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Elon Musk Thread

You clearly haven't been looking at his tweets and followed his actions during the last say 6 months. He's taken on almost everything that's problematic with the woke world order. Just browse this thread for some of it...

Has he now... The way I see it he is engaging in classical "divide and conquer" rabble rousing, concerning mostly trivial and meaningless issues.

Sure, ultra-woke politics in school is bad. But you know what is worse? Living in a fascist state run by giant corporations and special interests.

He is just pointing out symptoms of the disease, not the disease itself.
Has he now... The way I see it he is engaging in classical "divide and conquer" rabble rousing, concerning mostly trivial and meaningless issues.

Sure, ultra-woke politics in school is bad. But you know what is worse? Living in a fascist state run by giant corporations and special interests.

He is just pointing out symptoms of the disease, not the disease itself.

I don't know if what you say applies to Elon, but it's a good description of "conservative" outlets like Fox News and The Daily Wire.
He is just pointing out symptoms of the disease, not the disease itself.
I think this is fair. How money flows and who gets paid what for what "job" performed, what is legal and "illegal" (and why), and who goes to jail and who doesn't go to jail for what "crimes" are the "diseases." These are the 3 big structural flaws in our current system that need to be addressed.

It should be a felony with a mandatory minimum of 6 months in jail and a 10K fine for hiring and paying an illegal any amount of money for work performed. But this would shut the meat packing industry down and send America into some kind of crisis. Elon can say "illegal immigration is a problem" but it doesn't really affect him and he's not serious about putting all the CEO's of all the meat packing plants in jail for knowingly breaking the law every moment of everyday.

For as smart as Elon appears to be he seems to be ignorant of the fact that it is unearned concentrated wealth like his that is The Problem. There is no way that an 18 year-old should be able to make more money in a year for taking her clothes off than a plumber makes in his entire lifetime (JQ-designed economic structural flaw to demoralize working men). Likewise, Jew School Elon may be talented, but there is no way that he has "earned" "his" wealth. No man is an island unto himself. He's an "ethical" thief who gleefully and unapologetically takes a larger part of the pie than he's actually earned (classic JQ behavior). And just because you can do something, doesn't mean you should.
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Has he now... The way I see it he is engaging in classical "divide and conquer" rabble rousing, concerning mostly trivial and meaningless issues.

Sure, ultra-woke politics in school is bad. But you know what is worse? Living in a fascist state run by giant corporations and special interests.

He is just pointing out symptoms of the disease, not the disease itself.

You have to do some research here, I'm not gonna spend time summarizing every tweet on every subject, but there's a lot, and on important and relevant issues like covid policies. And again, I don't really care as much what he thinks as long as X works the way it does now.
I think people are talking past each other in the Elon Musk debate. It's not that either Musk is controlled opposition or he is on "our side."

It's both. Musk is both working with the elite trillionaire class, but, he is working for dissidents inside of that class. The trillionaire class is just like any other group of humans, like on this board, and there will be plenty of disagreements. These disagreements result in differing views on strategy and policy for the future.

From what I can tell, within "The West," there are two main groups of trillionaires: the pessimists and optimists.

Pessimists believe there are way too many humans, that we are strip mining the earth, and we need to make drastic measures to cut down humanity so there can be some kind of inhabitable future here on Earth. Their vision of the future is Blade Runner. The world is going to be dominated by a few mega-corps, and their grand kids will run it. The cities will be hellhole 15-minute cities, and all of the natural environment outside of it will be dead due to over population and resource depletion.

Optimists believe humanity has untapped potential, that we can solve the earth's resource problems, and that we need more technology in order to solve these problems. To this end, we need more humans, especially of the smarter kind, so that we can develop the tech gods to save us. Their vision of the future is Star Trek. The future will be controlled by a benevolent government that sends humans throughout space to colonize and transform the universe in our image, through our machines. Humanity will grow endlessly, turning a dead universe into a living universe.

Probably 65% of the trillionaires are pessimists, and a minority are optimists, and the rest undecided or apathetic.

Both of these visions are utterly satanic, false, and will lead to the dark ages and potential destruction of mankind. Both place humans as Gods, capable of solving all problems with either brute force or technological genius. Both lead to death and are not sustainable. But, at least the Star Trek future may produce useful tech Christians can utilize in the future, so, it's easy to support this side of the debate.

Not to mention, supporting the underdog can lead to elite infighting, which will lead to freedom for mankind if the rich end up destroying each other (which is how Christians in Rome gained freedom, for example). So it's easy to see why most common folks will be seduced by Elon, and to a degree I also do too, but I recognize he's part of a false spiritual paradigm that needs to ultimately be destroyed. So my support for him is temporary.
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And get shadowbanned immediately
I tried to go find a holocaust is fake tweet, and didn't find one in the first 20. However, I see the same kind of memes there as are in the JQ thread here.

Perhaps more often on response tweets than direct posts, but every point about six million, wooden doors on the gas chamberss, Jews driven out of 119 countries for the same reasons they are criticized now, all of it. I see lots of top level tweets critcizing the current war in Gaza.

Maybe they are shadowbanned at some level, but it's not the kind of shadow ban that keeps them from showing up for me.

My twitter feed closely matches the content here in CiK.
And get shadowbanned immediately
Remember the "Free speech zones" that the American government set up far away from government officials in the wake of 9-11? often miles from the actual protest site, so citizens could be "free" to go protest to a chain link fence in the middle of nowhere? That's censorship, American style. It's a Talmudic reading of the first amendment. "You're still free, goy, go protest the president in the cage over there in Maryland."
And get shadowbanned immediately
E. Michael Jones has 87k followers on twitter, but I'm sure someone's gonna tell me how he's controlled etc.
I think the critique of X here is based on paper-thin arguments at this point. There is no good reason not to be a part of it, even if you're sceptical of EM as a person. I brought up the Holocaust, but that's considered the most extreme of all issues, so maybe a bad example, but it's as close to complete free speech as you can get over there. When prior in human history has this type of medium been available?
E. Michael Jones has 87k followers on twitter, but I'm sure someone's gonna tell me how he's controlled etc.
I think the critique of X here is based on paper-thin arguments at this point. There is no good reason not to be a part of it, even if you're sceptical of EM as a person. I brought up the Holocaust, but that's considered the most extreme of all issues, so maybe a bad example, but it's as close to complete free speech as you can get over there. When prior in human history has this type of medium been available?
Also a fair point.

But it's also how you view it, I see X as the right wing of the plantation.

I think the elite was loosing grip on a large part of society during the flu.
People moved to internal whatsapp groups, telegram groups, offline groups.

What is crucial for power is that people are part of the system, if they are not part of the system, you can not influence them.

I think the buying of X is a way to suck people in the system again. With the same faces, like Tucker Carlson, to give those that walked away a space in the system again.

Musk is part of the system.

I think we need to zoom out, and look what's happening. I don't know if E Michael Jones is part of the system.
I know I find him an obnoxious ever-repeating record and stopped listening to him.

On the other hand, I am surprised that it is allowed to criticize the holocaust narrative now on X. Also with quite some reach.

But I don't believe for 1 bit the "tide is turning".

When I look in society it is now acceptable to criticize the zionists, half are pro Israel, half are pro Gaza. Almost none say it's a fake war. (which it is)

I think the big game is and has always been to divide the population. To control the frame.

That was with the flu, with Ukraine, with Gaza now. That we are endlessly discussing on things outside our control.

The past years have shown me that the leaders don't care if they are hated or disliked. It's all about that they matter.

Many of the covid-time politicians are having great jobs now. All walks on.

The biggest problem for the elite would be if we ignore Israel and Ukraine (I don't care what they do in there) and have ignored the flu.

Their power is the control of our frame. (not our opinions, they couldn't care less)

In case of the holocaust, that the frame is that their lies really matter. That it's important to talk and write books on it.
Many people I see here rankled and distraught by pessimism and doubt.

To you all I say! Have faith! God loves you, and he loves you all!

He rules this world, not foolish sinners.

He has granted our wish, so doubt not, instead praise him and thank him!

Why wouldst we ever look in the mouth of a horse gifted by God?

Whatever goes on in the mind of Elon Musk, we cannot know. None of us have spoken with him, so we cannot know his true actions either. But, what he has done has lead to some good, we should thank God for that, for it is the lord that saves us. Not man.