if the opportunity presents itself. If I remember correctly he stated that Serbia was an example of where local women prefer their own men whereas from memory he wrote about how many Polish and Ukrainian girls prefer foreign men.
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So a local guy who is ugly, dresses like a gangster, cheats on his girlfriend, swears and acts like a 12 year old and earns €300 per month is somehow better than a foreign dude just by virtue of being a local? Somehow that’s having standards? But to date a foreigner would be having no standards?
Yes. In the context of where he is, in his frame, in his country where he speaks his language, he is better than you.

You're also making the mistake of listening to what women say rather than watching what they do. In terms of what they DO, they're dating local 'ugly' men with money (by local standards) and frame. Eastern European women in my experience want strong men and test for it relentlessly.
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Anyway what’s the collective wisdom from well traveled guys on the forum about which countries currently women prefer to date/marry foreigners (or at least see them as equal to local men)?
If you don’t like the thread go to another thread! You are not a moderator and you are not a priest. If your priest saw how you behave outside of church he would rebuke you for being prideful.
I'm just pointing out that you're being a disingenuous snake. When you were called out because you were soliciting advice about how to pick up girls and you stated that you didn't intend to marry them. At least be man enough to admit that you are looking for people to fornicate with.
I'm just pointing out that you're being a disingenuous snake. When you were called out because you were soliciting advice about how to pick up girls and you stated that you didn't intend to marry them. At least be man enough to admit that you are looking for people to fornicate with.
I could keep arguing with you but it’s pointless. You have made your opinion known. Now go be a pest in another thread.
Anyway the point is that as a foreigner you need to look to a country where women are open to (or even prefer) marrying foreigners.

I remember many years ago Roosh wrote about this topic. There were some countries where women prefer the local men and other countries where women dislike local men and prefer to marry a foreigner if the opportunity presents itself. If I remember correctly he stated that Serbia was an example of where local women prefer their own men whereas from memory he wrote about how many Polish and Ukrainian girls prefer foreign men.

Most people simply end up dating and marrying the people around them. Part of the issue with dating in the west is if you’re white you don’t have much of an identity anymore and if you’re descended from another culture (one or two foreign parents) there simply aren’t that many of you around anymore.

That’s why it’s important to be part of a community whatever they maybe. The women who prefer fly by night guys are probably lower in value. When it comes to countries where women prefer foreigners, it’s usually due to some image of a guy from that country or the cultural influence that super power can project on said country. That image may or may not be the reality anymore.

America for instance still has a land of opportunity image and lots of people still want to come here for opportunity, hence the problems on the southern border and other immigration. Americans are still thought of as being rich and comparatively to most of the world we are. I don’t know the reasons behind Serbia and Ukrainian women wanting foreigners though.
I'd be interested in hearing about Central Europe, Germany, Poland, Austria, Slovenia, etc, if anyone has traveled there. If you study the walking tour videos on youtube, there is a sense of normalcy. A lot more beautiful , thin, white women, families, fraternization between peoples, compared to America. You can witness white couples holding hands, kids in strollers, seems like they want children more than American women. I don't think Central Europe is nearly as bad as America. In America, all you see are old people, blacks, homeless, drug addicts. And American white women are obsessed with black men. All of them are on a crusade for black lives matter on their dating profiles or something of the sort.
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Do you know why there is so much uproar about you? Because it is quite painful to watch someone so stubbornly avoiding God and trying to be blessed on his own.
At some point in life, man should understand, that only when he submits to Divine order, things begin to fall into place eventually, and the whole universe will start conspiring toward your benefit.

Until then life is just pissing against the wind.

No, another fallacy Christian platitude thrown around by people. You sound like a self help novel or some BS out of a ‘Law of Attraction’ pamphlet.

Yes girls when you experience divine timing, the entire universe will conspire for your benefit! Totally idiotic, and I’m laughing that someone actually wrote that here.

It also gets thrown around by smug Christians to justify and control others. Well it seems like I’m a multimillionaire, must be God’s blessing. The other people in church are poor, must also be God’s will, they must of sinned! Also wrong and idiotic.

First God’s will. Accepting God’s will doesn’t mean you just accept your lot in life and do no work to improve your circumstances. That is magical thinking and laziness, not accepting God’s will.

What it does mean is Australia and everyone for that matter has to do the real spiritual of work of finding their path. It could be that all the obstacles mean a life of service to the Lord. Or it could mean he has to travel to 15 countries before he gets married. What it certainly doesn’t mean is he should stay at home, be miserable, and take no action.

The cult of suffering schtick has got to go. Some issues are self inflicted and can be resolved without any sort of divine intervention.

You could argue he should be visiting these countries on a spiritual quest, purifying himself and getting to know the Christian communities before trying to find a wife. That’s at least a valid take and would make his goal easier to boot.

If you’re going to throw around Christian platitudes at least use one that’s helpful and applicable. Here’s one:

God helps those who help themselves.
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I'd be interested in hearing about Central Europe, Germany, Poland, Austria, Slovenia, etc, if anyone has traveled there. If you study the walking tour videos on youtube, there is a sense of normalcy. A lot more beautiful , thin, white women, families, fraternization between peoples, compared to America. You can witness white couples holding hands, kids in strollers, seems like they want children more than American women. I don't think Central Europe is nearly as bad as America. In America, all you see are old people, blacks, homeless, drug addicts. And American white women are obsessed with black men. All of them are on a crusade for black lives matter on their dating profiles or something of the sort.
Germany and Austria are overrun with orcs, and the native women generally prefer them over the native men, because the women are indoctrinated with globohomo and anti-white progaganda. The same as most of the rest of Western Europe. This has been discussed at length on this forum. Yes, Eastern Europe is more family-friendly and traditional in general, but if you want a GOOD wife, as you claim, you must be willing to live there in her country, learn her language and culture, and fit in. If you try to pull the rich western knight on a white horse crap here, they will send you packing. EE men WILL protect their women from bad men, unlike in the West.
It reminds me of the story of the guy lost in sea. A boat approaches him. Ask if he needs help. He says no Im waiting for God to save me. Another boat comes. He replies same shit. Third boat comes. He also refuses.
A storm comes he dies. When he reaches heaven asks God:

“Dear God ive been such a good christian. Why didnt you save me?”

God answers: “ I sent you three boats moron”

People need to act. And not expect things to fall on their lap.

But you should also pray and ask God for a good wife. Its not incompatible doing both. Acting and praying.

The universe (God) does conspire to help you. If you ask for it. But He can see through bullshit. You must really be sincere.

Australia could go to a church. Just seat inside close your eyes. And ask for it. For a good girlfriend/wife. Even for non believers imagine you are asking the universe.
You might think its stupid but try it.

I used to enjoy a lot sitting in the church and praying. Alone. Before or after the mass.
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