Finding a traditional wife abroad

Are Australians not Euro-descended? I noticed many among them are blonde and blue-eyed. More often than people from the UK or USA. Native Aborigines look very different.

Yes they are of British descent.

Well maybe "attractive" was the wrong choice of word. As a western man you can find exotic women sexually exciting (esp. if you have been conditioned towards it by watching interracial porn), but you don't really love them.​

I’d agree with you that pornography may have brought on fetishes for other races for certain men, but I don’t agree with your claim you can’t love a woman of another race.

Again I agree that in the best case scenario..say someone is, and I’m going to pick a random country here, Romanian Orthodox. They should try to find a Romanian Orthodox woman to marry.

What if this person emigrates to the United States to a place where there are few or no Romanians? Should they be permanently single? I don’t think so.

Don't confuse lust with love. As a man can only feel real love and respect for a woman of your own blood and tribe, for a woman who looks as if she could be your sister, who reminds you of your mother and other female relatives.


I laughed out loud for real reading this because I thought you were now insinuating something…I see what you’re saying (I think) but I’m not going to even address it or go there man. Let me just say a scene from Back to the Future comes to mind.

That's how men in Christian societies did it in the past, for example in the European middle Ages. You can't have a society full of celibate monks, that doesn't work in the secular world. Both married and unmarried men used to visit legal brothels. Heck, Vatican City had its own brothels in Rome.​

Ok…even if this is historically accurate and I don’t think you are making this up, how in the world is this in compliance with Christian teaching? I don’t see how such a system would help men reach salvation.

Thomas Aquinas likened prostitution to the canalisation of a city - a dirty institution that is necessary to divert harmful desires of men away from honorable wives/mothers as well as young girls aiming to become a wife/mother one day.​

I’m going to have to look this up, but I reiterate that this would lead to more perversion and a sinful society as a whole. Prostitution in any form just can’t be good.

Widespread Prostitution may have led to STDs but it also prevented rapings and perversions like masturbation or homosexuality from spreading within the Christian society.

What's evil is masturbation and casually "dating" girls before marriage, not seeking relief in legal prostitution.​

It’s an interesting take for sure man. I don’t think the forum is ready to go down this path…

But look I get it. The teachings of the faith are clear on adultery. Your position is in the Middle Ages or arguably today it’s not practical. We can’t deny many people are hypocrites when it comes to sexual purity. Most of us on this forum came from debased backgrounds. Even priests and high ranking officials in the church have been outed as gay or having mistresses.

So what’s your position? It’s all a facade? Masturbation is a greater sin adultery?

I see the teachings on chastity as an ideal we should all strive for.
Yes yes yes and you are high iq right??? Back it up, how do you know that?? Cause your roid brain tells you so??? Here’s a quick tip take the needle out of your ass before you post here…the hormones are affecting your brain…like a female.
I didn't claim to be high IQ ... Im a country bumpkin.

I do have an MBA from a pretty good school and I do make a pretty fantastic living...and a shitload of kids. So thats sufficient validation for my self esteem.

Not sure why someone would think steroids make you stupid.

Usually people with brain fog have estrogen issues, which might explain your inability to make sentences with out proper punctuation or cursing.

I'm pretty sure this is a recycled troll account popping up again out of boredom. I didn't mention anything bout being a marine since 4:26 am when you clearly you're doing some weirdo stalking... But hey... Enjoy your Wednesday!
off-topic posting
Again I agree that in the best case scenario..say someone is, and I’m going to pick a random country here, Romanian Orthodox. They should try to find a Romanian Orthodox woman to marry.

What if this person emigrates to the United States to a place where there are few or no Romanians? Should they be permanently single? I don’t think so.

I don't know about Romanians in particular, but what about neighboring people like Moldovans, Ukrainians or Bulgarians? Why go to South East Asia if you have similar people near you?


I laughed out loud for real reading this because I thought you were now insinuating something…I see what you’re saying (I think) but I’m not going to even address it or go there man. Let me just say a scene from Back to the Future comes to mind.

Never mind. This is a serious topic though. (((Pornographers))) are aiming to destroy family ties from within by trying to condition viewers with a artificial desire for "incest".

What I wanted to say is that marriage shouldn't be based upon sexual attraction in the first place. Marital sex is just a means to have children. Marriage should be viewed more like a business, or an alliance between two families/bloodlines. I'm actually a fan of arranged marriages like in the olden days. Your parents as well as her parents have an important word to say in the matter since it is their entire bloodlines that are about to be fused into one.
Ok…even if this is historically accurate and I don’t think you are making this up, how in the world is this in compliance with Christian teaching? I don’t see how such a system would help men reach salvation.

I'm not an expert for theology - there are other users who know about this on the forum - I'm just retelling historical facts as I learned them.​
I’m going to have to look this up, but I reiterate that this would lead to more perversion and a sinful society as a whole. Prostitution in any form just can’t be good.
It's not "good", but I'm convinced prostitution is definitely a necessary evil, a better or at least less bad introduction into sexuality for most men than pornography. At least men get used to real women in flesh from a young age (let's say 18) instead of wanking to fantasies on the screen while sitting in their rooms.

Also, I think we all agree that casual dating, or girls having multiple sex partners before marriage, is evil. Prostitution helps reducing casual dating by keeping virgins pure until marriage while letting fallen women have their "fun". It should be illegal to marry a prostitute, and a punishable crime to practice prostitution in secret (without her fiance or husband knowing about it). If a prostitute repents and swears to renounce sexuality once and for all, she should be allowed to become a nun though.
It’s an interesting take for sure man. I don’t think the forum is ready to go down this path…

But look I get it. The teachings of the faith are clear on adultery. Your position is in the Middle Ages or arguably today it’s not practical. We can’t deny many people are hypocrites when it comes to sexual purity. Most of us on this forum came from debased backgrounds. Even priests and high ranking officials in the church have been outed as gay or having mistresses.
That's true, I guess this has to do with this particular forum's past. On RVF 1.0, paysex was admittedly a sensitive topic. I suspect this was because the previous owner - before he repented, Peace be upon him - saw PUA as his business and wanted to keep all potential income for him. If instead of investing into PUA clowneries men would have just paid escorts, what would he have gained from it back then? I stand by what I said: Legal prostitution is less immoral than PUA and by far the lesser evil for society as a whole. If you need a sexual outlet, it is the most civil option.

The other way that muslim societies for example went is total repression of sexuality. However, then you have perversions like homosexuality and bestiality spreading in secret. I don't think I need to tell you guys how muslim migrants behave as soon as they come to Europe and see blonde women not shielded by their men. It's mostly because don't have a system like prostitution that could channel their strong desires.
So what’s your position? It’s all a facade? Masturbation is a greater sin adultery?

I see the teachings on chastity as an ideal we should all strive for.
Yes, I'm not a priest but I view masturbation a greater sin than both casual dating and prostitution.

Total celibacy for unmarried people will always be the ideal. But it's only realistic for some strong-willed monks and nuns, not the majority of us.
Yes yes yes and you are high iq right??? Back it up, how do you know that?? Cause your roid brain tells you so??? Here’s a quick tip take the needle out of your ass before you post here…the hormones are affecting your brain…like a female.

You're a coward
It's not "good", but I'm convinced prostitution is definitely a necessary evil, a better or at least less bad introduction into sexuality for most men than pornography. At least men get used to real women in flesh from a young age (let's say 18) instead of wanking to fantasies on the screen while sitting in their rooms.

Also, I think we all agree that casual dating, or girls having multiple sex partners before marriage, is evil. Prostitution helps reducing casual dating by keeping virgins pure until marriage while letting fallen women have their "fun". It should be illegal to marry a prostitute, and a punishable crime to practice prostitution in secret (without her fiance or husband knowing about it). If a prostitute repents and swears to renounce sexuality once and for all, she should be allowed to become a nun though.

That's true, I guess this has to do with this particular forum's past. On RVF 1.0, paysex was admittedly a sensitive topic. I suspect this was because the previous owner - before he repented, Peace be upon him - saw PUA as his business and wanted to keep all potential income for him. If instead of investing into PUA clowneries men would have just paid escorts, what would he have gained from it back then? I stand by what I said: Legal prostitution is less immoral than PUA and by far the lesser evil for society as a whole. If you need a sexual outlet, it is the most civil option.

Yes, I'm not a priest but I view masturbation a greater sin than both casual dating and prostitution.

Total celibacy for unmarried people will always be the ideal. But it's only realistic for some strong-willed monks and nuns, not the majority of us.
Everything you're saying here is garbage.

Das ist Quatsch!!!!
If you don’t like the thread don’t read it, simple as that. What is with your holier than thou attitude? Are you a priest? What moral authority do you have over others to decide what they should speak about?

This is a Christian based forum and you started off with some not so Christian things and then changed your tune, I think you need to be more understanding about guys questioning your motives taking that into consideration. If perhaps you weren't so combative it may lead to more help and understanding.
Not predictable at all ;)
The problem is too many people who are against the thread keep posting to be argumentative rather than adding any actual knowledge. This then attracts trolls to the thread. Why are people like you still participating on this thread if you dislike it so much?

Ideally this thread was designed to be a data sheet like discussion about comparing different places to look for a wife.

Only people that have this type of knowledge should post on the thread.

For example if a German or American dude spent a year living in Vietnam as an expat or got married there he could post about how it is to find a Vietnamese wife, what the challenges are, the best cities to look for a girl, how much Vietnamese you need to learn, etc.

Instead we keep getting posts by haters and trolls instead of people looking to contribute actual knowledge.
This is a Christian based forum and you started off with some not so Christian things and then changed your tune, I think you need to be more understanding about guys questioning your motives taking that into consideration. If perhaps you weren't so combative it may lead to more help and understanding.
I’m not understanding because these guys have so much pride and arrogance to act as if they are priests. They are not priests nor do they own the forum so they should not try to police what topics others speak about.

Certain posters need to learn to stay in their own lane. It goes back to the C.S. Lewis quote I posted.

So I’m combative but those guys are not? It takes two to tango you know.
This is a Christian based forum and you started off with some not so Christian things and then changed your tune, I think you need to be more understanding about guys questioning your motives taking that into consideration. If perhaps you weren't so combative it may lead to more help and understanding.
In real life it’s exactly these type of hypocritical busybodies that lead to declining numbers of people joining churches and newcomers leaving the church.

A good Christian should encourage others by their actions and by serving as a good example rather than trying to pridefully browbeat others into behaving well. Pride is clearly a sin according to the bible. There are many prideful posters on this forum. I’m not a Christian but those who are Christian should stick to the rules of their religion.
Dream scenario for what I've been talking about and what we know about human/social/female dynamics. Any competition, especially the good kind (men actually find them attractive) makes women by necessity worlds better. More men means women get worse, just like the west shows you.
If Australia took in 2 or 3 million female Ukrainian refugees things would become very different here (in a positive way). But alas our evil overlords will never allow any kind of migration which is beneficial to our civilisation. Instead we keep importing Indians and Chinese to take our jobs.
In real life it’s exactly these type of hypocritical busybodies that lead to declining numbers of people joining churches and newcomers leaving the church.

A good Christian should encourage others by their actions and by serving as a good example rather than trying to pridefully browbeat others into behaving well. Pride is clearly a sin according to the bible. There are many prideful posters on this forum. I’m not a Christian but those who are Christian should stick to the rules of their religion.
Christians here are telling you that you should move to a country in search of pussy.

Rather you should work on yourself and seek to develop a relationship with God.

If you're going to tell is what Christian are or aren't supposed to do while advocating for no Christian behavior the joke is on you.

There's an element of obtrusiveness here.

No one is telling you that you have to be a saint... But people are telling you that if your motives are just to move somewhere and find a girl whose "traditional" yet you personally embody NONE of the traditional values.... You have a thing called "incongruity"
You still haven’t answered the question why do you still participate in this thread if you have no relevant knowledge to add? You are just being argumentative.

This is not designed to be a debate thread it’s designed to be a knowledge sharing thread where people talk about “I went to country xyz and this is how I found it to be…..” or “I am from Romania this is what you need to do to find a good wife in my country…..”
You still haven’t answered the question why do you still participate in this thread if you have no relevant knowledge to add? You are just being argumentative.

This is not designed to be a debate thread it’s designed to be a knowledge sharing thread where people talk about “I went to country xyz and this is how I found it to be…..” or “I am from Romania this is what you need to do to find a good wife in my country…..”

I'm not a saint its not my place to judge you, I don't have any right to cast stones at you or anyone else.

But to what you're saying, I did try to help you understand why things didn't perhaps go as you envisioned them, you ignored me because it wasn't what you wanted to hear and instead sought enablers.

There is a large piece to this that your pride is blinding you from seeing objectively. You went to other countries in search of a lower bar and the bar still wasn't low enough for you. You should give that a long hard think, it may just help man to another you can do better.
You still haven’t answered the question why do you still participate in this thread if you have no relevant knowledge to add? You are just being argumentative.

This is not designed to be a debate thread it’s designed to be a knowledge sharing thread where people talk about “I went to country xyz and this is how I found it to be…..” or “I am from Romania this is what you need to do to find a good wife in my country…..”
Who says I'm not adding relevant knowledge?

I'm just not giving you the autistic get laid playbook you want.

Bro, you're so dense. I'm sorry...but you're missing the point we are trying to get you to see but you're too stuck in your current obsession/paradigm to acknowledge:

With very little exception: There is no difference between romainia/Ukraine/USA/Australian good wives that youre describing as "traditional"

They value "traditional men" who fit their cultural norms.

You've described yourself as an outsider, so you're a novelty...but unlikely to become a fixture or part of that traditional culture yourself.

Why do you expect someone to help you infiltrate and pervert that culture when you've got multiple threads debasing that traditional mentality and admitting you're just looking for sex in a round about way.

So you've got a big advertising sign that says "hey teach me how fuck Bitches in your country" meanwhile the population here is advocating against that activity.
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If you don’t like the thread don’t read it, simple as that. What is with your holier than thou attitude? Are you a priest? What moral authority do you have over others to decide what they should speak about?
People are trolling, and justifying prostitution, its pretty legit cause to tidy this thread up in the very least.

Don't worry son, I'm sure they'll find a cure for autism one day.