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Elon Musk Thread

"State actors" are still having an influence on X...

Edit; read the comment section. Seems that there are paid State actor accounts out there, and a lot of them. Or are they simply "AI" bots? Incredible amount of hostile comments from pro-Ukraine people.
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They literally have nothing on Alex. It's shocking that they have this many people fighting to censor a man for doubting an obvious hoax. What's that saying, Zealotry is often the result of suppressed doubt? These people are going to wake up eventually and be horrified at what they have allowed themselves to become. I know Christ will save them, blessed be his name amen.
Worth reposting this, posted by his former girl:

Cross post via the James O'Keefe thread.

O'Keefe's full text
BREAKING LEAKED VIDEO: CEO of IBM @ArvindKrishna admits to using coercion to fire people and take away their bonuses unless they discriminate in the hiring process.

“You got to move both forward by a percentage that leads to a plus on your bonus," Krishna said about hiring Hispanics, "and by the way if you lose, you lose part of your bonus.”

After pulling ads from X for 'racism,' IBM chief Arvind Krishna says he will fire, demote or strip bonuses from execs who don't hire enough blacks, Hispanics — or hire too many Asians

"Asians are not an underrepresented minority in tech in America...I’m not going to finess this, for blacks we should try to get towards 13 percent," says Krishna.

Paul Cormier, the chairman of Red Hat, a subsidiary of IBM, says in the leaked recording that Red Hat has terminated people because they weren't willing to engage in racial discrimination through hiring and promotion.

Title VII of the Civil Rights Act makes it illegal for employers to discriminate on the basis of race in the workplace. #IBMLeaks


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Torba: X is turning into a Mossad honeypot wet dream.
>come back to twitter anon it's free speech now!
>name them all you want!
>oops an Israeli company now verifies all identities
>oops another Israeli company will now have direct access to X servers and all data to "stop bots"
>Israelis now have IP and identity of all namers

Israel’s CHEQ to help Musk battle bots on X

Lucus Gage banned for calling out Israel war crimes and responding when his family gets death threats for it. Way to go Elon, way to throw away $44 billion on nothing.

I don't think he was banned because of that. He probably made direct threats or incited violence etc. Since his account is banned it's not possible to review his posts either. But think about how it was prior to Elon taking over! This is allowed for example;

PS; Some of the posts by Elon on ageing and AI makes me question the idea that he's super intelligent. He certainly has no clue in regards to those fields. He's a visionary and a risk taker, that also had a good start in life in terms of having a nest-egg of wealth to get him started. Plus a little luck I would guess.
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I dont think he was banned because of that. He probably made direct threats or incited violence etc. Since his account is banned it's not possible to review his posts either. But think about how it was prior to Elon taking over! This is allowed for example;

He did a live stream about it yesterday and showed his posts. There was not reason at all for him to get any ban, much less 3 months of a ban.
I don't know! Would he highlight any posts or comments that where more damning?
He posted his comments. The worst thing was taking some horror movie and placing an Israel flag over a victim. Could that constitute a ban? It is far less worse than what I see pro-Israel account post, so I don't think so. But certainly not 3 months.

I guess someone took a 15 minute clip, edited it down specially to 3 minutes, and maybe sent that around. He found it and realized it was heavily edited and not accurate to what he said in 15 minutes.
Torba: X is turning into a Mossad honeypot wet dream.
>come back to twitter anon it's free speech now!
>name them all you want!
>oops an Israeli company now verifies all identities
>oops another Israeli company will now have direct access to X servers and all data to "stop bots"
>Israelis now have IP and identity of all namers

Israel’s CHEQ to help Musk battle bots on X

I think they've had digital dossiers on most dissidents for some years, tbh.