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Elon Musk Thread

Elon is on fire with his tweets lately. It's like he's on a one man crusade to red pill the world.

I know, I know, he said that one thing and did that other thing, so he's not one of us.

However, who else with his reach is putting out stuff like this? I think he's opening millions of eyes to what's been going on. That End Wokeness channel posts a lot of good stuff, but it only has limited reach. 100s of millions might see Elon's post.

Agreed! What Elon is doing now is vital for our earthly future at least. He clearly realized what was about to happen, especially in the wake of covid, (woke tyranny) and took it upon himself to pretty much try to save western civilization.

On the Jew thing...how would it look if he declined all Jewish invitations to talk etc? It would make things a lot harder for him and eventually us I wager. I'm convinced he understands the dynamic, but just takes the smart approach by pandering to them but not letting them dictate anything. By their tweets you shall know them...

I rather have the one adjusted for percentage of population. Something like 14% of the population committing 60% of the murders.

I also like the statements with question marks in the end.
- Why do blacks commit murders at 20X of humans?
Things are getting bad when even gatekeeper Elon posts things like this.

Content like this is great, but let’s be real much of the US population is too stupid to interpret even a simple bar chart. You can show them evidence until they are blue in the face dispelling the myth that whites are killing blacks in droves or showing hard numbers that blacks commit crimes the most and they just won’t believe you.

Most people will ‘reason’ like the following.

Reddit and internet say Elon bad -> Elon bad! -> Everything Elon say is lie!

Sounds ridiculous, but look at TDS with Trump. Look at the ridiculous threads on this very forum.

I saw a headline on my work computer the other day that said something like Trump faces uphill battle in Florida primary. He won almost 90% of the vote.

The internet has polarized the population and even conservatives have been shown to be imbeciles. Some groups now tow the everything is a lie, psyop, or conspiracy line and they are just as stupid as the liberals.

This is the result of foreign adversaries and big tech manipulating you.

We don’t have real education anymore. We have total propaganda, and a weak, lazy population. The American mind has been taken over, but Kudos to Elon for posting this stuff.
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I see conspiracy theories everywhere. But what can you do? I call it a healthy skepticism


I see conspiracy theories everywhere. But what can you do? I call it a healthy skepticism

Which is perfectly fine. The gap comes in when you fail to do the heavy lifting yourself and examine things deeply. When that happens, we become like other people who just nod their heads like a puppet or accept everything the authorities or propaganda artists tell you.

Let’s take a Christian example, the resurrection. Many people throughout history were skeptical of it, some decided to look into it deeply and if you do you will see that the real hard evidence for the resurrection of Christ is very very strong. In other words the ‘theory’ that Jesus rose from the dead is much more plausible than any of the other ones proposed. That’s not even taking into account the faith component or the writings of Saints.

Very disturbing early life info.

Elon Musk admits going to Jewish school in South Africa. His name is a very Israeli name. His father took him to Israel when he was 13. He doesn't know if he is genetically Jewish. Says he is very "Jewish-adjacent."

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It's all so obvious once you see it (and I never did until seeing the JF quote yesterday). I felt like an idiot about a month ago when I realized for the first time that Abraham Zapruder was a Jew. LOL. That kind of name is SO OBVIOUSLY Jewish and it just never struck me until OFFF COUUUUUUURSE!

With Elon, it explains so much. Wealthy secret background, abandoned his homeland for no discernable reason to become a rootless cosmopolitan in America, where he had no connections, feigned ignorance about the racial issues in South Africa until 2023, suddenly and magically able to build cars that compete with billion dollar firms with hundred year histories, suddenly able to be a rocket science despite no training in it, first success was working on a Jewish money transfer scheme at x.com, connected with gay billionaire Peter Thiel and became super rich with another Jewish money transfer scheme paypal, gets loads of government money, has tranny son, used his paper wealth to buy a media propaganda company, pushes the fake space theories. I mean COME ON! OFFFFFF COUUUUUUUUUURSE HE IS JEWISH!!!

If you look at the way he postures himself as a "right winger" it's very much just imitating Ben Shapiro type commentary. There's no real meat there.
It's all so obvious once you see it (and I never did until seeing the JF quote yesterday). I felt like an idiot about a month ago when I realized for the first time that Abraham Zapruder was a Jew. LOL. That kind of name is SO OBVIOUSLY Jewish and it just never struck me until OFFF COUUUUUUURSE!

With Elon, it explains so much. Wealthy secret background, abandoned his homeland for no discernable reason to become a rootless cosmopolitan in America, where he had no connections, feigned ignorance about the racial issues in South Africa until 2023, suddenly and magically able to build cars that compete with billion dollar firms with hundred year histories, suddenly able to be a rocket science despite no training in it, first success was working on a Jewish money transfer scheme at x.com, connected with gay billionaire Peter Thiel and became super rich with another Jewish money transfer scheme paypal, gets loads of government money, has tranny son, used his paper wealth to buy a media propaganda company, pushes the fake space theories. I mean COME ON! OFFFFFF COUUUUUUUUUURSE HE IS JEWISH!!!

If you look at the way he postures himself as a "right winger" it's very much just imitating Ben Shapiro type commentary. There's no real meat there.

We can find something on everyone...Trump is tainted by Jewish connections, Putin is a great leader for Slavic people's etc, but he's definitely not our friend. Every chance he get's he takes a cheap shot at western men, calling us Nazis etc. I disagree with EM on many things, but he has proven that he can create a global free-speech platform, something we've never really had before!
Setting aside the ethnocentric fact that Putin is Russian and obviously likes Russia,
Why would Putin represent anyone other than organization which he heads?
I don't expect the CEO of Kraft foods to help me in any way, unless I'm a Kraft foods stockholder.

It's not like Putin is the head of the UN.

Actually, I think, absent the aggressively evil GAE, that Putin does have some fondness for America and Americans. He's clearly shown some interest far above and beyond what is required, in America and Americans, doing the Oliver Stone series and the Tucker interview. He even wanted to be in NATO.

The dream JFK had of US and Soviets working together instead of being adversaries is probably one Putin shared at one point. But again, that's just a compliment on him personally, and not an expectation of the role of a foreign leader. It would actually be questionable if he started "working for the American people" while he was the head of Russia.

Also, Elon didn't create Twitter. He assumed management of it. Big difference.
He took twitter from a State/corporate controlled monster to the first global free-speech platform in a matter of a few months, that's impressive! There's a limit to this controlled opposition idea. If someone goes to war against almost all elitist ideas, how can they be controlled? Doesn't make any sense!