Finding a traditional wife abroad

off-topic posting
...But if anything, wouldn't semen retention actually probably make it a bit more likely for you to go bald? Semen retention increases testosterone, does it not? Aren't androgens more or less what makes you go bald? It's why FtM trannies go bald.

You should still do semen retention, of course. In my opinion, going bald isn't even that big of a deal. Do women even care about that? Maybe that's just me coping since it's fairly Iikely I'll go bald sooner or later due to genetics, though.
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Are those not just different ways of phrasing it? I was speaking to what he had said.

Being a sex tourist for 5 years doesn't mean you're now part of that culture and preferring to marry your own culture is a "standard" would you not say?
Why specifically do they prefer it? As you said:
They would rather marry what you call a "loser" than date outside their culture and be branded for the rest of their lives taking a chance on the random guy who showed up in their country trying to pick them up
What does being branded mean? It means social consequences. It’s not necessarily preferring to marry your own culture it’s just a calculated move to evade risk. After all dating a foreigner doesn’t guarantee marrying the foreigner. If marriage to the foreigner was guaranteed it might be a different story.
Why specifically do they prefer it? As you said:

What does being branded mean? It means social consequences. It’s not necessarily preferring to marry your own culture it’s just a calculated move to evade risk. After all dating a foreigner doesn’t guarantee marrying the foreigner. If marriage to the foreigner was guaranteed it might be a different story.

Yes correct, they prefer not to be branded they would rather marry someone from their own culture than to be branded. Again we're saying the same thing just taking a different path on it.

Dating is taboo, many do it obviously it but it's not something paraded out in the open. These are still cultures where "you have a nice boy I have a nice girl we both have good families let's see if they like each other" is the norm. Does not matter if the foreigner guarantees to marry them, they don't want the foreigner they want to keep their culture in tact and pass it to their children.
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Yes correct, they prefer not to be branded they would rather marry someone from their own culture than to be branded. Again we're saying the same thing just taking a different path on it.

Dating is taboo, many do it obviously it but it's not something parades out in the open. These are still cultures where "you have a nice boy I have a nice girl we both have good families let's see if they like each other" is the norm. Does not matter if the foreigner guarantees to marry them, they don't want the foreigner they want to keep their culture in tact and pass it to their children.
Why can’t the foreigner assimilate? If the foreigner (man in this case) adopted the culture (of the woman) can’t it be passed onto their children?
Why can’t the foreigner assimilate? If the foreigner (man in this case) adopted the culture (of the woman) can’t it be passed onto their children?

I guess you can in some scenarios although I would say it takes quite some time to change your "blood", but that's not really what we're speaking to here regardless. The example we're speaking of is some dipstick that showed up on a plane last week trying to pick up girls on the street and frustrated that they're not fawning all over him because he's from the west.
off-topic trash posting
...But if anything, wouldn't semen retention actually probably make it a bit more likely for you to go bald? Semen retention increases testosterone, does it not? Aren't androgens more or less what makes you go bald? It's why FtM trannies go bald.

Are you insinuating FtM trannies are as manly as balding guys?

In my opinion, going bald isn't even that big of a deal.

Do women even care about that?
There is a German joke that goes something like this:

Men who are bald at the temples are great thinkers.
Men who are bald at the crown are good in bed.
Men who are bald everywhere think that they are good in bed.

So yeah, balding guys should start thinking about why they're always thinking about women. If you notice balding and value your natural hair, you should adhere to strict semen retention (no fantasizing allowed) until health of hair is restored.​
I will soon be getting the citizenship of the country I've been living in now for 11 years.
I've asked the natives whether I would then be seen as an "XX" (let's just say Andorran, for example).
They told me no. I would just be a foreigner with their passport. This, despite me being white, speaking their language fluently, having a good job, paying taxes, and being 100% of European stock (I have the DNA test to prove it).
That should give you an idea how tribal the Europeans are.
Just showing up and searching for a traditional wife is going to be hard, even in western Europe, and certainly in eastern Europe. From my experience here, the very few native women who I see interested in non-rapefugee immigrants have nevertheless always been either rebellious, feminists, gold-diggers, over-the-hill, or social misfits. Only one normal native woman was interested in me, but I didn't find her attractive.
Being Orthodox in a non-Orthodox country makes the pool even smaller. MUCH smaller. The only single women in my church are under 25 or over 60 and widowed or recovering Boomer hippies. Granted, I'm not really looking for a wife. I'm just sharing my anecdotal experiences.
Just in regards to your last paragraph what is wrong with women under 25? In fact I would argue that is the only age range of women worth marrying!!

Why aren’t you looking for a wife? Are you already married? Or do you plan on being a monk?
I finally have time to moderate this thread, stop the off-topic posting or get warnings. Thread needs a bad cleanup. Perseus is perma-banned from this thread plus a week-timeout for doing nothing except crapping up the thread.

This thread is about finding a trad wife abroad - if you want to talk about something else make another thread or post in an existing thread.
Why can’t the foreigner assimilate? If the foreigner (man in this case) adopted the culture (of the woman) can’t it be passed onto their children?
Yep, there are levels to cultural immersion. Learning the language is probably the bare minimum, though many expats would consider that to be too challenging and would rather stick to English, even if it's their 2nd language.
In some cultures, for example in South America and in the Balkans, certain songs and dances are part of the culture. If a foreigner learns the lyrics and dances, he automatically separates himself from pretty much all other expats or tourists.

As a foreigner, have you watched the most famous movies and series from those countries? Do you understand the references used randomly in conversations? Are you familiar with the youtubers and influencers (younger generations)?

If you're willing to go those extra miles, they will view you differently and even grandma and grandpa might think you're cool.

Those cultural lines are way more blurred in western Europe where people have essentially rejected their own culture. Here it's actually more difficult to act truly Spanish, German etc. Cause where would you even start?

That said, I agree with the notion that the girls you'll end up attracting most likely won't be 100% traditional girls. It's like why would a true, patriotic American trad wife marry a Russian immigrant who barely speaks English?
Yep, there are levels to cultural immersion. Learning the language is probably the bare minimum, though many expats would consider that to be too challenging and would rather stick to English, even if it's their 2nd language.
In some cultures, for example in South America and in the Balkans, certain songs and dances are part of the culture. If a foreigner learns the lyrics and dances, he automatically separates himself from pretty much all other expats or tourists.

As a foreigner, have you watched the most famous movies and series from those countries? Do you understand the references used randomly in conversations? Are you familiar with the youtubers and influencers (younger generations)?

If you're willing to go those extra miles, they will view you differently and even grandma and grandpa might think you're cool.

Those cultural lines are way more blurred in western Europe where people have essentially rejected their own culture. Here it's actually more difficult to act truly Spanish, German etc. Cause where would you even start?

That said, I agree with the notion that the girls you'll end up attracting most likely won't be 100% traditional girls. It's like why would a true, patriotic American trad wife marry a Russian immigrant who barely speaks English?
If a woman is dumb enough to focus on the most superficial things that don’t matter (such as you listening to and understanding the Popular songs from her country or having watched their most popular movies, etc) you probably don’t want to marry her anyway.

Most poor countries have a dearth of quality men. Various issues with alcoholism, abusive men, low salaries that are too low too sustainably support a family, culture of male infidelity, lack of fatherly attention towards children, etc

If the woman chooses to prioritise trivial nonsense such as you knowing the lyrics to popular songs from her country then she isn’t marriage material.
If a woman is dumb enough to focus on the most superficial things that don’t matter (such as you listening to and understanding the Popular songs from her country or having watched their most popular movies, etc) you probably don’t want to marry her anyway.

Most poor countries have a dearth of quality men. Various issues with alcoholism, abusive men, low salaries that are too low too sustainably support a family, culture of male infidelity, lack of fatherly attention towards children, etc

If the woman chooses to prioritise trivial nonsense such as you knowing the lyrics to popular songs from her country then she isn’t marriage material.
Man, it's a good thing you've decided to focus on the European countries where you're least likely to find girls "dumb enough to focus on the most superficial things" and "trivial nonsense"!


Macedonia: 81.91

Looks like it could be worse, though. Macedonia beats Albania by .16 points!
If a woman is dumb enough to focus on the most superficial things that don’t matter (such as you listening to and understanding the Popular songs from her country or having watched their most popular movies, etc) you probably don’t want to marry her anyway.

Most poor countries have a dearth of quality men. Various issues with alcoholism, abusive men, low salaries that are too low too sustainably support a family, culture of male infidelity, lack of fatherly attention towards children, etc

If the woman chooses to prioritise trivial nonsense such as you knowing the lyrics to popular songs from her country then she isn’t marriage material.
I don't disagree with what you said. I was just mainly talking about how to fully integrate into a given culture.

Regarding the women's preferences, I guess there's nuance to everything. Keep in mind that, unlike in Russia and the Ukraine, the majority of the Balkan countries don't have online dating agencies where you can register as a wealthy foreigner and essentially "acquire" a wife online.

Their women are well aware of the financial issues, but simply having cash and being a good man won't be enough to lure her away (as a foreigner. There definitely are Albanians, Yugos etc. that live in Switzerland, Germany, USA that go home to find their trad wives). You could call it a lack of intelligence. I personally call it an infatuation with their own culture. And it's something that's very hard for westerners to fathom.
Regarding the women's preferences, I guess there's nuance to everything. Keep in mind that, unlike in Russia and the Ukraine, the majority of the Balkan countries don't have online dating agencies where you can register as a wealthy foreigner and essentially "acquire" a wife online.
How legitimate are mail order bride services?
How legitimate are mail order bride services?
They're not uncommon in Germany and I know a guy in Portugal who uses them too. However, these services mainly facilitate meeting the girl and can lead to relationships, but there's no guarantee she'll actually want to marry you.

Edit: also keep in mind that hee primary motivation is money and your passport. I haven't seen long term outcomes of those marriages.
I don't disagree with what you said. I was just mainly talking about how to fully integrate into a given culture.

Regarding the women's preferences, I guess there's nuance to everything. Keep in mind that, unlike in Russia and the Ukraine, the majority of the Balkan countries don't have online dating agencies where you can register as a wealthy foreigner and essentially "acquire" a wife online.

Their women are well aware of the financial issues, but simply having cash and being a good man won't be enough to lure her away (as a foreigner. There definitely are Albanians, Yugos etc. that live in Switzerland, Germany, USA that go home to find their trad wives). You could call it a lack of intelligence. I personally call it an infatuation with their own culture. And it's something that's very hard for westerners to fathom.
Ukrainian and Russian women are more practical when it comes to marriage. They are more likely to care about things that actually matter in day to day life and thus are typically more flexible about marrying foreigners.

In fact there is a sizeable percentage of Russian and Ukrainian women (if I had to guess I would say maybe 10 - 20%) that actually prefer foreign men to their own men because they are logical enough to realise that on average a typical western guy will be higher quality than an average guy from their own country.
Just like it’s objectively true that Slavic women on average are higher quality than western women the opposite is also true that on average western men are higher quality than Slavic men and I don’t see how it’s controversial to state the truth which is plainly obvious.
Just like it’s objectively true that Slavic women on average are higher quality than western women the opposite is also true that on average western men are higher quality than Slavic men and I don’t see how it’s controversial to state the truth which is plainly obvious.
Interestingly, similar to how we lament the lack of female options in the west, they're not overwhelmed by western men either. Mainly because the "on average" is kind if ruined by the amount of actual "beta males", homosexuals etc.

They also use a different set of criteria. For example they value the fact that their men usually intervene when stuff like pride month is being planned. They also won't really let rape or stealing in public slide etc.

But, yes, using our western set of criteria, there is nothing controversial about your statement at all.
If a woman is dumb enough to focus on the most superficial things that don’t matter (such as you listening to and understanding the Popular songs from her country or having watched their most popular movies, etc) you probably don’t want to marry her anyway.

Most poor countries have a dearth of quality men. Various issues with alcoholism, abusive men, low salaries that are too low too sustainably support a family, culture of male infidelity, lack of fatherly attention towards children, etc

If the woman chooses to prioritise trivial nonsense such as you knowing the lyrics to popular songs from her country then she isn’t marriage material.
I have a question: have u looked into Argentina? That country is mostly white. Not sure about the culture but it is South American.