What a lying sack of shit. Indians are only good at scamming old white people because they have no soul. Now Elon wants to train them to scam all white people out of a job. Why don't these rocket scientist fix their own shithole?
2/2 ME: Where does the Wall Street Journal's editorial page campaign for fixed exchange rates fit into this?
FRIEDMAN You got me! I think that's just an aberration. My God, how the hell can they stick with that? They've just got an idée fixe about it. Like they've got on immigration. It's just obvious that you can't have free immigration and a welfare state.
Milton Friedman, Soothsayer, HOOVER DIGEST, 1998 No. 2 | Articles
HOOVER DIGEST 1998 No. 2Interview by Peter Brim...web.archive.org